Spirit Possession

Spirit-Possession-main-2-postby Fiona Bowie

Carl Wickland – Thirty Years Among The Dead

One of the earliest written accounts of spirit possession or ‘obsession’ in a modern clinical setting is that of Carl Wickland (1861-1945), a Swedish-American physician and psychologist with an interest in paranormal research, who practiced in Chicago and California. He invented a static electricity machine known as a Wimhurts, which he used to send low voltage electric shocks to the head and spine of patients he believed to be suffering from the effects of an attached or obsessing spirit. Wickland spent over thirty years studying the phenomenon of what he termed ‘obsession’ and recording verbatim conversations with the spirits he was treating. Wickland and his wife, a gifted psychic and medium, were interested in Spiritualism, which provided a context in which his work could be understood. His wonderful, detailed account of his practice was first published in 1924 under the title Thirty Years Among The Dead. (more…)

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Spirit Attachments: Signs, Symptoms, Releasement – Part II

Spirit-Attachments-Part-II-main-4-postby Carol Macrae

Dr. Edith Fiore, in her book, “The Unquiet Dead” states: “It is clear that persons who are treated as though they were suffering from a “possessing entity” sometimes report dramatic resolution of their symptoms…”

Places Spirit Attachments Are Most Likely to Happen

Spirits that are lost or hover around are everywhere. This declaration is not meant to frighten you, but it is a fact. Positive as well as the more negative entities are all around us. Hospitals, VA hospitals, prisons, cemeteries, mental hospitals, gambling casinos, mortuaries, and/or places of crime or lower level activities are hotbeds for spirits ready to attach. When proactively keeping a very high vibrational field around us and caretaking our aura, attachments most likely will not happen. (more…)

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Spirit Attachments

Spirit-Attachments-Types-Of-main-4-postby Carol Macrae

Although science has not yet proven the presence of spirit attachment, there is much evidence to suggest that these can and do exist and can have a strong influence on our lives.

Below is a broad outline of types of attachment to help you understand this phenomenon.

Types Of Attachments

Once medical causes for some of these symptoms have been discarded, other possibilities are to be considered including energies coming from our own subconscious and unconscious minds that can be perceived as having a life of their own. For example – from complexes (a complex arises whenever there is a defeat – Carl G Jung), to our past lives, to earthbound entities, to ‘spiritual beings’. This latter realm can encompass alien forms of consciousness some of which are termed ‘dark energies’ in some quarters. (more…)

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Spirit Release In Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn?

Spirit-Release-In-Clinical-Psychiatry-main-2-postby Dr. Alan Sanderson

My title ‘Spirit Release in Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn?’ will seem strange to most psychiatrists, because spirit is a taboo word in the secular, materialist culture in which we are so firmly embedded. I’ve chosen to speak about it because my clinical experience has taught me that spirit attachment is a reality and that release of troublesome spirits works wonders. This is an exciting development, with tremendous implications, not just for psychiatry, but for everyone. So please, while you reflect on this question, let the new ideas speak freely. (more…)

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The Astral Realm: Understanding Obsessive Entities ~ Part II

Understanding-Obsessive-Entities-main-4-postby Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss

In this dense region of the Astral Realm there is a third great class of obsessing entities, and also swirling currents of perverted thought and creative forces which sweep over humanity like black thunder storms and hurricanes of evil. Therefore, although this is the most disagreeable phase of the Astral World to discuss, nevertheless because of its ever-present dangers through which the evolving Soul must pass on its journey to the Hall of Wisdom, it is our duty to indicate the character of its denizens and forces and how they may be avoided or overcome.

This third class comprises those who, while on earth, used their human intellects to enhance and gratify their normal and then their perverted animal desires. Hence in this class lust is the ruling passion instead of drink or crime as in the two classes already described, although both of those classes also seek this form of gratification as a secondary object. In this Realm such entities must experience the effects of the causes engendered while on earth, for only thus can they truly learn that “the wages of sin is death.” (more…)

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The Astral Realm: Understanding Obsessive Entities

The-Astral-Realm-Understanding-Obsessive-Entities-main-4-postby Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss

“And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit. . . . And Jesus rebuked him, saying: ‘Hold thy peace, and come out of him.’ And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried out with a loud voice, he came out of him.” ~ St. Mark, i, 23-5.

In the continuing study of the Astral World, it is necessary for us to discuss a most unpleasant Realm, but since it is largely the influences from this Realm which give to the astral its terrors and which bring to humanity its greatest horrors and suffering, it is most important that a thorough understanding of the conditions, and a practical method of how to master the influences, be spread abroad as widely as possible among students of the occult and those who are investigating conditions of life after death.

This Realm also known as the Desire Realm contains the grossest, most impure and degraded desires of those persons having sordid, earthly, but not necessarily impure or evil desires occupying the astral borderlands. This, therefore, is the Realm in which we find those who while on earth were murderers, habitual or periodic drunkards, criminals, procurers, profligates, prostitutes, degenerates, drug fiends, etc., together with those who secretly desired to give free rein to their passions and appetites, but who were restrained, not by a desire to be good and pure, but merely because their social, business or political position made it good policy. In this Realm, unhampered by any such considerations, they would find an opportunity for unbridled license and unlimited gratification of all their evil tendencies, provided they could find the necessary means for their expression. (more…)

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Releasing Negative Influences

