Religion Versus A New Spirituality

Religion-vs-A-New-Spirituality-main-4-postby Eckhart Tolle

What is the role of the established religions in the arising of a new consciousness? Many people are already aware of the difference between spirituality and religion. They realize that having a belief system–a set of thoughts that you regard as the absolute truth–does not make you spiritual no matter what the nature of those beliefs is. In fact, the more you make your thoughts (beliefs) into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within your self. Many “religious” people are stuck at that level. They equate truth with thought, and as they are completely identified with thought (their mind), they claim to be in sole possession of the truth in an unconscious attempt to protect their identity. They don’t realize the limitations of thought. Unless you believe (think) exactly as they do, you are wrong in their eyes, and in the not-too-distant past, they would have felt justified in killing you for that. And some still do, even now. (more…)

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Ancient Pyramid On Mars

Ancient-Pyramid-On-Mars-main--4-postFounding investigator of the Mars research group, The Cydonia Institute, George Haas, and geoscientist Bill Saunders conclude that a pyramidal object, as described in the video below, shows definite evidence of artificial construction. They published their findings in a science paper (co-written by James Miller and Michael Dale) in a recent issue of the Journal of Space Exploration. The pyramid was initially discovered in a 2001 image from the Mars Global Surveyor, and sits alone in a canyon area, leading Saunders to speculate it may have once been part of an island surrounded by water. (more…)

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Extraterrestrials Among Us: Italy

ETs-Among-Us-Italy-main-4-postby Michael E. Salla, Ph.D

The most widespread reports of extraterrestrials walking among us come from Italy. Indeed, the most extensive case of mass contact occurred over the years from 1956 to 1978 in the Pescara region of Italy. This involved a group of extraterrestrials calling themselves ‘Amicizia’ or Friendship. The Friendship case was first revealed in Mass Contact, a book detailing the history of a mysterious group of human looking extraterrestrials that established underground bases in Italy and regularly met with local residents. The author, Stefano Breccia (now deceased) was a well regarded Italian UFOlogist with an electrical engineering background who taught at several Italian and foreign universities. He investigated the Amicizia (Friendship) case over a period of several decades during which he got to meet and question many of the primary witnesses. In his book, Breccia includes the testimony of Bruno Sammaciccia, a highly qualified Italian scholar with degrees in psychology and psychiatry, and author of 160 books. Sammaciccia’s testimony contains his claims of direct physical contact with extraterrestrials over several decades. Leading Italian UFOlogest, Dr. Roberto Pinotti wrote the Preface to the book and acknowledged his own decades long knowledge of the Friendship case, and the extensive evidence supporting it. Some of the many photos taken of UFOs and extraterrestrials in the Friendship case rank among the best quality ever taken. In terms of its overall impact, number of participants involved, and documentary evidence compiled, Mass Contact is the most astonishing case of human extraterrestrial contact in modern history. (more…)

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Is Venus Inhabited?

Is-Venus-Inhabited-main-4-postThe following are comments and observations of contactees and astral travelers to Venus interspersed with images from the Venus Global GIS Surveyor map of the Venusian surface showing what appears to be buildings, cities, and structures.

1-venusian-structure-We looked out in awe. The clouds by some magic of the Gods had been made invisible, and beneath us we saw this glittering world, this world filled by superior beings. As we sank lower and lower we saw fairy cities reaching up into the sky, immense structures, ethereal, almost unbelievable in the delicate tracing of their buildings. Tall spires and bulbous cupolas, and from tower to tower stretched bridges like spider’s webs, and like spider’s webs they gleamed with living colors, reds and blues, mauves and purples, and gold, and yet what a curious thought, there was no sunlight. This whole world was covered in cloud. I looked about me as we flashed over city after city, and it seemed to me that the whole atmosphere was luminous, everything in the sky gave light, there was no shadow, but also there was no central point of light. It seemed as if the whole cloud structure radiated light evenly, unobtrusively, a light of such a quality as I had never believed existed. It was pure and clean.

