Dowsing The Aura

Dowsing-The-Aura-main-4-postby Bill Cox


The Original Cameron Aurameter, has long been recognized by professionals and advanced students as “the world’s most versatile and sensitive dowsing instrument.” Verne Cameron invented and field tested an estimated two hundred or more devices between 1926 and 1952. It took him 26 years to perfect his Water-Compass. It was one instrument which would replace the need for a variety of gadgets required for successful field dowsing.

Aurameter-twoPrior to the publication of The Original Cameron Aurameter Book, Max Long asked Cameron if his Water Compass could detect the human aura. Cameron answered: “I don’t know… never tried it.” When a test proved eminently successful, Max replied: “Why Verne, that’s not just a Water Compass: It’s an Aurameter.” From that day on, Cameron continued to successfully dowse for invisible energy fields with a passion. The rest is history…. (more…)

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World Of Tomorrow

World-of-Tomorrow-main-4-postby George Adamski

…A public lecture addressed by GEORGE ADAMSKI at the Detroit Institute of Arts on September 20, 1955. Published from a tape recording by:George Adamski

“Interplanetary Relations”
14315 Haggerty Road
Belleville, Michigan

GEORGE ADAMSKI: I thought I would take up the question tonight in reference to what we might expect in years to come and why we are in the condition in which we find ourselves today. Very few people realize just what has been taking place. We have been moving so fast, in so many ways, that we overlook many things and cannot quite place ourselves at the moment as to why all these things are taking place as they do, including “Flying Saucers” among many other things.

In the first place, we have prophecies that we have overlooked…Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, the Bible, and many others, and I might say right here that those prophecies are actually coming true, if we look at them in the right way. For example, it states in our own Bible that in the latter days (as we might call it at the moment) that when these things will be happening…like “signs in the sky and war and rumors of war”…we will have come to an end of a cycle, or as some people call it, a “dispensation”. These things are taking place right at the very moment. At the same time, there is a statement made also that the yellow races everywhere will be rising and demanding the rights that the white man has enjoyed all these ages. We have such trouble today in Asia. (more…)

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The Sea Of Energy In Which The Earth Floats

The-Sea-Of-Energy-In-Which-The-Earth-Floats-main-4-postby T. Henry Moray

Power From The Cosmos And The Earth

Dr. Nikola Tesla said over sixty years ago, “Ere many generations pass our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the universe. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic, and this we know it is for certain, then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of nature.” Nikola Tesla was not referring to so-called “atomic energy” or nuclear energy but to the energy which is continually bombarding the earth from outer space. Call it cosmic or what one will.

Enough energy is coming to the Earth to light one million, one hundred ninety-three thousand, six hundred, one hundred-watt lamps for every human being on the earth today. No fuel of any kind will be taken as a dead load for the energy can be “picked-up” direct by great ocean liners, railroads, airplanes, automobiles or any form of transportation, to say nothing of the heat, light and power available for use in all kinds of buildings; to pump water on the desert lands with equipment of only a fraction of the weight of any steam plant or any kind of engine in use today and at a fraction of the cost. A wild dream? A proven, practical reality as hundreds of people know who have witnessed the MORAY Radiant Energy equipment. Powered from the cosmos! (more…)

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Nikola Tesla: God Lives Here

Nikola-Tesla-God-Lives-Here-main-2-postPresentation given by Michael Tellinger

How can sound travel faster than the speed of light? How can our thoughts and words manifest reality? What do we really know about science, physics, our Earth and the universe around us? Can we truly be the creators of our own beautiful future? Why don’t they teach us this basic stuff at school?

The following is a brief video excerpt with transcript from his main presentation: 200 Thousand Year Old Technology – Sound Resonance Magnetics – The Nature of Reality. The main presentation (video) is available below at the end of the article. (more…)

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The Harmonic Reactor

The-Harmonic-Reactor-mainby Marina Jacobi

I was born in Bulgaria in 1971. Bulgaria is a beautiful country with a lot of history. Unfortunately, it was under Marina-Jacobi-Speakera communist regime, so we had a lot of poverty in the country. As a child, you don’t pay attention to that as long as you have food and a loving family. I was always happy to go out and play with my younger brother, Theodore. I must say that I was a bit of a tomboy because my family did not have the resources to buy me dolls or girly toys. So, I was always eager to do something new and explore everything out of the box.

