Past Life Origins of Mental Illness

Past-Life-Origins-of-Mental-Illness-main-4-post-1by Gina Cerminara

The name of Freud and the term “unconscious mind” are well known today. Many persons, however, are unaware of the fact that Freud’s discovery of the unconscious mind was due to his investigations in hypnosis. It was because hypnotized subjects could recall incidents from their childhood that were completely forgotten in their conscious state that Freud was forced to postulate an “unconscious mind” to account for the preservation of the otherwise irretrievable material. Freud later abandoned hypnosis as a clinical technique because it proved unsatisfactory in many cases, and proceeded to develop other methods of exploring the unconscious depths. But hypnosis must nonetheless be regarded as the parent of psychoanalysis.

In the realm of reincarnationist psychology, hypnosis may have a similar role to play. The Cayce clairvoyance would seem to indicate that it is possible for a hypnotized subject, such as Cayce himself, to discover the past-life history of other individuals. But perhaps even more important than this, it would seem that it is possible for an individual using hypnosis, or some similar technique such as the dianetic reverie, to relive his own past lives. (more…)

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Examples of Karmic Feedback

Examples-of-Karmic-Feedback-main-4-postby Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Anorexia nervosa is a very dangerous syndrome. It is characterized by a patient literally starving herself to death. The patient considers herself to be very much overweight even though, in reality, she is at her proper weight or slightly underweight. When she looks in the mirror, she fantasizes that she sees an overweight figure. I have observed this neurosis in women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Most commonly, it affects young, single women of middle-class backgrounds.

There was a case that was reported to me not long ago about a 19-year-old girl who read an article in a leading magazine stating that one can never be too rich or too thin. Because this young woman was from a lower middle-class family with little chance of becoming wealthy, she decided that her only hope was to lose weight quickly by starving herself. This sudden weight loss nearly killed her. After a number of hospitalizations and psychotherapy, she realized the futility and danger of her actions and fortunately came to her senses. (more…)

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Exploring Past Lives Through Dreams ~ Part II

Discovering-Past-Lives-Through-Dreaming-Part-II-main-4-postBy Michael Talbot

Training Yourself To Dream About Past Lives

Once you are able to remember your dreams, you are ready to start programming them to tell you about your past lives. Many people are surprised to discover that programming a dream or getting a dream to answer a particular question is a remarkably easy process. It is also a very ancient practice. In her book Creative Dreaming, psychologist and dream researcher Dr. Patricia Garfield notes that techniques for programming dreams to answer specific questions have been found in Egyptian records dating from 3000 B.C. The ancient Assyrians called the practice istiqara, and among the ancient Greeks it was known as “dream incubation.”

Many modern researchers have also developed methods for “incubating” dreams. Although devoid of the mythological jargon that accompanied ancient techniques, the essence of these techniques remain the same. Inducing a dream about one of your past lives (or about any matter on which you desire dream guidance) involves three basic steps. (more…)

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The Karma of Mockery

The-Karma-of-Mockery-main-4-postBy Gina Cerminara

One of the seven cardinal sins of Christian theology is pride. Like many another theological tenet, this one is intellectually interesting but seems remote from the practical, medical problems of human affliction. Yet if we are to accept the testimony of the Cayce readings, the sin of pride can result karmically in very tangible physical suffering—and particularly so when this pride has expressed itself in mockery or scorn. Cruel laughter and disparaging words seem to be the equivalent of a physical act of aggression, and thus set in motion boomerang karma which results in the same physical affliction as that suffered by the person mocked at.

There are seven cases of severe physical disability in the Cayce files in which the affliction is attributed to a cause of this kind. Curiously enough, six of them are traced to the era of the Christian persecutions in Rome; here again we see how groups of souls of one era of history apparently return to earth as contemporaries in another era of history. (more…)

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Exploring Past Lives Through Dreams

Discovering-Past-Lives-Through-Dreaming-main-2-postBy Michael Talbot

The question of karma is obscure to me, as is also the problem of personal rebirth or the transmigration of souls. “With a free and open mind” I listen attentively to the Indian doctrine of rebirth, and look around in the world of my own experience to see whether somewhere and some-how there is some authentic sign pointing toward reincarnation… Until a few years ago I could not discover anything convincing in this respect… Recently, however, I observed in myself a series of dreams which would seem to describe the process of reincarnation. Since this observation is subjective and unique, I prefer only to mention its existence and not to go into it any further. I must confess, however, that after this experience I view the problem of reincarnation with somewhat different eyes… ~ C. G. JUNG, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Although it has long been known that dreams are storehouses of information about our past in this life, there is evidence that they frequently contain a good deal of past-life information as well. For example, in 1981 psychic researcher D. Scott Rogo of John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California, placed a notice in several psychic-oriented magazines asking interested readers to send him accounts of reincarnation memories they had experienced that had emerged in any way other than through hypnosis. In his 1985 book The Search for Yesterday, Rogo reported that spontaneous past-life memories which surfaced in dreams constituted the largest group of credible accounts. (more…)

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Edgar Cayce On Karmic Lag-Time

Karmic-Lag-Time-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

A curious fact, observable in the cases of physical karma already discussed here, is that the karmic consequence of an action sometimes shows itself only after an interval of one or more lifetimes. The question arises as to why this karmic suspension is necessary. Why should not the reaction begin immediately, with the promptness of a ball rebounding from a wall?

