The Plane of Illusion


                                                 plane-of-illusion-main-4-post                           THE PLANE OF ILLUSION
                              By Gerardus Tros

        The Plane of Earth we live in... is the Plane of Illusion.
                      This plane of illusion however
                            is a reality system
              that is a valid construction in consciousness.

        The Earth Plane is also called... the Plane of Separation.

     All Things within this Reality System
                 have their own Time... Space... and Form.

                 All Things also... seem to be Independent. (more…)

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Mega Alien ‘Dyson Sphere’ Structure Found Surrounding a Star

dyson_sphere mainby UFO Sightings Hotspot

Researchers have revealed a ‘bizarre’ star they say could be surrounded by a huge alien mega structure.

KIC 8462852 located between two constellations Cygnus and Lyra and 1480 light-years away, was monitored by the Kepler Space Telescope for more than four years, beginning in 2009.

Now researchers say they cannot explain strange fluctuations in the light it emits – leading some to claim it could have a huge alien mega structure in front of it.


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The Forecourts of Heaven

Jurgen-pic-4by Jurgen Ziewe

‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known’ ~Carl Sagan

In my previous book, I submitted several detailed reports concerning the highest levels of the Astral or higher dimensional regions, which, by most people who find themselves here for the first time, is seen as Heaven itself. There are crucial characteristics missing though, which distinguishes it from Vistas of Infinity Bookthe much higher levels of Consciousness that can only be reached after the identification with our ego has been surrendered and all attachments that bind us to any remaining desires have been severed. These are regarded as the true Vistas of Heaven, as we shall see later.

Nevertheless, these realms are extraordinarily sublime, symmetrical and beautiful, characterized by interplaying harmonies that are not quite as apparent on the less energized levels, which still can be extremely beautiful though. Over the years I have taken notes and created many images inspired by this region. Short of repeating one or two reports from my previous book, none of my notes I have taken since then will make a consistent narrative to provide a comprehensive image via one report alone of what these higher realms have to offer. Often I have simply locked these impressions in my soul and later reproduced them as digital paintings, though on their way down into that format they rarely looked like their original, but I feel I have still managed to put across the key impressions. (more…)

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Biophotonics – The Science Behind Energy Healing, Part II

biophotons-mainHow Light Interacts With Biology
Biophotons and the work of Prof Fritz-Albert Popp

by Katrin Geist

Fritz-Albert Popp shared the fate of many an ingenious person: he got fired and ridiculed for a revolutionary rediscovery: cells contain and emit light. And what goes for cells also holds true for whole organisms, including humans. Everything living constantly emits an ultra-weak radiation. Popp called it biophoton emission, indicating its biological origin. To illustrate how weak this light is: it would equal still seeing a candle flame at a 20 km distance. This highlights a major challenge in science: it can only ever measure phenomena detectable by current equipment. Popp had long worked on developing a machine sensitive enough to detect single photon events. Beginning with cucumber seedlings, he measured low level light emissions (biophotons) coming from these plants when put into his photomultiplier machine (Fig. 6), a technology based on work by Albert Einstein who received the Nobel Prize for it in 1921. Popp noticed that any organism he tested emitted a weak light, and it is well established today that this pertains to all life forms (Bischof 1995).

What did this light emission mean? What could its function be? And could anything of such low intensity really matter to organisms?


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Misconceptions About Life After Death

life after death mainExcerpt from Vistas of Infinity: How To Enjoy Life When You Are Dead
by Jurgen Ziewe

“Afterlife states are as numerous as human beings, and as complex. The most important things we Vistas of Infinity Bookwill have to reassess, and most probably shake off, is a widely held belief that our afterlife will magically change everything and reset all our parameters. Individual reports by near-death-experiencers and channelling mediums are very specific and will almost certainly never apply to ourselves. Some of the medium reports I found were very confirmative to what I have experienced. There is still the rather romantic view that with the end of our life our suffering will come to an end and we will live in eternal peace. RIP is a fallacy which has been implanted in us from early childhood, mainly as a result of ignorance and, our inability to look beyond the great curtain. When people proclaim at funeral services, ‘Well, at least now he/she is at peace’, mostly this is not the case unless the deceased was already at peace at the time of death. What in fact happens is that nothing changes and at the same time everything changes in some ways.

