Connecting Spirit Releasement To Past Life Therapy
At the time of death several choices are available for the deceased soul. It can move into the Light, accompanied by the guiding spirits that come. It can also linger on the Earth plane for any number of reasons, remaining in some favored location as a haunting spirit, or joining a living person as an attached entity.
When a client describes the death scene in a past-life therapy session, the past-life experience is not over and the regression is not complete until the being returns to the Light. If the being does not move toward the Light after death but instead describes floating in a gray place, drifting over their hometown, or being drawn toward a living human, this may indicate a spirit attachment. The therapist continues to probe for the experience of either moving fully into the Light or joining another living person. The discovery questions must continue until one of these two events is recalled.
I continue to repeat my favorite question:
“What happens next?”
The newly deceased spirit may describe a brief period of wandering before moving into the Light. This indicates a past life of the client.
This question may also reveal the experience of attachment to a living host, who is the client. Since a spirit is capable of “floating” indefinitely, more prompting may be needed to locate the crucial moment. The longer the soul remains near the Earth, the more likely is attachment to a living human. The next question is asked:
“Skip forward to the next thing that happens.” (more…)
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The Case For Reincarnation
There are many advantages claimed by the advocates of Reincarnation which are worthy of the careful consideration of students of the problem of the soul. We shall give to each of these principal points a brief consideration, that you may acquaint yourself with several points to this argument for the case of reincarnation.
It is argued that the principle of analogy renders it more reasonable to believe that the present life of the soul is but one link in a great chain of existences, which chain stretches far back into the past on one side, and far out into the future on the other, than to suppose that it has been specially created for this petty term of a few years of earth life, and then projected for weal or woe into an eternity of spiritual existence. It is argued that the principle of Evolution on the Physical Plane points to an analogy of Evolution of the Spiritual Plane. It is reasoned that just as birth on the next plane of life follows death on the present one, so analogy would indicate that a death on past planes preceded birth on this, and so on. It is argued that every form of life that we know of has arisen from lower forms, which in turn arose from still lower forms, and so on; and that following the same analogy the soul has risen from lower to higher, and will mount on to still higher forms and planes. It is argued that “special creation” is unknown in the universe, and that it is far more reasonable to apply the principle of evolution to the soul than to consider it as an exception and violation of the universal law. (more…)
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Reincarnation ~ Part I
Among the many ideas which have lightened the burden of men, one of the most serviceable has been that of Reincarnation. It not only explains why one man is born in the lap of luxury and another in poverty, why one is a genius and another an idiot, but it also holds out the hope that, as men now reap what they have sown in the past, so in future lives the poor and wretched of today shall have what they lack, if so they work for it, and that the idiot may, life after life, build up mentality which in far-off days may flower as genius.
When the idea of reincarnation is heard of for the first time, the student naturally supposes that it is a Hindu doctrine, for it is known to be a fundamental part of both Hinduism and Buddhism. But the strange fact is that reincarnation is found everywhere as a belief, and its origin cannot be traced to Indian sources. We hear of it in far-off Australia and there is a story on record of an Australian aborigine who went cheerfully to the gallows, and replied on being questioned as to his levity: “Tumble down black fellow, jump up white fellow, and have lots of sixpences to spend!” It was taught by the Druids of ancient Gaul, and Julius Caesar tells us how young Gauls were taught reincarnation, and that as a consequence they had no fear of death. Greek philosophers knew of it; we have Pythagoras telling his pupils that in his past lives he had been a warrior at the siege of Troy, and later was the philosopher Hermotimus of Galzomenae. It is not utterly unknown to Christian teaching, if we take the simple statement of Christ, when questioned whether John the Baptist was Elijah or Elias reborn: “If ye will receive it, this is Elias which was for to come,” and He follows up the statement with the significant words: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” In later Jewish tradition, the idea is known, and the Talmud mentions several cases of reincarnation. (more…)
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