Evolving Personalities Life After Life

Evolving-Personalities-Life-After-Life-mainby by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis

It would appear from what has been said in the foregoing pages that since man evolves a distinctly different or modified personality in each earthly incarnation, these personalities, being an attribute of the soul, would give to each individual on earth an aggregation of the personalities previously evolved.

In other words, if the soul upon entrance into the physical body at birth carries with it any remnant of the personality or personalities possessed by it through previous incarnations, each one of us would possess at the present time in the present incarnation an aggregation of personalities rather than a single one. (more…)

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Shedding Light On Proportion And Principles

Shedding-Light-On-Proportion-and-Principle-main-4-postby James Allen


In a nightmare there is no relation of one thing to another; all things are haphazard, and there is a general confusion and misery. Wise men have likened the self-seeking life to a nightmare. There is a close resemblance between a selfish life, in which the sense of proportion is so far lost that things are only seen as they affect one’s own selfish aims, and in which there are feverish excitements and overwhelming troubles and disasters, and that state of troubled sleep known as nightmare.

In a nightmare, too, the controlling will and perceiving intelligence are asleep; and in a selfish life the better nature and spiritual perceptions are locked in profound slumber. (more…)

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Image Of God


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Lessons On The Law Of Cause And Effect: Karma

Lessons-On-The-Law-Of-Cause-And-Effect-main-4-postby Dr. & Mrs. F. Homer Curtiss

KARMA is the implacable Law of Cause and Effect, bringing to you in exact justice the net results of your past thoughts, desires and acts, but it does not do so in detail and hence is not the Nemesis it is so frequently represented to be.

“For the only decree of Karma – an eternal and immutable decree – is absolute Harmony in the world of Matter as it is in the world of Spirit.”

It is not your acts that are the cause of your Karma, but the possession or lack of certain Soul-quaIities which is the cause of your thoughts, desires and acts, whose effects are brought to you by the great Law of Harmony for readjustment. (more…)

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From The Inner Planes To Earth: Future Cities

From-The-Inner-Planes-To-Earth-Future-Cities-mainby Swedenborg (channeled by Tom Miller)

Greetings from this high Center! Ioshanna: Greetings, dear One. Swedenborg: We will continue our tour of this New Age city which is being inaugurated at the base of this mountain when it is completed, as will be the temple in just a short while – maybe a day or two at the most. Ioshanna: Wonderful! Swedenborg: Although this new city is of a high spiritual nature, still it is the intermediate learning center for souls who will be attracted through frequency to the various centers for initiation into the higher centers of learning on the more advanced levels of life. Although the previous dissertation was given on a complex structure that was known to be of the Grecian era, still it had a higher frequency than the normal structures on the lower part of this plateau which will be the incoming initiates’ place where they will carry out or conduct their various proceedings. A more precise description of this city and surrounding plateau is in order at this time and its position according to its affiliation with the various Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S.. (more…)

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The Astral Plane

The-Astral-Plane-main-2-postby F. Homer Curtiss

The astral influences are invisible, but they act upon man, unless he knows how to protect himself against them. Heat and light are intangible and incorporeal; nevertheless, they act upon man, and the same takes place with other invisible influences.” ~Paracelsus.

Student: “What IS the astral plane? Is it a place or locality in any sense at all? With all the evidence of the substantiality of the astral plane, when we try to prove things it at once becomes unsubstantial. I can find no landmarks; I cannot even prove whether the beings are external to ourselves or are creations of our own brain, made of the same stuff as are our thoughts – dramatizations of our thoughts – yet this solution does not seem true when checked up by all the facts. What then is real?” (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.

Immortal Love


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Spirit Of The Earth

Spirit-Of-The-Earth-main-2-postEdited by Michael O. and Joseph A. Fitzgerald

We human beings are not apart from nature. We are in nature. We have always been and always will be part of nature. I’ve heard or read such words time and time again, words spoken by elders – past and present – from virtually all our different American Indian nations.

It’s reflected in the way our indigenous languages work. As Chester Nez, one of the twenty-nine Navajo men who created the unbroken Navajo code used in World War II expressed it in his 2011 autobiography Code Talker, “Our language illustrates [our] relationship to nature.” (more…)

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The Evolutionary Continuity of Life

The-Evolutionary-Continuity-Of-Life-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

From time to time in our mail received here at the Center, there appears certain kinds of literature published and distributed by2-doom-monger certain individuals or groups who might be called Adventists, in a sense, who are constantly predicting dire catastrophes, racial extinction, etc., for mankind from various causes, principally atom bombs and radiation. Some of these Adventists or doom-mongers have even gone so far as to describe various escape devices such as a great space ship appearing at the last moment and rescuing the believers; or the sudden opening of underground caverns and tunnels by unknown races of people who are supposedly living underground and who, being keenly aware of the predicament of mankind, offer the believers the sanctuary of their underground homes. (more…)

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The Gateway Of Understanding

The-Gateway-Of-Understanding-main-2-postby Carl A. Wickland

“Truth wears no mask, Bows at no human shrine,
Seeks neither place nor applause, She only asks a hearing.”