~ Lobsang Rampa (more…)

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Spirit Possession And Release Therapy

Spirit-Possession-And-Release-Therapy-main-4-postby Terence Palmer

Spirit Release Therapy, is a clinical alternative to religious exorcism and traditional shamanistic practice, but it is still largely unknown by mainstream medical practice and psychiatry. This is due to several interrelated factors. Primarily, materialistic science does not recognise any concept of a spirit world and doctors are therefore not yet trained in SRT principles and techniques. The presenting symptoms of spirit influence, such as hearing voices and other distressing phenomena, are interpreted by medicine as symptoms of psychosis or dissociative identity disorder (DID) formerly known as multiple personality disorder (MPD). Negative spirit influence is therefore treated by psychiatry with chemical medicines that are used to try to suppress the symptoms. If the cause of a person’s presenting symptoms is known to be spirit influence then the appropriate therapeutic intervention would be Spirit Release Therapy (SRT). (more…)

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The Case For Out-Of-Body Experiences ~ Part II

OBE-II-main-2-postby Preston Dennett

Joan Hartmann

In 1999, Joan Hartmann (2001) of Florida spontaneously experienced a typical OBE during which she floated about her room. She found the experience very pleasant and decided to try it again. A few days later, Hartmann attempted to initiate an OBE. She was successful and allegedly her attempts also resulted in a physical levitation episode.

I had an out-of-body experience. I spontaneously popped out of my body and hung out up in a corner of the bedroom but didn’t know what to do, so I just looked down at my body and that of my sleeping husband. After about fifteen seconds, I snapped back into my body. I thought this was really cool and tried to repeat it. A few days later, it happened again, only this time, I watched my body actually levitate off the bed before I snapped right back. (more…)

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The Case For Out-Of-Body Experiences ~ Part I

OBE-main-4-postby Preston Dennett

The central question pertaining to the phenomenon of out-of-body travel is:  Is it real? While some ask this question out of scientific curiosity, those who have had out-of-body experiences (OBEs) themselves ask it because of a vital need to find out what is happening to them. Are they going crazy or are they truly travelling out of their body? This need can be so great that it becomes the primary goal of novice explorers. I know this is true because it happened to me.

Following the death of my mother in 1984, I developed an interest in dreams. This led to an interest in lucid dreaming and out-of-body exploring. After discovering Robert Monroe’s (1971) book, ‘Journeys out of the Body’, I began my own extensive forays of the non-physical dimensions. I say this because I am writing about a subject that is not only of great interest to me, it is something I have experienced myself. I went through the period of doubt and fear that nearly every new OBEr must navigate. And I moved beyond it to enjoy many of the benefits of ‘astral travel’, including meeting deceased loved ones, visiting with spirit guides, learning about past lives, rescuing lost souls, visiting the higher dimensions and more. (more…)

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Causes of Spirit Possession

Causes-of-Spirit-Possession-main-4-postby Eugene Maurey

Psychic attack, whether it is spirit possession or comes in some other form, may happen to anyone at any time. The condition may come into being whether or not the victim has a knowledge of psychic activities. The problems may range from only a minor illness, a negative change in attitude to a complete change of personality. Unless the victim or someone near him can recognize the symptoms and seek help from a competent psychic, he is in serious trouble. With such help the psychic can unravel the causes of such infestation and correct the problem. Such help will restore the mind as well as improve the health of the patient.

There are two common roads to possession. The first is voluntarily asking a spirit to enter one’s mind. In most instances the victim does not realize that he cause this condition. His motive may have been sympathy, grief, need for companionship, or simply curiosity. No evil was intended. The second is a state of mind when a spirit enters without invitation. This is called an involuntary, it usually leads to serious problems for the victim as well as for those the victim influences. (more…)

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Proof Of Reincarnation In Major Religions

Reincarnation-In-Religion-main-4-postby Roberto Gaetan

reincarnation in the worlds religionsReincarnation: A term applied to the understanding that beings, souls, or intelligences return or are reborn into a physical embodiment.

