The Telepathy Tapes
by Ky Dickens
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The Amazing Psychic Powers of Helen Keller
by Greta Woodrew, an eyewitness
One of the friendships I most remember and cherish – and one that gave me some of my profoundest insights into the world beyond the five senses – was with the remarkably brilliant, multilingual Helen Keller. She was an emotional earthquake in my life, shaking me to my very soul.
When the play, The Miracle Worker, opened on Broadway in 1960, Dick and I went to see it and were profoundly moved. A year or so later, I took my daughter Jill to see it on her seventh birthday. She too was deeply touched by the electrifying story. Jill expressed a desire to meet Helen Keller, and I agreed that it would be a marvelous experience. My husband had a friend who knew her dedicated secretary, Evelyn Seide. Through her, we arranged a date for me to meet the great lady, who lived only ten minutes away from our home in Connecticut. (more…)
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Dreaming In Time
by Rodney Davies
Our traditional view of time as a river inexorably sweeping us along like flotsam from the past towards an unknown future is wrong. Time, in fact, has no existence outside ourselves; rather, its presence is suggested to us by the positional changes of physical objects around us, most notably those that occur regularly, like the earth’s rotation which brings about the rising and setting of both the sun and the moon, and thus time’s seeming reality. In this respect we resemble the prisoners in Plato’s cave who mistook shadows for real things.
Indeed, what we call time is apparent only because our consciousness, informed as it is by our sense organs, is normally only aware of consecutive ‘moments’ in our lives, which we call ‘the present’. This naturally suggests that if our consciousness could be widened, we would be able to view what we call ‘the past’ and ‘the future’ now, because both are as much ‘now’ as now is. (more…)
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Encounters With The Departed
by Raymond Moody, M.D.
Buried deep in the scientific literature are several studies that examine reunions with the departed.
The first such study that I am aware of was a “Census of Hallucinations,” conducted in 1894. This fascinating work, led by Henry Sidgwick, a member of the Society for Psychical Research in England, asked seventeen thousand people the following deeply personal question: “Have you ever, when believing yourself to be completely awake, had a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a living being or inanimate object, or of hearing a voice; which impression, as far as you could discover, was not due to any external physical cause?” (more…)
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Planetary Empaths
by Rob & Trish MacGregor
An empath is a person who has an ability to tune into another person’s emotions, and sometimes literally assume those feelings. “They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world,” writes Dr. Judith Orloff in The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success, and Well-Being. A planetary empath, on the other hand, is someone whose whole being reacts to major events that are about to unfold and affect the planet and large numbers of people.
These individuals are so attuned to the planet that they experience physical, emotional and psychic symptoms hours and sometimes days before a natural or man-made disaster. They come from different countries, from different cultural, ethnic, and spiritual backgrounds, and most seem to be women. The intensity of their symptoms appear to be connected to the severity of the disasters and often subside once the disaster has occurred. (more…)
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Banishing Demonic Entities
by Dr. Jerry Marzinsky, BA M.Ed
Schizophrenia is not caused by any genetic abnormality or the fabricated chemical imbalance lie – it is caused and driven by the voices these individuals hear and which psychiatry and the establishment completely ignores as unreal hallucinations. Problem is hallucinations don’t run fixed repeatable patterns.
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by Frank L. Hammer
What is telepathy? Telepathy is a faculty of mind, and is the power which the mind has of communicating its own thoughts and receiving the thoughts of others without employing the known channels of the senses or any other physical agencies.
Telepathy is no recent discovery nor is it occult in manifestation, but is old as thought and normal as thinking. That thought forces arrive at their objective, regardless of distances or barriers, has long been known to many philosophers, and that the mind has the power of affecting inanimate objects and persons at a distance dates back to prehistoric times.
As there are forces in the human personality besides those employed for muscular and chemical purposes, so there are faculties in the mind that far transcend the ones we use in objective thought and thinking. These higher faculties, most fortunately, are yet dormant in mankind as a whole. Better give children dynamite than entrust the creative powers of thought to selfish and ambitious men. (more…)
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