ESP – The Space Travel Problem
Lecture given on March 4, 1965, by Riley Crabb
That space travel may be, or is, absolutely impossible to us in our physical bodies is guardedly admitted by some of our space biologists. I think this is the reason why Russia has slowed down in its push toward the Moon, because they have learned that it is impossible with our present limited understanding of life.
Here is another recent news item, “Animals And Plants To Get Space Tests”. These space researchers are going to send up trays of frog’s eggs, many kinds of plants, hordes of single-celled animals, cell cultures, rats and mice, and monkeys. The idea is to use these life-forms in 25 experiments to learn more about the effects of weightlessness and the other exotic conditions of outer space.
We are just beginning to look for answers in an area already explored by the Russians! Among all the space firsts, the Russians were the first to orbit a human being, the first to orbit animals, and plant life. So they have their answers and the answers are not encouraging. The Soviets are not so keen to get to the moon so soon. (more…)
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Journey On The Other Side To Sirius
By Ruth Mary Tristram
He was an 18-year old English schoolboy. He drowned in the north Atlantic in 1943. He was returning home to England from America. The convoy of ships in which he was a passenger was sunk by enemy action in April of that year.
His mother, Ruth Tristram, was a “sensitive” from birth. Another son, Lancelot, had died at an early age. She had been in communication with him for several years at the time of Christopher’s death. There was shock and loss, of course, but no grief. The necessary work of Samuel, the Angel of Death, held no terrors for her. Death is a change, not an end. So Mrs. Tristram was not surprised when, during a quiet time only one month after receiving word from her government that the boy’s ship was “greatly overdue”, she felt her son’s consciousness blending with hers. It was June 3, 1943. (more…)
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Venusian Contacts ~ Part XI
By Dana Howard
High up in the pine-treed cliffs of Pinecove, California, Diane found me again. The beautiful late summer’s morning seemed to put new life into the birds’ sweet song. Skinny and Janie, two play-loving squirrels were scolding for their breakfast for it was past their “peanut time”. These little grey playsters were more like tree spirits than lively animals. How completely they had come to rely on humans for their daily repast!
There was a slight chill in the air, but it was clean and fresh and redolent with the scents form the mountain’s yellow pine. I thought I heard her, whispering in my ear.
“Good morning, Child of Earth . . . let us sit together again for the days are shortening and there is so much to be said.” (more…)
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Healing Is Voltage
“The key to making chronic disease better is making a single cell work. If you give the body the things a single cell needs to work, the body often has the power to heal all of the cells of the body. That means you get well!” ~ Dr Jerry Tennant
In the mid 90’s Dr Jerry Tennant was one of the top three ophthalmic surgeons in the world. Then, in a matter of months, his career was ended by a mysterious ailment that left him disabled and barely clinging to his life.
A pioneer in lasik surgery, Dr Tennant was responsible for most of the research done on the excimer laser for VISX. He also performed over 1,000 lasik operations in the United States and about 2000 cases abroad. These surgeries actually contributed to his decline in health. In the early days of lasik operations, it was believed that ordinary surgical masks were sufficient to protect doctors from contamination. Nobody suspected that viruses existing in a patient’s eyes could possibly harm the surgeon. But each time Dr. Tennant performed a lasik procedure on a patient, the laser would strike the eye and release viruses that drifted upward through his mask into his nose and brain. In time he developed encephalitis and a bleeding disorder that manifested as spastic movements and an inability to remember even how to write a prescription. Diagnostic tests confirmed he had three viruses in his brain, but no one knew how to treat them. Dr. Tennant’s physicians told him there was nothing that could be done to help him. So, on November 30, 1995, he was forced to retire. (more…)
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Tesla Speaks
by Dr. Robert R. Leichtman
Nikola Tesla spent his lifetime making the impossible possible–and doing it with brilliance, style, and seeming ease. He made practical the generation of alternating current, which electrical scientists had thought impossible. He developed a system for the long distance transmission of electricity, which Thomas Edison had thought impossible. He broadcast electricity through the air without wires, which many “experts” still think is impossible. And although he died in 1943, his work is currently attracting more attention than ever, as scientists try to duplicate his work in resonance, magnetism, and death rays.
