Development Of The Greater Self

Development-Of-The-Higher-Self-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

Reincarnation is controlled primarily by the law of karma, a manifestation of the universal law of cause and effect. The personality is subject to the various laws governing thought, emotion, energy, and form. For this reason it is never possible for the personality to escape the consequences set up by actions in the various substances of which [the many reincarnated] bodies are composed.

In the Gnostic school the permanent entity is called Anthropos, or the man. The incarnating ego which is emanated by the entity is designated Anthropos Son of Anthropos, the man that is the son of the man. The ego is called by the Neo-Platonists the “summit of the personality,” the self which endures for the span of one life. (more…)

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How Past Life Exploration Can Heal Your Life

Past-Life-Exploration-Can-Heal-Your-Life-mainby Denise Linn

In order to heal and empower your present life, it’s helpful to first know who and what you’ve been in previous incarnations. Past life exploration is a highly effective method for traveling deep into the inner recesses of your mind to the place where memories of all your prior existences are stored. It can be a direct path to the soul. As you uncover and heal old wounds from the past—and release self-limiting beliefs—you’ll begin to understand your true purpose and place in the universe.

Is My Past Life Real?

When you embark on a regression, images and memories surface—sometimes in vivid detail. There are numerous documented cases of convincingly accurate details being recalled during past life regressions, which are later validated through historical research. Participants of my seminars have also written to me and explained that they’ve investigated the lives that they saw during group regressions . . . and discovered that their visions were factual. However, most past lives haven’t been recorded making it impossible to find written proof that your experiences before this lifetime were real. (more…)

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Reincarnation Concept – Becoming Widespread

Reincarnation-Concept-Becoming-Widespread-main-2-postby Ruth Norman

Now, due to another book just received in the mail titled, “Here and Hereafter”, by Ruth Montgomery, (published by Coward McCann, New York) Here-And-Hereafter-book-image-2-postwhich is similar in content to various others being published in these ‘latter days’, and because some students have written to us regarding such writings, they feel here are similar teachings to that which UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches. It may be helpful to point up to the sincere seeker that only a slight similarity exists in such comparisons. We are always glad to see more and more of this type of publication come to light (past life realizations), for they are all healthy signs of the times. These people are seeking; they are all more or less beginning to agree with the fact that man lives again and again, that he reincarnates into many different embodiments, that he is, in the present, the result of his past acts, deeds and thoughts, but the vital, and ever-present, and inescapable scientific principles of how and why, he does not know. These important basic concepts are missing! It is of little benefit to read these beliefs or speculations if we cannot learn why and how! We can resolve nothing within our consciousness unless it can be followed through in principle and sequence—cause and effect! (more…)

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Six Cases Of Validated Reincarnation In The Netherlands

Six-Validated-Reincarnation-Cases-In-The-Netherland-main-1-postby Titus Rivas

IT IS INCREASINGLY CLEAR that reincarnation is here to stay as a rational explanatory concept within the theorizing of parapsychology and psychical research. A recent landmark for reincarnation research is the reporting of Western ‘cases of the reincarnation type’ (CORTs) resembling those found in non-Western countries such as India or Sri Lanka. Some normal hypotheses, which seem already displaced in many Asian cases, can often entirely be excluded in a Western context. For instance, the claim of children to remember previous lives rarely fulfills a clear social function amongst Europeans, Americans, Australians or other Westerners. Few parents of Western children who claim to remember past lives, strongly believe in reincarnation prior to their children’s reports. This makes the sociological hypothesis for most Western CORTs even more far-fetched than for the average non-Western case. (more…)

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Life As Cause And Effect

Life-As-Cause-And-Effect-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

Forgiveness of Sin Versus Karma

The belief in the doctrine of the forgiveness of sin is entirely inconsistent with a recognition of the immutability of universal law. Either life is a series of fortuitous circumstances dominated by the principle of chance, or the law of consequence bestow upon each that which is merited by previous action. There can be no compromise; the human mind must accept either law or chaos, either pattern or confusion, as the rule of action.

Frequent efforts have been made to blend the doctrine of vicarious atonement with the laws of rebirth and karma. Ingenious explanations have been offered to prove that under certain conditions and for certain people law is tempered by grace. This is only wishful thinking, man’s old theological upbringing overshadowing his philosophical attainments.

