The Lost Continent Of Mu

Lemuria-main-4-postby James Churchward

The record of the destruction of Mu, the Motherland of Man, is a strange one indeed. From it we learn how the mystery of the white races in the South Sea Islands may be solved and how a great civilization flourished in mid-Pacific and then was completely obliterated in almost a single night. A few decades ago scientists would have Lost Continent of Mu bookbeen very doubtful about the possibility of the former existence in the Pacific Ocean of a huge continent such as Mu. But since then, records have come to light and comparisons have been made which prove that such a land did at one time exist. The proofs are of several types.

First, as I have already explained in the opening chapter, there are the sacred tablets found in an Indian temple and deciphered with the aid of a learned priest. These tablets gave me the first hint about Mu and sent me on a world-wide search. They had been written by the Naacals, either in Burma or in the motherland. They told how the Naacals had originally come from the motherland, the land in the center of the Pacific. They also told the story of the creation of man and his advent in this land. Records of later date written in Mayax, Egypt and India tell and describe the destruction of this land of Mu, when the earth’s crust was broken up by earthquakes and sank into a fiery abyss. Then the waters of the Pacific rolled in over her, leaving only water where once was a mighty civilization.

Second, there is confirmation of Mu in other ancient manuscripts, including such a classic as the Hindu epic Ramayana, written by the sage and historian, Valmiki, from the dictation of Narana, high priest of the Rishi temple at Ayhodia, who read the ancient temple records to him. In one place Valmiki mentions the Naacals as “coming to Burma from the land of their birth in the East,” that is, in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. Another document confirming the story of the sacred tablets and Valmiki is the Troano Manuscript, now in the British Museum. This is an ancient Maya book written in Yucatan. It speaks of the “Land of Mu” using for Mu the same symbols we find in India, Burma and Egypt. Another reference is the Codex Cortesianus, a Maya book of about the same age as the Troano Manuscript. Then there is the Lhasa Record, with hundreds of others from Egypt, Greece, Central America, Mexico, and the cliff writings in our western states. (more…)

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Spirit Attachment

Spirit-Attachment-main-2-4-postby William J. Baldwin

Dan clutched his chest and left arm with his right hand. His flushed face contorted with pain, tears squeezed from his eyes. He appeared to be suffering a heart attack right there in front of me. I was stunned. At that point I had to make a choice between calling 911 or trusting the process. I trusted the process.

Robust and healthy, Dan was thirty-eight years old, yet had suffered with symptoms of heart trouble, including chest pains, for some years. Thinking it might be a past-life trauma, he wanted to explore this condition through regression therapy. As he probed his subconscious for the cause, I thought we might have uncovered a traumatic memory of another time and place. Or, he might be having a real heart attack. I shuddered at the thought.

In a few moments, Dan slumped in the recliner chair, his face relaxed and smooth. His right hand dropped to his lap. I checked his lips to see if they were turning blue. I watched his breathing. Lips remained pink, chest continued to rise and fall with each rhythmic breath. He was okay; I was greatly relieved. We continued.

Dr. Baldwin: “What just happened?” (more…)

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The Fear of Obsessions vs Staying Positive

Staying-Positive-main-4-postI have noticed in my years as a student the wrong interpretation by other students of how to protect oneself from obsessions. Some have thought, not all but some, that the best way is to run away and hide from what they might consider to be an obsession or obsessed person. This reaction I have interpreted to be FEAR. Of course, it would be fear if you were trying to hide away from something you don’t understand but I don’t buy into this as the proper reaction to obsession and this is NOT what UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches in that regard.

My interpretation is that the Science teaches that fear should be the last reaction one should have toward what one considers to be an obsession or an obsessed person. In other words, an obsession is not a contagion. The opposite is preferred. If you don’t react to it then it can’t affect you.

The Science of UN.AR.I.U.S. has never said to run away from an obsession or obsessed person but rather to UNDERSTAND what is going on and in that way to shed some LIGHT onto that person or that situation so that that they will now have a better experience from having had that interaction with you.