There would seem to be several answers to this question. One is that the ego must wait for a time and place appropriate to the karma which it has created. It may take centuries before such a suitable opportunity presents itself, and the intervening centuries are to be used for the working out of other character problems. A good example of this type of karmic suspension is seen in the Cayce data on entities who once lived on the lost continent of Atlantis. (more…)

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Discovering Past Lives Using The Resonance Method ~ Part II

Discovering-Past-Lives-Through-Resonance-Part-II-main-4-postby Michael Talbot


Past-life occupations also appear to leave a powerful imprint on people. Frequently, after I have taught people the Resonance Method and raised the subject of occupations, they can immediately recall two or three jobs they have done in former lives. You may find that the idea of life in a convent or life tilling the land has always evoked a certain strange nostalgia in you. Or you may realize that you have a real feel for medicine, the military, for making things with your hands, for fishing, hunting, teaching, writing, carpentry, building clocks, helping others, acting, weaving, public speaking, electronics, or astronomy.

Once you have come up with a list of occupations for which you have resonance, go back over your life and see if this sheds any light on other aspects of your personality. For example, after I discovered that I had resonance for having been a jeweler, I suddenly realized this aptitude had manifested itself frequently throughout my life without my having been aware of it. I realized that I had always possessed a natural tendency to tinker with watches and other small objects. Although I had never cultivated such a reputation, friends and family frequently brought me their broken chain clasps and other jewelry to be fixed. I even remember that as a small boy, I once saw a book on a famous jeweler in a bookstore, and I paused and gazed at it for a second or two as if the information the book contained were calling to me—but then I moved on and had completely forgotten the incident until I had my flash of insight about having been a jeweler. (more…)

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Discovering Past Lives Using The Resonance Method

Discovering-Past-Lives-Using-Resonance-Method-main-4-postby Michael Talbot

The past-life places and things for which one tends to have the most resonance are the broader features of human existence. The exceptions to this rule are those things that have left a strong impression in the unconscious because of powerful emotional associations or repeated past-life exposure.

Go through the categories described in the following paragraphs, and every time you find an item for which you feel you may have a past-life resonance, mark it down on a page in your journal. [See how to journal for past lives here] That way you will have all of the fragments of possible past-life memories accumulated in one place so you can study them more easily when you set out to determine if they come together to form any larger patterns. (more…)

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Discovering Past Lives Through Journaling

Discovering-Past-Lives-Through-Journaling-main-4-postHow To Keep A Past-Life Journal

by Michael Talbot

One of the most important prerequisites to beginning to explore your past lives is to set up a past-life journal and get in the habit of using it. The journal should be loose-leaf so that you can add pages when necessary, and large enough to accommodate a lot of material. You will also want divider sheets or subject tabs so that you can organize the journal into sections.

How you set your journal up will depend in part on your own idiosyncrasies and on which techniques of past-life recall you choose to explore. Some basic organizational suggestions follow. (more…)

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Physical Karma


“Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” – Buddha

“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword.” – Jesus of Nazereth

by Gina Cerminara

On Physical Karma – According to the Edgar Cayce Readings:

The lame, the deaf, the deformed, the blind, the incurable—these are perhaps the most conspicuous examples of human suffering. When we see such an affliction in another, we are moved to pity of the deepest kind. When we experience such an affliction ourselves, and know its sad frustrations, we begin bitterly to question the ways of God to man. Why has this thing happened to me? we ask plaintively. Why has it happened to me?

The belief that suffering must be due to wrongdoing of some kind has been discarded by the modern mind as a superstition of outworn religions; few people nowadays are inclined to think of suffering in terms of “sin”. Yet in the view of the Cayce readings, sin and suffering have an exact cause-and-effect relationship, even though the point of origin of the sin may be hidden from view. (more…)

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Past Life Talents: Lost But Not Forgotten

Past-Life-Talents-main-4-postby Bryan Jameison

One of the most fascinating things about regression work, is that it’s like exploring an uncharted river. One never knows where it might lead nor what surprise may lie around the next bend. By 1983, I was well aware of the healing power of past-life therapy because of the consistently positive results my clients reported to me. Then one day, I regressed a woman into a past life, which took place in South America. There she had been an accomplished potter, and her unique and beautiful creations were in great demand. She began describing how she actually created one of her pots. As she talked, it was obvious she loved her work.

