Heaven and Hell — are they real places, or are they fantasies invented to inspire good behavior and overcome our fear of dying? In my new book, Heaven and Hell Unveiled: Updates from the World of Spirit, I share the bounty of 30 years of research. I allow deceased human beings, our “spirit friends,” speaking through reputable mediums to describe their actual worlds. And what they tell us would revolutionize the world’s religions if they would listen.
Our brothers and sisters in the afterlife are not “resting,” as Christian theology often asserts. They live in a world of infinite possibility, and their wills are as free over there as here. They are busy beings, and some are climbing toward higher realms while others languish. Suffering in the afterworld, not just joy, can be intense; it exists to awaken souls to their mistakes so they will long for the happiness of those higher spheres, where corruption doesn’t exist.
Those realms where love reigns will come vividly alive in this book — as will those unhappy places where it doesn’t. (more…)