My perception when visiting ‘tourist city’ was that I was indeed on a level in which most decent people’ would probably find themselves when they had finished on Earth and had dealt with all their various personal issues. Though this is not a given. Again and again I was directed into regions to take note of all the things that many will need to face before they are in a position to relish the beautiful land and its people. I found that with the majority of people who are mostly driven by powerful needs for self-gratification and subjected to strong drives over which they have little control, their first encounter with the afterlife reality is anything but the proverbial Summer-Land. (more…)

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Talking With The Planets by Nikola Tesla

talking-with-planets-mainCollier’s Weekly, February 9, 1901

Whence, then, does it come? Who knows?  Who can assign limits to the subtlety of nature’s influences?  Perhaps, if we could clearly perceive all the intricate mechanism of the glorious spectacle that is continually unfolding before us, and could, also, trace this desire to its distant origin, we might find it in the sorrowful vibrations of the earth which began when it parted from its celestial parent.

But in this age of reason it is not astonishing to find persons who scoff at the very thought of effecting communication with a planet.  First of all, the argument is made that there is only a small probability of other planets being inhabited at all.  This argument has never appealed to me.  In the solar system, there seem to be only two planets–Venus and Mars–capable of sustaining life such as ours: but this does not mean that there might not be on all of them some other forms of life.  Chemical processes may be maintained without the aid of oxygen, and it is still a question whether chemical processes are absolutely necessary for the sustenance of organized beings.  My idea is that the development of life must lead to forms of existence that will be possible without nourishment and which will not be shackled by consequent limitations.  Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance of its life functions from the environment, instead of through consumption of food, and transforming, by a complicated process, the energy of chemical combinations into life-sustaining energy?


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Natural Gateways to the Afterlife

Vistas-of-Infinity---mainExcerpt from Vistas of Infinity by Jurgen ZieweVistas of Infinity Book

Most of us are travelling on a train without knowing its destination or when it will arrive. Everybody is fighting for the most comfortable seat and a place by the window so we can distract ourselves by watching the world go by. We keep the fear of the great unknown at arm’s length in some distant future by using drugs, fixations and entertainment and continuously trying to pretend that we are immortal and that death only happens to others or in some almost unreachable future. And while we idle away our time with distractions our train is closing in on its inevitable destination with every hour that passes. ~ Jurgen Ziewe

“Dreams are our natural gateway into the world that awaits us after death. The problem is that dreams are also the fantasies we invent, the storylines through which we narrate our unresolved conflicts and confront our hidden demons. Our dreams are largely our own inventions which quickly dissolve into puffs of smoke. We can safely say that most of our dreams are the processing engines of our unconscious — without this processing we would hardly be able to function — and yet they can be so much more. (more…)

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Voice of Wisdom by Thoth the Atlantean

Yu-4-mainHow Thoth Explored the Far Reaches of Space Many Thousand Years Ago
(Excerpted from the Emerald Tablets)

Listen ye, O man, to the voice of wisdom,
listen to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Long time ago, I in my childhood,
lay ‘neath the stars on long-buried Atlantis,
dreaming of mysteries far above men.

Then in my heart there grew a great longing
to conquer the pathway that led to the stars.
Year after year, I sought after wisdom,
seeking new knowledge, following the way,
until at last my soul, in great travail,
broke from its bondage and bounded away.


