Stairway To the Stars

Stairway-To-The-Stars-stanza-1-mainHe who walks the path of Truth
must lose himself a thousand times.
For in the losing of his way
does he find within himself
The thing he seeks most earnestly.


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The Universe Is A Dream

Universe-Is-A-Dream-main-4-postby Gerardus Tros ~ Philosopher, Poet, Scientist

Sooner or later we discover
that there is no matter or physical stuff anywhere.

At that time we have come to the conclusion that the universe
– IS –
A Universal Action that takes place in Consciousness Only.

The entire Universal Action is like a Dream or an Illusion.
It is an infinite Happening.


Posted in Poetry, Science For The New Agewith comments disabled.


Unchained-stanza-1Bound am I not with chains of mortal flesh,
Nor doth the fetters thereof cut the flesh
Neither doth my heart bleed within me
And crieth for the freedom of the soul.


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humulity-stanza-oneRaise not thine arms and shout that ‘I am He’
Neither that thy mind and voice
is greater than all others.
For surely there is none among ye,
but who canst also raise his voice and crieth out.


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Bowstring-stanza-1-4-post Words are thoughts and borne like winged messengers;
Shafts of iridescent Light, feathered with a kindness soft,
Or barbed with hardened steel ~
That minds and hearts be shorn apart by piercing shafts.


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Moldeth In Virtue

Moldeth-In-Virtue-stanza-oneHast thou given thought of thy life ~
Hast thou molded it in the virtues of compassion
Or hast it been as the iron in the smithy’s
forge, heated and tempered in flame;
Or as the potter’s clay molded and baked in the oven?


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Searchest Thou

stanza-one-4-postFor, without Me thy voice becomes as one crying in the wilderness
And with Me, thy voice becomes one in the Infinite symphony of Creation.
Without Me, thy path is more dark than the blackest night.
With Me, thy path is brighter than the noonday sun ~
And stones become as stars.


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Altars-Stanza-OneSeek ye not, before the Altars of man’s lusts
Neither in the Temples of his own desires
For in the offerings of flesh and wine
Cometh only the needs of the body.


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Smallness Of Self

stanza-one-4-postFor behold there are two who are pilgrims who journey to Mecca
That their pouches are filled with dates and they have with them
the belly of the sheep filled with fresh curds,

So that they need wasteth not, nor hunger upon the wayside.


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Time of Sleep

Time-of-Sleep-Stanza-One-A-4-postAnd there is the place where the old man sitteth in his garden,
And he looketh about and seeth not.
Neither doth his ears hear all the sounds of this life of which
days have been many and long.

Yet his days are now numbered, as come and go the things of this earth.


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Come Walk With Me

Come-Walk-With-Me-stanza-twoCome walk with me ~ our pathway is a rainbow through the sky
No pot of gold to wait for us at other end
But life Immortal to be lived in summer skies.
Long corridors of rainbow hues, await us there
And rooms all filled with stardust bright.


Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.

His Eternal Love

His-Eternal-Love-stanza-oneThe earth has wounded thee, for thou comest unto the Lord
And in thy faith He shall bind up thy wounds
For as thou art long suffering, and many and grievous are thy wounds
Yet surely with all of this and in the binding thereof
Thou art made in the wholeness of thy God.


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Call Me God

Stanza-One-4-postSo that fellow man can passeth by another man’s doorway
And say that this is all that is he
Or that he enter into his own doorway and say
That I too am contained herein.


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Creating-Stanza-1-1I called to thee into the blackness of the
night, but only echoes answered back ~
and all was still again.
I called to thee in the brightness of a new
day, but songs of birds were all that
answered my plea.


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An Angel’s Way

An-Angels-Way-Stanza-OneHow oft it is that high above, in some bright lighted sky
An Angel’s caught by planets rushing by
An Earthly place that spins a web of prayers that reaches out and holds Him fast
And there within its earthly coils He’s born again, and lives within a body made of flesh
And comes and goes as all men do, and called by all of them as such as they;
Yet, there remains within His heart and mind an Angel’s way
And in His hand an Angel’s touch. (more…)

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