What I Have Learned From Interplanetarians – Part III

The-Interplanetariuns-main-4-postby George Adamski

People on Venus know no disease of mind or body, as they are free of tensions, such as are created by our personality divisions, likes and dislikes, and judgments of one kind or another. This was told in Inside The Space Ships. Many people have written to me, asking if the space people cannot give us information which would enable us to heal some of the most prevalent and cruel diseases being suffered by Earth’s humanity.

This subject has been discussed on a number of occasions.

The human body, as we all know, is the most prefect machine ever created. It works, when allowed to do so, in perfect balance and harmony. No organ or part of the body takes an attitude that it is better than all other parts, or that it is being worked more than the others. Each performs its duty freely and happily, so long as the mind of the individual permits such co-operation. (more…)

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Reincarnation In Early Christianity

Reincarnation-And-The-Bible-main-4-postby Natalia Klimczak

Is it possible that early Christians believed in reincarnation? Although some may find this idea unbelievable, several Christian sources (including the Bible) suggest that many centuries ago, it was common to believe that one does not come to Earth just once, but various times.

In 1945, researchers discovered some early Judeo-Christian writings. Two years later, the world heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the discovery which changed biblical history.  The early Christians and Jews followed the teachings of Jesus – including the concept of resurrection. There are several examples of this found in ancient resources.

The oldest texts provide two concepts of resurrection: spiritual and bodily. The spiritual rebirth by the Holy Spirit is also known as being born again. A bodily resurrection of a human could also be called reincarnation. According to the first important father of the early Orthodox Church, Origen (185 – 254 AD), the soul exists before birth. He suggested that pre-existence was found in the Hebrew scriptures and the teachings of Jesus. (more…)

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What I Have Learned From The Interplanetarians ~ Part II

Interplanetarians-Part-II-main-4-postby George Adamski

The people on other planets are doing the same as we. They too are traveling the pathway of life, learning lessons every day.

At times they discover that they have not built a foundation with which to stand the stresses and strains put upon the average man by our way of life. These have to return to their planet, and, if through the passing of time they reach the point where they must learn through experience the lessons of our world, they will have to be born here in order to build a foundation through which they may learn them. Others, who have grown sufficiently in understanding and control of themselves, are able to meet the problems of everyday life on Earth in a calm manner without being overcome by them.

Many of the meetings I have had with our visitors have dealt mostly with my own problems and possible solutions. While they never advise a fellowman, they have an inexplicable ability of passing thoughts to another in such a way that he believes them to be his own. Thus he is free to accept and follow them, or discard them without the thought that someone else advised him. I had to learn this myself as I carefully studied my thoughts and acts following meetings with them. Often I found myself going exactly opposite to thoughts that I had received, all because I had not understood. It takes considerable schooling of oneself in this respect, and I still have a long way to go before I have mastered this lesson.

Another thing I have noticed about the space visitors, they love fun, singing, dancing, sports of all kinds, movies and educational programs on instruments comparable to our radio and TV. Yet they are always quiet. They do not talk a lot because, as they have explained, much effort is expended in talking. A great percentage of everyday talk on Earth is idle waste of time that enervates not only the speaker but others in his presence. Many people talk incessantly and loudly only because of nervous energy which they do not understand. Few people on our planet understand themselves, or have ever taken the time, thought and effort to gain such understanding. If we are to grow as we should, preparing ourselves for life in another classroom of the Cosmos, we will have to begin taking more interest in understanding our thoughts and their effects upon us as well as others, turning our minds toward the source of these thoughts and the reasons we allow them to possess us. In reality, we should be the masters of our thoughts, yet how many of us are? (more…)

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“There Are No Gods”

There-Are-No-Gods-main-4-postThis short compelling documentary three-part series is about the responses of Theramin Trees on his former religious beliefs, and his current non-religious ones – specifically, which divine concepts he affirmatively believes to be false and which concepts he considers unknowable and in the process provides an incongruous panoply of self-contradictions in the field of religion.