It is well within the memory of modern students that various fabricators promised to make man mightier than the Law. It has been erroneously taught that karma might be overcome by breathing through the right nostril, meditating on the kundalini, or supplicating an adept. Various schools of metaphysical philosophy have built up huge followings by assuring human beings without the courage of their convictions that karma can be dissipated with a mantra, and that the whole character and temperament can be reformed by an affirmation. (more…)

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The New Atlanteans

The-New-Atlanteans-main-2-postby Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Any persons who have sought past-life regressions during the 1970s and 1980s have turned up lives in Atlantis. Edgar Cayce identified early Atlantis and late Atlantis as part of two soul groups. He further said that a great influx of Atlanteans reincarnated between the years of 1909-1913. Such individuals, especially those born in 1910-1911, promised to wield unusual powers for influencing world affairs for either good or bad. The Atlanteans supposedly turned their great powers of their advance society to serve evil and thus brought about their own destruction.

Most of the individuals seeking regressions in the 1970s and 1980s were much younger, however, having been born predominantly in the 1940s through 1960s. This suggests a new cycle of Atlantean incarnations. Why are so many seeing past lives in Atlantis? (more…)

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Healing The Scars Of Centuries

Healing-The-Scars-Of-Centuries-main-4-postby Joe Fisher

The clinical validity of past life therapy has been established beyond doubt. With increasing regularity over the last forty years, hundreds of thousands of suffering people have been lulled into altered states of consciousness and guided through the veil of time to relive, or view with detached wonderment, critical episodes of former existences – it might be a workhouse in nineteenth-century England, a mud hut in ancient Somalia or a Mayan temple courtyard deep in the Central American jungle.

To match the onrushing change of scenes, the clients of past life therapy find that they assume identities from out of the amnesia of hundreds, even thousands, of years. Anything can – and does – happen. A hearty-voiced plumber might become a lisping peasant girl; a placid secretary could take on the persona of a fierce warrior. Some people observe their transformation as if they were seated in the front row of a theater of the mind; others enter the very body of the character. And then there are those who sense or feel events unfolding from afar. However a past life is perceived, the aim of the therapy is to mine the experience of the soul; to heal through self-understanding. (more…)

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Karma And The Ethics Of Sex

Karma-And-The-Ethics-Of-Sex-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

To find oneself in a human body is to find oneself either male or female. This curious circumstance not only makes life more interesting; it also makes it more complicated.

Sex is, as any student of advertising and publishing knows, a highly intriguing phenomenon, charged with explosive possibilities and accompanied by an infinite number of strange, beautiful, and terrible ramifications. With it are involved the most intense of human emotions: love, hate, jealousy, treachery, betrayal, cruelty, sacrifice, devotion. Suicide and murder frequently take place because of it. Life is brought into being as its consequence. Lives are dramatically and drastically changed through its agency. Little wonder, then, that sex has been the endless thematic source for poetry, song, drama, and literature of every kind in every age.

As with all other realms of human life, the reincarnation idea enables us to see sex on a far wider screen of vision, and at the same time makes clear and reasonable matters that otherwise would seem chaotic and senseless. (more…)

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Reincarnation Proof From The Bible

Reincarnation-Proof-From-The-Bible-main-4-postby William Walker Atkinson

The doctrine of Metempsychosis or Reincarnation has its roots deeply embedded in the soil of all religions—that is, in the Inner Teachings or Esoteric phase of all religious systems. And this is true of the Inner Teachings of the Christian Church as well as of the other systems. The Christian Mysteries comprised this as well as the other fundamental occult doctrines, and the Early Church held such teachings in its Inner Circle.

And, in its essence, the doctrine of Rebirth is the only one that is in full accord with the Christian conception of ultimate justice and “fairness.” As a well known writer has said concerning this subject: (more…)

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The Veil Has Been Lifted

The-Veil-Has-Been-Lifted-main-4-postby Brian Weiss, M.D.


I don’t mean simply that we pass on our genes, our beliefs, our mannerisms, and our “ways” to our children and they, in turn, to their children, though of course we do. Nor do I mean that our accomplishments–the work of art, the new way of making shoes, the revolutionary idea, the recipe for blueberry pie–live after us, though of course they do. I mean that the most important part of us, our soul, lives forever…

I believe that each of us possesses a soul that exists after the death of the physical body and that it returns time and time again to other bodies in a progressive effort to reach a higher plane. (One of the questions that comes up frequently is “Where do the souls come from since there are so many more people now than when the world started?” I have posed this question to many patients, and the answer is always the same: This is not the only place where there are souls. There are many dimensions, many different levels of consciousness where there are souls. Why should we feel that we’re the only place? There is no limit to energy; this is one school of many schools. Also, a few patients have told me that souls can split and have simultaneous experiences.)… The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming and to me unassailably conclusive. I have seen it virtually every day in my patient Catherine as she takes me with her to past times as disparate as Arabia in 1863 B.C. and Spain in A.D. 1756. (more…)

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Yada Speaks: It Is Dangerous To Be Born

It-Is-Dangerous-To-Be-Born-main-4-postby Yada di Shi’te (Transceived by Mark Probert)

Yada: It is very difficult to talk through the physical body…Yada of Yu

One who is born into this physical world finds it very difficult to live in a balanced way in his physical vehicle so, in my talk tonight, I think I will entitle it “It Is Dangerous To Be Born”.

