Types Of Physical Karma – Part II

Types-Of-Physical-Karma-main-4-postby Ann Jaffin

. . . spirit taketh form in mind. Mind becomes the builder. The physical body is the result. 3359-1

Steven Lee Carson, a longtime A.R.E. member and friend in Maryland, was very surprised when an X-ray revealed some unexpected, physical karma. About thirty-five years ago, his dentist became so alarmed when he looked at an X-ray of Steve’s jaw that he sent him to a specialist for a consultation. Although there was no mark on his face, the X-ray showed a hole in his jaw about the size of a dime. The specialist said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had been shot.” Thankfully, it was not cancerous, as was feared.

A few years later, a psychic told Steve that in a past life he had been a journalist in France. He had been murdered because someone thought that he knew too much and would talk. As a child in this life, he was so late in speaking that his parents took him to a doctor. Today Steve is a professional public speaker, journalist, and historian. He feels that the hole in his jaw may be the physical carry-over of a past-life wound, which also manifested emotionally in his childhood from the trauma of being shot for fear he would talk. (more…)

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Types Of Physical Karma

Types-Of-Physical-Karma-main-2-postby Ann Jaffin

Keep the physical fit that the soul may manifest the longer. 294-7

In her classic work on Edgar Cayce’s story of reincarnation and karma, Many Mansions, Dr. Gina Cerminara divided physical karma into three categories: boomerang, organismic, and symbolic. As the name indicates, boomerang karma is an action toward another person that rebounds to the originator of the action. Organismic karma occurs when someone misuses a bodily organ in one life and inherits difficulty with the same organ in another life. Symbolic karma is more subtle and is seen when a past-life wrong yields a more general, chronic, and illusive bodily challenge in a later life. As we explore examples of physical karma from the Cayce readings, we will see some examples of these three different types. (more…)

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Reincarnation: Familial Relationships

Reincarnation-Familial-Relationships-main-2-postby Helen Wambach

We meet someone for the first time and we are instant friends. We shake hands with a stranger and turn away with an unexplained feeling of dislike. Are we just reacting to such clues to similar tastes as the way the stranger is dressed, the expression on his face? Or does it go deeper; are these feelings echoes from the buried memories of our past lives?

I devised a set of questions to see how my subjects responded to the possibility that people in their lives now were known to them in past lives.

Fully 87 percent of all subjects responding to any of the questions [under hypnosis] about their future birth reported that they had known parents, lovers, relatives and friends who were known to them in past lives. Some had more detailed impressions than others, but there was little doubt that my subjects under hypnosis were aware of how they knew people in their lives now from past lives. (more…)

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How Past Life Exploration Can Heal Your Life ~ Part IV

How-Past-Life-Exploration-Can-Heal-Your-Life-Part-IV-main-2-postby Denise Linn


Perhaps more than any other clue, the dynamics of your relationships can offer powerful insights into who you were. We tend to subconsciously and symbolically recreate events from our far past, especially from those experiences that were never resolved. Every reenactment is a way to heal those unsettled situations. For example, when Moses and John were growing up, they were next-door neighbors. They were friends but Moses always tended to resent John, and for some reason John put up with it. One summer the two teens decided to go on a canoe trip together. As they paddled, their canoe overturned and Moses was caught in the current. John, at great effort – and almost at the expense of his own life – was able to rescue Moses.

From that point on their relationship almost magically transformed, and Moses no longer resented his friend. John later discovered that in a past life, they’d both been native South Americans. On a canoe trip during that lifetime, Moses had fallen out of the boat but John didn’t try to save him. Moses had drowned, which caused the lingering resentment in the present time. Reliving the original event shifted the dynamics between them. (Remember, it can be a symbolic or an actual reenactment of the situation. For example, if Moses felt that he was drowning financially and John had saved him, that also might have balanced the original karma.) (more…)

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How Past Life Exploration Can Heal Your Life ~ Part III

Past-Life-Exploration-Part-III-main-2-postby Denise Linn


A song or musical score has the ability to transport us back to the time when we first heard it. A forgotten memory can be conjured simply by listening to a piece that was being played during the event. Just as the music can help us evoke memories from this life, it can also spur remembrances of past lives.

Matt used to always hum the fiddle song “Turkey in the Straw” to himself. He never knew where he’d heard it, where it was from, or why he even liked it until he was at a gold-rush museum and realized that the same song was playing in the background. As he listened, he had spontaneous – and emotional – memories of panning for gold during the California gold rush in the mid-1800s. (more…)

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How Past Life Exploration Can Heal Your Life

Past-Life-Exploration-Can-Heal-Your-Life-mainby Denise Linn

In order to heal and empower your present life, it’s helpful to first know who and what you’ve been in previous incarnations. Past life exploration is a highly effective method for traveling deep into the inner recesses of your mind to the place where memories of all your prior existences are stored. It can be a direct path to the soul. As you uncover and heal old wounds from the past—and release self-limiting beliefs—you’ll begin to understand your true purpose and place in the universe.

