Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
And so it was of rather small significance whether John would be born male or female. The point which is most important to remember is that he was carrying all of his former lifetime impregnations in that mental part of his psychic anatomy, and so far as his subconscious was concerned, it was, to some extent, out-of-phase or out-of-tune with the present, and it could therefore only exist, or partially exist, in some respects, as an influential factor. Now, after John was born as a new infant, the process of breathing oxygen was immediately resumed; this is one of the factors which he had lived through in being born many other times, and so it was quite natural that his mental psychic anatomy could, at the proper moment—and instigated by such reactive factors as were then presently dominating him—oscillate with these factors and complete the whole mental and physical reaction which started the breathing process. (more…)
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The Higher Dimensions ~ Part II
by Jurgen Ziewe
Heavenly Worlds
The higher a person ascends through the dimensions, the greater the power at their disposal. They also become more and more aware of an underlying intelligence, which permeates everything in the world around them. Everything is animated and has intrinsic intelligence and a serene presence. It now becomes clear why everything functions so beautifully, following the laws of attraction, imagination, and creativity. The feeling is that this is a placid ocean of ‘compassionate’ intelligence, resting in a state of peace and awaiting human intent so it can make new forms and new creations.
Something remarkable is happening to the people who dwell in these regions. Because there is an absence of separation, the overriding feeling is that of being home. Every feeling of being home or the desire to be home comes from this dimension. In the surrounding environment there is no such thing as inanimate matter. All matter on the higher dimensions is intensively alive and intelligent. Even in the dimensions below there is a feeling that whatever is created has a presence and a life of its own. Matter is intelligence. I simply cannot find a more appropriate description. We will find that the notion of The Blind Watchmaker (a book by Richard Dawkins), a theory which implies that natural selection, an unconscious, automatic, blind yet essentially non-random process that Darwin discovered, has no purpose in mind and implies in a wider sense that everything created in the physical universe follows blind mechanistic principles, is simply wrong. Although there may not be a comprehensible definitive purpose, in my observation at the root of every atom is a profound intelligence keeping it in motion. This principle holds true throughout all dimensions. Though whatever this intelligence is will probably always remain beyond our grasp and human understanding. (more…)
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Lesson Of Life
by William W. Atkinson
There is in each of us a potential Something for expression—The Something Within—The plant of life—No use trying to repress it, for develop it must—Life has a meaning—Growth, development and unfoldment—A lesson of life.
There is in each of us a potential Something, pressing forth for expression and growth in the direction of ultimate Good—casting off sheath after sheath in its progressive development and unfoldment—impelled by the impulse imparted by the Primal Cause—attracted upward by the Absolute. (more…)
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A Tale Of Two Masters
by Pierre Delattre
Reports reached the Dalai Lama that a certain Master of Kung Fu was roaming the countryside converting young men to the study of violence. Though Tibetan by birth, this man had been raised in Peking and was said to have returned as a secret agent to astonish Tibetans with the superior power of the Chinese in such a way as to render the country open and eager for conquest.
The Master of Kung Fu had made his reputation by taking on eight fierce Lolo warriors who attacked him on a mountain pass, killing seven of them so quickly that the one with the broken legs who survived swore the marvelous voyager had met their attack with movements so swift he seemed merely to walk through them and continue peacefully on his way. (more…)
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Artwork And Philosophy Of Columba Krebs
Above Painting Titled Proof Of Immortality by Columba Krebs
Annabell Krebs Culverwell (1902-1998) was a famous esoteric artist throughout her life, as well as one of the lesser known contactees in the 1950s and 1960s. She took the name Columba when signing her paintings and writings, probably related to the constellation Columba, which is the focal point of several Egyptian pyramids. Her paintings were named after the subjects they portrayed. “The Tree of Character, The Magnet of Art Patronage,” “Our Conscious, Sub-Conscious and Super-Consciousness,” “Mental Magnifying Glasses,” “The Boomerang Law,” “Our Various Bodies,” “The Four Planes of Vibration.” She also authored The Moon Is Inhabited (1961),Visiting Spacemen (1961), and Man, God, Myth (collection of her artwork). Columba was tapped to do the artistic illustrations and paintings for the first edition of The Voice Of Venus by Ernest L. Norman (see illustrations below). To honor her legacy, the following philosophical excerpts and artwork are presented from her (very hard to find now) newsletters called The Clarion Call (from the 1960s). (more…)
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The Power Of Belief
by William Walker Atkinson
One of the most remarkable achievements of the New Psychology is that of gathering up the scattered instances of the effect of the power of the mind over the body, under the various masks and guises worn during the ages, and uniting them in one broad and general synthesis in which is to be seen the one fundamental principle of Mental Healing operating under a thousand names, forms and theories, in every race, nation and clime in all ages past and present. The New Psychology is the great reconciler of the various theories, dogmas and speculations concerned with the subject of the strange cures effected by the mind, as well as with the equally strange adverse effect upon the physical organism of negative thoughts.