From the time one comes into the world of matter, it is a struggle. The initial effort to breathe is a pain. Being ejected from our comfortable, comparatively safe position in our mother’s body is a pain, both to the mind and to the body.

Through the thousands of years that they have been observing the physical world, there is no safety in a physical life. Man comes here with no conscious desire to come into matter. Only after a human life-form came into being through the process of evolution, did man find himself, meaning did he become a conscious being, and in so becoming a conscious being and by following the pattern of his coming to the earth in what is called different incarnations, he developed the ability to consciously wish himself into the matter-world again. But even so, with his now conscious desire to come into matter, he still loses consciousness or awareness that he, individually speaking, wished it so. (more…)

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A Spirit Converses On Reincarnation From The Other Side

A-Spirit-Converses-On-Reincarnation-From-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby Mrs. Kelway-Bamber

The following are transmissions as given (in 1916) to his mother from the other side from Claude who had passed recently, a casualty of World War I.

Claude (His Perspective From The Other Side) On Reincarnation

You want to know how it is I now believe in reincarnation, and say that other spirits you find do not? Well, darling, we are still very far from ultimate truth, and people here vary in their opinions and ideas just as they did on earth. We are still learning, Mum; we have only gone a little farther along the road of experience, and have by no means reached the end of the journey. Yes, there is a Heaven, but it is a long way off and has yet to be earned; even our very bodies, which are still fairly material [less refined], will have to become more refined before we are fitted for that. (more…)

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Taylor Caldwell: A Journey Into The Past ~ Part II

Taylor-Caldwell-A-Journey-Into-The-Past-Part-II-mainThe famous novelist, seeking assurance that death brings only oblivion, finds dramatic evidence that she has lived many lives.

by Jess Stearn

Coughing a little, Janet now sat up, as imperturbable as ever, not remembering a thing that she had said. “I have that vague feeling again,” she said, pressing her hands to her ears, “that I am two people.” As she puffed thoughtfully on the inevitable cigarette, I recapitulated. So far, taking inventory, she had been back to England, in Italy, Spain, and on the planet Melina. As yet, we had not taken her to the Biblical period which she wrote about so extensively, to ancient Greece or Rome, or to the favorite haunts of all romantically inclined reincarnationists—Atlantis. So far, she had been scullery maid and nun and I was sure it would be a disappointment that her past experience had not been glamorous.

So in an aside to the hypnotist, unheard by her, I suggested he take her back to a distant time when such a recall would be eminently possible. (more…)

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Reincarnation: Mind To Body Karma

Reincarnation-Mind-To-Body-Karma-mainby Gina Cerminara

If we can accept the idea of reincarnation, and the karmic psychology that accompanies it in the Cayce readings, we will see that there must follow, as the night the day, certain important conclusions. It is inevitable that the reincarnation idea will lead us to many changed points of view in our interpretation of life.

One of the major changes would be in our conception of the relation of mind to body. Although modern thinking tends to see body-mind as a hyphenated unit, as two interacting parts of the same whole, nonetheless the materialistic concept still prevails that the body is primary; that the mind cannot exist without the body; and that when the body dies, the mind dies too. In the reincarnationist’s view, all these concepts need to be reversed: the body is not primary, either in time or in causation; the mind has existed before this body came into being; and it will continue to exist after this body dies.

Moreover, if we speak only of body and mind, as it has been fashionable to do ever since the word ‘soul’ was outlawed from scientific respectability, we are speaking with inadequate terms. We will need another word, whether it be “soul,” “spirit,” “atman” (as the Hindus call it), “entity” (as Cayce called it), or “Thetan” (as the Scientologists call it) to designate the persisting part of us that seems to use both body and mind. (more…)

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Taylor Caldwell: A Journey Into The Past

Taylor-Caldwell-Journey-Into-The-Past-mainby Jess Stearn

Taylor Caldwell, the famous English-born novelist, had just turned 70 when she began to speak to her friend, author Jess Stearn, about reincarnation.

“The conversation had not developed out of thin air,” Stearn wrote. “Janet Taylor Caldwell had toyed with the idea of survival for years and her interest was undoubtedly quickened by the recent death of her husband Marcus Reback to whom she had been married for 40 years.”

Marcus died on August 13, 1970, after a lingering illness and a final two weeks in coma during which the doctor had said he was clinically dead. Janet was inconsolable and fell into profound despair which became chronic depression. Despite her wealth and fame she felt her life had been “a monstrous, painful, agonizing affair. . . .” (more…)

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