Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors And Their Link To Past Lives
By Bryan Jameison
Although many people are inclined to be controlled by repetitive thoughts and/or behavior patterns, most are not disruptive to their lives. Some simply involve rigid behavior, such as having a too orderly home or strict routine, which, when not followed, leads to feelings of anxiety. Being fastidiously clean, gambling, stalking, “unnecessary” shopping, and “workaholicism” are but a few of the of the behaviors classified as compulsions. If the behavior controls the person rather than the person controlling the behavior, the person possibly may need professional intervention to rid himself of this behavior. Thus far, it appears that most compulsions and/or obsessions have their root causes in this or one or more of their past lives.
For example, there are some people who feel they never can get themselves or their surroundings clean enough. In spite of the fact they may spend endless hours cleaning, they are never satisfied with the results. This compulsion often manifests in the form of taking numerous daily showers, constantly washing their hands or spending hours in the bathtub not just soaking, but thoroughly scrubbing themselves. Washing the kitchen floor or vacuuming the rug five or six time a day is another common behavior these people display. Regardless of how often they do this, they still perceive their houses and/or themselves as unclean.
This behavior frequently is traceable to some experience in which they lived and/or worked in unbelievable filth and squalor, or were victims of various forms of sexual abuse in either this or other lives. (It’s usually the victim who feels dirty after being sexually abused, and sadly, no amount of washing will remove these dirty feelings because they have nothing to do with the physical body.) As any rape victim knows, it takes more than a shower to feel clean again. The real cleansing must take place in the soul. Once that’s accomplished, I’ve noticed the dirty feelings often associated with being defiled and the compulsive need to constantly wash or bathe also disappears. (more…)
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Uncovering Past Lives ~ Part I
When past-life therapy is mentioned, many people reject the idea of looking into a past lifetime for problems. They claim to have enough troubles in the present. However, when they explore present issues and conflicts in therapy sessions, the problems nearly always result from painful events in earlier lifetimes.
In a therapy session we normally don’t direct clients into a past life, but guide them to locate the source of the problems or unwanted conditions in the present time. Their inner mind uncovers the time, place, and circumstances that caused the present-life situation. As we seek the source of current problems, people uncover emotionally painful moments and traumatic events in this or other lifetimes.
Clients seldom find luxury, fame, or wealth in other lifetimes. People claiming to have been past-life personalities such as Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Anne Boleyn, or other notable persons are reported in the supermarket tabloids, but this does not occur in past-life therapy sessions. (more…)
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Past Life Workshop Presentation
Here are the workshop materials presented with our Past Life Workshop on Sunday, the 21st of February at the San Diego Unariuns United Monthly Meetup. This includes the powerpoint presentation given at the start of the class.
We sincerely hope you find these materials and the tools they provide useful in helping you to discern and overcome past life negations that may be influencing your present life. Please let us know if you have any questions in the comments section below.
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Reincarnation ~ Part II
Strong impressions made on the consciousness in a past life often appear in the present in some curious mood or feeling. Sometimes, fears of creeping things, fires, cutting implements, etc., are thus to be accounted for, though sometimes these “phobias” may only be sub-conscious reminders of this life. In the cases where we have no sub-consciousness of the present body appearing, there is sure to have been some shock, resulting it may be, in a violent death, in a past life. The after effects appear now in some uncontrollable fear, or in discomfort in the presence of the object which caused the shock. More strange is the attitude of one individual towards another which is brought over from a past life. Sometimes one sees the strange sight of a girl of ten or twelve taking care of her mother in a maternal way, as though the positions were reversed, and almost as if she had the onerous duty of bringing up her mother in the way she should go. Of a deeper psychological nature is it when, as sometimes happens, a wife mated to a husband who causes her suffering, finds charity towards him possible only when she looks on him not as her husband but as her son. Here we have a reminiscence of a life when he was indeed her child, and his better nature came out towards her in the relation which he bore to her then.
