Einstein Returns
by Robert R. Leichtman
More than anyone I have interviewed in this series, Einstein made it clear that the universe in which he lives now, as a spirit, is anything but a meaningless world of atoms and molecules, interacting randomly. On the contrary, it is a vast, multidimensional realm filled with a full spectrum of matter which faithfully serves the purpose of incarnating life. He is certain that all measurable forms of matter are only the shadow of something greater. Scientists, he claims, must now stop scoffing at the “intangible” and begin appreciating the many intangible forces and substances of life—and their power to influence us. Only then will our knowledge of the universe become complete. Only then will we become masters of the physical phenomena of life. (more…)
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A Brief History Of Cosmology
by Richard Moore
The story of our collective understanding of cosmology over several millennia – as told from the western society point of view.
Beginning with the epicycles of Claudius Ptolemy, celestial spheres of Nicolaus Copernicus, ellipses of Johannes Kepler, to Galileo Galilei’s discoveries, Gottfried Leibniz’s calculus, and of course, Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion. Then how the Big Bang, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Black Holes were created to justify the gravity-centric Universe of the Standard Model of Cosmology.
Starting in the early 1900s with the breakthrough work of Kristian Birkeland, a growing group of maverick thinkers continue to contribute, educate and spread the ideals of the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology. (more…)
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Why There Is No Missing Link
In much of the Unariun literature, it has been discussed that and rightfully so that there is no missing link. There is a dividing line between animal and man as is explained here in an excerpt from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, Chapter 6 (also see Part II and Part III)
The following video with partial transcript underneath confirms what the Unariun Liturgies have been saying from the start, what scientists are beginning to confirm now.
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Nikola Tesla: Master Of Imagination
by Thomas Penick
Nikola Tesla was born on July 9/10 (midnight), 1856 in Smiljam, Croatia, to a Serbian family. His father was an orthodox priest. His mother was unschooled but quite intelligent. Nikola was a dreamer who loved poetry. He was self-disciplined and compulsive. His principle contribution to the field of electromagnetic engineering is the discovery of the rotating magnetic field and the development of the polyphase electrical system. Historians credit Tesla with being a genius because he not only made unique discoveries in electromagnetic engineering but developed these discoveries into working systems in an area of science that had almost no existing body of knowledge other than what he himself had uncovered. Pioneering experiments were also conducted in fluorescent lighting, vacuum tube, radio, robotics, and X-ray technologies. (more…)
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The Sights of Space: A Journey To Alien Worlds
by melodysheep (John D. Boswell)
The vast expanse of the universe holds countless mysteries, and among them are the breathtaking celestial bodies that exist beyond our solar system. This video essay takes us on an exhilarating journey through the cosmos, revealing a tapestry of extraordinary worlds waiting to be explored.
The narrative commences by introducing us to the NAVIS III, a fictional spacecraft capable of traversing the Milky Way. This vessel becomes our guide to the wildest planets known to humanity. We embark on a voyage of discovery, venturing into realms of unimaginable wonders. (more…)
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Vortex Implosion – The Secret of Viktor Schauberger
by Leopold Brandstatter
Viktor Schauberger was to water what Nikola Tesla was to electricity. He was a recognized genius known as the “water wizard”.
It has been clearly and conclusively established already that technology in its various experimental and practical attempts to produce useful energy resorts only to pressure forces (water, steam, air or gas pressure) or that it makes either direct, or indirect use of the heat of combustion to produce expansion and explosion – again pressure forces – which it then converts to useful energy. (more…)
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The Role Of Vibrational Therapy In Medicine
by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, Dr. W. Nelson
The Information Field
Due to current research in physics, the idea that energy and consciousness drive creation is finally becoming well known and accepted. The “information field” in biology is one of these new/old concepts. The chemicals that make up human bodies cannot create a working human on their own; they need an organizer, the information field. Since matter is less than a billionth of the cosmos, it makes sense that energy is the organizer. Doctors tend to ignore this fact and concentrate only on the physical matter of bodies when dealing with health.
The word “information” literally means to give form to the material. It follows, then, that disease is a disruption or distortion of this information or energy. Healing would involve putting this energy back into harmony and order, as is the case with Energy or Vibrational Medicine. (more…)
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See The Pattern: The Cosmos Is Alive
In the following video we, at See The Pattern, will be examining if there is any evidence that we live in a Cosmos which is self organizing… alive. We will examine the Cosmic Web and it’s filaments, the strange behavior of plasma in Space and finally look at a possible Cosmic Battery driving a living Cosmos.
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Fundamental Concepts: Energy And The Psychic Anatomy
by Thomas Miller
The basic foundations of UN.AR.I.U.S. is Dr. Ernest L. Norman’s teachings. We’ll go over that; what are the bare bones, then we can drill down more a little later.
The main first foundation or fundamental concept is that everything is energy including all of us and it’s indestructible and it cannot be destroyed, just changing its form, so we have a dynamic condition, what we call infinite intelligence which most people might want to call God but we don’t have the personal God involved in our teachings. It is the infinite intelligence which permeates everything and is everything. So that is energy; it is the infinite God.