Is My Past Life Real?

When you embark on a regression, images and memories surface—sometimes in vivid detail. There are numerous documented cases of convincingly accurate details being recalled during past life regressions, which are later validated through historical research. Participants of my seminars have also written to me and explained that they’ve investigated the lives that they saw during group regressions . . . and discovered that their visions were factual. However, most past lives haven’t been recorded making it impossible to find written proof that your experiences before this lifetime were real. (more…)

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Healing The Scars Of Centuries

Healing-The-Scars-Of-Centuries-main-4-postby Joe Fisher

The clinical validity of past life therapy has been established beyond doubt. With increasing regularity over the last forty years, hundreds of thousands of suffering people have been lulled into altered states of consciousness and guided through the veil of time to relive, or view with detached wonderment, critical episodes of former existences – it might be a workhouse in nineteenth-century England, a mud hut in ancient Somalia or a Mayan temple courtyard deep in the Central American jungle.

To match the onrushing change of scenes, the clients of past life therapy find that they assume identities from out of the amnesia of hundreds, even thousands, of years. Anything can – and does – happen. A hearty-voiced plumber might become a lisping peasant girl; a placid secretary could take on the persona of a fierce warrior. Some people observe their transformation as if they were seated in the front row of a theater of the mind; others enter the very body of the character. And then there are those who sense or feel events unfolding from afar. However a past life is perceived, the aim of the therapy is to mine the experience of the soul; to heal through self-understanding. (more…)

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Karma And The Ethics Of Sex

Karma-And-The-Ethics-Of-Sex-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

To find oneself in a human body is to find oneself either male or female. This curious circumstance not only makes life more interesting; it also makes it more complicated.

Sex is, as any student of advertising and publishing knows, a highly intriguing phenomenon, charged with explosive possibilities and accompanied by an infinite number of strange, beautiful, and terrible ramifications. With it are involved the most intense of human emotions: love, hate, jealousy, treachery, betrayal, cruelty, sacrifice, devotion. Suicide and murder frequently take place because of it. Life is brought into being as its consequence. Lives are dramatically and drastically changed through its agency. Little wonder, then, that sex has been the endless thematic source for poetry, song, drama, and literature of every kind in every age.

As with all other realms of human life, the reincarnation idea enables us to see sex on a far wider screen of vision, and at the same time makes clear and reasonable matters that otherwise would seem chaotic and senseless. (more…)

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The Veil Has Been Lifted

The-Veil-Has-Been-Lifted-main-4-postby Brian Weiss, M.D.


I don’t mean simply that we pass on our genes, our beliefs, our mannerisms, and our “ways” to our children and they, in turn, to their children, though of course we do. Nor do I mean that our accomplishments–the work of art, the new way of making shoes, the revolutionary idea, the recipe for blueberry pie–live after us, though of course they do. I mean that the most important part of us, our soul, lives forever…

I believe that each of us possesses a soul that exists after the death of the physical body and that it returns time and time again to other bodies in a progressive effort to reach a higher plane. (One of the questions that comes up frequently is “Where do the souls come from since there are so many more people now than when the world started?” I have posed this question to many patients, and the answer is always the same: This is not the only place where there are souls. There are many dimensions, many different levels of consciousness where there are souls. Why should we feel that we’re the only place? There is no limit to energy; this is one school of many schools. Also, a few patients have told me that souls can split and have simultaneous experiences.)… The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming and to me unassailably conclusive. I have seen it virtually every day in my patient Catherine as she takes me with her to past times as disparate as Arabia in 1863 B.C. and Spain in A.D. 1756. (more…)

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Reincarnation: Mind To Body Karma

Reincarnation-Mind-To-Body-Karma-mainby Gina Cerminara

If we can accept the idea of reincarnation, and the karmic psychology that accompanies it in the Cayce readings, we will see that there must follow, as the night the day, certain important conclusions. It is inevitable that the reincarnation idea will lead us to many changed points of view in our interpretation of life.

One of the major changes would be in our conception of the relation of mind to body. Although modern thinking tends to see body-mind as a hyphenated unit, as two interacting parts of the same whole, nonetheless the materialistic concept still prevails that the body is primary; that the mind cannot exist without the body; and that when the body dies, the mind dies too. In the reincarnationist’s view, all these concepts need to be reversed: the body is not primary, either in time or in causation; the mind has existed before this body came into being; and it will continue to exist after this body dies.