The following is a short excerpt from a conversation with the spirit of Nikola Tesla, through the mediumship of the author, Dr. Robert R. Leichtman. (more…)
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Eight Reasons Why Suicide Is Not The Answer
by Tish Brown
Can’t Kill The Soul
You can’t kill the soul…you will continue to live on in the afterlife. There is no death. Our souls are eternal living energy systems and as you know energy cannot be created or destroyed. The lessons that you refused to complete will come back to haunt you again in another life until you can overcome and accomplish that life’s teaching.
Warp And Woof
Since we go on life after life in our spiritual evolution, our souls are formed from the warp and woof of these many lifetimes both spiritual and physical. Suicide would be something akin to taking a dagger and stabbing a hole in the warp and woof of our psychic anatomy. Something that will have to be fixed. Since we have an eternity to fix it why not just NOT do it. Don’t make holes in our spiritual anatomies to begin with. They will only cause more trouble down the road as we move forward in our evolution. (more…)
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Venusian Contacts ~ Part IX
Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.
Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes. (more…)
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Ufonauts On The Dangers of Nuclear Energy/War
Korendor Contact-Robert Renaud:
Nuclear War Foremost Threat To Earth:
Our main concern now is the possibility that your people will engage themselves in a nuclear war, which would inevitably mean the end of your race. We of other worlds cannot stop you from doing this. Our codes do not allow intervention in the affairs of man to the point of forceful action. Nowhere in the civilized galaxy are there any races who would impose themselves on another race to the extent of actually altering conditions in another world without the express consent of that world’s inhabitants.
Earth Must Disarm Or Perish:
Therefore, we can only warn you that your present course can lead in but one direction — the ultimate destruction of your people. We are somewhat heartened by your moratorium on nuclear weapons testing now being observed by your major powers on your world. However, we feel that this will not continue for long, and there is but one answer to that: complete disarmament. In future contacts we will speak of the way in which this could be accomplished. For the present we will say only that there is no alternative to this if your race is to continue. (more…)
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Life In The Afterlife: Concluding Thoughts
by Stafford Betty
One of the most revolutionary ideas ever conceived is that we are more than our bodies and that our true home lies beyond our physical planet. This idea, that we are or have souls that do not die at death, is found in all the earth’s religions. Under attack since the Enlightenment, it is reemerging in our own day as a revolutionary idea for a materialist culture.
But the idea has an entirely different face today. Evidence for it is not based on traditional religious teaching, but on secular research into the mysterious depths of human consciousness. Researchers as diverse as physicians studying the near-death experience and engineers setting up electronic equipment through which the deceased can communicate are the new high priests telling us about what to expect when we die. Missing, happily, are those primitive theologies of eternal damnation for some and divinely favored fates for others. What is emerging from spirit sources is not only fascinating but of potential importance for the well being of our planet. (more…)
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Occupations On The Other Side
by Dr. Michael Newton
Teacher Guides
Teacher Guides, or Spirit Guides are intermediate to advanced souls that have finished their own cycles of incarnation and are now assigned to help guide the soul development of groups of developing souls. Your guide is a mentor and advocate, helping your progression without hindering your freedom or independence. Guides watch over us throughout our incarnations on Earth, and at times we can call on them for affirmation. Becoming a spirit guide is a very common path for most souls, even those that specialize tend to become guides for younger souls. Some teacher guides specialize in teaching certain skills or work with specific development levels. But most guides work in a general sense with a small group of 3-15 souls in a soul group and will remain with that group in some fashion for a very long time.
