Tartaria: The Hidden Empire
by David Vanderper
What Is Tartaria?
Tartaria (originally pronounced “Tataria” without the first “r”) is the name of the pre-Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entire northern hemisphere. Great Tartaria was the largest empire during its time and would have still been the largest empire today. The Tartarian Empire flourished due in part of the civilization being a leader in advanced technology, free energy, and grand architecture.
Tartaria is also where the Greek word “Tartarus” originated from.
The denotation of lost souls spending eternity in Tartarus the underworld is due to the Tartarian Empire having been buried and wiped out during the mud flood. The world of the Tartarians is literally the world under our world. The underworld. Tartarus wasn’t the underworld and will never be the underworld. Tartaria is the underworld. The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out the Tartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the “underworld” if they challenged the religious authority. (more…)
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Star Wards: Welcome Home Earthman ~ Part II
by Richard T. Miller
Earth became sort of a private preserve for the Galactic Survey to study. Apparently, there were beacons out in space that warned other spaceships away from the area, etc., advising them not to land on the planet or contact its people. (You might say – don’t land, the natives are restless.)
They felt there had to be a continuous observation of the planet, the people, and the children that would be growing up in succeeding generations. The Confederation later decided to put some fixed installations of their own on Earth because they couldn’t keep a ship circling overhead continuously. They did construct some hidden, fixed installations on Earth and staffed them.
But they found out something very interesting. After the first staff had been on Earth for almost a year, they started bickering with one another. They studied this abnormal behavior and discovered that it took a little over nine months for whatever it was affecting the Earth to start affecting their people staffing the installations. They set up a schedule where they rotated their staff each six months at each installation. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, True History of Man, UFOswith 1 comment.
The Community Life Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
All the scientific analyses of the life of primitive man intimate that in the beginning of his earthly existence he lived separately and suspiciously isolated from others in the bows of trees or in caves along the banks of rivers until he learned whom he might trust among all the creatures of the animal kingdom. And we are told that he learned to trust a few animals of species lower than man and learned to trust a few of his companions and that eventually he domesticated the few animals he could trust and made friends of the men and women he could trust and these he gathered together in his immediate vicinity and constituted them as the elements of his community life. (more…)
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Star Wards: Welcome Home Earthman
by Richard T. Miller
[These events took place in] Detroit, Michigan in the summer of 1954. This fellow, George Hunt (Rick) Williamson, came to Detroit to talk on communicating with space intelligences by short-wave radio. He told a story about how he and a fellow who was a telegrapher with the Santa Fe Railroad in Arizona, also a ham radio operator, had gotten in touch with UFOs using this fellow’s ham radio equipment. They had communicated by International Morse Code and had received intelligent replies.
My ham radio buddies and I went to hear Williamson’s talk. Afterwards, we introduced ourselves and said we were interested. Could he tell us what frequency they had used. He gave us a list of the frequencies. We said we would listen for any type of communication on those frequencies. He asked if we would let him know if anything occurred. I said he would be the first to know; just let us know how we could reach him. He gave us his itinerary, as he was on a lecture tour. (more…)
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Cancer Alternative Therapies
by Ralph R. Hovnanian
“Every man his own doctor.” – 1830’s US slogan
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, & which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation without investigation.” – Herbert Spencer
“The mind of the bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
“Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning; a rose is beautiful in whatever garden it may bloom.” – Abdul Baha
The most frequent criticism of Alternative, Unorthodox, “Unproven”, Therapies of Cancer is that they are based on anecdotal evidence, rather than double blind controlled clinical trials, with statistical confidence. This treatise [see link below] is intended to calm that criticism, by harvesting from the literature sundry & such statistics, & standardizing them into an assimilatable “Table I Matrix” herein. (more…)
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The Mental And Psychic Development Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
Aside from what we know of the descendants of the Lemurians and through a study of them discover the high degree of development achieved by their ancestors, there are many ancient records which refer to, and fairly accurately describe, the mental and spiritual development of the people at the time that Lemuria was in the height of its power. Ever must we keep in mind the fact that the civilization of Lemuria had developed through aeons of time. Europe may speak of its long periods of culture, and Rome and Athens may speak of the great heritage which was theirs, and even Egypt may boast of a long period of intellectual development, while we in America rejoice in the fact that there are some centuries of culture and development back of our present generation; but when Lemuria was in the height of her power she could boast of thousands of centuries of development.