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Yada Speaks – Part I

Yugaby Mark Russell Bell

Yada Speaks or The 500,000 Year Old Wisdom of E Yada di Shi-ite (1979) features transcripts of 18 channeled lectures from Yada along with a concluding lecture from Professor Alfred Luntz.  The book was introduced, edited and transcribed by Ralph G. Warren.  Yada spoke as one among a variety of transcendental ‘teachers’ of “The Inner Circle” using the body of Mark Probert as a channel.  A quotation selected for the title page reminds the reader that these communicators in their discourses were attempting “to describe the indescribable” including what we might refer to as the ‘afterlife.’  In a profile article about Mark Probert, Warren quoted Yada:

“I am E Yada Di Shi’ite.  I lived 500,000 years ago in the Himalaya mountains in a civilization called Yuga, meaning vast body.  My city was Kaoti, meaning city of temples.  I was a Kata or priest of the temples until I became a Yada or spirit light of the order of Shi’ite.  The Shi’ite order exists today.  There were 180 million people in my civilization, not monkeys.  Yuga was destroyed by a terrible earthquake which killed 80 million people.  My body was crushed by a wall of the temple—squashed me like a fly.  But I took my body with me . . . .”


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Son Of The Sun by Orfeo Angelucci

After covering UFOs, alien abduction and many other paranormal subjects for over 25 years, I thought I’d seen it all. But once again, publisher, editor, writer and talk show host Timothy Green Beckley has shown me just how wrong that assumption can be. Tim recently sent me a book that contains two full-length tomes by the late contactee Orfeo Angelucci combined in one volume. Though the books were originally published in the 1950s, they contain so much that is relevant and precious about UFO contact and the mortals who come under their purview for reasons they themselves do not comprehend. 

In the case of Orfeo Angelucci, I would hazard a guess that he was chosen because of his sincere, guileless innocence. Orfeo was 39 years old when he had his first consciously-recalled alien encounter, but there is an undeniable childlike quality that comes across in his writing that makes it difficult to imagine he was seeking fame or attention or money. He honestly believed that the Space Brothers – who had walked into his life from out of the blue – had charged him with the mission of making their presence and good intentions for mankind known. 


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Five ET Species Visiting Earth

ET-Visitors-Main-4-postby Locklip

While it is often believed that most aliens are an unfriendly bunch, there are a few species that have been on Earth for centuries who serve to disprove this claim. Some of the more friendly alien species are listed below.


It’s a widely held belief that the Lyrans are our oldest ancestors. In fact, there are those that believe that the Lyrans were actually the first “humans” to form a civilization in the Milky Way galaxy.

The world famous Billy Meier was one of the first people to talk about Lyrans. He claims that they revealed to him their origins and story. He was extremely gracious to share this story with mankind.

Mr. Meier reports that:

“They have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as originating in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we refer to human beings from what we call the Pleiades.

“These early Lyrans during their numerous migrations in their great Space Arks went to many other star systems and found suitable habitations, and put down colonies, such of which flourished and eventually launched their own space travelers.”

Many millennia ago, their civilization achieved an advanced technological level. Conflicts between different factions turned into an all-out war. The situation escalated to such a point that many fled and colonized Hyades, the Pleiades and the Vega systems. (more…)

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Sleeping Giants In Stasis Chambers Ready To Awaken

sleeping-giant-main-4-postWritten by Dr Michael Salla

In the latest Cosmic Disclosure episode on Gaiam TV, Corey Goode makes some startling claims about sleeping giants located in stasis chambers hidden all around the world. He says that during his down-time in secret space program assignments (1987-2007) he would review information on “smart glass pads.” The pads were a Wikipedia-like repository of information that personnel in the Solar Warden and other secret space programs could access about various aspects of ancient Earth history, extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, etc. Goode described seeing information about giants that once lived on Earth, now sleeping in stasis chambers.

Goode described stasis chambers as being originally built by an “Ancient Builder Race” who used crystal technologies to create time bubbles in which the flow of time on the inside is much slower than the outside. Thirty minutes can elapse inside the time bubble, while 30,000 years speed by on the outside according to Goode. He said that these stasis chambers with perfectly preserved giants inside them had been found all over the world. (more…)

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Multidimensional Man: Super Dimensional Excursion

Superdimensional-Excursion-main-4-postby Jurgen Ziewe

“Take me to the Cities!”

