Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker?
Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker? Stunning Coincidences Suggest So
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | December 11, 2014
Since the age of 3, Carl Edon had spoken of a previous life as a Nazi airman. His parents didn’t believe he was truly remembering a past life, but decades later evidence emerged that made them wonder.
Edon was a railway signalman in the town of Middlesbrough, northeastern England. He met with a tragic end in this life as well as in his alleged past life. At the age of 22, he was stabbed to death by his work colleague, Gary Vinter. Vinter was jailed in 1996 for the murder, but proceeded to kill others including his estranged wife upon his release in 2006 (after which he was locked up for good). (more…)
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Can Remembering Past-Lives in Ancient Egypt Help Archaeologists?
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | December 6, 2014
We’ve heard of psychics helping police solve crimes, but what about those who say they can remember their ancient past lives—could they help archaeologists solve history’s mysteries?
Joan Grant was made famous by her 1937 book “Winged Pharaoh,” in which she wrote about a pharaoh’s daughter named Sekeeta—purportedly one of her past-life incarnations. What she said about ancient Egypt seems to correspond well with what archaeologists know, and even perhaps to presage some discoveries not yet made when she wrote the book. Of course, the distant history is foggy enough that this cannot be claimed as certain proof she lived a past life in ancient times.

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Child Remembers Past Life As A Marine
- Michele Lucas of Virginia Beach claims her son Andrew has been recalling the story of Sgt. Val Lewis
- Sgt. Lewis was one of 241 American servicemen killed in the Beirut barracks bombing in October 1983
- Andrew has been crying hysterically asking his mom: ‘Why did you let me die in the fire?’
- She claims he recognizes photos of other soldiers that were with Sgt. Lewis when he died
- The family are working with the TV show Ghost Inside My Child
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Discussion On Reincarnation
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium Vol. II by Ernest L. Norman
A concept of creation with man is when we find an aggregation or a collective aggregation of intelligence which can be identified as an ego which can survive in the ego form as a psychic body from one life to another. We have a human being because the individual lives and relives in that psychic consciousness which we identify as the ego, from the culminative expressions of previous lives which have formed that nucleus or that cell of consciousness which lives and relives. That, in itself, proves reincarnation. Anything which we call an instinct, whether it is two (so-called) instincts which were given by Freud, or any number which have been included in various other different psychological concepts, it makes no difference because, even if it is one or a thousand instincts, it is the direct admission that psychology, in that expression, admits reincarnation! It has to, because every one of those instincts is a dimension of consciousness which we call fear, which has survived in that idiom of the ego through countless thousands of lives since the first beginning of that individual when he began to retain the idiom of the ego from one life to the next.
And that’s what distinguishes a man from a beast or a bird, in that sense, because it is through this matrix of wave forms which form the nucleus or the cell of the psychic body, we call it, in the expressions of dynamic energy reflecting into various polarities which link and relink him with the whole Infinite Cosmogony. It is even more important to remember that ego survives from one life to the next and that his various different expressions of temperament, intelligence, etc., cannot and have never been justified in a genetical sense; they can’t be, but they can be fully justified and can be fully explained when a person understands reincarnation. Because, for one thing, the very fear of death itself which concerns the greatest portion of the population of the earth is an old primary fear which man first arrived at in the beginning of his evolution, in what we might call the human being. That one fear alone – the fear of survival – is sufficient to prove reincarnation. Any instinct, large or small, call it the fear of survival, the fear of death, call it sex, whatever you wish, the primary, motivating fears or concepts are things which were first brought into consciousness in the most ancient of any one man’s lives. (more…)
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Screenwriter of ‘Gone With the Wind’ Reincarnated?
Right: Playwright and screenwriter Sidney Coe Howard (1891–1939), writer of “Gone With the Wind.” (Wikimedia Commons) Center: Film poster for “Gone With the Wind.” (Wikimedia Commons) Left: A file photo of a baby. (Photodisc/Photodisc/Thinkstock) Background: (Craig Aurness/Fuse/Thinkstock)
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.
When Lee was 2 ½ years old, he started talking about his “other mommy.” When he was 3 ½, he started becoming upset because he couldn’t go to his “other house,” and he needed to get back to work.