In addition to the long period of time through which the Lemurians had learned the lessons of life and attained mastership through perseverance, industry, study and cooperation with the highest laws, they had the advantage of being free from the contaminating influence of false knowledge and a material conception of life. (more…)
Posted in Lemuria, Other Topics, True History of Manwith 2 comments.
Immunization: A Medical Ticking Time Bomb?
by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.
I know, as I write that line, that this concept is one that you may find difficult to accept. Immunizations have been so artfully and aggressively marketed that most parents believe them to be the “miracle” that has eliminated many once-feared diseases. Consequently, for anyone to oppose them borders on the foolhardy. For a pediatrician to attack what has become the “bread and butter” of pediatric practice is equivalent to a priest’s denying the infallibility of the pope.
Knowing that, I can only hope that you will keep an open mind while I present my case. Much of what you have been led to believe about immunizations simply isn’t true. I not only have grave misgivings about them; if I were to follow my deep convictions in writing this, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child. I won’t do that, because parents in about half the states have lost the right to make that choice. Doctors, not politicians, have successfully lobbied for laws that force parents to immunize their children as a prerequisite for admission to school. (more…)
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Excursions To The Spirit World ~ Part II
by Frederick C. Sculthorp
The Earth-like Spheres
Apart from the lower, dull states there are a number of spheres of normal brightness, earth-like in a better way, where the spirits enjoy themselves, getting accustomed to the many possibilities of the spirit world. It is difficult to describe these easy-going states as they are neither backward nor advanced.
Generally speaking, all spirits keep to a habit of thought or way of living for a time as during earth life. The countryman prefers the open spaces and the townsman the built-up areas. Some towns I saw were crowded, especially where there is a shopping center as on earth.
There is also traffic on the roads but in this particular state it consisted mainly of those who were road-minded on earth. Once I found it interesting and rather funny, like other onlookers, to watch this passing show of traffic. Among the usual cars there were quite a number that were evidently the result of enthusiastic do-it-yourself builders. (more…)
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The Role Of Vibrational Therapy In Medicine
by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, Dr. W. Nelson
The Information Field
Due to current research in physics, the idea that energy and consciousness drive creation is finally becoming well known and accepted. The “information field” in biology is one of these new/old concepts. The chemicals that make up human bodies cannot create a working human on their own; they need an organizer, the information field. Since matter is less than a billionth of the cosmos, it makes sense that energy is the organizer. Doctors tend to ignore this fact and concentrate only on the physical matter of bodies when dealing with health.
The word “information” literally means to give form to the material. It follows, then, that disease is a disruption or distortion of this information or energy. Healing would involve putting this energy back into harmony and order, as is the case with Energy or Vibrational Medicine. (more…)
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Historical Origins Of Man
by Werner Schroeder
During the first two Golden Ages mankind enjoyed a semi-tropical, even climate. There were no storms and adverse weather conditions to combat. Also, there was perfect harmony and rhythm in the change of the seasons. The four seasons served to give variation in color and design, as well as variations in types of harvest.
Lush foliage covered the ground; there were no weeds, bugs, insects, vermin, or diseases. Also, no volcanoes were present. All volcanic action is due to the antipathy between elementals and mankind, whom they had come in such love to serve.
Animals, as we know them today, were not yet in existence. They only began to appear after humanity had generated the discord that followed the first two Golden Ages. Birds, however, fall under a separate category. They were created by Ascended Beings as messengers to mankind. Some did later take on some human qualities, which accounts for their destructive activities. (more…)
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Inspirational Quotes For The New Year
by Shi Wuling
A line drawn on water
vanishes in an instant.
