Awakening Past Life Memories

Awakening-Past-Life-Memories-main-4-postby Robert C. Smith

Have you ever stepped outside on a warm spring night and found that the balmy air and the light fragrance of early blossoms awakened feelings almost too deep to describe? Or maybe you’ve had the experience of hearing a particular song from the past come on the radio, and all of a sudden that song transports you to another time and place. You not only remember what you were doing when you first heard the song, but you can even remember what you were thinking and feel what you were feeling then.

The sounds, sights, and smells around us—they are such powerful influences on our memories and emotions, and so individual in their effects on us. The same song can bring a happy memory for one person and a painful recollection for another. One person might feel a restless sense of adventure at the sound of a train whistle in the night, while another feels lonely desolation. Even the most common, everyday experiences can produce very different feelings in different people. For example, when you hear a telephone ring, do you experience anticipation? Annoyance? Some other reaction? Or maybe nothing at all? What is it about the sounds, sights, and smells around us that brings forth such a variety of responses from people? Is it something in these perceptions themselves that causes us to react differently from one another, or is it something in us? (more…)

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Past Life Influences ~ Part II

Past-Life-Influences-Part-II-main-2-postby Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover

Enhancing Sensitivity to Past Life Influences

Answering the following questions can prompt an enhanced awareness of past life influences:

  • To which countries and cultures do you feel an attraction or repulsion? What styles of furniture, architecture, clothing, and so on do you like? If the furnishing and accessories in your home or workplace reflect an interest in particular cultures, it is likely they are pertinent to a previous incarnation and are having an impact on your present circumstances.
  • Do any nationalities or cultures come to mind when you meet a new person? If so, you both may be influenced by shared experiences from a previous lifetime. The dominant characteristics of that culture might give you clues about relating to that individual, based on remembered patterns and tendencies.
  • What types of music, art, literature, and food do you most enjoy? Pursuing artistic endeavors is an excellent way to evoke past life talents and memories.
  • What patterns do you see in the hobbies and activities you choose? Are there pastimes you share with others? This is a good way to determine the nature of any past life connections you may share.


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Past Life Influences ~ Part I

Past-Life-Influences-Part-I-main-4-postby Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover

Reincarnation is the theory that, as souls, we each experience many lifetimes for the purpose of developing spiritually and becoming true co-creators with God. Some cultures and religious traditions teach the transmigration of souls; that is, that a soul can incarnate as human, animal, or even insect. However, in the model of reincarnation which Cayce embraced, the souls of humans, animals, and other creatures are totally different, with separate purposes and environments in which to seek perfection. If this is an accurate interpretation of the human soul’s appearances in the earth, then, potentially, we have all experienced numerous lives throughout human history, through diverse cultures, within all races, as both male and female, in every type of economic, social, and political circumstance. We may have experienced every religious conviction, devoted ourselves to a life of service or to amassing material wealth, raised families, lived a celibate life, and fought, killed, or died for our convictions. We may have experienced peace in an idyllic setting, felt the thrill of adventure and discovery, developed a gift or talent, or all of these. (more…)

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Spontaneous Recall Of Past Lives

Spontaneous-Recall-Of-Past-Lives-main-4-postby Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Just before we are reborn, the veil of forgetfulness descends to block our remembrance of our past lives. We come into life with a karmic history and a purpose, yet we have conscious access to neither. According to Eastern doctrine, forgetfulness is a blessing and enables the soul to make a fresh start in each incarnation. Otherwise, life would be made extremely complicated and confusing, perhaps even paralyzing. Nonetheless, we catch glimpses of the past in certain moments. Fragments and fleeting impressions and feelings bubble to the surface, only to be passed off as imagination in many instances. In some cases, a person may be swept into an incredible vision that unfolds before their eyes. There are many ways to experience past lives spontaneously: (more…)

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Reincarnation And Religious Tradition

Reincarnation-And-Religious-Tradition-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

For us of the Western world the idea of reincarnation is new and unaccustomed; for the Eastern world it is as old as the rising and setting of the sun, as familiar as the household doorstep.

