Three Lifetimes Lived

Three-Past-Lives-main-4-postThe Court Jester, the Roman, and the Victorian Lady
by Barbara Hand Clow

“I remember exactly what it felt like to be an infant with clenched fists and kicking feet. All things were primal; emotions and actions were one. As I clenched my fist and pushed it out while kicking Barbara Hand Clowmy feet, energy moved in my system freely, and my system responded automatically. There was no fear; there was no will or self-awareness. There was no difference between my self and the things around me; this was ecstasy.

I’m dancing in court! My tunic is tight around my waist and swirls into a skirt of bell-tipped points. It is made of green and gray felt, as are my shoes. My outfit looks like fish scales, and the bells ring as I jump and stomp my feet. The Gothic ceiling above me is high and ornate, and the arches are carved of brightly painted wood. Everything is carved, and painted red, green, yellow, and blue. There are lots of people around me, and I’m moving so fast. I am highly trained as a dancer and I am kicking my feet, bending over, and swooping with my hands. I’m twirling around fast, stomping my feet hard on the floor. The pointed shoes with bells are moccasins, and I’m thumping my heels on the tile. Music rings to the high ceilings as I strike my tambourine on my knee, shaking it and stomping hard and whirling. I am almost out of balance as I swirl close to the people laughing merrily.

There are beautiful ladies here, and I pay a lot of attention to them. Dangerously close, I smile at them. They pay no attention to me, but I’m free to look at them all I want. I can look at anybody as long as I keep dancing with the rhythm of the musicians. I’m fourteen, and my eyes are darting around my head because there is so much to see. (more…)

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The Secret History of Reincarnation

secret-history-of-reincarnation-main-4-post-2(Extracted from Healing Your Past Lives, Sounds True, Boulder, Colorado, 2004)

Worn-out garments are shed by the body: Worn-out bodies are shed by the dweller within the body. New bodies are donned by the dweller, like garments.—Bhagavad-Gita II

Not long ago, I saw a slogan on a bumper sticker: Reincarnation is having a comeback. It’s a sad fact that the scientific establishment in the United States still marginalizes most work that even hints at realities beyond our own, including regression therapy, parapsychology, and a vast body of research into paranormal phenomena, from out-of¬body experiences to children’s spontaneous past-life memories.1 By clinging to such a narrow protocol, mainstream psychology risks becoming, in George Orwell’s memorable phrase, one of “the smelly little orthodoxies which are now contending for our souls.” But fortunately, in most countries where I have lectured, the general public is far ahead of the academics. Nearly everyone has heard of the doctrine of reincarnation, and recent polls show that almost one in three Americans now believes in it, even though most of the Christian churches reject it.

In recent years, a number of influences have brought past lives into present consciousness. The widely read writings of Edgar Cayce, for one, have been surprisingly influential in America, lending credence to the idea that past lives can contribute to illness, emotional difficulties, relationship difficulties, and so on. (I say “surprisingly” because Cayce channeled thousands of past-life readings while in a trance state, even though his Christian-fundamentalist conscious self didn’t initially believe in past lives!) Many people, thanks to Cayce, now understand the idea of karma as the spiritual fallout of good or bad behavior from the soul’s past. Still others have encountered Hindu teachings, in which the idea of reincarnation is central, by being exposed to yoga or reading the popular works of authors such as Caroline Myss and Barbara Brennan on the chakras, the subtle bodies, and energy medicine. The famous Bhagavad-Gita is for sale today in nearly every bookstore. (more…)

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Past Lives, Reincarnation and Karma

Past Lives Mainby Eric Dubay

Dr. Joel Whitton, regression hypno-therapist and author of Life Between Life has documented dozens of2-Life Between Life Book cases where patients have successfully regressed into a past life or into the between life state. For instance, one of his patients was a Canadian psychologist who possessed a few quirks: He had a lifelong nail-biting problem, irrational fears of air travel and breaking his leg, an obsessive fascination with torture, and as a child he strangely spoke with a British accent for years. While under hypnosis Dr. Whitton regressed him to his previous life and the man began telling what he was experiencing. He was a British WWII pilot on a mission over Germany under heavy fire. A spray of bullets hit his plane and one of them penetrated the fuselage breaking his leg. His plane crash-landed in enemy territory and he was captured then tortured for information by having his nails ripped out. After reliving this experience and coming out of hypnosis, the patient was soon able to recover from his quirks and obsessions.

