Discovering Past Lives

Discovering-Past-Lives-main-2-postby Michele Guzy, C.Ht.


As increasing attention is focused on past lives, more people are becoming interested in exploring the issue for themselves, in finding out how to unlock their own past-life memories, as well as in learning what benefits to their relationships, outlooks, and professional lives might come from unearthing these memories.

Hopefully the following will assist in that process and it is always advisable to keep a journal or notebook handy as you go through the following to record your reactions so that it may be referred to later for reflection of possible patterns that may lead to unlocking the deadbolts of current conditions that are blocking progress or goals. (more…)

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Diane From Venus On Reincarnation

Diane-From-Venus-On-Reincarnation-main-4-postby Dana Howard

It was high noon, and the rugged desert canyon I loved so well had come alive with the out-breathing rays of the Universe. Kim, my adorable little black and white terrier, followed at my heels, for this spot on the desert was her special place, too. She seemed to sense the nature spirits, playful little people invisible to the sight of humans, but who danced and played on the desert sands, perhaps to the merry tunes of aerial music.

The dog stopped short, with an air of knowing I had come to recognize. Then followed the short, staccato barks and the frantic wagging of her little stub tail: Kim’s way of greeting the immortal Diane. She knew, even better than I did, those heaven-sent footsteps, for her dog instinct felt the love and devotion Diane brought with her.

These days, Kim was my ever-constant companion, for I was making up for lost time. A few years before, she had trudged off to “doggie-heaven” before her allotted time. She was my “little Bonnie” then, and her going away had made a wide gap in my heart. Now I felt sure she was back again . . . the same little ball of fur, devoted to me with every atom of her little being. (more…)

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Learning Of Past Lives Through A Patient

Learning-Of-Past-Lives-Through-A-Patient-main-4-postby Brian Weiss

Prior to my experiences with Catherine, I had never even heard of past-life regression therapy. This was not taught when I was at Yale Medical School, nor anywhere else, I was to learn.

I can still vividly remember the first time. I had instructed Catherine to travel backward in time, hoping to discover childhood traumas that had been repressed, or forgotten, and that I felt were causing her current symptoms of anxiety and depression.

She had already reached a deeply hypnotized state, which I had induced by gently relaxing her with my voice. Her concentration was focused on my instructions. (more…)

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Removal Of Dark Force Alignments

Removal-Of-Dark-Force-Alignments-main-4-postby William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.

Many of the entities encountered in session with clients will appear to manifest characteristics, behavior and attitudes consistent with the demonic beings. Yet in the decision-tree questioning, they will claim to have a history as an embodied human. This may be an outright lie. Their presentation gives that clue. Another possibility is that a lesser demonic being was attached to a powerful human for an extended period of time. Like the Black slaves in the early decades of United States history who assumed the name of the owner, the entity assumed the identity of the person. It is simply an identification with a living human. (more…)

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On The Role Of Beauty In Reincarnation

On-The-Role-Of-Beauty-In-Reincarnation-main-1-postby Gina Ceraminara

Beauty is not ordinarily regarded as the proper goal of a philosopher; nor is it usually considered to be of any practical concern to psychologists, doctors, ministers, or priests to help their patients or parishioners to become beautiful. As a quest and a purpose, beauty is commonly regarded as the trivial preoccupation of beauty salons and of women whose vanity outweighs the more real and more sober preoccupations of life.

And yet—if we carry still further to its logical conclusions the data of the Cayce files—we must arrive at the conviction that beauty is of far greater significance and importance, psychologically and spiritually, than we had thought; and that, indeed, philosophers, doctors; psychologists, ministers, and priests alike should be as much guided by beauty as an ultimate goal of all people as they are by concepts of adjustment, efficiency, health, happiness, morality, and of the Good Life. (more…)

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Patton: Many Lives, Many Battles

Patton-Many-Live-Many-Battles-main-2-postby Blake Stilwell

One of World War II’s legendary figures, Gen. George S. Patton, loomed largely in the narrative of the war for many reasons.

While no one would accuse the great general of being humble or unassuming, his ego and pride are well-deserved — to the betterment of mankind and the Allied cause. Patton, with his ivory-handled revolvers and propensity to quote the Hindu scripture of “The Bhagavad Gita,” was as eccentric in life as he was effective in combat.

1-George-PattonNo example of this was more telling than his belief in reincarnation and his own numerous past lives.

patton-many-lives-many-battles-As a child, Patton believed he fought Turkish armies. As he grew into an adult, he still had visions of his death in past lives, from viking funerals to the Battle of Tyre. In 1991, Karl F. Hollenbach compiled Patton’s account of his past lives in a book called Patton: Many Lives, Many Battles. Though the man himself never completely expressed the entirety of his beliefs in reincarnation, he did describe numerous events in detail. (more…)

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LEGACY: Q And A With Author Robert Maxxim


Q) Why did you choose the title “Legacy”?

