Atomic Radiation And Its Effects On Living Tissue ~ Part II
by Jack Schubert, Ph.D. And Ralph E. Lapp, Ph.D.
The late effects of radiation are often produced in cooperation with disturbances in body function in general. One of these disturbances in particular—hormonal imbalance—can in itself aid and abet the cancer-producing effects of radiation or even delay for years the appearance of the cancer. Consequently in evaluation of the changes wrought by radiation in the body we must also take into account the complex inter-relationship existing between the various organs and the hormones released by the different endocrine glands. For example, irradiation of the ovaries in mice almost always leads to a large increase in ovarian tumors. However, the increased tumor incidence is not a simple cause and effect. What happens is this: radiation of the ovaries in mice with as little as 30 r depresses hormone production and stimulates the distant pituitary gland to put out excessive amounts of gonadal-stimulating hormones (GSH). The GSH act on the already disturbed ovary, with the end result that an enormous increase in ovarian tumors is observed. These can be prevented by timely administration of ovarian hormones. (more…)
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Revelations Of The Afterlife
by Arthur Ford
Arthur Ford (1896-1971), an ordained minister, also psychic medium, reports here the case of Frederic Myers, the bulk of whose discourse was communicated though an Irish girl, Geraldine Cummins through automatic writing.
If we are to grasp the full import of Myers’ message, it would be well to review at this point the concept which, though never specifically stated by him, permeates the whole of his communication—evolution-of-consciousness or post-Darwinian evolutionary theory. According to this hypothesis, as developed during the twentieth century by Bergson, Bucke, Julian Huxley, Teihard, Jung, Medawar, and others, the main thrust of evolution is to develop an increasing capacity for breadth and depth of awareness, with the multiplicity of physical forms a mere by-product of this central evolutionary drive. (more…)
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Strange Moon Surface Anomalies
by Stephen Wagner
There’s a lot we know about the Moon: It’s roughly one-sixth the size of the Earth, is about 4.6 billion years old, is approximately 238,000 miles distant from the Earth, has no atmosphere, and is covered with fine gray powder. We’ve walked on the Moon during six Apollo missions, and we’ve sent many more probes there to map it and study it.
But there’s much we don’t know about it, too. We’re not sure where it came from. Some think it might be a broken-off chunk of Earth. Although there’s evidence that the Moon once had active volcanoes, we’re not sure if it’s still geologically active.
The Moon has more controversial mysteries, too. Some think aliens have or once had bases there. Some think there’s stuff on the Moon—other than the Apollo debris—that the government knows about, but is not telling us. There are many enigmatic photos that seem to show shapes and structures on the lunar surface that don’t fit conventional explanations. (more…)
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Atomic Radiation And Its Effects On Living Tissue
by Jack Schubert, Ph.D. And Ralph E. Lapp, Ph.D.
As atomic radiations rip through living tissues they disrupt the highly organized unit of living matter, the cell. Fundamentally, the cell is composed of atoms and molecules which are split by radiation into electrically charged fragments. This ionization process is completed in less than a trillionth of a second, yet it triggers off a chain reaction of subtle events within the cell leading to its damage or death even years afterward. Since cells are not inert blobs of matter but living, reproducing, miniature organisms, they react to the radiation-induced injury by repair processes which lead to apparent recovery. If the radiation dose is overwhelming, immediate or only slightly delayed death of the cell ensues when the cell attempts to divide.
How does radiation damage to cells lead to injury of man himself? What is the relation between radiation dose and radiation injury? What are the effects produced by radiation on living matter? How can we prevent or cure the injuries produced by radiation? These are questions which we must examine if we are (1) to understand the significance of the actions of radiation on the human body; (2) to evaluate more accurately the misuses of radiation in peacetime; and (3) to make it possible for the public to appreciate the urgent need for regulations and laws to control radiation hazards. (more…)
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Psychic Children
by Jessica Rach
Parents have shared the strangest things their children have said to them, in an array of stories about their child’s chilling precognition and other worldliness awareness.
