Six Strange Stories of Reincarnation: Past Lives Are Real!
Case Studies by Dr. Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation Story 1: The Case of Purnima Ekanayake
Psychology professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Iceland, Erlendur Haraldsson, researched the strange case of Purnima Ekanayake, a girl who claimed to have been a manufacturer of incense who died in a traffic accident.
Purnima was nine when Professor Erlendur Haraldsson saw her for the first time in September 1996 at her home in Bakamuna, a small town in the district center of Polunnaruwa, Sri Lanka. She was still talking about her former life, which is unusual at that age because most children stop doing this around the age of five or six years. According to her parents, she had started talking about her past life when she was just three years old. At the age of 4, after seeing a famous TV show that featured the Kelaniya Temple (Temple of pilgrimage for Buddhists in Sri Lanka and 145 km from Bakamuna), Purnima said she knew that temple. A few days later, the girl went with her parents to visit the city of Kelaniya Temple. Upon reaching the city, Purnima said: “I used to live on the other side of the river (Kelaniya River).” (more…)
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Dysfunctional Relationships And Their Roots In Past Lives
by Bryan Jameison
Inasmuch as most of my clients are female, the majority of my work has naturally been focused on working with issues affecting their lives. A common problem many women have is finding themselves enmeshed in dysfunctional relationships, yet not being able to extricate themselves from them. Despite the ability of many women to care for themselves in today’s society, many, nonetheless, are plagued by obviously inappropriate feelings of guilt. When contemplating terminating a chronically abusive or dissatisfying relationship, I’ve found several past-life reasons, which often cause them to stay, even though their good sense said get out of it.
In their past lives, most women seldom could read or write and most certainly knew nothing about the outside world. Most had very little to offer in exchange for their keep, aside from sex, cooking, etc. Without a father or husband to protect and provide for her, the average female literally was at the mercy of the male populace. She was very lucky if she could find employment as a scullery maid, barmaid, or housekeeper. Her other options were to become a whore, a beggar, a thief or a nun. What most unmarried women could expect to look forward to without a man was a life of humiliation; begging on the streets, prostitution or scavenging for food in alleys. (more…)
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A Time Traveler In Tibet
By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray”
We are all travelers through time. We pass from one incarnation to another until such an appointed time that we arrive at the fulfillment of our purpose for being here on this sad globe, and passing onto the next, more exalted sphere of existence. Thanks to my friendship with our celestial brothers and sisters from the paradisiacal orb of the planet widely known among the inhabitants of the Earth as Venus, access has been graciously granted for me to review the records of my past lives from the great Hall of History adjacent to the Cyther Dome in the temple city of Azure, situated on the second planet and connected through a mental bi-location signal to the crystal ice caves beneath the frigid, windswept surface of Uranus, nearly at the fringes of our solar system, of which facility an account has been provided you in the pages of my Venus Rising trilogy of books.
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Past, Parallel And Simultaneous Lifetimes
by Sal Rachele
The subject of other lifetimes is a vast area of mystery to many. It used to be that people thought of other lifetimes as part of a linear progression taking place in linear time. But it really depends on the dimension and level of awareness involved. From a higher dimensional perspective, all lifetimes are occurring simultaneously in both space and time, making them parallel rather than past in nature.
The value of thinking in terms of linear past lives is that we can “remember” a “past” lifetime and learn from our experience. One of the lifetimes I remember quite well was the last one on Atlantis. I left in a spaceship with about a dozen others as the continent sank beneath the sea.
The karmic lesson in this lifetime that relates to Atlantis is based on something like this: “When the going gets tough, the enlightened beam up and escape the trauma.” My tendency has been to have resistance to being grounded to the Earth plane, and when Earthly affairs get difficult, start looking for Scotty and the transporter beam. (more…)
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Children’s Past Life Memories And Healing ~ Part II
by Carol Bowman
Because I had my own physical and emotional healing as the result of a past life regression before my children’s memories emerged, I recognized the healing potential of past life memories for children. But I wondered, why were none of the professionals in the field of past life therapy writing about this? I read all of the best books on regression therapy with adults. In many published case studies, psychiatrists and psychologists demonstrated how current emotional and physical problems could be resolved by accessing past life memories and processing them with the patient. Some of these memories emerged spontaneously, some through hypnosis during the course of therapy.
Here is how past life healing works. As my teacher and friend Roger Woolger writes, “We come into each life with unfinished business of the soul.” Most often, the unfinished business relates to past life trauma, when the impressions of feelings, thoughts, and even physical injury get locked into place in our souls, our energy bodies, and are carried forward into our current lives. The beauty is that once the past life story becomes conscious, and the circumstances of that life understood, the energy frozen in the trauma is released, changing us and healing us in the present. (more…)
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Proof Of Reincarnation In Major Religions
Reincarnation: A term applied to the understanding that beings, souls, or intelligences return or are reborn into a physical embodiment.