RM) Legacy is our past, the inescapable persistent reaping of what we sowed. It is our invisible inheritance that we feel, not always see. It is the memory of tribulations past and learning through the ages. It describes who we were, now are, and what got us to this point. Legacy represents the sealed compliment of countless events lived in long ago past times, inherited memories and emotions from those olden lives influencing the present, and the enslaving consequences emanating from those lives. This is the heart of the Legacy episode series; an outline of our enduring past, and a snapshot of what we have become. (more…)

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Spiritual Growth Through Meeting Self ~ Part III

Spiritual-Growth-Through-Meeting-Self-Part-III-main-4-postby Kevin Todeschi

In terms of soul development, the primary purpose for an individual to go through the process of meeting self is to provide the soul with present-day circumstance that parallel a previous experience. Although the soul may have lost in a similar situation in the past, in the present a different choice may be made, enabling the individual to learn a valuable lesson in the process. Unfortunately, there are a number of instances in the Cayce files where it appears that the soul repeated the same mistake and failed to learn the lesson. The case of Kitty Howell is one example. (more…)

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Spiritual Growth Through Meeting Self ~ Part II

Spiritual-Growth-Through-Meeting-Self-Part-II-main-4-postby Kevin Todeschi

From the perspective of the Cayce readings, it is not that God visits challenges and tribulations upon individuals; rather, it is that each soul is integrally connected to everything that happens in that life. In 1934, Cayce told a forty year old sales manager with problems in his business that it was a grievous error to think that God imposes any challenging condition on us for any reason. Instead, such conditions or experiences originate at the level of the soul as a means of correcting imperfections within one’s self (257-128). The only thing holding us back from soul development is self.

When a forty-nine year old housewife inquired during a reading about her worst fault, Cayce replied, “What is ever the worst fault of each soul? Self—Self!” When the woman asked how to overcome this fault of selfishness, the answer came: (more…)

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Spiritual Growth Through Meeting Self

Spiritual-Growth-Through-Meeting-Self-main-4-postby Kevin Todeschi

For constantly is the soul-entity meeting self in its activities, in its relationships. And what it does about creative influences in its experience makes for that which either becomes a developing or a retarding. Cayce Reading 1604-1

What if everything you ever did somehow came back to you? What if this boomerang action were designed to enable you to face how every element of your life had affected someone else? What if you were truly held accountable for all of your actions, for all of your words, even for all of your thoughts? What if this accountability were not some kind of universal judge and jury, but rather, a portion of your own soul that kept track of everything within your being that was out of alignment with spiritual wholeness, so that it could become transformed? What if this transformational process were inevitable for every soul? What if this process of meeting yourself truly had your best interests at heart? (more…)

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Past Lives: Hereditary And Environmental Influences

Past-Lives-Hereditary-And-Environmental-Influences-main-4-postby Robert C. Smith

Let’s examine the role heredity and environment plays in our lives by looking at the relationship between these influences and the ones we bring with us from our previous incarnations. Thus far, our work has been based on the assumption that our interests and characteristics are strongly shaped by former lives. How, then, do we account for the effects of heredity and environment?

Modern genetics has shown pretty conclusively that we inherit through our genes not only our physical makeup, but many of our mental and psychological traits as well. If this is true, how can we say that past life influences, rather than simple genetics, have caused a person to be fat or thin, a mathematician rather than an artist, or whatever the case may be? (more…)

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Many Lives, Many Loves ~ Part II

Past-Lives-Past-Loves-Part-II-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

I remember when I was going to college I saw a little item in the college paper which went like this:

Boy: Do you love me?
Girl: I love everybody.
Boy: Leave that to God. We should specialize.

When other items of far greater importance in my college curriculum have long since escaped me, I cannot imagine why this one should have made such a lasting impression; but the fact remains that it did. (more…)

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Many Lives, Many Loves

Many-Lives-Many-Loves-main-1-postby Gina Cerminara

Love being a matter of the relationship of one unit of life to another, it is worth noting that in the Cayce data there is a basic proposition regarding human relationships. It can be stated as follows:

Souls who were closely related in one lifetime tend to meet in other lifetimes. If the relationship was one of love, the love persists; if one of enmity, the enmity must be overcome; if one of obligation, the obligation must be paid.

This is a plausible proposition, surely; for if we grant the continuity of life at all, and the operation of law governing it, it would seem likely that the powerful force of attraction between souls would have its own strong persistence; and wherever there has been hatred, deeds surely must have been done which require karmic rectification and hence a renewed association. Even in a love relationship there is usually a mixture of good and of bad; and all of us must have incurred debts therefore which we must pay, or deserved rewards which must be delivered. (more…)

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Tracing The Rules Of Reincarnation

Tracing-The-Rules-For-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Robert C. Smith

We may have hunches about past lives. We may have theories about experiences in another time or place. Some of us may even have vivid past life dreams or flashes of waking recall. But what do such experiences really mean? Can they teach us anything about ourselves and how to live this life more fully? Unless we can answer yes to these questions, the study of past lives may be nothing more than an interesting past time, an indulgence of curiosity about ourselves that has little practical value.

But suppose, on the other hand, that the study of past lives is actually a look into the inner workings of the universe we live in, a glimpse into the purpose and orderliness of life. If this is so, then this investigation is a very important avenue to the answer to two of the most important questions mankind has ever asked: Why is life the way it is, and why am I the way I am? (more…)

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Past Life Influences ~ Part III

Past-Life-Influences-Part-III-main-3-postby Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover

The following story provides an intriguing and complex illustration of many of the elements of past life memories, influences, and inclinations which have been discussed. It emphasizes the notion that the information becomes available as we have need of it and as we can apply it practically in our lives. Recognizing the source of strong emotional impulses and discovering relationships and karmic patterns that have traversed the limits of time are all part of this experience.

Lisette’s experience spans ten years, from her first spontaneous insight to the reconciliation of deep emotional pain and release of limiting beliefs. It began as an intuitive flashback so emotionally charged that she decided to seek additional guidance through meditation, dreams, past life regressions, and even a professional psychic. Over time, enough clues emerged that Lisette was able to formulate a clear message that she could apply to her life in helpful ways. (more…)

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