Releasing-Negative-Influences-main-2-postby Dr. Jerry Marzinsky, BA M.Ed

[Although the main thrust of this article is toward relieving schizophrenics of voices that torment, the techniques in this article also help those with occasional disruption by negative voices that may appear from time to time especially in those that are sensitive or more psychically aware. I have found many of the techniques here very helpful in my own life, and with practice, tempering of the many voices that may appear suddenly out of the blue that have negative intent. It is like Marzinky has suggested, that these voices are not hallucinations and are very real negative spiritual influences. As in the quote by Stephen Tobolowsky, “Knowledge is the ultimate protection against the dark.” – Ed]


Before you can do anything about disrupting the voices that torment schizophrenics, it is critical that you know what the voices are and how they behave. This article addresses the important components you must first understand. (more…)

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Banishing Demonic Entities

Banishng-Demonic-Entities-main-4-postby Dr. Jerry Marzinsky, BA M.Ed

Schizophrenia is not caused by any genetic abnormality or the fabricated chemical imbalance lie – it is caused and driven by the voices these individuals hear and which psychiatry and the establishment completely ignores as unreal hallucinations. Problem is hallucinations don’t run fixed repeatable patterns.


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Dr. Marzinsky On The True Causes Of Mental Illness

True-Causes-Of-Mental-Illness-main-4-postPsychiatry maintains the voices schizophrenics hear are meaningless auditory hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Clinical investigation into the matter reveals this to be a false claim. Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of “The Presence of Spirits in Madness” began holding coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients decades ago. He discovered they precisely matched what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits. Following up with scores of investigative interviews with his schizophrenic patients, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, verified Van Dusen’s astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities. (more…)

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Spirit Attachment ~ Part II

Spirit-Attachment-Part-II-main-4-postby Sue Allen

Why A Spirit May Be Attracted To A Person

When people die they may find it really hard to let go of their earthly life and the people they love just as we may find it difficult to let go of them. There are often unresolved issues. Perhaps something was left unsaid or the person died after an argument that was never settled. I have communicated with earthbound spirits who were unhappy because they had not written a will and made their wishes known. Some want to look after the people or property they have left behind. Many life partners make promises told each other such as “I will never leave you” or “I will always look after you/protect you” and so on. These promises can bind spirits to people or places after their death. (more…)

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Spirit Attachment

Spirit-Attachment-main-4-postby Sue Allen

It is important to stress that for the majority of time we are perfectly safe. Many people never experience a spirit attachment or possession in their lifetime. Everyone at some point in their existence however, will experience an event that I will mention in the next few paragraphs. This might be bereavement, time in an hospital, drinking alcohol, seeing a therapist, having a massage or sitting in a room full of people meditating. This does not mean that you will allow a spirit to attach to you or possess you by participating in these activities. If spirit attachment happens to you it happens for a reason and can be dealt with. (more…)

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Treatment Of The Demonic ~ Part II

Treatment-Of-The-Demonic-main-4-postby William J. Baldwin

Group Demonic Entity Release

Though the prospect of rest and peace in the Light sounds good to the little demonic being, there are consequences for its past behavior and actions. This is made clear.

T: “You have caused much harm to this person since you joined her, is that correct?”

C: “Yes.”

T: “You have caused much harm to other people over the eons, is that correct?”

C: “Yes.”

T: “You will have to make up for all the harm you have caused. You will have to experience everything that you caused others. You will have to suffer in equal measure all the suffering you have caused others through the eons. Everything will be balanced. Do you understand that?” (more…)

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Treatment Of The Demonic

Treatment-Of-The-Demonic-main-2-postby William J. Baldwin

The Catholic exorcism procedure, the Roman Ritual, has a long history of development. It finally reached its present format in the seventeenth century. It is still used by priests of the Catholic Church in cases of solemn exorcism. Between 1970 and 1980, there were more than 600 solemn exorcisms performed in the United States. It is still a viable procedure in the Church, though not publicized. Basically, the interaction between the possessing entity and the priest exorcist is adversarial; the demon is forced out in the name of Jesus Christ. It is just cast out, without a specified destination. The procedure offers no love, no compassion, no concern whatsoever for the entity, as though the fallen angel were not a God-created being. (more…)

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Hauntings-main-4-postby Dion Fortune

THERE are two forms of “haunting” which have to be considered, the one which is due to a discarnate soul who interferes with a particular person, and the one which is due to the conditions prevailing in a particular place, and which affects any person sufficiently sensitive who happens to go there. Except in cases where the influence is exceptionally strong, the insensitive person is immune. To perceive a “haunting” one needs, as a general rule, to be slightly psychic; it is for this reason that children and other more sensitive types suffer severely from such interferences.

Let us consider first of all the question of interference by a discarnate soul. It will be noted that I use the term “interference” and not “attack.” The disturbance need not necessarily be an attack, any more than the drowning man who clings to his rescuer and drags him under is motivated by malice. The entity that is causing the trouble may be a soul that is itself in distress on the Inner Planes, and is too ignorant of post mortem conditions to know the harm it is doing by clinging so desperately to the living. It is for this reason that the wide dissemination of Spiritualistic teachings is of value, for it helps to relieve the tension between this world and the next. (more…)

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Mental Illness: Dark Force Influences? ~ Part II

Mental-Illness-Dark-Force-Influences-Part-II-main-2-postby Jerry Marzinsky BA M.ED

Patient Recovery Techniques

Schizophrenic patients need to learn to distinguish between their thoughts and those inserted by their voices. The general rule is to assume that every negative thought about themselves or others comes from these parasitic entities.

Usually, the patient’s first attempt to cope with their voices is to ignore them. This, however resulted in the voices getting louder. I counseled them not be block them but to watch those thoughts from a distance rather than engaging them. Positive changes began to appear in the patient’s mental state once they learned how to do this. (more…)

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