Basically his three-part series looks at: 1. What he believed when he was a theist, 2. Concepts for gods he affirmatively believe do not exist, and 3. Concepts for god he believe to be unknowable.

From the author: “I’m gonna try to cover a range of ideas over three videos. It won’t be exhaustive, but hopefully it will give a decent enough feel for the scope of where I’m coming from. What I believed encompassed a lot. My beliefs evolved substantially over my time as a Christian. For brevity I’m gonna break it down into three broad phases.”

Watch the full documentary now (playlist – 39 minutes)

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What I Have Learned From The Interplanetarians ~ Part I

Interplanetarians-main-4-postby George Adamski

Through the years since I first met Orthon on a California desert, I have had many meetings with our space traveling friends. Some have been very casual and unexpected. Others I expected, much as I described in Inside the Space Ships. Never have I Flying Saucers Farewell book coverbeen able to make definite appointments with them for a specific time and place, nor have I outgrown the inner exaltation of being in their company. However, even though I have had so many meetings with them, it would be as foolish for me to say that I know all who are on Earth, as it would be to say that I know everybody in any city or town. I have been told that on many occasions I have been visited by and talked with space travelers without recognizing them, and without their identifying themselves. On a few occasions, I have later met one or two on a ship whom I recognized as having talked with previously, without recognition.

It is for this reason that I have so often said and written that many people, in fact untold numbers of people, have met and talked with space travelers without recognizing them. Many work in industries and government positions throughout the world. They may also be found in the armed forces of every nation, working in divisions of science, communications, medical corps, etc. where they are not required to be trained for slaughter of their fellowmen.

I have been asked endless times how this can be, when so many personal identifications are required of everyone nowadays. These are not insurmountable problems even to Earth’s people. There are innumerable ways in which identifications can be established. If one questions this statement, let him start an investigation into the matter, and he may uncover surprises for himself!

Often the space people are recognized as being above the average in their natural friendliness, and slowness to anger, and at times in their telepathic abilities. But since telepathy is a science in which many people on Earth have developed an interest, with more or less success in using, the space people in business are usually shrugged off as just good telepathists, or as having extremely strong hunches. (more…)

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Tesla’s Resonant Theory Of Electromagnetism

Teslas-Theory-of-Electromagnetism-main-4-postby Prof. Velimir Abramovic, PhD

Tesla didn’t give us his own theory of physics, but with numerous experiments, he created a basis for a new, resonant understanding of electromagnetism. He considered that the world is a uniform, continuous, electromagnetic medium and matter is one of the manifestation of organized electromagnetic oscillations described by a mathematical algorithm. He considered that resonance is the most general natural law, which eliminates time and distance, and that all relations between phenomena are established only by mean of various simple and complex resonances, i.e. coordinated vibrations of physical systems, which have an electromagnetic nature.

Finally, instead of Newton’s integrals, Leibniz’s differentials and Maxwell’s theory lying in his calculations, Tesla used simple the mathematics of Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes, first making an analogy between mechanics and electromagnetism. It is not possible to fully evaluate the significance of such method of thinking, which directly points out the necessity of full physical interpretation of elementary mathematical notions.

Obviously, the study of Tesla’s heritage is not related only with history of physics. We shouldn’t look for technological aspects; its essence is in miraculous human creativity in science. Tesla’s scientific ways need understanding and following. We need analysis of Tesla’s evidence relating with creativity lying in the base of new physical and technical processes discovered by him. It leads to opening a new way of cognition. It is important to understand the original scientific and research methods of Tesla and non-developed cosmic principles (relation), which are realized, with the world of ideas. (more…)

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Power Switch Of The Great Pyramid: The Benben

Benben-main-4-postby Tony Bushby

The Benben As An Anti-Gravity Device

Early Egyptian priests believed that RA and Khepra personally arrived on Earth in a mysterious ‘secret object’ called ‘Akka’. That object was later renamed ‘Benben’, a term deriving from an Egyptian word meaning ‘seed’ or ‘essence’. It is repeatedly recorded in traditional Egyptian history that the Benben ‘came from the sky’ and it became the most esteemed object of the time. The Great Ennead of Heliopolis constructed a square hewn stone column in the centre of a protective temple complex and placed the Benben upon its summit. The principal structure in that compound was called ‘The Palace of the Ancient One’ or sometimes, ‘The Palace of the Old Man’, the dwelling place of RA while he lived on Earth as King of the gods of Egypt.