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The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla

Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla mainI was looking over this pdf trying to decide what would make the best article and decided that it ALL was so very interesting that decided to share the complete pdf with the reader. Very interesting book and very interesting topics on Nikola Tesla especially in light with what we know today.

Here is just one excerpt about The Truth About Mars which the author of The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla caught and found very interesting in light of what we are learning not only when his book was originally written but what is now being discovered on the surface of the planet with the rovers: (more…)

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Spirit Releasement Therapy: What It Is And What Can It Achieve?

Spirit-Releasement-Therapy-main-4-postby Dr. Alan Sanderson

Rumi, the 13th century Persian mystic, had no doubt about reincarnation:

The soul’s extravagance is endless.
Spring after spring after spring
We are your gardens, dying, blossoming.

In putting dying before blossoming, Rumi makes the point that, in the cycle of transformation, dying has equal importance. In another poem he says, ‘When were you ever made less by dying?’ While Rumi’s belief in a steady upward progression may be the norm, dying can bring unforeseen difficulties, not just for the voyaging spirit, but also for those still incarnate.

The belief that death may be either good or bad is found in many, so-called primitive cultures. In a bad death the soul remains earthbound and may afflict the living. I have come to believe that people, in the West as elsewhere, are often troubled by such spirits. If this is so, psychiatrists have a great opportunity to liberate both the host and the attached spirit.

How, after the benefits of a Maudsley training, have I come to hold such way-out views? (more…)

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Crop Circles: A Message From Above

The appearance of mysterious crop circles is not exclusive to recent decades. Some of these formations are so immense and complex as to defy reason and the truth behind them is far more intriguing than we are willing to accept. 

Crop-Circle-Formation lgCrop circles have been a subject for debate among researchers and ufologists for years. These mysterious formations have appeared all around the globe without exception, and while some of them are sloppy work of pranksters, there are some crop circles that are incredibly elaborate, intricate yet beautiful, capturing our imagination and interest and makes us wonder who created them and how. Some crop circles are known to have appeared overnight, without light, without leaving traces or footprints behind, and some have appeared in some crops in a matter of hours. The truth is that the crop circle phenomenon remains as one of the most enigmatic and mysterious occurrences indirectly related to the UFO phenomenon. (more…)

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Things Don’t Really Exist; They Flicker


All things are continually changing—including our minds, their contents, people, places, things, our entire galaxy… and beyond.

And in such a way, no thing actually IS. Rather, things (including you and me) can only temporarily BE.

IS implies a perception of permanence, safety, security and solidity, while BEING on the other hand, recognizes the momentary state of flux that is the inherent nature of everything.

This parsing of language, while perhaps somewhat semantic, serves as a reminder that all things within your perception are in continual transition. Everything.

When we transpose this understanding into our daily lives, rather than getting upset in believing that a person IS rude, for example, reconsider your words and realize the person is simply BEING rude. While the difference is slight (and surely one that most people wouldn’t even notice), it does have a dramatic impact on how you perceive people, things, places, predicaments, and the events around you. (more…)

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Have Humans Devolved Through History?

Devolved-Humans-main-4-postby Ivan Petricevic

Ancient Human Technology, The Ultimate Piece Of Evidence

Have you ever considered the possibility that humans as a civilization have actually de-evolved through time? According to numerous findings across the globe, humans existed on earth much longer than we have been told by science and religion.

The human species existed on the planet when science said that it was impossible, but as with everything, views can change.

What if human beings existed on planet Earth millions of years ago? And what if those ancient humans were much more advanced than we are today? Is it possible that we have devolved as a species through time? Both physically and technologically? And if so… wouldn’t we find evidence of that?

What if humans were much more advanced as a species thousands or even millions of years ago?

According to many people there is evidence everywhere. (more…)

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Reincarnation ~ Part I

Reincarnation--main-4-postby C. Jinarajadasa

Among the many ideas which have lightened the burden of men, one of the most serviceable has been that of Reincarnation. It not only explains why one man is born in the lap of luxury and another in poverty, why one is a genius and another an idiot, but it also holds out the hope that, as men now reap what they have sown in the past, so in future lives the poor and wretched of today shall have what they lack, if so they work for it, and that the idiot may, life after life, build up mentality which in far-off days may flower as genius.