When I was 11 years old, my mom went to a medium and psychic convention. She came back from the conference with a couple of friends who had abilities that I couldn’t explain at the time. They performed an energy healing on me, and I almost started to faint, but when all of them surrounded me in a circle and moved their hands in a strange motion, I was immediately fine. Then my mom told me that I could talk to the spirits if I take a pen and try to write with them. The only instruction to me was to be in a quiet place and let go of my thoughts. Just let the pen go by itself, she said. So, I did. (more…)

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Light Medicine

Light-Medicine-mainby Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D.

Did you know that your spirit and physical body are light?

Since our atomic structures are made of light, we can utilize light in conjunction with combination therapies to facilitate greater levels of health and well being. In fact, our cells can use electricity, light, and sound as energy sources. By working with molecules that give off electricity to the body, using light and sounds of healing frequencies, we can enhance the energy in the cells needed for repair and restoration.

We can look at this question of rejuvenation from the perspective of one cell. This cell is like an aging house that needs repair. The more energy, electricity, or light we have to perform the repairs, the faster and more efficient the renovation process can happen. Vitamins and nutrients are the building blocks that allow that reconstruction to take place by affecting DNA to transcribe healthier information. Making sure hormones are functioning properly is allowing the communication between neighborhoods of cells to occur. The detoxification of heavy metals that interferes with the proper functioning of our DNA and vital enzymes is an important step in helping cells become more youthful. Information carriers, such as peptides, can also provide messages to reverse illness. Imagine a future direction of our understanding of health that cannot just help reverse aging and diseases but, in a lifestyle approach, prevent premature aging from occurring at an accelerated rate. We can imagine that when we understand how our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical experiences affect our health than we can change what is affecting the body adversely and therefore are able to facilitate healing and restoration. (more…)

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Etheric Conditioning Required For Traveling In A ET Space Craft