Our lives are like that line on the water.
Life is short.
Do not waste it.
Ego, self-importance
keep us from forgiving others,
from forgiving ourselves.
Pride, arrogance keep us
from making peace with others,
from making peace with ourselves.
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Reincarnation: Life Returns Unceasingly
by Rendol Snell
The old conception of the Creator as a big, superior kind of man, who spoke face to face with wise men of old, telling them the plan of creation and destiny of the world, has been outgrown, so that it is the privilege of any person to investigate for himself the great problem, “What am I?”
Science has been making great strides to solve the mysteries of nature but there yet remain many problems unsolved. One of these is the origin and nature of life and the important question of life after death. A few paragraphs here will be devoted to explaining the theory or, better, hypothesis of reincarnation and some problems connected therewith.
To put the matter in simple words, the writer believes that life returns again and again on the earth. Not only human life but all life.
This theory, under the name “transmigration,” was taught by Buddhism in a crude form and is believed in by at least one-third of the population of the earth, who are more or less under the influence of Buddhist teaching. Like all great fundamental ideas, there are perhaps few parts of the earth where the idea has not been present in some dim fashion. (more…)
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Embraced By Angels
by William A. Burt
Out Of The Darkness
Michael Bryant’s encounter with an angel – a small, gentle Hispanic lady with a soft voice and comforting hands – was truly a life-altering experience when he was at his lowest ebb one lonely Christmas just a few years ago.
He describes his amazing encounter in a moving letter to the Miami Herald:
“For almost four years now, I can’t think of my accident without thinking of her.
“She came out of the darkness to help me out of a car wreck that should have killed me, and comforted me until the ambulance came.
“She stayed with me until the police handcuffed me and took me away. I would later be charged with DUI, my life was about to change, and I was forced to take a deeper look inward. (more…)
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Insights Into The Afterlife
Questions and Answers on What to Expect
by Nora M. Spurgin
My interest in writing this booklet was inspired by the life and death of a dear friend. For most of the five years she had battled cancer, Linna believed that she would conquer the fearful stalker; but in the end, she accepted that she was going to die. It was the process of her preparation to die that prompted a desire in me to share with others the understandings which she gained in anticipating the next life. Linna and I were friends and colleagues. She was an educator and a woman of determination. It was a shock to all of her friends when she was diagnosed with cancer. I remember visiting her in the hospital where she joked, “We always thought I was the invincible one, so we have life insurance on my husband!”
Following surgery and a course of chemotherapy, Linna began a new life. It was a life with greater awareness of its value. She looked at her relationships with family and friends with new eyes. She pondered the things she wanted to accomplish and those things which were of less importance. She sought changes in her life and habits to bring about optimum health. She began meditating and, in so doing, found a place of peace within, as well as a greater spiritual awareness. She made changes in her diet and found friends who prayed for her and introduced her to healing music, writings on positive thinking, healing imagery and internal body cleansing. (more…)
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Over The Threshold
by Dana Howard
On April 29, 1955, the beautiful DIANE made an impressive appearance upon the stage of the Planet Earth. Seventeen years previously (while functioning in my [etheric] twin-body) this same Diane had taken me aboard a gem-studded spaceship preparatory to an obviously teleported flight to Venus. On April 29, 1955, she stood before twenty-seven amazed persons in a corner of the little Church of Divine Light, Los Angeles, California. Several who were present that night have given written testimony to the fact that DIANE was neither an ectoplasmic-built entity, nor was she an apparition.
I quote from a letter from Lucille Points, Los Angeles, “I have had the opportunity of sitting through many materialization seances, but I shall never forget one particular evening this spring when Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler had one of her very interesting and inspiring seances. A beautiful, fleshly being came, rather hesitantly at first, then saying, ‘I am Diane. I come from Venus’. Truly I can say this was the most outstanding experience of my life.” (more…)
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