Pyramid Power

Pyramid-Power-main-4-postby Patrick Flanagan

The Pyramid of Gizeh is the world’s largest jigsaw puzzle.

It is level over a thirteen acre area within one half of one inch.

It is made of 26,000,000 blocks of granite and limestone, each one is cut precisely for its own location in the pyramid.

The granite blocks in the King’s Chamber weigh 600 tons and are polished to an accuracy of 0.001 inch over a twenty foot area. The blocks are so hard they require two tons of pressure on a diamond bit drill to even make a dent. The outer surface of the pyramid was covered over an area of some 21 acres by a seven foot thick layer of mirror polished pure white alabaster limestone. (more…)

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Electricity From The Tap – Water Motors Of The 1800s

Water-Motors-main-4-postby Douglas Self


A water motor, as opposed to a positive-displacement water engine, was a small Pelton-type water turbine, often driven from a domestic tap; these were used for many light tasks, such as driving centrifuges and stirrers in chemical laboratories or running sewing machines. Like water engines, they were eventually displaced by electric motors.

There is nothing particularly unusual about a Pelton turbine, but their use for providing small amounts of domestic power seems to be virtually forgotten. Hence this gallery of the museum. Within each section the exhibits are in as close to chronological order as I can get. (more…)

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The Tesla Files

The-Tesla-Files-main-4-postSerbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power. He invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology.

Shortly before he died alone in a New York hotel room, Nikola Tesla claimed to have 80 trunks filled with his life’s work. Everything from detailed plans for wireless electricity to weapons so powerful they could destroy entire cities. But after he died only a few of Tesla’s 80 trunks were reportedly found. For decades people have wondered what happened to the files contained in Tesla’s missing trunks. (more…)

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Solar Warden

Solar-Warden-main-4-postby Herbert G. Dorsey III

According to their web site, the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) is a Unified Combatant Command of the United States Department of Defense, created in 1985 to help institutionalize the use of outer space by the United States Armed Forces.

The U.S. Space Command is headquartered at Peterson Air Force base at Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the following address:

Air Force Space Command
Public Affairs Office
150 Vandenberg St., Suite 1105
Peterson AFB, CO 80914-4500

The U.S. Space Command had its computer database hacked in 2002 by British citizen, Gary McKinnon, who discovered on the database a list of “Non-Terrestrial Officers” and “fleet to fleet transfers” that did not correspond to any U.S. Navy ships. (more…)

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Free Energy ~ Part II

Free-Energy-Part-II-main-3-postby Herbert G. Dorsey III

The electric field can also be used to create free energy machines. Thomas Townsend Brown discovered an interesting effect which connected the electric and gravitational field in the 1920s. Whenever a simple parallel plate capacitor is charged to a sufficiently high voltage, a force on the entire capacitor in the direction of the positive plate is created. The voltage needs to be higher than 30,000 volts to be noticeable.

Brown and a professor at his college named Biefield did considerable experimenting with this effect and concluded that it was an electrogravitic phenomena. In other words, the high electric field was creating a “gravitational well” which the capacitor kept falling into. This effect, which is virtually ignored in physics, is known as the Biefield-Brown effect. (more…)

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Free Energy ~ Part I

Free-Energy-Part-I-main-4-postby Herbert G. Dorsey III

Free energy is quite a simple thing. Free energy machines have existed for centuries. A free energy machine simply extracts energy from the surrounding medium and puts it to some practical use. Typical free energy devices are sail boats, water wheels, windmills and so on. The idea is to tap the energy of the medium of moving air or water in these cases. But, there are other mediums from which energy can also be extracted.

In the 20th century, free energy machines became more sophisticated. Here, I intend to discuss the little known more sophisticated free energy machines. (more…)

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Secret Science ~ Part II

Secret-Science-Part-II-main-4-postby Herbert G. Dorsey III

The Nazis weren’t just using Tesla’s and Thomas Townsend Brown’s discoveries in their saucer project. Another scientist who had developed antigravity technology was Victor Schauberger. He studied vortexes in nature and discovered many amazing things about vortexes and developed free energy and antigravity devices from his vortex implosion technology.

When a moving fluid is forced into a pipe of lesser cross sectional area, it has to speed up. When a fluid is rotated in a vortex inside a pipe, it experiences less friction as it flows through the pipe than a non-rotating fluid. When a rotating fluid is forced to rotate at a smaller radius, conservation of angular momentum causes the fluid to speed up. The center of a fluid vortex is cooler and the periphery is hotter. Electrical charge separation takes place in fluid vortexes. (more…)

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Secret Science ~ Part I

Secret-Science-Part-I-main-1-postby Herbert G. Dorsey III

The Science taught in schools and universities today is but a weak version of what is actually possible and much has been purposely omitted for economic advantage and military secrecy reasons. The following will cover some, but not all, of these omissions.