When the idea of reincarnation is heard of for the first time, the student naturally supposes that it is a Hindu doctrine, for it is known to be a fundamental part of both Hinduism and Buddhism. But the strange fact is that reincarnation is found everywhere as a belief, and its origin cannot be traced to Indian sources. We hear of it in far-off Australia and there is a story on record of an Australian aborigine who went cheerfully to the gallows, and replied on being questioned as to his levity: “Tumble down black fellow, jump up white fellow, and have lots of sixpences to spend!” It was taught by the Druids of ancient Gaul, and Julius Caesar tells us how young Gauls were taught reincarnation, and that as a consequence they had no fear of death. Greek philosophers knew of it; we have Pythagoras telling his pupils that in his past lives he had been a warrior at the siege of Troy, and later was the philosopher Hermotimus of Galzomenae. It is not utterly unknown to Christian teaching, if we take the simple statement of Christ, when questioned whether John the Baptist was Elijah or Elias reborn: “If ye will receive it, this is Elias which was for to come,” and He follows up the statement with the significant words: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” In later Jewish tradition, the idea is known, and the Talmud mentions several cases of reincarnation. (more…)

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More On The Dangers of Atomic Detonation And The Fall of Lucifer


Here is a short synopsis of Maldek also known as Lucifer by George King (also see Maldek and Malona):

“Hundreds of thousands of years ago there was another planet in this Solar System, about the size of Earth, which made its orbit between Mars and Jupiter. It was a green prosperous world inhabited by a people who had not reached a state of really advanced culture, but had nevertheless attained a stage which afforded an abundance of necessities which made life comparatively comfortable for all.

They studied the philosophies and dabbled in the sciences as do we, except that these people were more advanced in many ways than we are. The planet was so highly mechanized that robots took care of all the menial tasks. The inhabitants had discovered a rudimentary form of space travel, and could control their weather so that drought and famine became long forgotten. The majority, having an abundance of food, and having no menial tasks to perform, soon became content to while away their time in the sun. They became, in comparison with higher planetary cultures, a selfish, lackadaisical people seeking after their own enjoyment, as do the majority of people on Earth today.

Then the disease came. (more…)

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Nuclear Energy And Planet Earth

Atomic-Energy-and-Planet-Earth-main-4-postby Wendelle C. Stevens

A UFO contactee in Minnesota, who also is told by his entirely human extraterrestrial visitors that they are coming from what we call the Pleiades, who has been visited by them since his first abduction in 1958, has carried on extensive dialogues on scientific and technical subjects so profound that he had to enroll in college physics courses to learn enough to grasp what they were trying to explain to him.

They told him that our toying with the atom was our greatest danger, and worse, our scientists had no knowledge of the dangers they were introducing in our world.

At those extraterrestrials’ suggestion, he produced a monograph on “Nuclear Energy vs. Planet Earth”, and sought to bring it to the attention of science circles and open minds wherever he could. And to give this emphasis, they the ETs told him in advance what our survey team sent to the South Pole to study the recently discovered hole in the ionosphere over the Antarctic would find.

This monograph was written in August 1986, as a team was being prepared for the expedition to Antarctica to try to find out what is causing the hole discovered by the IRAS satellite in 1979 and growing.

A copy of that monograph is reproduced here for your review: (more…)

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Swedish Mystic: Emanuel Swedenborg

Swedenborg-main-4-postby Michael Talbot

Born in 1688, Swedenborg was the Leonardo da Vinci of his era. In his early years he studied science. He was the leading mathematician in Sweden, spoke nine languages, was an engraver, a politician, an astronomer, and a businessman, built watches and microscopes as a hobby, wrote books on Emmanuel-Swedenborgmetallurgy, color theory, commerce, economics, physics, chemistry, mining, and anatomy, and invented prototypes for the airplane and the submarine.

Throughout all of this he also meditated regularly, and when he reached middle age, developed the ability to enter deep trances during which he left his body and visited what appeared to him to be heaven and conversed with “angels” and “spirits.”

