A Spaceman’s Warning About The Dangers of Nuclear Radiation

The-Dangers-of-Nuclear-Radiation-main-4-postDino Kraspedon (1905–2004) was the pen name of Brazilian Aladino Felix, who claimed to be contacted byDino Kraspedon an extraterrestrial from Jupiter’s moons of Ganymede and Io. Much information of a scientific (mainly astrophysics), medical, and moral nature is given in his book.

He was born in Pedra do Baú and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. In 1959 he published Meu Contato Com Os Discos Voadores (My Contact with Flying Saucers). The book tells the story of his contact with a flying saucer commander at his home. The extraterrestrial visitor was given a lengthy Q&A interview by Mr. Kraspedon in which he explained advanced concepts in physics and gave insights on how to improve humanity’s social conditions on earth. Later he publicly clarified that he did not witness the male human extraterrestrial leaving or entering a spacecraft. Mr. Kraspedon correctly predicted that there would be a period of terrorism and ironically was arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist in 1968. – Wikipedia

A Spaceman’s Warning About The Dangers of Nuclear Radiation ~ By Dino Kraspedon

Q: Please tell me why you think our use of atomic energy is dangerous?

A: I do not say that the use of atomic energy is a danger to Humanity. What I do say is that aggressive hatred coupled with atomic energy will destroy the earth. (more…)

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Handwritten Draft of The Bible Discovered Proves Complete Work of Fiction

Draft-Of-Bible-main-4-postDraft Shows How Religious Narratives Progressed Through Revisions

By Jay Greenberg

The Draft of the Bible Includes Notes And Commentary

An early draft of the Bible has been discovered at the University of Cambridge in the UK that has been marked as one of the most significant discoveries in modern history.

The handwritten draft was found after it had been mislabeled inside an archive and had gone undetected for decades.

The book has been confirmed by leading experts as an early working of The King James Bible which is one of the most influential and widely read books in the English language.

The discovery has been hailed as definitive proof that Bible is a work of fiction as it shows a process of revising, cutting, and then more rewriting, which contradicts popular belief that the book is the “divine word of God”. (more…)

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Mysteries Of The Kingdom of Shambhala

Mysteries-of-Shambhalla-main-4-postBy April Holloway

Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “place of peace” or “place of silence”, is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. According to legend, it is a land where only the pure of heart can live, a place where love and wisdom reigns and where people are immune to suffering, want or old age.

Shambhala is said to be the land of a thousand names. It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, Land of Radiant Spirits, Land of Living Fire, Land of the Living Gods and Land of Wonders. The Hindus call it Aryavartha (The Land of the Worthy Ones); the Chinese know it as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu; and to the Russian Old Believers, it is known as Belovoyde. But throughout Asia, it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, Shamballa, or Shangri-la. (more…)

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The Philosopher’s Stone

The-Philosophers-Stone-main-2-postby Paramhansa Yogananda

A proud prince and his large retinue galloped into a Hindustan jungle on a hunting expedition. After bagging many game birds and animals, the prince and his party lost their way in the jungle. They had food but no water, and though they searched frantically, they found no water.

As the danger-filled tropical night approached, the prince and his retinue rode even faster, now seeking shelter. Just as the sun was silently fading away, they came upon a crumbling, old cottage. The prince dismounted, pushed open the unlatched door, and went in. The cottage was dark except for a faint glimmer of sunlight coming through a hole in the roof.

Looking around, the prince saw the hole in the roof and despaired at the thought the cottage was deserted. He was about to leave when he decided to call aloud: “Hello, anybody here?” To his surprise, a calm, firm, peaceful voice replied: “I am here. Do you want water?” The prince was astounded that this person knew his thoughts even before meeting him. (more…)

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On Attaining Happiness

On-Attaining-Happiness-main-2-postby Paramhansa Yogananda

To seek happiness outside ourselves is like trying to lasso a cloud. Happiness is not a thing: It is a state of mind. It must be lived. Paramhansa-Yogananda-4-postNeither worldly power nor moneymaking schemes can ever capture happiness. Mental restlessness results from an outward focus of awareness. Restlessness itself guarantees that happiness will remain elusive. Temporal power and money are not states of mind. Once obtained, they only dilute a person’s happiness. Certainly they cannot enhance it.