Two ancient traditions in particular, Hinduism and Buddhism, have taught reincarnation; and there is a great deal that we can learn from both of them. Both Hinduism and Buddhism are founded on the authority of ancient books (those of Hinduism being the much more ancient of the two), and they have been subject to varying interpretations on the part of their own followers. In doctrine and in practice they have been colored by the temperament and history of the peoples who have accepted them. For these reasons we must expect that there will be many differences between the two faiths, even as regards the basic teaching of reincarnation. It is important also for us to recognize that their teachings may not be adaptable, in toto, by ourselves because we have a differing temperament, different historical and religious antecedents, and important new scientific horizons. (more…)

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Balance As A Role In Karma

Balance-As-A-Role-In-Karma-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

Certainly there is nothing new in the thought that balance is important in human life. As long as men have been riding horses they have known that balance—equilibrium—is essential to successful horsemanship. Whether a man have for his sport swimming, bowling, wrestling, tennis, or golf, he knows that balance is necessary for good form and good performance.

Balance in the sense of proportion or symmetry was known to the ancient Greeks; in fact, principles of balance in this sense have been applied consciously or instinctively throughout all the history of art by any artist worthy of the name. (more…)

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Proofs of Reincarnation

Proofs-Of-Reincarnation-main-2-postby William W. Atkinson

To many minds the “proof” of a doctrine is its reasonableness and its adaptability as an answer to existing problems. And, accordingly, to such, the many arguments advanced in favor of the doctrine together with the almost universal acceptance of the fundamental ideas on the part of the race, in at least some period of its development, would be considered as a very good “proof” of the doctrine, at least so far as it might be considered as the “most available working theory” of the soul’s existence, past and future, and as better meeting the requirements of a doctrine or theory than any other idea advanced by metaphysical, theological, or philosophical thinkers. (more…)

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Race And Karma

Race-And-Karma-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

Karma operates in such a way, it seems, that our every act and thought is exactly repaid in its own coin and in its own realm. If we do harm to another, physically or psychologically, we later suffer exactly the same kind of pain that we caused; if we haughtily feel ourselves superior to other people and treat them condescendingly, we may later find this attitude objectified by the humiliation of a body that is too tall or abnormally short—or we may find ourselves one day the member of a minority group that is despised by the majority; if we do injustices to groups of people, we are likely to suffer injustices later through the agency of comparable groups of people. Christ’s command to do unto others as you would have others do unto you is not merely a sentimental exhortation, but actually the elliptical statement of a mathematical equation and a law of psychodynamics. (more…)

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Sexual Relationships And Reincarnation

Sexual-Relationships-And-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

It seems that all of us have been men in some lifetimes and women in others. At least, sex change is generally accepted as a fact by most believers in reincarnation, such as Buddhists, Hindus, Theosophists, Rosicrucians, and others; and the Cayce readings, as well as the age-regression experiments of many investigators, provide confirmation for those who accept their validity.

No regular pattern of change is deducible from the Cayce data, however; it seems that one can be a man for one or more lifetimes and then a woman for one or more lifetimes, and so forth and so on; but what causes such changes, or when they occur, does not become clear by the Cayce data at least. (more…)

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Personality Traits And Reincarnation

Personality-Traits-And-Reincarnation-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

In our daily experience with others, all of us come to recognize certain different types or traits which we classify by value systems of our own devising. There is the sociable, easy-to-talk-to-type, the reserved, difficult-to-talk-to-type, the selfish type, the egocentric type, and so on. Many psychologists have concluded also that people array themselves into fundamental groupings; and it was natural that they should attempt to establish a scientific basis for the groupings or types which they felt existed. From this point of view many typologies have emerged, notably those of Jung, Spranger, Kretschmer, and Rosanoff, all of which have merited serious scientific recognition.

