Reincarnation: Healing The Soul
by Roger Wolger, Ph.D.
Subtle Body Memories: The Etheric Imprint
When we go deeply into a regression, we often have extraordinarily vivid memories of physical pain, contortion, struggle, or dis-empowerment, and we experience all this in a fully embodied consciousness. To feel the phantom pain of having a sword in the side, or of being raped or beheaded, puts us in touch with the deepest level of traumatic residue that has persisted across lifetimes.
Such physical memories often shock us when they surface in a regression, especially when there is nothing to account for them in the current life. The most helpful explanation is that these memories are embedded in the subtle body—literally, the layers of subtle energy that surround and penetrate the physical body. (Some researchers have called it “cellular memory,” but this metaphor unfortunately raises more questions than it answers. The Russian research into the bio-electrical auras around plants, animals, and human bodies, which can be recorded with the technique of Kirlian photography, is more descriptive, speaking of “energy fields” in and around the body, like magnetic fields.) Both past life research and past life therapy have now collected an impressive array of evidence to show that these old traumas, inherited though the subtle body—which I will also call the etheric field or blueprint—consistently re-imprint in the living body as rashes, deformities, birthmarks, weaknesses in certain limbs, or organic disorders such as a weak bladder, a weak heart, gynecological problems, and so on. (more…)
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The Soul’s Unfinished Business
by Roger Woolger, Ph.D.
Working With The Story Behind The Story
The value of remembering past lifetimes is frequently that feelings long buried or blocked can come to the surface and be released. Old fears, as we have seen, can be re-run and found to be baseless: we find that they no longer apply today, that they are simply old stories somehow lodged into the psyche. Generally speaking, it is in lifetimes where there were traumas and severe struggle, or where the life span was cut short, that phobic or traumatic patterns are most likely to be passed on. One of the meanings of the word karma is actually “work”; in contemporary usage I often translate it simply as “the soul’s unfinished business.” The things we failed to do, the setbacks we experienced in one lifetime, seem to be passed on as the soul’s ongoing tasks—work to be redone by the newly incarnating consciousness as it returns to this world in new circumstances and with new opportunities. (more…)
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Past Life Patterns ~ Part III
by Rosemary Ann Guiley
BILL (A PSEUDONYM) is a college student in New England. A native of California born in 1968, he has since early childhood been fascinated by war and the military, and also has felt an affinity with the name “John.” It was neither his real first nor middle name, yet as a child he adopted it as a second middle name and called himself by it.
His family moved around the country while he was growing up, and in Texas, where he finished high school, Bill met a friend who introduced him to reincarnation, metaphysics and other topics of the New Age. Just before he entered college, Bill decided to undergo hypnotic regression as an exploration of himself. The night before, he and his friend meditated together as a way of preparing for it. (more…)
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Past Life Patterns ~ Part II
by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Sex Change
Individuals who go through past-life regression often are surprised to find themselves as the opposite sex. Not all, but some, men have a much more difficult time accepting female lives than women do male lives—a reflection of a pervasive male view of women as inferior. In fact, in some cultures which believe in reincarnation, such as the Druse of Lebanon, men refuse to believe it is possible to reincarnate as women; it is simply unacceptable. In other cultures, such as Burma, it is considered punishment for a man to be reborn as a woman. (more…)
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Past Life Patterns
by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
In 1966, Helen Wambach, an American psychologist and clinical psychiatrist, visited a Quaker memorial in Holly, New Jersey, and suddenly found herself in an altered state of consciousness, and a feeling of being in another time and place came over her.
As I entered the small library room, I saw myself going automatically to the shelf of books and taking one down. I seemed to ‘know’ that this had been my book, and as I looked at the pages, a scene came before my inner eye. I was riding on a mule across a stubbled field, and this book was propped up on the saddle in front of me. The sun was hot on my back, and my clothes were scratchy. I could feel the horse moving under me while I sat in the saddle, deeply absorbed in reading the book propped before me. The book I was reading was a report of a minister’s experience of the between-life state while he was in a coma. I seemed to know the book’s contents before I turned the pages. (more…)
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Past Lives, Present Problems
by Roger Woolger, Ph. D.