pyramid-capstone-4-postThe name Benben was subsequently applied to the pyramidion or apex-stone (cap-stone) on top of pyramids, tombs and obelisks and in a symbolic sense was always associated closely and directly with both RA and Khepra. The ancient priests became famous for their privileged access into the sanctuary of that powerful, mysterious and sacred object and its specially built temple became the site where the earliest religious concepts of humans on Earth crystallized in pre-historic time. Later Egyptian priests held the strong belief that their primary gods personally arrived on Earth in the Benben and, for many centuries, revered the intriguing object as the life creation force.

By and large, modern pyramidologists forced to choose between regarding the records of a supernatural construction of the Great Pyramid as fact or fiction, have chosen to treat them as fiction. However, mankind is left with some extraordinary ancient records providing fascinating narratives relating to unusual procedures in place in the development of structures in Egypt. An intriguing tradition handed down by pre-Christian Egyptian priests stated that the Great Pyramid was built from the top down. They told Herodotus: The upper portion of the Pyramid was built first, then the middle, and finally the part which was lowest and nearest the ground. (more…)

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Multi-Dimensional Explorations

Multi-Dimensional-Explorations-main-2-postby Jurgen Ziewe

“Surprisingly, it has taken science quite a long time to realise that we are part of a multiple-universe. It is the same paradigm shift for our perception as the discoveries of fire, the wheel and that the Earth is a sphere and revolves around the sun. Incredibly, psychology and the science of the mind still need to catch up and move beyond looking at consciousness as a function of biological and chemical events within the brain.

What we will have to acknowledge is the fact that the universe ‘outside’ not only has its origin in other dimensions, but that we as living organisms are at every moment operating in other dimensions without realising it, here and now. In fact, to imagine that we could function as purely physical dimensional entities strikes me as absurd, because it would be akin to imagining that the Earth could exist without the space it is suspended in.

Incredibly, we still believe that the brain is the main storage organ for everything we experience. Considering the fact that every moment – every split second – we encounter trillions of bits of information via our vision alone, it is clear that scientists still have no idea as to where or how the data is stored. All we know is that the brain’s synapses process the data. By studying the brain from a biological viewpoint we may understand its function but not its deeper mystery.

When looking at it from the next dimension up the brain is a fantastic relay station – a processing and communication plant between two dimensions. The information appears to be stored on another dimension altogether in a state that simply cannot be attributed to molecules or physical atoms. This doesn’t apply only to the information gathered in our present time-space continuum, but also to information gathered while living in different energy configurations such as previous lives and inter-lives.” Excerpt From Multidimensional Man (more…)

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Life On Venus – Contactees Of The 50s And 60s

Life-On-Venus-Contactees-main-4-postIn case you missed it, here is the powerpoint presentation of Life On Venus – Contactees Of The 50s And 60s from our San Diego UNARIUNS UNITED Monthly Meetup. Many more contactees could have been included however there was neither sufficient time nor space to cover them all.

The handful presented herewith were mainly the more prominent ones of those eras but nevertheless the lessons and teachings that they have transmitted to the earth man from our Venusian space brothers and sisters are of timeless importance and as such not to be overlooked. Their messages will in the future be regarded with greater reverence than is now accorded.