The more widely we scatter our energies, the less power we have left to direct toward any specific undertaking. Octopus habits of worry and nervousness rise from ocean depths in the subconscious, fling tentacles around our minds, and crush to death all that we once knew of inner peace.

True happiness is never to be found outside the Self. Those who seek it there are as if chasing rainbows among the clouds!

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Adventures of An Out-Of-Body Traveler

Adventures-Of-An-Out-Of-Body-Traveler main 4 postVistas of InfinVistas of Infinity Book coverity by Jurgen Ziewe deals with the reality of our life after death, not spirit communication, but actual visits with all sensory perception intact using out-of-body travel. The author spent over forty years refining his OBE skills via a lifelong practice of deep meditation. He projects his consciousness into parallel dimensions and non-physical reality systems whilst retaining full waking awareness throughout. He probes into the infinite vistas of human consciousness and brings back detailed accounts of his journeys and observations.

The reports gathered followed a strict research protocol, where the author interviewed dead people and visited the higher dimensional realities, from the darkest places to the most illuminated regions of cosmic consciousness and realms which are traditionally referred to as ‘Heaven’.

These are lively, first-hand accounts providing a narrative which is destined to revolutionize old concepts and perspectives. ~ review by lulu.com (more…)

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The Problem Of Religion

The-Problem-With-Religion-main-2-postby Acharya S/D.M. Murdock

The reproaching cry of heretic, infidel, atheist, etc., will be raised against the author of these lectures, by every fiery intolerant bigot into whose hand they may fall. But he alone is the true infidel who forsakes the laws of his nature, and gives up his mind to a belief in fabulous and demoralizing legends, which contradict all experience, and stand in opposition to the testimony of his own sense and reason.” – Christian Mythology Unveiled, 1842

While the Western world begins its new millennium, little has changed in terms of religious understanding, and the world in general continues to be divided largely along the lines of faith. The proselytizers, proponents and propagandists of these various faiths persist in fighting over bodies and souls, in an endless religious tug-of-war that has ruined culture, wrecked minds and wreaked havoc. It also invades privacy and stomps all over individual rights. Religion is motivated by fear and insecurity: People want to believe, in God, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha—something, anything, so as not to feel so alone, helpless and forgotten.

Life is a cruel, sadistic torment in countless places around the globe. This fact should create more questions than it does about whether or not there is any good god in charge of everything and whether or not religion has any value in the first place. Yet, in the face of tragedy, rationality and logic fail to win out over powerlessness that desperately needs to believe in the Other, somewhere “out there.” What this insight reveals is that God is a popular concept not because people have reasoned it through and proved it true, but because humans are terrified of the opposite notion: If God is not, all is for naught. (more…)

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Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil

Nietzsche-Beyond-Good-And-Evil-main-2-postA brilliant young man, he was appointed professor at the University of Basel at age 24 having not even finished his degree. His evanescent philosophical nietzsche_art_v_realitylife ended 20 years later when he went insane and died shortly afterwards.

Nietzsche’s argued that the Christian system of faith and worship was not only incorrect, but harmful to society because it allowed the weak to rule the strong – it suppressed the will to power which was the driving force of human character. Nietzsche wanted people to throw off the shackles of our misguided Christian morality and become supermen – free and titanic.

However, without God he felt that the future of man might spiral into a society of nihilism, devoid of any meaning; his aim was for man to realize the lack of divine purpose and create his own values. The core of Nietzsche’s work, including Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883-92), Beyond Good and Evil (1886), The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was to find a meaning and morality in the absence of God. (Excerpt from bbc.co.uk) (more…)

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The Universe As a Symphony of Strings

Universe-As-a-Symphony-of-Strings-main-4-postby Jill Mattson 

From Superstrings to BioAcoustics

What do fifth century B.C.E. Pythagoreans have in common with modern state-of-the art cosmologists and physicists? In a word — strings! For the ancient Greek Pythagoreans it was the lyre string, but modern scientists postulate infinitesimally small strings as the ultimate building blocks of the universe.