Very often, the portal into a past-life memory is a distressing event in our present life that awakens, or triggers, an older or deeper memory. In the prior examples explored here – Wendy’s story of the Indian raid, Cheryl’s fear from the Roman arena, Peter’s adolescent death wish – we saw how events in each of their lives had caused emotional chaos for many years. But we also saw how paying precise attention to the triggering situation in the present could open the door to the past. What follows is the story of a young woman who walked through just such a door. (more…)
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Past Lives: The Story Behind The Story
by Roger Woolger, Ph.D
If you imagine your psyche as a computer, you can think of past lives as old, corrupted programs that interfere with its running. Like unwanted files you cannot delete, they run over and over in the deepest recesses of your psyche, depleting its resources and making it operate ever more slowly, even to the point of shutdown.
The computer of the psyche is a complex system, with many programs running both close to the surface, at a level we’re aware of, and deeper, at a level that’s invisible to us (much like an operating system such as MS-DOS, which depends on masses of files and code we never see until we hit the wrong key by mistake). We might call the superficial level the personality program and the deeper level the soul program. When problems arise in our day-to-day functioning, they may be the result of mistakes we make in our own running of the program at the personality level—user error, if you will—and such problems are easy to fix. When, for example, we are overanxious about being late or blame ourselves excessively for not being tidy enough, we can usually adjust our behaviors by imposing new habits. But problems at the soul level—such as depression, compulsive cleanliness, or irrational phobias about fire, high places, being robbed, and so on—where patterns from past lives lie embedded deep in our psychic history, can cause the equivalent of a computer’s “fatal error”: severe physical and emotional problems in our present lives and serious karmic consequences for the evolution of the soul. (more…)
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Discovering Past Lives
by Michele Guzy, C.Ht.
As increasing attention is focused on past lives, more people are becoming interested in exploring the issue for themselves, in finding out how to unlock their own past-life memories, as well as in learning what benefits to their relationships, outlooks, and professional lives might come from unearthing these memories.
Hopefully the following will assist in that process and it is always advisable to keep a journal or notebook handy as you go through the following to record your reactions so that it may be referred to later for reflection of possible patterns that may lead to unlocking the deadbolts of current conditions that are blocking progress or goals. (more…)
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Learning Of Past Lives Through A Patient
by Brian Weiss
Prior to my experiences with Catherine, I had never even heard of past-life regression therapy. This was not taught when I was at Yale Medical School, nor anywhere else, I was to learn.
I can still vividly remember the first time. I had instructed Catherine to travel backward in time, hoping to discover childhood traumas that had been repressed, or forgotten, and that I felt were causing her current symptoms of anxiety and depression.
She had already reached a deeply hypnotized state, which I had induced by gently relaxing her with my voice. Her concentration was focused on my instructions. (more…)
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Past Lives: Hereditary And Environmental Influences
by Robert C. Smith
Let’s examine the role heredity and environment plays in our lives by looking at the relationship between these influences and the ones we bring with us from our previous incarnations. Thus far, our work has been based on the assumption that our interests and characteristics are strongly shaped by former lives. How, then, do we account for the effects of heredity and environment?
Modern genetics has shown pretty conclusively that we inherit through our genes not only our physical makeup, but many of our mental and psychological traits as well. If this is true, how can we say that past life influences, rather than simple genetics, have caused a person to be fat or thin, a mathematician rather than an artist, or whatever the case may be? (more…)
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Many Lives, Many Loves
by Gina Cerminara
Love being a matter of the relationship of one unit of life to another, it is worth noting that in the Cayce data there is a basic proposition regarding human relationships. It can be stated as follows:
Souls who were closely related in one lifetime tend to meet in other lifetimes. If the relationship was one of love, the love persists; if one of enmity, the enmity must be overcome; if one of obligation, the obligation must be paid.