The thread was kicked off by a nursery teacher on Mumsnet – a blog for Moms, who described how a toddler in her class predicted both her pregnancy, and that of her colleague.
The woman revealed the young girl had placed her hand on her co-worker’s stomach saying ‘babies’, weeks before the woman discovered she was pregnant with twins. (more…)
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A Vision Of Osiris
by Robert Maxxim
I had a dream vision of Atlantis at a time near the end of that civilization. In that dream, I was a young man about 19 years old, had black hair and of Asian-Caucasian appearance.
I stood in front of a large four-sided pyramid covered with a material unlike limestone or granite, but more like smooth metallic alabaster squares each about a meter tall with nearly unidentifiable seams. I walked around the pyramid due north from its eastern side, went westward along its northern side, and then midway south on its western side. There, I found an entrance that could only be opened by specific technology that disconnected and rose pyramid blocks in the air to reveal an entrance. Then, it put them back down again right where they had been. (more…)
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Polarity, Pulse, And Pollution
by George Van Tassel
In biomagnetics and working with electrostatics (both answering to the same polarity laws), it is easy to see that molecules of fluids can be polarized to form “liquid crystals”. Once liquids become polarized, in their liquid state, they are also subject to radiations of the surrounding matrix of other elements. This is why rubbing a glass containing a drink can change its flavor, or taste. Putting a magnet in the drink does the same thing by the same polarity laws.
Polarity is the plus and minus of all unbalance, whether it be in stable or unstable elements, or in any energy matter reaction. This is why underground atomic tests may withhold the gamma destructive rays, but can create resonance in like elements. All of the mineral elements have a “water content” percentage. (more…)
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The Egyptian
“But Ammon is a hateful god, and his priests have kept the people in darkness for too long and stifled every living thought, until no one dares say a word without Ammon’s leave. Whereas Aton offers light and a life of freedom—a life without fear—and that is a great thing, a very great thing, my friend Horemheb.” ~ Sinuhe, the Egyptian
by Mika Waltari
The Egyptian is the full-bodied re-creation of an era hitherto untapped by fiction. As such it is rich with fresh veins of fascinating lore. Entirely authentic, it is written with a literary excellence of which few contemporary historical novels can boast.
The story of The Egyptian is rolled out on a tremendous canvas. Set in Egypt, more than a thousand years before Christ, it encompasses all of the then-known world. It is told by Sinuhe, physician to the Pharoah, and is the story of his life. Through his eyes are seen innumerable characters, full drawn and covering the whole panorama of the ancient world. Events of war, intrigue, murder, passion, love, and religious strife are revealed as Sinuhe describes his often brilliant, often bitter life. (more…)
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Unmasking The ET Presence
by Timothy Good
In a publication of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in 1967, an article on the infiltration of the U.S. government by aliens, based on a lecture by one Gordon Shandley, created a stir. “Those familiar with this field took Mr. Shandley’s entertaining revelations in their stride,” explained the writer, “but the ‘newcomers’ received the shock of their lives as they listened to this Army Air Corps pilot (1941 clearance Top Secret) expound matter-of-factly on the various types of UFOs as casually as though he were discussing the latest models put out by General Motors.
Full excerpt from The Journal of Borderland Research – May/June 1967 Issue:
Because of an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings a heretofore complacent public, whether it likes it or not, is finally being obliged to take a good look at this phenomenon. Judging from the number which turned out to hear Gordon Shandley relate his experiences in flying-saucer research, the topic is attracting widespread interest. (more…)
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Q & A With Yada Di Shi’ite
Yada: Sina, sina-ha (ladies and gentlemen) I am the Yada Di Shi’ite.
Group: Good evening, Yada.
Yada: (Speaks at first in his own language of Yu, an ancient civilization which existed in the Himalaya mountains 500,000 years ago.) We could sit here all evening and if I talk in my language we get no place. I am most honored to come into your home again and to see that both of you are in good health.
RGM: Thank you, Yada, it is a pleasure to have you here again.
Yada: I would talk please on the question you were asking in this letter.