Whitton’s most remarkable discovery came when he regressed subjects to the interim between lives, a dazzling, light-filled realm in which there was ‘no such thing as time or space as we know it.’ According to his subjects, part of the purpose of this realm 3-cycle of lifewas to allow them to plan their next life, to literally sketch out the important events and circumstances that would befall them in the future. But this process was not simply some fairy-tale exercise in wish fulfillment. Whitton found that when individuals were in the between-life realm, they entered an unusual state of consciousness in which they were acutely self-aware and had a heightened moral and ethical sense. In addition, they no longer possessed the ability to rationalize away any of their faults and misdeeds, and saw themselves with total honesty. To distinguish it from our normal everyday consciousness, Whitton calls this intensely conscientious state of mind, ‘metaconsciousness.’ Thus when subjects planned their next life, they did so with a sense of moral obligation. They would choose to be reborn with people whom they had wronged in a previous life so they would have the opportunity to make amends for their actions. They planned pleasant encounters with ‘soul mates,’ individuals with whom they had built a loving and mutually beneficial relationship over many lifetimes; and they scheduled ‘accidental’ events to fulfill still other lessons and purposes.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (more…)

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Historical References of Reincarnation

reincarnation-mainby S. Abhedananda

The whole process of transmigration is expressed in Eastern philosophy by the doctrine of the Reincarnation of the individual soul. Although this doctrine is commonly rejected in the West, it is unreservedly accepted by the vast majority of mankind of the present day, as it was in past centuries. The scientific explanation of this theory we find nowhere except in the writings of the Hindus; still we know that from very ancient times it was believed by the philosophers, sages and prophets of different countries. The ancient civilization of Egypt was built upon a crude form of the doctrine of Reincarnation. Herodotus says: “The Egyptians propounded the theory that the human soul is imperishable, and that where the body of any one dies it enters into some other creature that may be ready to receive it.” Pythagoras and his disciples spread it through Greece and Italy. Pythagoras says: “All has soul; all is soul wandering in the organic world, and obeying eternal will or law.”

In Dryden’s Ovid we read:—

“Death has no power the immortal soul to slay,
That, when its present body turns to clay,
Seeks a fresh home, and with unlessened might
Inspires another frame with life and light.” (more…)

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Children Who Remember Past Lives As Monks

Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson, professor emeritus at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, has examined cases of children who seem to remember their past lives. In some of the cases, the children remembered lives as Buddhist monks. Furthermore, in some of these cases, the memories were recorded right after the children recalled them (without time elapsing in which the memories could be distorted), and they seemed to correspond to historical information about real monks who had died.

Cases in which children remember details that can be, and are, verified against factual reports of the life of someone who has died are known as “solved cases” among researchers. Cases in which the memories are too vague or the details too imprecise to be verified are known as “unsolved cases.”

The solved cases of these children who remember being monks stood out to Dr. Haraldsson for another reason. “What makes these … cases particularly interesting is not only the alleged memories but also the behavioural features that the children display. Each child shows behavior that is considered appropriate and even ideal for monks,” wrote Dr. Haraldsson and Godwin Samarartne in a 1999 paper titled, “Children Who Speak of Memories of a Previous Life as a Buddhist Monk,” published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. (more…)

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Understanding Karma: An Old Chinese Tale

chinese-tale-of-karmaBy China Gaze

In the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Defang, the father of three sons, enjoyed a very prosperous life. He felt especially fortunate that all his sons were married.

However, during Zhao’s 60th-birthday celebration, he confessed to his three sons that when he first set up the family business, he deliberately rigged his measuring scale to deceive his suppliers and customers. Whenever he purchased anything, the scale would show a lesser weight, and whenever he sold something to a customer, the scale would show a greater weight.

“That was why the cotton man went bankrupt after I bought thousands of kilograms of cotton from him. He tried desperately to save his business but died of typhoid 20 years ago. I still feel sorry for that cotton man today,” Zhao said.

“There was also an herbalist who died after I cheated him with my scale. There were others too, but these two were the most serious cases. Even though I now enjoy much wealth and a happy life, whenever I think of the people who died because of my actions, I feel so guilty that I cannot sleep at night. (more…)

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Woman’s Cataracts Healed After Remembering Past Life As A Hermit

Realeasing Past Life TraumaBy , Epoch Times

Amy Weiss is the daughter of past-life regression therapist Dr. Brian Weiss, a Yale-educated psychiatrist who was recently featured on Oprah. Though her father has long guided patients to remember their past lives, she had never recalled a past life under hypnosis.