Preconditioning-For-Travel-In-A-UFO-mainby Edward S. Schultz

Nineteen Paragraphs

  1. It is true that a few human beings – (‘Earthians’) have entered Discs and other aeroforms and have taken short rides in them.
  2. No Earthian has traveled in an aeroform to distances beyond the gravitational and magnetic field of the earth. No Earthian has visited the Moon, Mars, Venus, or any other planet while in his normal physical body.
  3. No Earthian can make an interplanetary or true space flight in an aeroform while in his normal physical body. Such a flight would be possible provided his body were reconditioned prior to entering the aeroform. But further –
  4. This reconditioning would consist in a time-measured dosage of high frequencies produced by small electronic devices – and –
  5. True space flight, even if achieved by a human under the protection mentioned, would result in amnesia and serious physical disorders.
  6. An aeroform at rest is enveloped by a field of super-sonic frequencies; and an aeroform in flight gives off a field of ultra-sonic frequencies.
  7. Ultrasonic rates actually convert the aeroform, and the bodies of all persons inside of them, to waves of light. Etherian beings in this condition retain full consciousness and full control of their ‘ship’. But no normal human can survive this conversion unless previously conditioned by time-measured dosage of high frequencies. The subject conditioned would not necessarily be aware of what was being done …. Ultrasonic frequencies loosen the cell structure but do not disintegrate the cells.
  8. Traveling as a light wave the Etherian is able to control his (light wave) craft by mental energies and by the use of ultrasonic frequencies.
  9. The speed of light in free space is without limit. In occupied space (planets and other bodies) light is affected by gravitational pressures. In free space therefore, transition is instantaneous. A change of frequency is equivalent to a change of position or location.
  10. Ultrasonic frequencies produced by electronic devices can act as a gravity screen (shield). A resting Disc can cut off the gravity screen (shield). A resting Disc can cut off the gravity pressure from any angle, and will then be thrown off into space by gravity itself – or –
  11. When the material of which the craft appears to be made has its vibratory rate raised to ultrasonic frequencies it becomes invisible and intangible ipso facto.
  12. When converted as in “11”, the craft may remain in situ, translucent, transparent and invisible, tangible or intangible; or it may depart without being perceived.
  13. Conversion to ultrasonic frequencies affects all parts of the body at the same instant, and the Etherians experience no ill effects. They can travel as conscious living light waves, or in bodies resembling our own at another frequency.
  14. From this point of view (“13”) it is possible to describe the aeroforms as the living bodies of etheric entities (as has been done). The ‘ship’ and its ‘crew’ alike become light waves or frequencies of the ether; while consciousness continues to abide in the entities and who also may be unaware or aware of the physical changes in themselves.
  15. According to their vibratory rates, the ether ships pass through each other and through other objects, and penetrate the depths of the sea and the ‘solidity’ of earth. The ultrasonic force field about them will also on occasion destroy aircraft and other objects, with effects resembling those of extremely violent collision. Mantell’s plane, and his body, were almost certainly destroyed in this manner.
  16. As often pointed out by us heretofore, there is no crossing of space where transit of free space is in question – since the speed of light is then without limit, instantaneous, not requiring time. Light does not “cross space”.
  17. It is known by experience that resting Discs are often dangerous to touch. It is possible that some persons may be less affected by supersonic frequencies than others; this may account for the selection of certain persons by the Etherians.
  18. There is a gravity time-lag in occupied space, but light and darkness are permanent conditions of the ethers, or frequencies of the ethers – not ‘something that is going somewhere’.
  19. Persons abducted by the ether-ships are treated by time-measured doses of ultra-sonic frequencies, are usually landed on other planets and suffer amnesia with respect to their earth lives. It is said that they are well treated.


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The Torus At All Scales

The-Torus-At-All-Scales-main-4-post“… Spirality pervades the Universe concretely and abstractly, visibly and invisibly. Not only do the galaxies of stars tend to this rotary form, and possibly the super galaxies or even the Universe itself, but the spiroid theme dominates the courses and shapes of bodies and substances all the way down to the atom.” ~ Guy Murchie, The author of The Seven Mysteries of Life

“… one of the basic and the more abstract concepts of this whole concept of UN.AR.I.U.S., is the fact as stemming down from these infinitely higher dimensions are great vortexes of energy.” ~ Ernest L. Norman, The author of The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation

“That the man calls matter, or substance, has no existence whatsoever. So-called matter is but waves of the motion of light, electrically divided into opposed pairs, then electrically conditioned and patterned into what we call various substances of matter. Briefly put, matter is the motion of light, and motion is not substance. It only appears to be. Take motion away and there would not be even the appearance of substance.” ~ Walter Russell, The author of The Secret of Light

“So the Infinite Mind became the ultimate, the absolute, the most abstract of these great cosmic or celestial vortexes of pure energy, pure intelligence, pure all in all. There is not a thing which you can conceive in this vast vortex, which is the Infinite Mind, which It has not conceived and of which you will not in a future day learn is the transposition of the differentiation of different levels of expression of this great Infinite Mind.” ~ Ernest L. Norman, The author of The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation (more…)

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How Science Supports Spirituality

How-Science-Supports-Spirituality-main-4-postby David Ash

When religion, shorn of its superstitions, traditions and unintelligent dogmas, shows its conformity with science, then there will be a great unifying, cleansing force in the world, which will sweep before it all wars, disagreements, discords and struggles, and then will mankind be united in the power of the love of God. ~Abdu’l-Baha

Yogis in ancient India probed the atom with their Siddhi powers and literally saw how energy forms mass; they saw quantum spin. David Ash, an unrecognized British scientist, has applied the yogic discovery to modern physics. The result is a self‐contained science that is so simple everyone can understand and spirituality is supported by the revolutionary theory as well. (more…)

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Antigravity Technologies With David Wilcock

Antigravity-Technologies-With-David-Wilcock-4-postMeet the boots-on-the-ground insiders who are fighting hard to bring you a SPACESHIP… and the exciting future that comes along with it!