IP: Ray Palmer asks will you give something of your life? Will you give a specific introduction of yourself to our readers telling who you were, where you lived, what you did, and where you are now, and your occupation at present? Do you wish to do that Yada? (more…)
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Remote Depossession
by Irene Hickman
There is a growing awareness among health professionals that it has become imperative to look beyond the traditional views of main-line psychology and medicine.
With a rapidly expanding body of evidence supporting the concept of personal survival of bodily death, we must now look beyond the narrow views of behavioral psychology and the chemical approach to health and disease.
This approach is not new. Alexis Carrel, M.D., discussed the need for better knowledge of man in 1935 in his book, Man, the Unknown.
“Men cannot follow modern civilization along its present course, because it is degenerating. They have been fascinated by the beauty of the sciences of inert matter. They have not understood that their body and consciousness are subjected to natural laws, more obscure than, but as inexorable as, the laws of the sidereal world. Neither have they understood that they cannot transgress these laws without being punished. (more…)
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ESP – The Space Travel Problem ~ Part II
Lecture given on March 4, 1965, by Riley Crabb
Lauritzen wrote to us: “When the distance between a man and the earth is increased, the shielding effect of the earth will be lesser; he will receive more cosmic, free, kinetic energy; the power of his thought energy will therefore be stronger, so strong that it has an influence on physical matter. If he fears that the windows in the cabin will break through, they will break through. If he fears that some unknown force will destroy the instruments and the furniture, some unknown force will destroy the instruments and furniture.”
Then Lauritzen goes on to claim that this happened to the first Russian astronauts. They were “lost in space because some unknown force destroyed the cabin and instruments. . . a man said that something strange had come into the cabin; and even if it was invisible, it was destroying the instruments.” (more…)
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ESP – The Space Travel Problem
Lecture given on March 4, 1965, by Riley Crabb
That space travel may be, or is, absolutely impossible to us in our physical bodies is guardedly admitted by some of our space biologists. I think this is the reason why Russia has slowed down in its push toward the Moon, because they have learned that it is impossible with our present limited understanding of life.
Here is another recent news item, “Animals And Plants To Get Space Tests”. These space researchers are going to send up trays of frog’s eggs, many kinds of plants, hordes of single-celled animals, cell cultures, rats and mice, and monkeys. The idea is to use these life-forms in 25 experiments to learn more about the effects of weightlessness and the other exotic conditions of outer space.
We are just beginning to look for answers in an area already explored by the Russians! Among all the space firsts, the Russians were the first to orbit a human being, the first to orbit animals, and plant life. So they have their answers and the answers are not encouraging. The Soviets are not so keen to get to the moon so soon. (more…)
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Journey On The Other Side To Sirius
By Ruth Mary Tristram
He was an 18-year old English schoolboy. He drowned in the north Atlantic in 1943. He was returning home to England from America. The convoy of ships in which he was a passenger was sunk by enemy action in April of that year.
His mother, Ruth Tristram, was a “sensitive” from birth. Another son, Lancelot, had died at an early age. She had been in communication with him for several years at the time of Christopher’s death. There was shock and loss, of course, but no grief. The necessary work of Samuel, the Angel of Death, held no terrors for her. Death is a change, not an end. So Mrs. Tristram was not surprised when, during a quiet time only one month after receiving word from her government that the boy’s ship was “greatly overdue”, she felt her son’s consciousness blending with hers. It was June 3, 1943. (more…)
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Venusian Contacts ~ Part XI
By Dana Howard
High up in the pine-treed cliffs of Pinecove, California, Diane found me again. The beautiful late summer’s morning seemed to put new life into the birds’ sweet song. Skinny and Janie, two play-loving squirrels were scolding for their breakfast for it was past their “peanut time”. These little grey playsters were more like tree spirits than lively animals. How completely they had come to rely on humans for their daily repast!
There was a slight chill in the air, but it was clean and fresh and redolent with the scents form the mountain’s yellow pine. I thought I heard her, whispering in my ear.
“Good morning, Child of Earth . . . let us sit together again for the days are shortening and there is so much to be said.” (more…)
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