Moreover, if we speak only of body and mind, as it has been fashionable to do ever since the word ‘soul’ was outlawed from scientific respectability, we are speaking with inadequate terms. We will need another word, whether it be “soul,” “spirit,” “atman” (as the Hindus call it), “entity” (as Cayce called it), or “Thetan” (as the Scientologists call it) to designate the persisting part of us that seems to use both body and mind. (more…)

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Taylor Caldwell: A Journey Into The Past

Taylor-Caldwell-Journey-Into-The-Past-mainby Jess Stearn

Taylor Caldwell, the famous English-born novelist, had just turned 70 when she began to speak to her friend, author Jess Stearn, about reincarnation.

“The conversation had not developed out of thin air,” Stearn wrote. “Janet Taylor Caldwell had toyed with the idea of survival for years and her interest was undoubtedly quickened by the recent death of her husband Marcus Reback to whom she had been married for 40 years.”

Marcus died on August 13, 1970, after a lingering illness and a final two weeks in coma during which the doctor had said he was clinically dead. Janet was inconsolable and fell into profound despair which became chronic depression. Despite her wealth and fame she felt her life had been “a monstrous, painful, agonizing affair. . . .” (more…)

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Phobias & Gender Issues: Three Past Life Reincarnation Cases

Three-Cases-Of-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Walter Semkiw, MD



How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Nathul, Burma during the Japanese Occupation

The setting of this case is in the village of Nathul, in Burma. During World War II, the Japanese army occupied Nathul, starting in 1942.

As there was a railroad station nearby, Allied fighters and bombers regularly bombed the area and used machine guns to strafe the ground to kill any Japanese soldiers that were spotted. Attacks would often happen twice a day.

As the Allied planes ran sorties during the day, the Burmese villagers of Nathul would scatter into the countryside in the mornings. The villagers would then return to their homes in the cover of the night’s darkness. The Allied attacks continued through the spring of 1945. (more…)

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The Philosophy Of Choosing Vocations In Reincarnation

The-Philosophy-Of-Vocations-In-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

The vocational histories in the Cayce files raise many questions in the mind of the thoughtful investigator. First of all there is the problem of beginnings—a problem which troubles most reincarnationists as they try to push back to the first emergence of the soul from God. What initially set off one soul in one occupational direction and another soul in another? If the spirits of men originally emanated from Divinity as equal and undifferentiated, why then should one start off in the direction of agriculture, another in trading, a third in textiles, fourth in music, and a fifth in mathematics? Was there some minute element of individuality in each which led to the diversity of human activities that they chose—and if so, what determined that individuality?

Although the Cayce files provide no clear cut answer to this question, they do furnish fairly satisfactory information with respect to another question that suggests itself—namely: what later causes a soul to change from one occupation to another? There are examples of many such changes in the Cayce files, and an analysis of the pertinent data indicates that the transition can be accounted for by either of two basic factors: desire or karmic law. (more…)

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Reincarnation In History

Reincarnation-In-History-main-1-postby Roger Woolger, Ph.D.

Not long ago, I saw a slogan on a bumper sticker: “Reincarnation is having a comeback.” It is a sad fact that the scientific establishment in the United States still marginalizes most work that even hints at realities beyond our own, including regression therapy, parapsychology, and a vast body of research into paranormal phenomena, from out-of-body experiences to children’s spontaneous past-life memories. By clinging to such a narrow protocol, mainstream psychology risks becoming, in George Orwell’s memorable phrase, one of “the smelly little orthodoxies which are now contending for our souls.” Fortunately, in most countries where I have lectured, the general public is far ahead of the academics. Nearly everyone has heard of the doctrine of reincarnation, and recent polls show that almost one in three Americans now believe in it, even though most of the Christian churches reject it. (more…)

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The Cycle Of Necessity

Cycle-Of-Necessity-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

The human life wave is made up of sixty billion spirits or entities. Of this number, about two [nearly eight today] billion incarnate at one time, making up the population of the earth.

The spirit, ego, or self of the human being has been evolving through various forms and conditions for nearly a thousand million years. This vast period of time was used in the perfecting of the physical body as a medium for the expression of the entity in the physical world. The human body as we know it was first distinguishable some fifty million years ago. At that time the entity controlled the body by a rudimentary nervous system which it since has refined to its present degree of subtlety. About twenty-five million years ago the division of the sexes made sight and thought possible in the body. From that period to the present time the entity has been constantly refining the body which serves as the vehicle of its physical expression. Present humanity bears witness to hundreds of millions of years of growth which we see recapitulated in the embryo and fetus. (more…)

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