A rather humorous instance of a past recollection is found when there has been between the last life and this a change of sex of the body. In the West especially, where there is a more marked differentiation temperamentally between the sexes than in the East, not infrequently the girl who dislikes playing with dolls, who delights in boy’s games, and is a pronounced tomboy, is really an ego who has just taken up a body of the sex opposite to that with which he has been familiar for many lives. Many a girl has resented her skirts, and it takes such a girl several years before she finally resigns herself to them. Some women there are, on whose face and mode of carriage the last male incarnation seems still fairly visibly portrayed. A similar thing is to be seen in some men, who bring into this life traces of their habits of thought and feeling when last they had women’s bodies. (more…)
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Past Life Therapy ~ Part II
As I see it, the past-life therapist is to the soul what a computer consultant is to the computer. Both attempt to correct whatever is causing the system to malfunction. If hidden bugs and/or viruses are detected therein, each tries to purge them from the operating system. Once this is accomplished, the computer, i.e., the soul, is immediately restored to its true capabilities and ready for a fresh start.
From what I’ve observed, when the emotional imprint of an initial trauma/bug is truly neutralized, a domino effect is created, which automatically triggers the release of other detrimental imprints, which have been incurred during subsequent incarnations. From what I’ve noticed after such a release takes place, the client’s entire spiritual dynamic undergoes a dramatic shift from negative to positive.
As might be expected, after such a spiritual cleansing, the client usually goes through a brief period of adjustment, which may last from two to three weeks. It generally requires about this much time for the regressee to become accustomed to living with his newfound freedom from pain. This adjustment process is very similar to the one a person goes through after being released from an extended prison term, or after ending a bad long-term relationship. Predictably, this sort of shift takes a little getting used to.
To illustrate how this domino effect works, suppose you’ve built a house of cards several stories high. Then imagine pulling the key support card away from the base of the structure. The effect will be the instant and total collapse of all the other cards. In this example, the support card can be compared with the original cause over which many other cards, (deleterious feelings), have been added during many other lifetimes. (more…)
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The Mysterious Reincarnation of Omm Sety
Born in 1904 in the London suburb of Blackheath, Dorothy Louise Eady had a rather normal early childhood until one day that would change her life forever. At the age of 3, Dorothy slipped and tumbled down a flight of stairs. This was no minor spill, as the girl was found to be not breathing and when the panicked parents called the family doctor, their worst fears were confirmed. 3 year-old Dorothy Eady was pronounced dead at the scene, after which she was placed in her bed. The distraught doctor went to fetch a nurse to help him prepare the body for removal. In most cases, this might be the end of the story, but when the doctor returned with the nurse, Dorothy was found to be miraculously sitting up in bed, wide awake and playing as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
Not long after this frightening and bizarre ordeal, little Dorothy began to exhibit unusual and uncharacteristic behavior. She became excessively nervous, jumpy, and withdrawn. She would often hide under or behind furniture and was easily startled by even the most mundane things. She also started saying increasingly bizarre things. On many occasions, she demanded that her parents “take her home,” even when they were at home. She showed a certain sense of wonder and bewilderment at certain everyday items that she had never shown any particular interest in before, and her demeanor became generally more detached and morose. She often awoke from vivid dreams in which she claimed to see ancient buildings with sweeping columns. One day when she was looking at a children’s picture book, she came upon a picture of ancient Egypt and became transfixed by it, staring at it for long periods of time and saying that it was her “other home,” which baffled her worried parents. (more…)
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Past Life Therapy ~ Part I
Who the first person was to recognize the therapeutic benefits of past-life regressions I don’t know. As I discovered many years after beginning my research, there were several others, Edith Fiore and Dick Sutphen among them, who also were conducting similar research. Because of the controversial nature of past-life regression, many of us kept our findings to ourselves for fear of ridicule. During the 60’s and 70’s, the idea of someone exploring his past-lives was considered bizarre. But to make any claim that there also could be a therapeutic benefit from regression would have been too much for most people to accept, especially traditionally trained psychotherapists.
Although I can offer you no prestigious clinical study supporting the effectiveness of past-life therapy, thousands of my clients, and clients of facilitators I’ve trained, have attested to achieving positive and lasting results after experiencing the amazing healing power of past-life therapy. Because of this ongoing and positive feedback, I absolutely have no doubt that past-life therapy is one of the most remarkable methods of healing the soul’s deepest wounds ever discovered and developed.
By reviewing our past lives, we usually can uncover the genesis of compulsions and longstanding emotional blocks that are preventing us from expressing our talents and abilities, fulfilling our desires and achieving our goals. By using past-life therapy (P.L.T.), we are able to neutralize and release the detrimental emotional charges associated with the causal events from the past, which have held us hostage. The result is their effects on our lives almost always are eliminated immediately. After releasing these pent-up feelings, a person usually is able to recover without further therapy, a feat most mental health professionals thought impossible to achieve before P.L.T. was discovered. (more…)
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Phylos The Thibetan: A Dweller On Two Planets
This story was first published in 1894. The preface states that it was written in California between 1884 and 1886 by Frederick S. Oliver under the spirit guidance of Phylos, who after many earthly lives now works in and from the higher realms.