This is an excerpt of a recent Super Dimensional excursion. The initiation to the experience was extremely personal and started hours before whilst I was shopping. I feel somewhat reluctant to share it at this point, as I feel the circumstances may distract from the facts about the super dimensions I am trying to explore and convey.

10th September 2011

“….I was floating through a green valley along a river. Its banks were lined with lush vegetation merging from beds of pure colors rising like morning mists into the air. These in turn transformed into gentle symmetrical shapes, morphing patterns of incredible beauty and complexity. The river valley was lined with steep translucent rock- like flint or amber, its colors affected by the subtle changes of the atmosphere and mutating through different hues. The rock, which turned out to be not like rock at all, sprouted gossamer protrusions which waved in the air and gently fell down and rose up again at the river banks as if stirred by a celestial wind. I marveled at the sublime complexity and the synchronized display around me. It all felt as if it was made to play tribute to me, a traveling point of awareness. (more…)

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The Seven Root Races by Madame Blavatsky

the-seven-root-races-main-2-postA Brief Overview Compiled by Campbell M. Gold


According to the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, there will be seven root races associated with the Earth – with each root race being divided into seven sub-races.

The seven root races are noted as:

1) 1st root race – Astral/Etheric
2) 2nd root race – Hyperboreans
3) 3rd root race – Lemurians
4) 4th root race – Atlanteans
5) 5th root race – Aryans
6) 6th root race – Yet to appear
7) 7th root race – Yet to appear

To date, only five root races have appeared on the earth, and the 6th root race is predicted by theosophists to emerge in the 28th century. The 7th root race will only appear several million years in the future. (more…)

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Daniel Fry’s “The White Sands Incident”

Daniel-Frys-UFO-4-post-2Daniel W. Fry was an engineer and contactee like George Adamski who writes, “The object was now very close, and I could see that it was an ovate spheroid about thirty feet in diameter at the equator or largest part. It was now traveling at not more than fifteen or twenty miles per hour and seemed to be decelerating at a rate that would bring it to zero velocity by the time it reached the ground. I could also see that unless it changed course, it would miss me by at least fifty feet. Somewhat reassured by its slowness of motion, I remained where I was and watched it glide in as lightly as a bit of thistle down floating in the breeze and settle to the ground about seventy feet away without the slightest bump or jar. Except for the crackling of brush beneath it, it hadn’t made a sound. For perhaps twenty or thirty seconds I stood staring at it like a child at his first circus performance.”

Daniel Fry“I have been working for some years in the field of rocket and other missile development, and through my work and connections at White Sands, I had thought that I was fairly well acquainted with most of the developments in the aircraft field. But here was a craft so far advanced over anything I had ever heard of, that I felt like the backwoods farmer who, on first seeing a giraffe, said, “Well I see it, but I don’t believe it.” My first conscious thought was, “if the Russians have ships like this, God help America!” But with the thought came the realization that this could not be a craft from Russia, or anywhere else on earth for that matter; for whoever had built this craft had solved a lot of problems of which our best physicists are only beginning to dream.”

“The ship’s operation was silent. There had been no thrumming of propellers, any flash and roar of incandescent gases being hurled from nozzles to produce thrust. The ship had simply coasted quietly in from the “great blue yonder” and settled gently to earth. Perhaps that was the answer. The craft had been coming down since I first saw it. Perhaps it was just gliding in; but before landing it had slowed down to only a few miles per hour and had shown no evidence of falling. Only a helicopter or a “lighter than air craft” could do this, but there were no propeller blades whatever on this vehicle and the fact that the brush was crushed flat under it when it settled to the ground proved conclusively that this was no “lighter than air” craft. Whatever this vehicle was and whatever else it could do, it could land.” His book is called “The White Sands Incident.” The most complete story of Daniel’s experiences is now available in an eBook. (more…)

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