Dream Masters
A Dream Master is a soul that learns the subtle art of crafting dreams in the minds of sleeping humans in order to allow loved ones to communicate, provide information, premonitions or warnings. The Dream Master can merge into a dream that is already in progress, so that the dreamer isn’t startled, or they can craft a dream from scratch (more difficult). Timing and imagery is most important. The Dream Master must know how the dream will be best interpreted, using imagery and symbolism that the dreamer will comprehend and accept. In addition, the Dream Master must work to build energy into the dream to ensure the dream will be recalled when the dreamer is awake. Finally, the message must be meaningful to the dreamer so that it will be taken seriously. A Dream Master must have the skill to work between the lighter energy of the spirit world and the dense energy of Earth, crafting energy into shapes and symbols in the mind of a human, and understand the psychology of the person in question. (more…)
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The Great Vegetarians
These great vegetarians, such as Pythagoras, Plato, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Nikola Tesla, Shopenhauer, Thoreau, Leonardo Da Vinci, Voltaire, etc., knew there could be no spiritual advancement while attaining ones nourishment from cruelty and the exploitation of others.
Albert Einstein:
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
Leonardo DaVinci:
“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” Da Vinci claimed that flesh eaters were using their bodies as “grave yards”.
Charles Darwin:
“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” (more…)
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Life In The Afterlife ~ Part III
by Stafford Betty
“From my experience I have learned that the spirit world is around us, that our spirit friends are with us every day, and that there is a tie which binds their hearts to ours so that they are with us many times and try to make us feel their presence.” ~ Alice Stringfellow
Leslie Stringfellow died in his hometown of Galveston, Texas, in 1886 after a brief illness. He was 20 years old. His father, Henry, was a prominent horticulturalist and his mother a pianist. Leslie himself was a gifted musician doted on by both parents, especially his mother, Alice. He was an only child. Alice was devastated by his death and out of desperation sought to make contact with him using a planchette. She would describe the process many years later: (more…)
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Soul Fragmentation Therapy ~ Part II
by William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.
Shamanism is an ancient form of spirituality and healing practiced in indigenous cultures around the world. Soul retrieval is a shamanic approach to healing. In the tradition of shamanism, illness is an indication that the soul has vacated the body. The shaman enters an altered state of consciousness through the rhythmic beating of a drum or by ingesting a plant substance such as peyote or ayahuasca. The shaman is able to journey into the upper world, the lower world, or wherever the soul is located, to retrieve the soul and return it to the sick person, restoring wholeness and health.
In 1989, I heard a lecture on the work of Sandra Ingerman, as described in her book, Soul Retrieval. As the presenter described various forms of soul loss, it became clear to me that these conditions were a part of my practice that I had never recognized. Mind fragments of living people are sometimes discovered as attached entities, yet I hadn’t considered the other person who had lost the fragment. I found confirmation of this type of attachment in Ralph Allison’s book, Minds in Many Pieces, and Adam Crabtree’s classic work, Multiple Man. (more…)
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Ami “Child Of The Stars” ~ Internal Civilizations
Ami is a trilogy of books written by author-writer Enrique Barrios. This fascinating other-worldly saga rumored to be based on real life began with his first book “Ami, Child of the Stars” (1986), followed by “Ami Returns” (1987), and ending with “Ami 3: Internal Civilizations” (1997-1998). Barrios wrote these books in response to an experience he had in August 1985 and which he has never given details or answered questions about. It was suggested to him to write about it “as if it were a children’s story, a fantasy … otherwise they will think you are a liar or crazy.”
The first chapter of the third part begins here with a full pdf link below. First and second part can be found here. (more…)
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Nuclear Radiation: The Thresholds Of Agony ~ Part II
by Richard Curtis & Elizabeth Hogan
Thus far we have been discussing acute effects (see Part I here) of large doses of radiation taken on the whole body or on specific organs and tissues, the kind of doses likely to be received by people in the immediate and intermediate vicinity of a serious reactor accident. Suppose it could be vouchsafed that no such calamity would ever happen: Would you then be able to rest easily?
The answer is most emphatically No. As we shall see, the merely commonplace activities of the nuclear industry, the mining, milling, and processing of fuel, the day-to-day operations of nuclear electric plants, the reprocessing of fuel, and the transportation, storage, and disposal of waste fission products, are already contaminating our air and water with radioactivity. If the atomic power program is permitted to proliferate in the coming decade, the presence of these poisons in our environment will reach alarming proportions. (more…)
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