That Swedenborg was experiencing something profound during these journeys, there can be no doubt. He became so famous for this ability that the queen of Sweden asked him to find out why her deceased brother had neglected to respond to a letter she had sent him before his death. Swedenborg promised to consult the deceased and the next day returned with a message which the queen confessed contained information only she and her dead brother knew.

Swedenborg performed this service several times for various individuals who sought his help, and on another occasion told a widow where to find a secret compartment in her deceased husband’s desk in which she found some desperately needed documents. So well known was this latter incident that it inspired the German philosopher Immanuel Kant to write an entire book on Swedenborg entitled Dreams of a Spirit-Seer. (more…)

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Fringe Dweller on the Night Shift

Fringe-Dweller-On-The-Night-Shift-mainTrue Stories From An Afterlife Paramedic (Above Artwork by Monica Holy)

by Monica Holy

“By day, Monica Holy’s life looks like millions of others. She paints, jogs, talks to friends, and worries about her children. Her nightlife is a different story. It is there, in a world she enters through the portal of lucid dreams, that she works to conduct the newly dead – especially young and/or troubled souls – to the other side. She provides emergency relief. She brings back messages from the world beyond. She works to connect the entire human community to the divine expression of all that is.”

I am in the matrix. For me to be here means that a lost soul is ready to go home.

I have a vague corporeal structure—my ethereal body—with just enough form to appear human. I’m fringe dweller on the night shift bookholding the hand of the person I’m leading. In the darkness that surrounds us, we head toward the cone of brilliant light that lies ahead. The light intensifies as we draw closer, becoming brighter than any sun that human eyes have seen, yet its brilliance does not spill out of its own form to light the space around it. The light is held within itself, waiting for the return of the spirit that approaches, waiting to bring the spirit home.

As we travel together, I feel the ineffable love that radiates from the cone of light—an overwhelming sense of peace, calm, wonder, compassion, and wellness. Our joy increases as we come yet closer, and all fear and hesitation is forgotten.

My being opens in wonder and innocence. I am free to be as vulnerable as a newborn, without fear of judgment. Waves of ecstasy wash through me and back again to the light from which they came in an exchange of pure and all-consuming love. In a fraction of a moment I know what it means to be at one with something. I am filled with a sense of connection to everyone and everything—the source of all that is. (more…)

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Bizarre-Looking Star Just Got Weirder And Yes It Could Be Aliens

dyson sphere

Three months ago, news broke that a giant “alien megastructure” could exist around a bizarre-looking star 1,500 light years away.

While the prospect of aliens was first launched by Penn State astronomer Jason Wright, almost everyone in the astronomy community agreed that the chances that this was the case were “very low.

Now, the latest investigations into this strange star by Louisiana State University astronomer Bradley Schaefer have re-ignited the alien theory, New Scientist reported.

What makes this star, called KIC8462852, so bizarre is the drastic changes in light we see from it over time. Many stars experience temporary fluctuations in brightness, increasing and decreasing in luminosity over time, but KIC8462852’s changes are severe by comparison.

Between 2009 and 2013, astronomers using the Kepler space telescope discovered that it would sometimes lose up to 20% of its brightness. What’s more, the changes didn’t follow any obvious pattern.


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Philosophy: The School of Life

Philosophy-The-School-Of-Life-mainThe profound teachings of the great philosophers lie at the center of this film (playlist) Philosophy: The School of Life. Each segment of the film explores the unique perspectives of legendary thinkers, including those expounded by Plato, Aristotle and Nietzsche. The insights provided by these towering figures remain relevant to our lives even today, and continue to challenge and inform our views on love, greed, conflict, spirituality and the art of being human.

Take the example set forth by Jean-Paul Sartre, one of the most influential and prolific sermonizers of the existentialist movement. Through his novels and essays, Sartre articulated a world view that challenged the status quo and our widely accepted perceptions of reality. He recognized the absurdity in patterns and practices most others held as normal and logic-based. With a great disdain for capitalism and the sheepish obedience it inspired, Sartre urged each human being to open their eyes to the possibilities of freedom by unleashing themselves from the shackles of greed. (more…)

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