Some inventors have developed antigravity as long ago as the late 1800s. John Worrell Keely had developed the science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP). In 1872, Keely met secretly with a group of bankers. The meeting was arranged by a leading patent attorney, Charles Collier, who had previously seen numerous demonstrations of Keely’s inventions. (more…)

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The Incredible Tale Of The Thought Resonator

The-Incredible-Tale-Of-The-Thought-Resonator-main-2-postby W. Gordon Allen

Following, we believe, is one of the most incredible tales ever to be offered of the never-never land between the two patterns of the scientist and the George-De-La-Warrecclesiast. It is the story of a highly, technically educated man who quit his responsible position to investigate forms of radiation unknown to science. The reply of the most responsible radiation laboratory in England, [known as] Harwell, to his discoveries is most amusing—or would be, if there were not a note of tragedy woven through the incredible tale. To think that the atomic future of the British Empire rests on the type of reception displayed toward new thought forms of George De La Warr astounds one’s credibility. We shall narrate the tale as we understand it and leave the reader to judge for himself and perhaps follow with some of their own research. (more…)

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Cosmic Mind Receivers

Cosmic-Mind-Receivers-main-4-postby W. Gordon Allen

It is a strange world that we find in the laboratories of our Western science for if we cannot weigh it, see it, measure it, or get a specimen of it, it does not really exist. Research, renowned for the civilized gadgets which it puts on the market as advertised items before an eager public, is much to blame for this misconception. The sale of an intangible is pretty tough; the sale of an intangible reality is in our Western world nearly an impossibility. But that appears to be our problem.

For our next subject, let us talk to Mr. Ouspensky a bit about dimensions. We recommend P.D. Ouspensky’s A New Model Of The Universe to the reader who would like to delve more deeply into one facet of the problems of reality. (more…)

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Gravity, Bioenergy And Spin

Gravity-Bioenergy-And-Spin-main-2-postby Buryl Payne, Ph.D.

Gravity has been difficult to understand or connect with the other forces of physics–nuclear, electric, and magnetic. It is the thesis of this paper that a connecting link between gravitational and electromagnetic forces may be made by introducing spin as a fifth fundamental force. Spin may also serve as a link between living organisms and the other forces of physics.


All bodies in the universe spin as far as we know. The Earth spins on its axis and revolves around the Sun which in turn spins on its own axis. All the other planets and their satellites also spin. The Sun revolves around the center of the galaxy and the entire galaxy is also presumed to rotate, as well as all other galaxies in the Universe. How galactic rotation got started is one of the great mysteries of astrophysics and it has been proposed that the entire universe rotates and transmits some of its rotation to all objects within it. Atomic nuclei, electrons, protons, and other sub-atomic particles all have spins associated with them. Although these spins are different from the spin of planets about their axes or about the Sun, there is at least one common element between sub-atomic spin and the spins of planets and stars–that is magnetism. Those celestial bodies which spin usually possess magnetic fields and in general, the faster they spin, the larger their magnetic fields for equivalent masses. Some rapidly spinning pulsars have enormous magnetic fields. (more…)

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On The Nature Of The Vortex

On-The-Nature-Of-The-Vortex-main-4-postby Patrick and Gael Flanagan

Remember when you were a child, how you marveled at the way water made a vortex when it went down the drain? The Vortex image 1vortex is a basic law of the universe. We shall see that the vortex is present from the interstellar nebulae to the atom itself. The energy of the vortex molds the Universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm. It is the formative energy of creation.

Every organ in every living thing is a part of a vortex. All organs are literally vortex formed. Dr. Theodore Schwenk of Weleda Laboratories has published an excellent book entitled the Sensitive Chaos in which he gives example after example of the vortexial formative process in nature. The primordial force involved in vortex formation is tuned to the woof and warp of the Universal matrix. (more…)

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Future Science

Future-Science-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Lord-Kelvin-2-postI would like to say here that … while I was upon the earth, I too, tried to give to mankind the theory of the Universal Radiant Energy, and was most unsuccessful. Science would not accept God as coming down through the many different dimensions as whirling Radiant Vortexal Energy. But your whole hypothesis or the structure of your science, as you are expressing it, is based primarily upon these concepts as they were given to you – not only partially by myself [Lord Kelvin], but from many of the other much greater minds than my own. I, too, was an instrument in the service of these great minds when I was upon earth and trying to explain these concepts to man. But do not let that dismay you for one moment because sometimes it takes many years for the little stream of water to wear away a huge granite boulder, but the granite of obstruction which exists in the human mind is purely an element which is existing in its own time and its own cycle and so it, too, shall pass. (more…)

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Sound, Waves And Vibration ~ Part II

Sound-Waves-And-Vibration-Part-II-main-3-postby Itzhak Bentov

The Hologram

We have seen before that information can be stored by an interference pattern of waves. To have interference, we must have at least two interacting components, and here is how it is done (Fig. 11):

13-Fig-11-Laser-HologramThe laser light beam is split into two components by a half mirror, that is, a semi-transparent mirror. This allows part of the beam to continue undisturbed while part of it is deflected to another mirror. Both narrow beams are spread open by lenses. The upper beam, which we shall call the reference beam, arrives at a photographic plate after an event-less flight, since no event of note has occurred on its way to the plate. It proceeds then to deposit its imprint on the film. (more…)

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Sound, Waves And Vibration ~ Part I

Sound-Waves-Vibration-main-2-postby Itzhak Bentov

We are constantly surrounded by sound. We even have a highly specialized opening in our heads for making sounds that may be meaningful to other people. We communicate through sound; in fact, it is our major means of communication. When we disturb the air in any way, we create sound. The slightest motion of our bodies disturbs the air around us, and we produce sound. When we raise our hand, we compress the air in its way, and that compressed air front will travel away from us at the speed of sound, which in air is about 740 miles per hour. When we make periodic movements with our hand, the sound becomes a note. By sound we mean here any random acoustical disturbance that may be composed of many different frequencies. A note, on the other hand, is a sound of a single frequency. We call this kind of sound “infrasound,” that is, sound below our level of perception. However, when a fly or a mosquito beats its wings, it does it fast enough, and we sure can hear it. The rapid flapping of its wings produces evenly spaced compressions and rarefications of the air that become audible to us. In short, a fly or a mosquito is producing a sound or a note. (more…)

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