Since I never have anyone rush through any enjoyable or enlightening experience, I suggested she really get into the hands-on process and make a special mental note of everything she was doing. I wanted her to pay particular attention to what she was experiencing physically (to feel the texture of the clay as she molded it, etc.), as well as how she felt about being able to do what she was doing as she was in the process of doing it. After recalling, the entire process from beginning to end, we went to the time when she “threw” the pot of which she was most proud. By that time, she had been making ceramic pots for over twenty years. Once again she took herself through the entire creative process, describing in detail not only what she was doing but why she was doing it the way she did. (more…)

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I Remember Lemuria


“For the past twenty-five or thirty years we have had a great many of what are called fantastic or amazing stories printed in magazines and books. Now by far the greatest part of them are inspired by writers who, in their sleep state or other ways, actually contacted people who lived in these other planets. The stories were too fantastic for the normal person to visualize, yet it is quite conceivable that such places and things could exist for that is the Infinite Nature of God.” ~ Ernest L. Norman


Richard-Shaver-4-postPerhaps my parents never realized the puns that would be made on my name when they christened me Richard Sharpe Shaver. Under ordinary circumstances the puns would have been of little consequence, but because of the amazing fact of my amazing memory of the life of another person, long dead, it has been incredibly hard for me to speak convincingly and to make people believe in me. Invariably I get that oh-so-funny remark, “Sharp-shaver, eh? A regular cut-up, eh, kid!” accompanied by a sly dig in the ribs and a very stupid, “Get it?” How can a man get a serious audience after that?

And yet, there it is for all who wish—to pun and pun again. If I achieve nothing else at least you may laugh, and to laugh is to be physically and mentally healthy. For those of you who will read on and carefully weigh what I am about to tell you I am convinced there will be no thought of puns. Instead, when you consider the real truths behind what I say—and even better, experiment and study to corroborate them—it seems to me to be inevitable that you will forget that I am Richard Sharpe Shaver, and instead, am what science chooses to very vaguely define as the racial memory receptacle of a man (or should I say a being?) named Mutan Mion, who lived many thousands of years ago in Sub Atlan, one of the great cities of ancient Lemuria! (more…)

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Six Strange Stories of Reincarnation: Past Lives Are Real!

6-Stories-of-Reincarnation-main-4-postCase Studies by Dr. Ian Stevenson

Reincarnation Story 1: The Case of Purnima Ekanayake

Reincarnation-Stories-Purinima-1-4-postPsychology professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Iceland, Erlendur Haraldsson, researched the strange case of Purnima Ekanayake, a girl who claimed to have been a manufacturer of incense who died in a traffic accident.

Purnima was nine when Professor Erlendur Haraldsson saw her for the first time in September 1996 at her home in Bakamuna, a small town in the district center of Polunnaruwa, Sri Lanka. She was still talking about her former life, which is unusual at that age because most children stop doing this around the age of five or six years. According to her parents, she had started talking about her past life when she was just three years old. At the age of 4, after seeing a famous TV show that featured the Kelaniya Temple (Temple of pilgrimage for Buddhists in Sri Lanka and 145 km from Bakamuna), Purnima said she knew that temple. A few days later, the girl went with her parents to visit the city of Kelaniya Temple. Upon reaching the city, Purnima said: “I used to live on the other side of the river (Kelaniya River).” (more…)

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Dysfunctional Relationships And Their Roots In Past Lives

Dysfunctional-Relationships-And-Their-Roots-In-Past-Lives-main-4-postby Bryan Jameison

Inasmuch as most of my clients are female, the majority of my work has naturally been focused on working with issues affecting their lives. A common problem many women have is finding themselves enmeshed in dysfunctional relationships, yet not being able to extricate themselves from them. Despite the ability of many women to care for themselves in today’s society, many, nonetheless, are plagued by obviously inappropriate feelings of guilt. When contemplating terminating a chronically abusive or dissatisfying relationship, I’ve found several past-life reasons, which often cause them to stay, even though their good sense said get out of it.

In their past lives, most women seldom could read or write and most certainly knew nothing about the outside world. Most had very little to offer in exchange for their keep, aside from sex, cooking, etc. Without a father or husband to protect and provide for her, the average female literally was at the mercy of the male populace. She was very lucky if she could find employment as a scullery maid, barmaid, or housekeeper. Her other options were to become a whore, a beggar, a thief or a nun. What most unmarried women could expect to look forward to without a man was a life of humiliation; begging on the streets, prostitution or scavenging for food in alleys. (more…)

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A Time Traveler In Tibet

Time-Traveler-To-Tibet-main-4-postBy Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray”

We are all travelers through time. We pass from one incarnation to another until such an appointed time that we arrive at the fulfillment of our purpose for being here on this sad globe, and passing onto the next, more exalted sphere of existence. Thanks to my friendship with our celestial brothers and sisters from the paradisiacal orb of the planet widely known among the inhabitants of the Earth as Venus, access has been graciously granted for me to review the records of my past lives from the great Hall of History adjacent to the Cyther Dome in the temple city of Azure, situated on the second planet and connected through a mental bi-location signal to the crystal ice caves beneath the frigid, windswept surface of Uranus, nearly at the fringes of our solar system, of which facility an account has been provided you in the pages of my Venus Rising trilogy of books.


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