She attended a session her father was holding at the hospital she worked at as a social worker, not really expecting any results. She was 25 years old at the time and had been told she may lose her eyesight due to cataracts.

When her doctor told her she may become blind, she thought, “Why do I have the eyes of an old man?” That description of her condition was fitting in a way she didn’t imagine at the time.

She was in the room at the hospital with several others, closing her eyes and listening to her father tell the group to go back in time to when their symptoms first began. (more…)

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Dreaming Past Lives

dreaming-past-lives-mainby Terry L. Gillis

Recognizing Past Life Dreams

By far, the most easily recognizable past life dream is the one that recurs. The dream doesn’t necessarily repeat exactly, but the same location, time period, character or event replays over and over in different scenarios.

There have been a number of people who have had dreams or nightmares about past lives which then produced verifiable evidence. One such case convinced even the most diehard skeptic:

In 1962 Mrs. Smith went to consult with a psychiatrist, Dr. Guirdham. She was looking for help for a recurring nightmare she had experienced since her teens. However, the dream was now coming two or three times a week. In her dream she was lying on her back on the floor while a man approached her from behind. She didn’t know what was going to happen but was absolutely terrified.

Although Dr. Guirdham remained calm and professional, he had to hide his surprise while listening to his new patient because he had been having the same nightmare for more than 30 years. The doctor didn’t tell Mrs. Smith about this. The psychiatrist reported that strangely, after this meeting, neither he nor his patient had the nightmare again. (more…)

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Revolution – An Example of Past Life Regeneration

Reincarnation-4-postExcerpt from Multi-dimensional Man by Jurgen Ziewe

Multi-Dimensional-Man-Book“This had been an extraordinary time. I had been on work experience as a therapist in a psychiatric hospital. I was introduced to my supervisor, a lady in her early forties, and the moment we were introduced I felt her icy hostility towards me. I found out later that her parents had been murdered in a concentration camp, and I figured that my being German was the cause of her reaction. By my mere presence I imagined I had brought to the surface a lifetime of hurt and resentment. Her hostility was open and blatant. Everybody on the staff was aware of it. It manifested itself in malicious behaviour: she sabotaged my work and undermined my sessions with my patients. As hard as I tried to build a dialogue with her it was impossible. As a consequence I was left feeling depressed and depleted when returning home from work.

Then, one morning, I became suddenly aware in the most dramatic way possible of the real reason for her enmity.

I’d had a very bad night with long spells of sleeplessness while trying to figure out how to appease my hostile supervisor, and finally I gave up and decided to meditate. It was 4:30 am.

After about an hour-and-a-half my focus went and tiredness sabotaged my concentration and I fell asleep.

Almost as soon as I drifted off I was jolted into waking consciousness (lucid dreaming). I found myself walking along a squelchy path with a group of twenty or thirty people. The excitement that I was fully awake in another dimension was muted by the fact that it was raining and I felt the clammy chill of wet clothes on my skin. (more…)

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Is Boy His Own Grandfather?


A little boy referred to in case studies as “Sam,” showed convincing evidence that he is the reincarnation of his grandfather. Sam was 18 months old when his father was changing his diaper. Sam told his father, “When I was your age, I used to change your diaper.”

Dr. Jim B. Tucker at the Psychiatric Department of the University of Virginia explained Sam’s story in a video posted on the university website. Tucker has explored 2,500 cases of children remembering their past lives.

He explained that Sam made some startling statements while looking at an old photo album.

Sam was 4 years old when his grandmother died. His father brought an old photo album home from her house when he cleaned it out. To Sam’s parents’ knowledge, Sam had never seen a photo of his grandfather.

When they were looking through the album, Sam pointed to a photo of a car, and said “That’s my car.” It was his grandfather’s first car, one he’d been quite attached to.

Sam’s mother was skeptical—not predisposed to believe in reincarnation as a Baptist.

She tested him. She showed him a photo of his grandfather as a young boy with other boys of the same age. Sam pointed to his grandfather and said, “There I am.”

She corrected him and said, that’s your grandfather. “No, that’s me,” he replied.

Tucker said he looked at the photos and he would not have been able to tell which of the boys in the photo was the grandfather having seen other photos of the grandfather.