SPACESHIP Part I: David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Salvatore Pais

SPACESHIP Part II: David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Jack Houck

In this exciting conclusion to SPACESHIP, you will learn about anti-gravity, free energy, the Philadelphia Experiment, warp drive, psychokinesis, med-beds and much more! The future is coming sooner than we think!

David Wilcock LIVE: US Military Pushing For Full Disclosure!

The US Military has declassified patents for working spaceship technology, with anti-gravity and free energy. Until now, no one has ever seen a film of a “power plant” in action.

Four AA batteries. 750 volts output. Over-unity energy. See the footage for yourself!

In this LIVE show that was originally produced for New Living Expo, David shows images of three different types of working spacecraft.

David-Wilcock-quoteYou will also get to hear hot new intel, fresh off the presses — including far more about the Draco Reptilians, and where their home star is located.

On the positive side, David discusses Archangel Michael, Valiant Thor, Human ETs, the Galactic Logos and the non-catastrophic “Optimal Timeline” we now find ourselves on.

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 4 comments.

Life And Mind Among The Atoms

Life-And-Mind-Among-The-Atoms-2-postby William Walker Atkinson

To the majority of persons the title of this article would seem an absurdity. Not to speak of Inorganic “Mind,” the idea of “Life” in the Inorganic World would seem a ridiculous paradox to the “man on the street” who thinks of Substance as “dead,” lifeless and inert. And, to tell the truth, even Science has held this view until a comparatively recent period, laughing to scorn the old Occult Teaching that the Universe is Alive, and capable of Thinking. But the recent discoveries of modern Science has changed all this, and we no longer hear Science speaking of “dead Matter” or “blind Force”—it recognizes that these terms are meaningless, and that the dreams of the old Occultists are coming true. Science confronts a live and thinking Universe. She is dazzled by the sight, and would shade her eyes, fearing to see that which she feels must present itself to her vision when her eyes become accustomed to the sight. (more…)

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Guardians Of The Looking Glass

Guardians-Of-The-Looking-Glass-main-2-postFrank Jacob is an international award-winning filmmaker, presenter, visual artist, musician and composer. Having teamed up with US motion picture production company Screen Addiction, his recent films explore the frontiers of consciousness-raising subjects in the films ‘Solar (R)evolution’, ‘The Klaus Dona Chronicles’, and ‘Packing For Mars’.

In March 2022, Frank broke a story about a mysterious group called the Guardians of the Looking Glass, who claimed to be a breakaway faction of the controversial Project Looking Glass having re-surfaced to help humanity avert upcoming disasters, which exploded onto the internet. This time-technology makes it possible to peer into timelines, future probabilities and more, and appears to be used by rogue elements in government, as well as the Elite, to bring about a technocratic New World Order. (more…)

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How Many Multiverses Are There?

How-Many-Multiverses-Are-There-main-4-postby PSI Editor

Like the sheathed surface of the Earth, clouds of mystery have also shrouded the universe. So to understand the idea of multiple universes (multiverse), we have to start at the beginning.

Let’s call something like our observable universe simply a universe. And beyond our horizons or the light we can see with our strongest telescopes, there are countless other universes outside our reach or sight. (more…)

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Life Emits Light

Life-Emits-Light-main-4-postby Dr. Joseph Mercola

The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day. Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels which can be seen with the naked eye. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light.

To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20’s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours. (more…)

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Walter Russell: Home Study Course In Cosmic Consciousness

Walter-Russell-Home-Study-Courses-main-4-postWalter Russell was an accomplished sculptor, painter and philosopher who believed that every man has consummate genius within him.

He became known as a natural philosopher and for his unified theory in physics and cosmogony.

He posited that the universe was founded on a unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. This theory is laid out primarily in his books The Secret of Light and The Message of the Divine Iliad.

Russell was a polymath and also proficient in architecture, music, business and cosmology.

He became a professor at the institution he founded with his wife, the University of Science and Philosophy.

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