Spirit Of The Earth
Edited by Michael O. and Joseph A. Fitzgerald
We human beings are not apart from nature. We are in nature. We have always been and always will be part of nature. I’ve heard or read such words time and time again, words spoken by elders – past and present – from virtually all our different American Indian nations.
It’s reflected in the way our indigenous languages work. As Chester Nez, one of the twenty-nine Navajo men who created the unbroken Navajo code used in World War II expressed it in his 2011 autobiography Code Talker, “Our language illustrates [our] relationship to nature.” (more…)
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Inspirational Quotes For The New Year
by Shi Wuling
A line drawn on water
vanishes in an instant.
Our lives are like that line on the water.
Life is short.
Do not waste it.
Ego, self-importance
keep us from forgiving others,
from forgiving ourselves.
Pride, arrogance keep us
from making peace with others,
from making peace with ourselves.
Posted in Other Topics, Poetry, Spiritualitywith comments disabled.
Treasures in Heaven
by Ernest L. Norman
And there was a certain Wise man
who was learned of many things
above that of most men.
Yet he desired to learn much more,
and so constantly set within himself
the goal to learn of the mysteries of life
and why men behave as men.
And as he slept one night a vision came to him
and an Angel descended and said to him,
“Come, and I will show you many things.”
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, Spiritualitywith 3 comments.
Epochs of Ancient Time
by Thomas Miller
Narrator – 800,000 B.C.
The crystal cities of Shamballa existed upon the earth plane for two-hundred thousand years!
With beauty and majesty, the upper echelon of creative Minds endowed man with the vast learnings of energetic virtue and wisdom.
The Higher Ones’ intelligence flowed like great rivers unto the lower basins where dwelt their primitive audience.
Like desert nomads, the peoples of Earth drank thirstily of the purest waters of Spirit
And quenched that thirst with the knowledge that their future was one of immense cellular growth.
They continually sought out the Illumined Ones for advice in the matters of everyday life,
And received great childlike pleasure in the surety that their questings proved to enhance the world about them with glorious abundance. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Epicwith comments disabled.
My Face
And then I looked into the skies and saw
a star far brighter yet, than all the rest
And lo it was, that as I looked, this star
came close; and mirrored there within
its Light, I saw a face.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
Thanksgiving Reflections
by Tish Brown
Let’s give thanks that we are eternal.
After all we are composed of atoms and atoms are energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but only change.
Let’s give thanks for the powerhouse we know of as Infinity.
For without which nothing would exist. The Infinite is the energy behind the energy.
Posted in Poetry, Spiritualitywith 1 comment.
House Of Glass
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contact, Poetrywith comments disabled.
The Fisherman
And I came upon the sea whereon there was a vessel
From whence the fisherman didst cast his net
And even as he casteth, he draweth not unto himself
the many fish he desired;
Nor neither could he discern beneath the sea
The place where there were fish.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Elysiumwith comments disabled.
Love Sonnet
by Ernest L. Norman
And now, Oh Princess, I go forth on wings of Light
My thoughts a caravan to bring thee
treasures rare from far off places.
I’ll sing to thee the song of waterfalls,
the whispering breeze can scarce contain,
A thousand throated thrushes’ song,
springs forth from every dell,
within this land of fantasy.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
Wordless Words
by Ernest L. Norman
How well he speaks, when with his tongue
he speaks the words that all men understand
And words like knights, that joust
our fancied pleasures
Or merrily lead us down a glade
A winding way far up the hill where
sunshine meets the earth
And wedded there the songs of birds ~
the wedding march.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.