Testing it further, Sam’s mother asked if he remembered anything else from his past life. He said someone “turned my sister into a fish.”

“Who?” Sam’s mother asked. “Bad men.”

The grandfather’s sister had been murdered and her corpse was dumped in a body of water. Sam’s father said the boy would not have heard this story.

Dr. Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic Magazine, asked in the video: “How do we know these things actually happened?”

He said Sam’s case and the thousands of similar cases are based on anecdotes told by the parents, and events can sometimes become distorted when told by an excited parent. Also, parents may influence the children in various ways.

Tucker took parental enthusiasm into account, however. He recorded the initial attitude of parents and found no correlation between that attitude and what the children reported.

Some children have given detailed reports of the locations they lived in previous lives. Visiting the sites, researchers have verified that people had recently died in the areas and that those people’s lives fit the descriptions given by the children.


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How a Chinese Poet Found His Mother From a Past Life

calligraphy-mainBy Olivia Li, Epoch Times

A gifted Chinese poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, guided by a dream, found his mother from his previous life, fulfilling a vow he had made to her before his death.

Huang Tingjian (1045 – 1105), a poet, calligrapher, and painter was called “Three Unsurpassable” because of his multiple great talents. Huang passed the imperial examination at the age of 21 and was appointed administrator of Wuhu, Anhui Province, when he was only 26.

The same year, through an unusual dream, he came to understand his predestined connection with Wuhu. (more…)

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Proof of Reincarnation? – JFK and Lincoln

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Reincarnation In The Bible

R-Reincarnation-Bible-Main-1By Stepanie Relfe

Many people say that they don’t believe in reincarnation because ‘it isn’t in the bible’.  Therefore, it may come as a great surprise to learn that there is, in fact, a great deal about  reincarnation in the bible “For those with eyes to see and ears to hear”.  

All quotes are from the King James Bible. One obvious quote is:

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7.

At the moment, a lot of good and bad people are certainly not receiving their just deserts. Some people believe that the above quote means that bad people will go to Hell. But even before I knew about past lives, I thought that was very unfair. Why should someone who has done reasonably minor sins be in the same place as really evil people?

This may be one reason why some people do not want to believe in reincarnation, apart from the fact that it’s hard to accept a truth which is opposite to what you were taught all your life. Especially when you have no memory of your past lives. If bad things that happen to us are because of bad things we did in previous lifetimes, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. There is no such thing as ‘bad luck’. The only option then is to take responsibility for whatever bad things that happen to us. (more…)

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Could Birthmarks Be Wounds From Past Lives?

The power of the mind to leave physical marks on the body

Dr. Jim Tucker at the University of Virginia had learned through years of studying reincarnation accounts to accept that reincarnation exists—but the strong indications that birthmarks correspond to past-life wounds still puzzled him.

“I didn’t see how a wound on one body could show up as a birthmark on another, even if you accepted the idea of past-life connections,” he wrote in his book “Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives.”

His mentor and predecessor in reincarnation studies, Dr. Ian Stevenson, had verified many cases. Some children among the approximately 2,000 reincarnation cases he studied recalled their past lives in such detail that they could identify their previous incarnations. Checking autopsy records or going to talk to the families of the deceased, Stevenson learned that the children often had birthmarks that corresponded with great accuracy to the wounds suffered by their supposed past-life incarnations.

An example of a case Stevenson and Tucker worked on together is that of a boy named Patrick in the American mid-west. Patrick had three birthmarks that seemed to correspond with wounds his dead brother Kevin had on his body. Kevin had died of cancer as a child before Patrick was born. (more…)

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Fire Chef Remembers Past Life As A Civil War General

By , Epoch Times

Retired Assistant Fire Chief Jeffrey Keene stumbled upon evidence he says suggests he was Civil War General John B. Gordon in a past life. Furthermore, Keene’s fire crew seem to strongly resemble men who fought under Gordon.

In 1991, Keene and his wife visited Sharpsburg, Md., to look at antiques. Keene felt compelled to visit the field nearby where the Civil War battle of Antietam was fought, explained Dr. Walter Semkiw in an article outlining his work with Keene.

Semkiw received his medical degree at the University of Illinois–Chicago and trained in psychiatry at the University of Colorado–Denver. He is an expert on reincarnation with the Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit (IISIS). He posted his research on Keene on (more…)

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