And then we have basically a concept of a psychic anatomy which people would refer to it as a spiritual body: the soul. A lot of people think of it as the soul or we call it the psychic anatomy or psychic body that resides in another dimension. So what we see in our physical life is just the surface consciousness. It’s like the front end of a TV screen and the real part of us is in these higher dimensions; we call them multi dimensions or higher dimensions. The scientist is just now formulating theories about multi dimensions but these are energy relationships in vortexal forms of cycular motions where time is incorporated into the cycle and/or the vortex whereas in the third dimension everything is unidirectional or you know sinusoidal. It goes from one place to the other place and its time is separated out but in the 4th dimensions these psychic anatomies, all of us, reside with various experiences incorporated into our psychic anatomy from past life experiences and also this life. (more…)
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Ancient Pyramids And Electricity
It may have been a Million years ago
The Light was kindled in the Old Dark Land
Within which the illumined Scrolls are all aglow,
That Egypt gave us with her mummied hand:
This was the secret of that subtle smile
Inscrutable upon the Sphinx’s face,
Now told from sea to sea, from isle to isle;
The revelation of the Old Dark Race;
Theirs was the wisdom of the Bee and Bird,
Ant, Tortoise, Beaver, working human-wise;
The ancient darkness spake with Egypt’s Word;
Hers was the primal message of the skies:
The Heavens are telling nightly of her glory,
And for all time Earth echoes her great story. ~ Gerald Massey
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Hidden Knowledge Of Frequency And Vibration
The following three video presentations cover unique perspectives on the power of sound, frequency, and resonance in our daily world, challenging traditional scientific views, but also at the same time, offering new insights to paradigm shifting potential applications across multiple scientific fields of endeavor.
Some key points covered are:
Masuru Emoto’s discovery of the effects of vibration on water; the universal laws of vibration and energy; how ancient civilizations understood the concepts of energy, frequency and vibration; cymatics; the work of Royal Raymond Rife in the use of frequencies to cure illness; Andy Holland’s experiments; levitation and ancient technology; the Great Pyramid’s acoustic properties; DNA and frequency; the use of sound in health; and much more. (more…)
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Forces And Frequencies
by George Van Tassel
People who live on this Earth never stop to realize that they are bio-magnetic and electrical absorbers and emitters of energies that are not registered by their five physical senses. The planet is an armature of spherical shape, with a self-energized stratum of fields surrounding it and permeating it.
The magnetic field polarized Northerly and Southerly, that swings compass needles, has been known about for centuries. There are other fields in the earth’s bulk that are not measurable with a magnetic instrument such as a compass. These fields and currents are the carriers and distributors of what we will call “life force.” This current is not gravity, electrical, or magnetic, and yet is all of these combined, plus a pulsing carrier, or “life force” that conforms polarity-wise with all of the other three. (more…)
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The Lost Century And How To Reclaim It
A century of illegal UFO secrecy has cost humanity hundreds of years of spiritual, cultural and technological development. This film, presented by Dr. Steven Greer, will expose the cost of the cover-up to the planet, and the human race, and how we can reclaim control of our collective destiny.
Official Trailer
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How The Physics of Resonance Shapes Reality
by Ben Brubaker
The same phenomenon by which an opera singer can shatter a wine glass also underlies the very existence of subatomic particles.
Almost anytime physicists announce that they’ve discovered a new particle, whether it’s the Higgs boson or the recently bagged double-charm tetraquark, what they’ve actually spotted is a small bump rising from an otherwise smooth curve on a plot. Such a bump is the unmistakable signature of “resonance,” one of the most ubiquitous phenomena in nature.
Resonance underlies aspects of the world as diverse as music, nuclear fusion in dying stars, and even the very existence of subatomic particles. Here’s how the same effect manifests in such varied settings, from everyday life down to the smallest scales. (more…)
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Invisible Light: The Electric Universe
by George W. Warder
“My definition of electricity is invisible light.” ~ Nikola Tesla
In pondering over that mysterious entity known as electricity, I have evolved a new theory of the world’s creation. It will take time, research, and more perfect demonstration to place it among the exact sciences.
Yet it seems reasonable and natural, and simplifies all scientific investigation. It removes much of the supernatural element to which men in all ages have bowed in wonderment and awe. They have delighted to imagine the universe as spoken into existence from nothing by the word of Omnipotent Deity. The more marvelous and unreasonable this “presto! now you don’t see it, now you see it” creation, the more their credulity and admiration are excited.
They look upon Deity as a self-conscious prestidigitator, a proud occult magician working wonders for the special praise of admiring creation. They are prone to believe he created the universe instantaneously as he created light, not knowing that light was electricity, the only substance or entity in nature that is instantaneous. That it is the work of this same electric force under the propelling will of the creative spirit that through countless ages has evolved the universe. (more…)
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