He would argue that his middle name was Coe, though it wasn’t, and that his birthday was June 26, though it was actually June 21. He said he had a daughter named Jennifer. He developed an obsession with Hollywood, and he said that’s where he lived.
His parents realized he may be talking about a past life. They asked him what he did in Hollywood. He said he made movies. They asked if he acted, and he said he didn’t, he wrote movies. They started naming off movies, and about the 5th or 6th movie they named was “Gone With the Wind.” (more…)
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Child Curses Like a Bootlegger – Past Life Incarnation?
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | September 20, 2014
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.
Sammy Fernando was a tough, but colorful, character. He could play the Japanese mandolin and the rabana drum as well as sing and dance. He was working on the railways when he fell in love with Maggie Alwis.
He was so in love he wanted to spend all his time with Maggie, and he lost his job for missing work one too many days. At the age of 25, he became a distiller and a bootlegger of arrack, an alcoholic drink consumed in Sri Lanka.
He became an alcoholic, was imprisoned at least 8 times, and came to curse terribly at Maggie in his drunken anger. On the other hand, he was generous with his money, freely giving to poor children and a local temple—so much so that when he died at the age of 50, he had little left aside from a ring and his brass knuckles. He was hit by a truck in a drunken stupor.
About six months later, a little boy was born who would remember with startling clarity details from Fernando’s life—along with the colorful language, much to the chagrin of his prim and proper family. (more…)
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Orion “Unholy Six” Memory
Some time ago I had a dream of being on this world where everyone was impoverished and everyone barely survived. This world had billions of people on it.
I saw myself as a participant in games, not just one but in as many as there were people and the game was murder, rape, beheadings, cannibalism and whatever you care to imagine took place. (Like The Hunger Games but on steroids and I do believe The Hunger Games is a psychic memory of this past).
This world was used as a reality show for the rest of the Orion systems’ entertainment and the participants were either victors or victims. The victors could kill and kill efficiently enough or graphically enough to make themselves well known throughout the system. Now before you say this sounds like hogwash, look at the present here now with the wrestling federation and the pseudonym’s the participants go by. This was similar to this Orion world only everything was real.
And like in The Hunger Games, the people were kept in a state of depravity and hunger. This was done in order that the depraved acts that were committed for the sake of entertainment could go on. A hungry depraved person is more likely to commit acts of murder and mayhem.
Now these acts of depravity went on for a very long time and this was video-taped and beamed to the masses of the Orion system as entertainment as I mentioned. But as happens with all civilizations, they eventually come to an end. Sometime in that future (our past), the great networks of interlocking computers that controlled and ran everything failed. When this happened there were many kinds of apocalypses that took place such as sheer mayhem, disease, famine, earth changes, etc. The souls that were hooked up to these megalithic computers of control also suddenly found, without the computers directives, they were lost. They became mental derelicts use to lives over and over again completely controlled by these computers now as beings with no direction, no control, no sense of what was right or wrong, up or down. (more…)
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How Do Past Life Experiences Affect The Present?
Everything can be boiled down to the basic sine wave – an expression of energy. A few basic characteristics of the sine wave are first, it has an I.Q. This I.Q. is a bit of intelligence. Second, the waveform repeats itself over and over again till changed. Our psychic anatomy – the counterpart to our physical body (that actually is the brain – our physical brain is just a switchboard) contains an innumerable number of these waveforms that constantly repeat these intelligences. These waveforms didn’t just come from nowhere. They were built up over countless eons of evolution from the mineral to plant to animal to man. As “man” throughout many lifetimes, man will incur numerous psychic shocks throughout his evolution. These psychic shocks can be traumatic events such as being killed by a sword or witnessing a loved one killed by a sword or any number of endless traumatic experiences. These experiences (both good and bad) don’t just disappear but imprint on our psychic self as oscillating waveforms that are there and will repeat their information ad-infinitum till changed. These waveforms will at some point through frequency relationship reflect into the present as some malformation or fear such as the fear of swords or perhaps as a cancer where one was struck by the sword but in either case when one recognizes what happened in this former lifetime (the true cause) then one can with the recognition put the wave form in a state of being out of phase with the present and thereby relieve any negative condition one has. This is why past life therapy works. It is a very real science and it works as demonstrated by the Science of UN.AR.I.U.S. and by past life therapists as below an example of past life therapy at work. (more…)
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