Throughout the history of countless civilizations world-wide dating far back as thousands of years, reincarnation has implied that living intelligent consciousness cannot persist in a physical state but must make temporary visits in cycles. Also called transmigration or metempsychosis by religions, theologians, and philosophers, an entity’s mind, soul, or consciousness not only persists after death but returns to physical life for purposes established by the particular belief.
Some traditional beliefs establish that reembodiment occurs in a variety of physical forms, though mostly human. These beliefs are not only held by Asian traditions but appear in established intellectual development of people throughout the world over the ages such as Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Thus, reincarnation is not a new idea but rather an understanding of life dating back to the beginnings of man. (more…)
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Discovering Past Lives Through Dreams
by Andrew Parr
When you close your eyes and fall asleep each evening, your conscious, everyday, busy mind shuts down and allows you to rest. If you have trouble getting to sleep, it is usually because this busy mind still has too much to think about.
When you do get to sleep, however, as the conscious you drifts into sleepy oblivion, the inner you is then more free to come to the surface. The dreams, images, feelings and experiences that you sense on waking are generally due to the activities of your inner self throughout the night (or whenever it is that you sleep).
But when you dream, are these dreams all creations of your subconscious? Or could it be that at times during sleep your mind is free to wander and tune in to past life experiences in exactly the same way you would with past life regression? (more…)
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Children’s Past Life Memories And Healing
by Carol Bowman
Young children all over the world have spontaneous memories of previous lives, regardless of the religious beliefs of the parents. It’s a natural phenomenon. Children usually begin speaking of “when they were big before” or “when they died” around the age of three, and may speak of their memories for a period of a few years. Many of the memories children recall are of traumatic deaths, which may continue to affect a child in their present life as phobias and other emotional problems. By combining what I’ve learned from collecting my own cases of children’s past life memories for more than twenty years, and from the large body of research of spontaneous past life memories from Dr. Ian Stevenson, with the healing model of past life therapy with adults, I derive a method of healing traumatic past life memories as they emerge spontaneously in early childhood. By studying the cases of children who speak with conviction of their other lives, we also observe that many aspects of the child’s present personality have carried forward intact from the past life: behaviors, emotions, phobias, talents, knowledge, the quality of relationships, and even physical symptoms. The fact that these personality traits carry forward suggests a new way of looking at personality formation and a theory of personality that spans lifetimes. The children’s cases also add an important piece to the metaphysical discussion of the survival of consciousness after death, because it is clear from the cases that some form of personal consciousness continues from one life to another. (more…)
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Learning From Past Life Therapy
by Leo Bolduc
When I was fifteen years old, my brother, Raymond, brought home a five-cent used book, The Search for Bridey Murphy by Morey Bernstein. That book launched my career and provided an avocation which has spanned more than four decades.
In a manner of speaking, I was a pioneer in a new profession, a researcher in a new area of discovery. As a researcher, I designed new methods for others to use. As an author, I compiled the research and published several books on the topic. Later, I became a Board Certified teacher, trainer, and researcher, helping people to improve their lives by healing past trauma and building a better future.
This article highlights some of my learning from forty-four years in past-life therapy. My goal has been, and continues to be, practical application instead of the promotion of theory. (more…)
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Remembering A Past Life In Atlantis
by Ingrid Bennett
Many thanks to our Guides and Helpers in Spirit. In the following, I have recorded some of the memories and events of my past life in Atlantis with the special help of my guides: White Cloud and White Eagle.
I see a spacious room in a domed building. The floor is tiled sandstone. A large crystal is inside a domed case on a black pedestal which dominates the room. It is used to energize the city. In my Altantean life, I had much knowledge and was raised to be a ‘Keeper of the Crystal’, a priestess if you like (it is the closest explanation which sums up my position). I work in this dome protecting and working with the crystal. I am strong in myself – I know myself and this is an important part of the work I do. The other ‘Keepers’ are also women, except one man, who is very spiritual and wise. He is also our protector. (more…)
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Legacy: The Search For Love
What would you do if you witnessed real events that took place in ages long ago, on distant lands and foreign worlds far beyond ours—eccentric, formidable events that diverge extensively from common-day views? What if one such event was an awe-inspiring, personal experience with elevated realms of reality; higher dimensions of existence where God’s love and truth gleam constantly from joy-filled beings, and all living things are composed of the essence of celestial light itself?