The work is a fascinating account of the two most significant incarnations of Phylos and his nearest companions, showing by these “case histories” the action of the law of Karma, “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”, both good and bad. The laws of the Spiritual Universe, whereby humans are rewarded for their good deeds, and move toward the ultimate elimination of evil by working out the consequences of their had actions, are shown in their slow but unfailing application to individuals. The book is replete with explanations of such problems as the atonement, forgiveness of sins, the “spiritual mechanics” of physical death and of life in the successively expanding post-mortem conditions. Certain episodes will be particularly enlightening to readers who have been led by Jesus’s words, “before Abraham was, I am”, to ponder on the relation of the Timeless Christ to the inhabitants of the earth before His manifestation in Judea.
The swiftly moving story paints an absorbing picture of the customs and daily life in the heyday of a great Atlantean culture, when they utilized scientific knowledge which the present world is just now regaining. (more…)
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The Children Who Swear They’ve Lived Before
… and the details they give which are so astonishing they’re hard to dismiss as make-believe
When she was three years old, a friend’s daughter announced that her real name was Joseph.
At first, her parents thought this was comical, if also slightly puzzling.
But it became alarming as the girl, Sally, insisted she was a boy and that her parents, Anna and Richard, weren’t her real parents and their home city wasn’t her real home.
She was convinced that, as Joseph, she lived in a little house by the sea, with lots of brothers and sisters.
‘She seems so certain,’ Anna told me.
‘Initially, we thought she was playing a make-believe game.
But this isn’t imaginary — it’s almost as if she has memories of when she was a boy called Joseph.
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Seven Ways To Discover Who You Were In A Past Life
Want to Know What Makes You…You?
Who you are now is a direct result of your soul’s past-life experiences. Every lifetime leaves an indelible mark, and has a profound impact on who you are now. To find out what makes you who you are, you must uncover who you were.
Who Was I In My Past Life?
The talents and abilities you developed through your work in previous lifetimes are with you now. Your soul is on a journey with one fundamental mission: to EVOLVE. And each lifetime brings you closer to that goal. That is why it is so important to understand how everything you are, and everything you do, is related to who you were in prior incarnations.
Also learning more about what you were is crucial if you want to live the life your soul intended in this incarnation. There are a variety of ways to explore this. Here are seven techniques to assist in answering the question, “Who was I in my past life and other incarnations?” (more…)
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Principles And Practice of Past Life Therapy
All great truths begin as blasphemies. ~George Bernard Shaw
The following was presented at the Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim, California, by the author-artist Douglas Taylor, through whom members of the Universal Brotherhood are speaking to the class—first providing information about higher spiritual worlds and later supplying individual, past-life readings.
Brothers: “Good evening again, friends, and fellow travelers on the pathway of Spirit, which is leading you onto that spiraling stairway into the stars.
“The stars may seem very distant, very isolated, and yet would you believe the entire physical universe is a combination of vast amounts of energies that are functioning as part of a group consciousness—a Cosmic Mind within which we are each a cell! The turning of the planet in the four different motions in which your Earth is moving is not by chance! These things are all a part of a great plan, a great Cosmic Consciousness, and it is but to see from the inner side of life that these truths become evident.
“From the limited perspective of the person standing on the surface of the planet looking up, they can either see the fear and insecurity of the unknown, or the challenge of the future. The future is always the next step we take in which the doors of perception open up into an entirely new state of consciousness. This is basically how spiritual progression takes place as we constantly select the direction we are moving in, which is either progressively into the future, or backwards into the past. The stream of consciousness is a two-way river—a river that is flowing in a circular motion, spiraling into the more positively-biased evolutionary progression, and also recycling the negative side of this motion into positive energies that can again be reinstated into a healthy relationship with this Infinite Creative Intelligence.” (more…)
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Past Life Therapy: The Many Faces of Fear – Part II
“Fear of fire is another common problem, which often comes up in sessions. A healthy respect for fire is normal, but when one has a severe reaction to it usually it’s because of either being severely injured or killed by fire sometime in the past. This includes such experiences as being burned at the stake, dying in a house or building fire, having been burned or seeing someone else burned in this or some other lifetime. The emotions associated with these causal events often are buried at soul level, where they remain dormant until they are triggered by a future incident at which point they can develop into a full-blown, paralyzing fear.