Download (PDF)

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Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part II

Life-After-Death-In-The-Astral-Realms-main-two-4-postby Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss

The first Realm above the Physical World, in rate of vibration, we term the Realm of Reflection. Here we find reflected every object which exists in the Physical World, or to be more accurate, the physical object – man, animal, vegetable as well as all so-called inanimate things is the reflection or materialization of its astral duplicate. Here we find the astral pattern of all living things. But everything is seen reversed as in a mirror. For instance a number such as 123 would be seen as 321, etc. This fact caused the editors of Mme. Blavatsky’s manuscript for The Secret Doctrine much labor at first when they tried to verify the quotations made by her from books presented by her Teachers to her astral vision, for she frequently forgot to reverse the number of the page. When the editors learned this, if the quotation was not found on the page indicated, it would invariably be found on the page bearing the reversed number. This feature of the astral alone accounts for many of the mistakes of untrained psychics who are not familiar with this. Day and night are also the reverse of the corresponding periods on earth. Hence it is generally easier for a sensitive to contact the astral at night, although to one who is properly trained it makes little difference.

While the scenery of this Realm is the counterpart of the scenery of earth it is much more, for here there is a luminosity and translucence difficult to describe, which makes familiar objects far more brilliant and beautiful and reveals their true nature far more than does their physical counterpart on earth. While plants, trees, animals and people are all seen here they can also be seen through, just as on earth we can see into and through a glass of water for instance. In the Astral World we can also see all sides at once and not in perspective, and with the glow and colors imparted to everything by the currents of life-force which sweep through them. For the Astral World is a world of four dimensions instead of three. For this reason all attempts to locate the various Realms of this world in space or to limit its phenomena to our three dimensional conceptions, leads to misconception. That which is to manifest on earth descends from the higher Worlds into the Astral World and is embodied on earth. (more…)

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Edgar Cayce On Mastering Your Spiritual Growth

Mastering-Your-Spiritual-Growth-main-4-postby Kevin Todeschi

The universality of the Christ Self is explored in the work of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), twentieth-century mystic and clairvoyant. Although Cayce himself was a Christian, his life’s work is deeply ecumenical. From Cayce’s perspective, regardless of an individual’s religious or personal beliefs, the Christ pattern exists in potential upon the very fiber of her or his being. It is that part of each of us that is in perfect accordedgar-cayce with the Creator and is simply waiting to find expression in our lives through the use of the will. This Christ pattern was further described as “…the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul’s oneness with God”; its manifestation is the eventual destiny of each and every soul. With this in mind, Cayce presented Jesus as humankind’s “elder brother,” a soul who came to show each one of us the way back to our spiritual Source by perfectly manifesting the laws of the Creator in the earth.

While exploring the philosophical meaning of life, many individuals have incorrectly assumed that the goal of being in the earth is simply to reach heaven, find enlightenment, or somehow “get out of the earth.” This is a perspective quite different from that contained in the Cayce material, however. In part, Cayce believed that, as children of God, our mission is to somehow bring spirit into the earth, experiencing soul growth and personal development in the process.

Throughout his adult life, Edgar Cayce gave intuitive consultations, called “readings,” to individuals from all segments of society and various religious backgrounds. In addition to his work with hundreds of topics, including health and personal counsel, in nearly 2,000 “life readings” Cayce explored for individuals their soul history and their corresponding development through a series of lifetimes. From a source of information he called the “akashic records,” Cayce could view an individual’s soul development and describe how past-life influences and choices played out over time. Rather than being simply a philosophical discussion of possible past lives and corresponding strengths and weaknesses, the readings detail practical advice regarding what an individual might accomplish in the present, based upon the experiences and influences affecting her or him from the past. (more…)

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Life Beyond The Veil

Life-Beyond-The-Veil-main-4-postby George Vale Owen

This volume (what follows is a short excerpt) contains the first of a series of communications from beyond the veil, received and written down by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, Vicar of Orford, Lancashire.

It should be clearly understood that these messages, while complete in themselves, deal chiefly with the “Sphere of Light” nearest to the earth in which the Vicar’s mother, who is the principal communicator, states that she dwells, and that her impressions are chiefly individual to herself and are thus those of a newcomer and learner whose experiences are limited to a restricted area. Wider regions and greater heights and depths are explored, the inter-relation of this and the after-life is more fully explained, and both narrative and exposition of aims and principles are more vigorous, clear and comprehensive in succeeding messages, contained in other volumes of the series which follow this. ~ H. W. Engholm

“We walked over the plain, and then went through the air, which requires more exertion, but is more speedy, and, in a case like ours, more convenient in enabling us to get a view of the country.