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The Evidence For Reincarnation
by Stephen Wagner
Have you lived before? The concept of reincarnation is that our souls may experience many lifetimes over centuries, maybe even thousands of years. It has been present in virtually every culture since ancient times. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Aztecs all believed in the “transmigration of souls” from one body to another after death. It’s a fundamental precept of Hinduism.
Although reincarnation is not a part of official Christian doctrine, many Christians believe in it or at least accept its possibility.
The idea that after death we can live again as another person, maybe as the opposite sex or in a completely different station in life, is intriguing and, for many people, highly appealing. (more…)
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The Soul Exists: Scientific Proof Of Reincarnation
by Dylan Harper
A lot of people are resistant to the idea of a soul because of how this term has gotten wrapped up in religious superstition and dogma. Some people think it is outright silly. But the concept of consciousness being able to detach from the body offers a lot of explanatory power when it comes to phenomenon such as Near Death Experiences, Out-Of-Body Experiences, astral projections, and even reincarnation.
In fact, the evidence for reincarnation is the best hard scientific evidence we have for the existence of a soul. This is a bold claim, but the evidence for reincarnation is undeniable and cannot collectively be attributed to chance or any other physical explanation. If reincarnation exists, the soul exists. Let’s take a look!
Before we explore the evidence, it’s helpful to remember that we do not need hard PROOF in order to be justified in believing in something. If the weatherman says there is a 70% chance of showers, I don’t need proof that it’s going to rain before I am justified in bringing an umbrella with me. I don’t have to be certain that a meteor isn’t going to fall on my head before I go outside.
I don’t need hard scientific proof of extra-terrestrial life in order to be justified in believing that life exists on other planets, because there are so many good reasons that, when taken together cumulatively, provide a plausible account for belief in life on other planets. This is known as “abductive reasoning” and is the kind of reasoning we use most in our every day lives. (more…)
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On Reincarnation
The word reincarnation merely means to reenter into; in a sense, each time we reenter a room, we are reincarnating. Referring
again to psychology in the science of psychosomatic medicine, the proven theory is that everyone reacts from basic subconscious thought patterns derived from experiences which were formed first in our early childhood, therefore, in every moment of our daily lives, as it exists in the present, we are reliving the past from these subconscious abstractions. Sadly enough, present-day psychosomatics do not include past lifetimes which are often the true seat of some present-day illnesses or conditions incurred as psychic shock from some one particular past-life experience.
Paradoxically, although none of the present-day sciences express or believe either in reincarnation or the continuity of life, these existing sciences are the ones which will form the first step in our personal evaluation of life and will help explain just what this mysterious force is. This scientific equation is, incidentally, the common ingredient lacking in all present-day dispensations of psychical knowledge, whether they relate either to reincarnation or to the more orthodox concepts. Neither modern science nor materia medica knows as yet, in a pure sense, what life is or what is commonly referred to as the creative or re-creative life force. (more…)
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So We Meet Again: Past Life Relationships
Life is real, life is earnest and the grave is not its goal. Dust thou art, to dust returnest, was not spoken of the soul.” Longfellow
“It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been such a long time.” Have you ever felt like saying that when meeting a total stranger for the first time? Or conversely, have you met someone you instantly disliked or feared? There seems to be a sense of inner recognition that you know this stranger, even though that awareness doesn’t quite logically fit. If reincarnation is not part of your belief system, then you may drive yourself crazy trying to figure out why you feel such a strong pull toward the person. On the other hand, if you accept reincarnation, you automatically may assume that the negative or positive feelings you have when encountering someone for the first time is traceable to a past-life connection. You may think this too weird, but I have found that all of my clients have known at least one person, and more often, several.
Roles change. Besides being a romantic partner or soul mate, the person also could have been an enemy, a child, an infuential teacher, a parent, a boss, a sibling or anyone else with whom we’ve had a relationship in a former life. A person who once killed us may now be our sibling, or we could have killed as an enemy who is now our best friend. The following is a case in point. Through regression, a young man in his twenties discovered that his father’s long-standing feelings of indifference towards him stemmed from a past life in which his father was a Cheyenne Indian brave who had killed him and his family as they were heading West. In this life, he simply gave my client, his son, a new life and a new body to replace the one he took. There was nothing in their contract saying the father had to love his son. This definitely is a perfect illustration of the principle “an eye for and eye…” in action.
Through many incarnations, it becomes obvious that our relationships can become extremely complicated and convoluted. However, according to my experience, the belief that all the people we now know are those we have known in the past to be without foundation. Along this line, much has been said and written about soul mates. In fact, it’s the most popular single topic among believers in reincarnation. It seems that nearly everyone wants to know if they have had a past relationship with their present-day spouse or lover. When the answer is “yes,” they generally want to explore those past-life connections A.S.A.P. The more history a relationship has, the wiser one would be to explore it. (more…)
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