Like a wise Solomon, the reincarnation principle supports both the trait and the type theory of personality; it also points up the incompleteness of both. If we take into consideration one system of types in the light of the Cayce readings, we shall see how this is so. (more…)

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A Dream Within A Dream

A-Dream-Within-A-Dream-main-3-postby Paramahansa Yogananda

All the knowledge there is to be known in every branch of science and art, including the mystery of the atoms and the history of the universe and of human beings, is already existing in the ether as vibrations of truth. These vibrations are all around us, and there is a way to contact them directly. That way is through the all-knowing intuitive power of the soul. To discover any truth, we have only to turn our consciousness inward to the soul, whose omniscience is one with God. When those who are receptive hear someone speak truth, it seems so familiar. Their first reaction is “I thought so!” The mind has simply recognized a truth already known intuitively by the soul.

From that source come all the lectures I give. If I had to read in order to gather facts and ideas for my talks to you, I don’t know what I would do! I read very little, because it is not necessary. By the time I get through a few pages of a book, I know from its vibrations whatever truth it contains. (more…)

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How Do You Want To Spend An Eternity?

How-Do-You-Want-To-Spend-Eternity-main-4-postby Tish Brown

Being that we are eternal living beings that even suicide (see my article on suicide) cannot kill, how do you want to spend your eternity? Do you want it to be constructive with love and peace in your life or would you prefer the drama of never-ending upheaval and pain? Guess what? We decide. In every nanosecond of our lives we make the decision.

The distortions of our past enter into every nanosecond of our being. This is what energy does. Energy not only gives us the ability to move and live from breath to breath but it also comes with baggage. It’s this baggage we want to get rid of if we are to finally wake up into a new world or dimension of love and peace. This past is only an illusion that traps us in hate and fear and it is what we have to recognize in our daily life as being just that – an illusion. (more…)

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Reincarnation And The American Indian

Reincarnation-And-The-American-Indian-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

In matters of philosophy and faith the American Indian is by nature an individualist. His convictions are influenced profoundly by his interpretation of the experiences of daily life, and by the visions and other mystical extensions of consciousness resulting from vigil, fasting, prayer, and meditation. Members of the same tribe may differ widely in their beliefs. Religious tolerance is general, and nonconformity brings no reproach if a man practices his beliefs with sincerity. Therefore, when an ethnologist asks some old sachem or an outstanding tribal citizen for a summary of the religion of his people, the learned elder, as likely as not, will elucidate his personal opinions of the subject. Thus many differing accounts may be secured from a single group. Due to this complication, all broad statements covering Indian theology are subject to a variety of exceptions. (more…)

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Karmic Family Entanglements

Karmic-Family-Entanglements-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

Among the multitude of sorrows that befall men and women is the anguish of having brought into the world a defective child. Materially, it is a problem in extra care and expense; socially, it constitutes a kind of unspoken stigma; spiritually, it is a source of questioning the ways of God to men, and of deep anxiety for the welfare of the child.

To such parents the reincarnation principle can be a source of reassurance and courage. In the first place, it is evident on this principle that any abnormality is probably of karmic origin. There are a few instances in the Cayce files where a birth injury was pronounced to be non-karmic, but on the whole, birth deformities are highly indicative of some past life transgression. Secondly, the connection between parent and afflicted child is almost always of karmic origin also. Again and again, in readings taken on children suffering with mongolian idiocy, deafness, water on the brain, and many other tragic afflictions, one finds the phrase: “This is karma, for both the parent and the child.” (more…)

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Past Lives Matter – Q & A ~ Part III

Q-A-Past-Lives-Matter-Part-III-main-4-postby Bryan Jameison

Q: How long have we been incarnating on Earth and where did it begin?

A: Our first incarnation took place approximately five and one half miles south of Mattoon, Illinois, 3,746,542 years ago on the third day of June at 3:34 p.m. Daylight Savings Time.

Q: Are you serious?

A: Of course not. Truthfully, I haven’t the slightest idea of when or where we first incarnated on Earth. If what my regressees have told me is true, we’ve been roaming around this planet for about a million years, and in addition, many of us have spent millenniums as inhabitants of other galaxies or planes/dimensions. (more…)

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