The Greeks found that the tone of a plucked lyre string corresponded to its length. Changing the length of the vibrating string changed the tone in a precise way; double the length and the tone goes down by a full octave; reduce the length by two-thirds, the note changes by a fifth. The laws of music and harmonics are discovered and reduced to mathematics. The Pythagoreans believe everything is based on music and math.

The Pythagoreans extended this thinking in an attempt to explain the entire universe. They partially succeeded but ultimately failed in their attempts.

Modern scientists now feel that they have the theory-of-everything , based on incredibly small strings. These vibrating strings are the fundamental unit of all matter and energy. When a string vibrates in a certain way, the result is an electron. If you change the vibration of this same string another particle appears — the electron changes into a neutrino. As with the plucked lyre, it is the string that is fundamental; the tone, in the musical example, or the subatomic particle, arise from the way that the string is vibrating. (more…)

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Buildings Or Bases On Ceres?

Ceres Occator Crater main 4 postCeres is the largest object in the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Its diameter is approximately 945 kilometers or 590 miles making it the largest of the dwarf planets within the orbit of Neptune.

By definition a dwarf planet is spherical and travels in an orbit around the Sun. Ceres is also the closest dwarf planet to the Sun and the only one located in the inner solar system.

Dawn spacecraftNASA’s Dawn spacecraft continues to capture breathtaking images of Ceres as the spacecraft orbits around the dwarf planet. (more…)

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Perpetual Motion Machines – Yes They Exist

Perpetual Motion Machines mainCompilation by Gloria Lynn

Life is a continuous flow of energy. How this flow works has been continually researched by earth scientists. However, actually how this flow begins and ends and what causes it, will remain forever a mystery to the scientist until he begins to understand the principles of UN.AR.I.U.S. which states (1) this energy originates in other dimensions and (2) this flow is eternal and infinite and this energy can be neither created nor destroyed (confirmed by Einstein) but only changed.

How energy is a interchange between two polarities ever revolving around us in an infinite number of ways holds the answer to our own physical energy needs.

To understand how perpetual motion machines work, we must understand that seemingly in nature, whenever there is an imbalance, there is flow. This flow or movement can be harnessed for our energy needs. For instance, the flow of water in Niagara Falls provides for the energy needs of 3.8 million homes or the movement of wind flow turning fan blades provides energy to 20 million American homes. (more…)

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Project Magnet: Contacting Venus

Contacting-Venus-main-4-postCompiled by S.E. Mar, Director of the Department of Interplanetary Affairs, January Through May 1972 and year 1990


Government Project: In January 1972, the Department of Interplanetary Affairs was created, to research into the scientific investigation of UFOs and attempt to contact UFO occupants if possible. Extensive files on reports of UFO landings, sightings, and contacts in Hawaii were soon accumulated, and it was discovered that many UFO researchers desired our reports. We began to trade data, and were amazed when former officials of secret government and military intelligence agencies came to our office, and offered to trade us what THEY KNEW for what we knew. The information was often classified TOP SECRET and beyond, they admitted government and military UFO secrecy, and much of the information alarmed us then! Regardless of whether they came from NASA, were government commissioned civilian scientists, military pilots of intelligence agents, or from the United Nations, THEY ALL TOLD THE SAME SHOCKING DETAILS.