Throughout the history of countless civilizations world-wide dating far back as thousands of years, reincarnation has implied that living intelligent consciousness cannot persist in a physical state but must make temporary visits in cycles. Also called transmigration or metempsychosis by religions, theologians, and philosophers, an entity’s mind, soul, or consciousness not only persists after death but returns to physical life for purposes established by the particular belief.

Some traditional beliefs establish that reembodiment occurs in a variety of physical forms, though mostly human. These beliefs are not only held by Asian traditions but appear in established intellectual development of people throughout the world over the ages such as Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Thus, reincarnation is not a new idea but rather an understanding of life dating back to the beginnings of man.​ (more…)

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We Are Not The First – Part II

We-Are-Not-The-First-Part-II-main-4-postby Andrew Tomas

At the birth of Sumer, a weird creature landed on the shores of the Persian Gulf. It looked like a large fish but in its mouth was a human face. This monster, which could have been a cosmic visitor in a space suit after the ‘splashdown’, spoke to the primitive dwellers of Mesopotamia and taught them how to build cities, compile laws, plant wheat, write down thoughts, count with numbers and observe the stars. This fish-like god, known as Oannes, civilized the savages and humanized their lives. His scientific legacy was of the highest quality, and the people of the Tigris and Euphrates valleys became great astronomers and mathematicians.

Far away from Babylon, in South America, a tall white man came from the land of dawn. He revealed to the Indians the secrets of civilization and inspired them with high ethical ideals. When his mission was completed, like Oannes, he disappeared into the sea. His name was Viracocha – ‘the foam of the sea’. Yet another legend about a missionary from the stars, whose ship could sail on water as well as in space? (more…)

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We Are Not The First

We-Are-Not-The-First-main-2-postby Andrew Tomas

In this work, I attempt to show that there existed a much higher level of science and technology in antiquity and prehistory than is generally supposed.

Some of this knowledge is an enigma. For instance, how could the Mayas have devised a more precise calendar than we in this age of science? Why is the Khufu Pyramid still the biggest megalithic edifice in the world? What made the Babylonians invent electric batteries 4,000 years ago? Why did the ancient Greeks and Romans expect to find planets beyond Saturn?

The scientist does not have a ready explanation for riddles of this kind because he is overburdened with the practical problems on hand. Moreover, the average man of science functions in a narrow field, possessing an in-depth knowledge of his branch of science but comparatively little about other branches outside of it. The scientists themselves admit this limited specialization and jokingly call it ‘professional cretinism’. With the chain reaction in science and the overproduction of information, nothing can be done about this tendency for the moment. After all, the scientist is a man and not a computer. (more…)

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The Afterlife ~ Part II

The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Edward C. Randall

It is most difficult for the human mind to comprehend that anything which sight or sense does not disclose is material. The idea that what we call space is substantial and real, and composed of matter, the same as those things that are visible, presents a proposition difficult of acceptance—we know so little of matter’s physical properties.

If those in the after life live and progress in a world as substantial and material as this, have houses and other structures and buildings, if that plane has forests and fields and growing grain, flowers, mountains, meadow lands and flowing streams, then that world is as substantial and real and composed of the same substance as this, varying only in vibratory action. As a matter of fact, these two worlds or conditions now blend, one with the other. What we see, feel and touch, only clothes visible life. Through nature, as we use that word, the spirit world functions and has temporary physical expression. This fact science is just coming to understand, but as yet little is known of the constituent parts of matter that fill the Universe, whether physical or spiritual.