We sighted the City and descended before the principal gateway, by which we entered the main thoroughfare. It ran straight through the City and emerged through another gateway on the other side. On each side of this broad street there were large houses, or palaces, in spacious grounds, the residences of the principal officials of that district of which the City itself was the Capital.

As we came towards the City we had seen people working in the fields, and also many buildings, evidently not residences, but erected for some useful purpose. And now that we were within the City walls we saw the perfection of both buildings and horticulture. For each building had a typical garden to match it both in color and design. We passed on, waiting for some sign as to our destination and mission, for on such occasions as this, a message is always sent on ahead, so that the visitors are expected. When we had gone some way we entered a large square, where beautiful trees grew on lawns of the greenest of green grass, and fountains played a harmony together; that is to say, there were perhaps a dozen fountains, and each had a tone of its own, and each was composed of many smaller jets of water, each being a note. These are manipulated, on occasion, so that a fairly complicated piece of music can he played, with an effect such as that produced by an organ with many stops. At such times there are large numbers of people assembled in the square, or park, as I might call it, both of the citizens and also those who dwell outside among the hills and pastures. But when we came to it, the fountains were playing a simple series of chords, in perfect harmony, and with a most pleasing effect. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts – Part V

Venus-crater-tall-structureHere are two stories of Venusian contacts which like so many others in the past few decades are being confirmed by the evidence of cities and city-like structures on the planet Venus.

The above and following images were found here at the Venus USGS Global GIS site.
Venusian-city-one******* (more…)

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Interplanetary Craft

Interplanetary-Craft-main-2-postby Rolf Telano

The Adamic races of this planet have been under observation by and have been receiving aid from various of these higher races ever since their beginnings. Some members of their guardian races have been incarnated among them. Others have come here from other places, using for transport various craft which are now popularly, but incorrectly, grouped under the designation of “flying saucers”.

Just prior to World War II, it was noted that certain sinister forces were gaining considerable influence, and were likely to create a very dangerous unbalance between scientific and ethical progress. Scientific knowledge with a high potential of harm was being revealed and pushed rapidly forward before moral development had advanced to a point where such knowledge could be popularly employed. Observation and other activities were sharply stepped up to counter this trend.

An even greater increase in activity was made with the premature discovery of nuclear fission, which represents a very great menace to all entities on all planes, and “flying saucers” began to be seen much more frequently than before. The results of the present uncontrolled heavy metals atomic explosions, while very annoying, are not particularly dangerous except from the standpoint of atmospheric contamination. It is possible, however, to employ methods which will react with certain constituents of this planet, and thus cause its destruction. The present band of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter are the remains of a former planet which was destroyed by this means. The result was catastrophic on all planets and planes. This particular formula has not yet been discovered on your planet, and it has been determined that it shall not be developed. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts – Part IV

Venusian-Contacts-IV-main-4-postBy Willaru Huayta in a lecture given in Peru, September, 1997


I asked them (Venusians) to give me the opportunity to see. I only wanted to know, to experience Venus, to compare that civilization with our civilization here

First Impression of Venus… After going past the astral plane, I arrived on Venus at a sea port. Many cosmic ships were there in the ocean. It was very, very alive, like in the sixth dimension. Everything has life, brilliant vibration, very, very delicious life. You feel good. Your spiritual body feels really good. It feels like home. It is something that I do not feel here on Earth. But when I got there, they were waiting for me, the celestial marines. All the boys there were young, because they live eternal life. They have “a physical body” like us, but live eternal life. They are very young looking, like the age 22, wearing white uniforms like American Marines. They have a blue light, a celestial cape over them.

It was very, very nice when I got there. I said “Wow”! I got very emotional. “Wow”! “Finally I’m here”! But it was no good, because it was an inferior type of happiness. So I didn’t pass the test of the emotional body. My happiness was still a little bit of an animal nature, but which is natural on planet Earth, being human. They (the Venusians) understand this, so they showed me a little bit more. (more…)

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