There were no contradictions in these reports of alien bases on Earth, other planets, crashed retrieved saucers with bodies, and secret alien government contacts. And most of these informers, who wished to remain anonymous due to threats of assassination, fines, court marshals, or mysterious disappearance warned that we could get in big trouble for publicly releasing what they told us! In the early 1950s, the Canadian Government established PROJECT MAGNET to investigate UFOs. The director of that project, Wilburt B. Smith, publicly wrote that a top U.S. Pentagon official said that UFOs was the biggest secret they had, even greater than the H BOMB (the ultimate weapon then). We were able to obtain a copy of Wilburt B. Smith’s research on Project Magnet. This research was so startling he could possibly have been assassinated for releasing it, so it was not available to us until he died. PROJECT MAGNET has been able to work with Canadian scientists who had continued working on inventions of Nikola Tesla, one of the most prominent scientists in history. Tesla, who invented the AC/DC electrical current, helped invent radar and much military technology, was the holder of hundreds of successful patented inventions. (more…)

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What I Have Learned From Interplanetarians – Part III

The-Interplanetariuns-main-4-postby George Adamski

People on Venus know no disease of mind or body, as they are free of tensions, such as are created by our personality divisions, likes and dislikes, and judgments of one kind or another. This was told in Inside The Space Ships. Many people have written to me, asking if the space people cannot give us information which would enable us to heal some of the most prevalent and cruel diseases being suffered by Earth’s humanity.

This subject has been discussed on a number of occasions.

The human body, as we all know, is the most prefect machine ever created. It works, when allowed to do so, in perfect balance and harmony. No organ or part of the body takes an attitude that it is better than all other parts, or that it is being worked more than the others. Each performs its duty freely and happily, so long as the mind of the individual permits such co-operation. (more…)

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Reincarnation In Early Christianity

Reincarnation-And-The-Bible-main-4-postby Natalia Klimczak

Is it possible that early Christians believed in reincarnation? Although some may find this idea unbelievable, several Christian sources (including the Bible) suggest that many centuries ago, it was common to believe that one does not come to Earth just once, but various times.

In 1945, researchers discovered some early Judeo-Christian writings. Two years later, the world heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the discovery which changed biblical history.  The early Christians and Jews followed the teachings of Jesus – including the concept of resurrection. There are several examples of this found in ancient resources.

The oldest texts provide two concepts of resurrection: spiritual and bodily. The spiritual rebirth by the Holy Spirit is also known as being born again. A bodily resurrection of a human could also be called reincarnation. According to the first important father of the early Orthodox Church, Origen (185 – 254 AD), the soul exists before birth. He suggested that pre-existence was found in the Hebrew scriptures and the teachings of Jesus. (more…)

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What I Have Learned From The Interplanetarians ~ Part II

Interplanetarians-Part-II-main-4-postby George Adamski

The people on other planets are doing the same as we. They too are traveling the pathway of life, learning lessons every day.

At times they discover that they have not built a foundation with which to stand the stresses and strains put upon the average man by our way of life. These have to return to their planet, and, if through the passing of time they reach the point where they must learn through experience the lessons of our world, they will have to be born here in order to build a foundation through which they may learn them. Others, who have grown sufficiently in understanding and control of themselves, are able to meet the problems of everyday life on Earth in a calm manner without being overcome by them.

Many of the meetings I have had with our visitors have dealt mostly with my own problems and possible solutions. While they never advise a fellowman, they have an inexplicable ability of passing thoughts to another in such a way that he believes them to be his own. Thus he is free to accept and follow them, or discard them without the thought that someone else advised him. I had to learn this myself as I carefully studied my thoughts and acts following meetings with them. Often I found myself going exactly opposite to thoughts that I had received, all because I had not understood. It takes considerable schooling of oneself in this respect, and I still have a long way to go before I have mastered this lesson.

Another thing I have noticed about the space visitors, they love fun, singing, dancing, sports of all kinds, movies and educational programs on instruments comparable to our radio and TV. Yet they are always quiet. They do not talk a lot because, as they have explained, much effort is expended in talking. A great percentage of everyday talk on Earth is idle waste of time that enervates not only the speaker but others in his presence. Many people talk incessantly and loudly only because of nervous energy which they do not understand. Few people on our planet understand themselves, or have ever taken the time, thought and effort to gain such understanding. If we are to grow as we should, preparing ourselves for life in another classroom of the Cosmos, we will have to begin taking more interest in understanding our thoughts and their effects upon us as well as others, turning our minds toward the source of these thoughts and the reasons we allow them to possess us. In reality, we should be the masters of our thoughts, yet how many of us are? (more…)

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