From the earliest days of history we find records of strange and marvelous cures effected by non-material agents. In some cases the effect is attributed to magical power, while in others, and the majority of cases, the cure is attributed to some particular religious belief, creed or ceremony. Not only in the folklore of the several races, and in their general traditions, but also in the written and graven record do we find traces of the universality of the principle of mental therapeutics. (more…)
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Secrets Of The Shamans ~ Part II
by Vincent H. Gaddis
In many tribes the medicine men are specialists. One may devote his attention to influencing the weather, another to healing, and still another to assuring victory in battle. With the invasion of the Europeans, a new kind of shaman appeared. His duty was to endeavor to bulletproof the warriors.
Two of the most famous of the bullet-proofers were Chips, the Sioux shaman, and Ice, of the Cheyennes. Chips was known as the Stone Dreamer because he sought his magical powers from stones. His visions and dreams, brought about by fasting and meditations, involved the earth-power inherent in rocks and stones. The stone represented strength and solidity. Many a warrior carried a small pebble given to him by Chips as he went into battle. (more…)
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Astral Visit To The Buried Cities Of The Amazon ~ Part II
by Godfre Ray King
“Thou alone dost choose thy destiny—and thou alone—answerest to Thy God—for the use thou dost make of ‘Life’—Thy Being. The Great Law—no one can escape. Long, have I proclaimed this ‘Law of Life.’ The Law of ‘Thyself—Thou art unto thyself, because thou canst always come unto Thy God—if thou desirest the Perfection of Life.
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Paramhansa Yogananda On The Science Of Miracles
by Paramhansa Yogananda
The great novelist Leo Tolstoy wrote a delightful story, The Three Hermits. His friend Nicholas Roerich has summarized the tale, as follows:
“On an island there lived three old hermits. They were so simple that the only prayer they used was: ‘We are three; Thou art Three—have mercy on us!’ Great miracles were manifested during this naive prayer.
“The local bishop came to hear about the three hermits and their inadmissible prayer, and decided to visit them in order to teach them the canonical invocations. He arrived on the island, told the hermits that their heavenly petition was undignified, and taught them many of the customary prayers. The bishop then left on a boat. He saw, following the ship, a radiant light. As it approached, he discerned the three hermits, who were holding hands and running upon the waves in an effort to overtake the vessel. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, Spiritualitywith 1 comment.
The Boomerang Effect
by Ernest L. Norman
It has often been said, in metaphysical circles, that thoughts, emotions, and deeds often return to the sender; but the principle involved and contained in this truth has not been told. Since everything is energy in some frequency or rate of vibration (or dimension), then thus, too, are thoughts and emotions.
We can so liken our own mental mechanism to that of a radio or TV. Always necessary is the sending and receiving—the two poles or polarities, the positive and the negative. This can easily be proven by the numerous persons who understand and use thought transference, transmission, or so-called mind reading, as this transpires constantly whether or not individuals are thus aware. One individual is the sender or positive polarity, the second person, the receiver or the negative pole. (more…)
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The Amazing Phineas Quimby: The Mind Can Heal The Body
by Tara Yarlagadda
Science, religion and medicine have intermingled (and sometimes clashed) in fascinating ways throughout the course of human history. And one little-remembered, controversial American figure symbolizes this clash better than most: Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, whose writings, unpublished during his time, provided the underpinnings for the New Thought movement, which is based on the idea that the spirit is more powerful and real than matter and the mind has the ability to heal the body.
Reverend Lux Newman is a clinical hypnotherapist who edited and published “The Complete Collected Works of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby” in 2013. She describes his work as essentially a sort of 19th-century precursor to the modern field of psychology. (more…)
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Secrets Of The Shamans ~ Part I
by Vincent H. Gaddis
During the winter of 1866 a group of Sioux camped in the Powder River country, near Piney Creek in Wyoming. Food was low, and the tribesmen tramped through the deep snow in a desperate attempt to find game. After a disappointing hunt they returned to the camp, but many of them were snow blind, unable to see from having looked too long at the glare of sunlight on the snow.
The blind men were taken to a medicine man who had learned healing through dreams and visions. The shaman placed snow over the eyes of the afflicted men, then he sang a song he said he had learned in a dream. Next, he placed snow in his mouth and blew some of the flakes upon the heads of the men. Immediately their blindness went away. Snow blindness is usually temporary, but severe cases can last a considerable time, and sight returns gradually. (more…)
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Self-Mastery: On Love
by Alcyone
From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.
These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He advises, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)
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Self-Mastery: Desirelessness And Good Conduct
by Alcyone
From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.
These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He advises, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)
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Self-Mastery: On Discrimination
by Alcyone
From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.
These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He says, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)
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