Because Donna, a thirty-six-year-old woman, actually suffered panic attacks whenever she was around any type of an open flame, she took extreme measures to protect herself. Campfires and weenie roasts definitely were out. For that matter, she had nothing but electrical appliances in her home. In regression she found the cause of her fear was traceable to a past life when, as a child of five, she was trapped in a burning apartment building during World War II. Because her rescuers’ ladders were too short to reach her fourth floor apartment, they couldn’t rescue her. Unable to escape, she quickly was surrounded by flames, which quickly engulfed her. Unlike most others who have found themselves in similar situations and are asphyxiated, she suffered a horrible death by fire. (more…)
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The Girl Who Could Recall Ten Past Lives
by IN 5D
Reincarnation is actually a very widely held belief in the world…but this girl claims to have remembered her previous ten lives.
Could someone actually recall the past ten lives that they had?
From the time Joey Verwey was just three years old, she was telling her family amazing stories that she was able to remember from her previous ten reincarnations. Stories that were so unusual and detailed, there was no way that she could have learned them on her own.
By the time she was five, she was meeting regularly with parapsychology professors, reincarnation gurus, regressive hypnotherapists, and investigative journalists, who all concluded that this innocent child offered the most convincing, modern evidence that reincarnation really exists.
Her first life was a cave dweller about 200 million years ago. She remembers being chased by a dinosaur, and leaving stone and bone tools behind in a cave. Today, she was able to lead investigators to a series of caves in South Africa that she had never seen before. These were the exact same caves where Royal Society Fellow, Robert Bloom, discovered the missing link between apes and humans, Australopithecus Africanus. (more…)
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Past Life Therapy: The Many Faces of Fear
“Nearly everyone has one or more fears that appear to have no logical cause. For example, many people have nothing in their background that would account for their unreasonable fear of the dark, water, bugs or being entrapped in a closed space. Yet, when they confront circumstances that trigger these fears, they often freeze in an immobilizing panic attack, which can be accompanied by sweating, fainting and/or shortness of breath. Although these fears usually do not present a real danger to a person’s life, they often can cripple them to the point whereby they are unable to function in a normal, healthy manner. Because of this, these people feel endangered. As a general rule, most of the devastating fears my clients have encountered are traceable to one or more fleeting, yet extremely traumatic events in their past lives. The one exception to this is the fear of being in small spaces, which I’ve found frequently is caused by long periods of entrapment in a past life.
Regardless of how long my clients have suffered, or how gruesome and frightening their past-life experiences may have been, their fears can be easily neutralized in a matter of a few minutes during regression. Something worth mentioning again is that as the regressees relive the casual events, they do not feel any actual physical pain. By simply releasing their long- suppressed feelings associated with these incidents, they’re freed from the pernicious and often debilitating consequences of their long-forgotten past. (more…)
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Past Life Therapy: Resolving Extreme Fear And Fainting
The Back Street Abortion – by Andy Tomlinson
Often some of my case studies have anonymity and often don’t indicate the severity of each client’s problem. This one was so debilitating and the path to healing so profound that it is told in the client’s own words.
“I first remember feeling faint at a hospital when I was 5 years old and sitting opposite a man with his fingers chopped off. I kept looking at his bleeding hand and his face that was screwed up with pain. The actual fainting first started when I was at school and friends talked about their injuries. When I started to date boys I went to the cinema and on one occasion a rape scene came on. I tried to desperately to dash out, but collapsed on the foyer floor. I fainted if anyone gave birth on TV or if I read about birth in a book, or even if I had to stand in a queue near a pregnant woman. The fainting would be horrible coming without much warning. When I received notice to have a cervical smear I went dizzy. I couldn’t visit anyone in a hospital and would faint before I got in the doorway. If I heard of anyone having an abortion I would faint just thinking about it.
My life became emptier as there was almost nothing left that I was able to do. Emotionally it was like being paralysed. I loved having friends but the fear of fainting was so overwhelming that I stopped doing anything that might trigger a blackout. I reluctantly spent most of my time alone as anything social involved a high risk of embarrassment. (more…)
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