Heretofore matter has been known in but three conditions,—solid, liquid and gaseous. Sir William Crookes, the learned English chemist, while endeavoring to create a vacuum in a glass tube, discovered a fourth condition, which he named the radiant state. The atoms, freed by rarefaction, assume in this relative vacuum vibratory motions of intense and incalculable rapidity. They become flambent and produce effects of light and electrical radiations. This suggests a clue to most of the cosmic phenomena. (more…)

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Interview With Unariun Student – Thomas Miller

Interview-With-A-Student-Thomas-Miller-main-4-postThomas Miller has been a student of UN.AR.I.U.S. principles since he was 14 years old. At that time is when he first met Ernest L. Norman, the founder and teacher of UN.AR.I.U.S. – The Science of Life. Thomas has given many lectures on the UN.AR.I.U.S. principles over his 56 years of study. A frequent media guest of This Week In America; he has been featured in a documentary film. He has also written several books about the UN.AR.I.U.S. principles including a book of verse, The Epic, and a series of lectures which were published in the book The Keys To The Universe. Tom maintains the wonderfully informative website that features Dr. Norman’s teachings as well as student testimonials and discussion.

Please note that this is not just any ordinary student but a man who personally knew Ernest L. Norman, the author of the Unariun core curriculum featured on this website as the books menu upper right with most available for free download (in public domain).

In the following compelling interviews with Ric Bratton, Thomas discusses his incredible journey meeting with the Moderator (which Dr. Norman preferred to be called) and subsequent visitations. Dr. Norman referred to Thomas Miller as his son. Thomas also discusses his ensuing growth and spiritual development in his interactions with Dr. Norman as well as from his study of the teachings and how truly grateful he is for these monumental works as anyone would be who comes in contact with its life-changing and transcending message. Herewith presented are the interviews in chronological order: (more…)

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Seeing Fractals

Seeing-Fractals-main-4-postby Jason Padgett and Maureen Seaberg


No one else sees the world the way Jason Padgett does. Water pours from the faucet in crystalline patterns, numbers call to mind distinct geometric shapes, and intricate fractal patterns emerge from the leaves and branches of trees, revealing the intrinsic mathematical designs hidden in the objects around us.

Jason Padgett working on drawingsAmazingly, Jason wasn’t born this way. Twelve years ago, he was a party-loving jock and a college dropout who’d never made it past pre-algebra. But a violent mugging permanently and profoundly altered the way his brain works, giving him unique gifts. His ability to understand math and physics skyrocketed. He’s now a devoted student and award-winning artist, hand-drawing the stunning geometric patterns he sees everywhere.

Geometric-Pattern-twelve-4-postThe first documented case of acquired savant syndrome with mathematical synesthesia, Jason is a medical marvel. Some researchers see his transformation as proof that every brain possesses stunning abilities only some people are able to consciously access. (more…)

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Men of Miracles

Men-of-Miracles-main-2-postby Howard Murphet

Most of us meet with the miraculous and magical in the tales of early childhood, and in those plastic years, before the “shades of the prison house” have begun to close around us, miracles are part of the accepted order. There is no incredibility, for example, in the magic power of Aladdin’s lamp, or in Jack’s beanstalk to the land of the giants, or in Christ walking over the storm-tossed water.

Such stories are not, of course, confined to the folklore and religious scriptures of the western world. The written chronicles of Man in all areas unroll a record of miracles that stretches from Lord Krishna, some 5,000 years ago, down to the present day. The Age of Miracles has always been with us. We read of its rosy morning on the far horizons of ancient Egypt, Chaldea, India and Palestine. And in the old Alexandria of the early Christian Era there were theurgists who at public ceremonies made statues “walk, talk and prophesy”.

In Europe during the Middle Ages the church unfortunately claimed a monopoly of the miraculous, and those who worked outside it had to work in secrecy. Such secular theurgical workers, belonging to the Rosicrucian and other brotherhoods of occult practice, did exist. However, and despite ecclesiastical power and jealousy, some great personalities – adepts like Paracelsus and the Comte de St. Germain – caught the attention of the public, stirring its cupidity, its fears and its suspicions. (more…)

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