The world stands today between two domains of thought: Science, which presents a knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Matter; Religion, which teaches Morality and Spirituality. These two activities are not irreconcilable, but yet a gap exists between them which must be bridged by a Spiritual Science based on actual knowledge of the interrelationship of the two worlds, the visible and invisible.

What is the purpose of Life? In this age of unrest and disturbance many earnest minds are seeking the fundamentals underlying life itself. Humanity is still kept in subjugation by fear and superstition, by repressive laws, by dogmas, creeds and false doctrines, and has not yet attained liberation through a fuller understanding.

Happiness is unquestionably the goal of all human endeavor; all activities have this one aim in view. There are various conceptions of happiness, some confined entirely to physical, others to mental pleasures, while still others reach for spiritual happiness. What is this happiness, sought for through the ages? (more…)

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The Spiritual Pathway

The-Spiritual-Pathway-main-4-postby Dr. H. Spencer Lewis

Man is not discouraged nor disheartened in his quest for perfection by learning from experience that there are certain immutable laws universally established. Nor is he checked, in his determination to attain the heights of his ambition, by discovering that these immutable laws are impersonal and impartial. That these laws affect all of God’s children, and even every specie of living things, regardless of parental heritage, social standing, financial power, or Divine attunements, makes man see in and through them a principle of real justice.

The mystic claims that it is the continued demonstration of the immutable laws of nature which prove the existence of an Infinite Mind and Omnipotent Power, inspired by Love, Mercy, and Justice. (more…)

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Ten Precepts Which Ancient Wisdom Advocates

Ten-Precepts-Which-Ancient-Wisdom-Advocates-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

Great as is the number of present-day religious movements, both heterodox and orthodox, few of them inspire their followers to serve their fellow men along practical and intelligent lines. One by one the various cults are being involved in materialism and commercialism, among which by necessity they have been established. This is not to be wondered at, for it is difficult to separate our religion from our daily lives. We may call it by many different names, but it still reflects the thoughts and moral character of those who form its organization.

Modern attitudes on life are not healthy, and organizations built up by unhealthy people cannot be normal. Commercialism has attacked every plane of society. It has entered into all the walks of life. Our race is money mad. It is insane on the subject of personal gain. It will give nothing to serve others, but will give everything to gain the knowledge which will make it possible for the mediocre to become a commercial power overnight. The struggle inseparable from the ethics of competition is largely responsible for this condition. Graft has appeared in almost every walk of life. Nearly every existing institution is overrun by some mild form of moral dishonesty, and if every walk of life is commercialized and perverted, we cannot expect religion to escape. (more…)

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Schools In The Afterlife

Schools-In-The-Afterlife-main-2-postby Dolores Cannon

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so;
For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death; nor yet canst thou kill me. ~ John Donne

I was to enter the fascinating spirit realm many times. This is the area that holds the most fear for humans, and the one that raises the eternal question, “Where will I go when I die?” Everyone wonders what will happen to them, whether there will be total oblivion or continuation of the personality. Even the most religious still harbor their uncertainties. I do not have all the answers, but I believe I can help through the information I have received in my regression research. Even the regressed somnambulist cannot tell you what they do not know. But when you obtain the same descriptions from many different people, you have to assume it has validity. Maybe it rings true because the majority would truly like to believe the afterlife is a place of peace and contentment. (more…)

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Fifteen Ways To Raise Your Consciousness

Fifteen-Ways-To-Raise-Your-Consciousness-main-4-postCompilation by Tish Brown


There is an immediate necessity to fundamentally overhaul the current frameworks in psychology, psychiatry, medicine, and science. Our present comprehension of reality, the universe, and, most importantly, human beings is superficial, incorrect, and incomplete.

Our existing view of reality fails to accommodate the interdimensional experience such as life after death, life between lives, the paranormal, UFOs, reincarnation, and astral travel. This narrow paradigm creates illusionary boundaries which inhibits the understanding of the interconnectedness of all people, places, and things reflecting the holographic nature of reality. This holographic matrix is rooted in the electromagnetic essence of energy which forms the universal plasma of life; the very essence of life. This understanding serves as a crucial connection to a higher level of consciousness, forming the foundation for an interdimensional Science of Life. (more…)

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Reincarnation: A Study in Human Evolution

Reincarnation-A-Study-In-Human-Evolution-main-2-postby Theophile Pascal

It will soon be: 1500 years since the decision of the Council of 543 A.D. condemned to oblivion sublime teachings which ought to have been carefully preserved and handed down to future generations as a beacon amid social reefs; teachings that would have uprooted that frightful egoism which threatens to annihilate the world, and instilled patience into the hearts of such as were being crushed beneath the wheel of the cosmic law, by showing them the scales of Justice inclining to the side filled with their iniquities of bygone times; teachings which would have been welcomed by the masses, and the understanding of which would not have called for any lofty intellectual culture.

It was one of the greatest misfortunes that could have befallen the races of the West, more especially the European, that they were thus deprived for centuries of this indispensable knowledge. We look upon it as a duty, following on so many others, to offer it anew, this time in the clear, logical, illuminating form presented in theosophic teachings. The necessity thereof is all the more imperative when we consider the growth of skepticism and materialism amongst the more intellectual classes, whilst the mass of the people have forsaken their blind faith only to succumb to religious indifference. (more…)

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