This is a plausible proposition, surely; for if we grant the continuity of life at all, and the operation of law governing it, it would seem likely that the powerful force of attraction between souls would have its own strong persistence; and wherever there has been hatred, deeds surely must have been done which require karmic rectification and hence a renewed association. Even in a love relationship there is usually a mixture of good and of bad; and all of us must have incurred debts therefore which we must pay, or deserved rewards which must be delivered. (more…)
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Tracing The Rules Of Reincarnation
by Robert C. Smith
We may have hunches about past lives. We may have theories about experiences in another time or place. Some of us may even have vivid past life dreams or flashes of waking recall. But what do such experiences really mean? Can they teach us anything about ourselves and how to live this life more fully? Unless we can answer yes to these questions, the study of past lives may be nothing more than an interesting past time, an indulgence of curiosity about ourselves that has little practical value.
But suppose, on the other hand, that the study of past lives is actually a look into the inner workings of the universe we live in, a glimpse into the purpose and orderliness of life. If this is so, then this investigation is a very important avenue to the answer to two of the most important questions mankind has ever asked: Why is life the way it is, and why am I the way I am? (more…)
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Past Life Influences ~ Part III
by Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover
The following story provides an intriguing and complex illustration of many of the elements of past life memories, influences, and inclinations which have been discussed. It emphasizes the notion that the information becomes available as we have need of it and as we can apply it practically in our lives. Recognizing the source of strong emotional impulses and discovering relationships and karmic patterns that have traversed the limits of time are all part of this experience.
Lisette’s experience spans ten years, from her first spontaneous insight to the reconciliation of deep emotional pain and release of limiting beliefs. It began as an intuitive flashback so emotionally charged that she decided to seek additional guidance through meditation, dreams, past life regressions, and even a professional psychic. Over time, enough clues emerged that Lisette was able to formulate a clear message that she could apply to her life in helpful ways. (more…)
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Awakening Past Life Memories
by Robert C. Smith
Have you ever stepped outside on a warm spring night and found that the balmy air and the light fragrance of early blossoms awakened feelings almost too deep to describe? Or maybe you’ve had the experience of hearing a particular song from the past come on the radio, and all of a sudden that song transports you to another time and place. You not only remember what you were doing when you first heard the song, but you can even remember what you were thinking and feel what you were feeling then.
The sounds, sights, and smells around us—they are such powerful influences on our memories and emotions, and so individual in their effects on us. The same song can bring a happy memory for one person and a painful recollection for another. One person might feel a restless sense of adventure at the sound of a train whistle in the night, while another feels lonely desolation. Even the most common, everyday experiences can produce very different feelings in different people. For example, when you hear a telephone ring, do you experience anticipation? Annoyance? Some other reaction? Or maybe nothing at all? What is it about the sounds, sights, and smells around us that brings forth such a variety of responses from people? Is it something in these perceptions themselves that causes us to react differently from one another, or is it something in us? (more…)
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Past Life Influences ~ Part II
by Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover
Enhancing Sensitivity to Past Life Influences
Answering the following questions can prompt an enhanced awareness of past life influences:
- To which countries and cultures do you feel an attraction or repulsion? What styles of furniture, architecture, clothing, and so on do you like? If the furnishing and accessories in your home or workplace reflect an interest in particular cultures, it is likely they are pertinent to a previous incarnation and are having an impact on your present circumstances.
- Do any nationalities or cultures come to mind when you meet a new person? If so, you both may be influenced by shared experiences from a previous lifetime. The dominant characteristics of that culture might give you clues about relating to that individual, based on remembered patterns and tendencies.
- What types of music, art, literature, and food do you most enjoy? Pursuing artistic endeavors is an excellent way to evoke past life talents and memories.
- What patterns do you see in the hobbies and activities you choose? Are there pastimes you share with others? This is a good way to determine the nature of any past life connections you may share.
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