More On Interdimensional Concepts ~ Part II
The value of time in any person’s mind is a quasi-evaluation. The consensus of even a few years time, memory-wise speaking
is, so far as the time factor is concerned, absolutely meaningless. A person may remember many incidents of his past life but so far as reliving them, so to speak, with the actual time consonant is impossible, because time, as it relates to any happening in a person’s life, must relate itself harmonically to all life processes, past and present and in the combination of harmonic structures, the time element is the differentiation factor which separates these wave form patterns into understandable reactive components.
To look at a piece of moon rock and say equivocally that it is 4.7 billion years old is meaningless even if it were true because such elements as were at that time, 4.7 billion years ago, concerned with integrating atoms into molecule combinations which formed the rock—were then expressing the time consonant as the reactionary element in the formation of this rock, which could be quite analogous to witnessing a lava flow from a volcano. Perhaps the Earth scientists might get some satisfaction from this comparison and feel within themselves a great sense of accomplishment at having arrived at this meaningless comparison. In his limited thinking, he would not be concerned with t
he possible billions of years, time-wise, which were necessary to bring this atom-molecule lava flow up to its expressionary point or that such lava flows could recur hundreds of thousands of years apart. Yes, even the same lava could have been re-melted and cooled many times, again giving no information as to what form these atom-molecule combinations took and for that matter what every atom-molecule combination takes which could be found anywhere in the galaxy or universe as planets or suns, etc. The 4.7 billion year age denotes a sharp and immediate creation from apparently nothing and imparts no information as to the total evolutionary consensus involved before and after the lava flow which formed this rock. (more…)
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More On Interdimensional Concepts ~ Part I
Judging by the current news media (at the time of this writing, 1971), the
Apollo #15 flight to the moon is still very much in evidence; in fact, scientists and astronauts are eagerly beginning the examination of the various lunar rocks which were brought back on this flight, and in particular, that piece of black, glass-like rock called the Genesis rock which they believe to be about 4.7 billion years old. Astronaut David Scott also made a statement that these moon explorations should be continued, that it was very necessary and important. The 18th and 19th trips or flights have been cancelled and Scott believes these should be reinstated, etc.
To a person who has some insight and understanding of the interdimensional cosmos, such efforts and explorations, the belief that determining the age of a rock or the kind of a rock that it is will give them insight into the creation of the universe—such an assumption is ridiculous, asinine and elemental. It clearly points out the very obvious fact that these so-called scientists are trying to understand creation in much the same way as a blind man trying to describe the elephant after holding the animal’s tail for a few moments. (more…)
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The Psychology of Conditioned Reflexes
One of the first and central figures in our modern present-day psychology was a Russian psychologist and physician named Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936). It was Pavlov who
first discovered and developed what is no doubt the most basic underlying principle of this psychology—a basic tenet called conditioned reflexes. With a group of dogs, Pavlov began his famous experiment. Just before feeding the dogs, he would ring a certain little hand bell, then begin the feeding. After a few days time, Pavlov noticed that after he rang the bell the dogs began to exhibit certain reactions. They would begin to bark and howl and their saliva glands were very strongly activated. In time, Pavlov also noted that any time during the day he rang that bell, the saliva glands were activated; however, if any other bell was used, there was no reaction! It was this reaction Pavlov called a conditioned reflex.
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What Is God?
Below are excerpts from a letter written as a reply to a young student of twelve years of age who asked, “What is God?’
Dr. Norman, the Moderator, replies as follows:
…God and Infinity are one and the same; that is to say that all the world about you is actually God. There are trillions of atoms in your body; each one is a tiny solar system of energy or electricity, which is part of this God. Likewise, all of the flowers, trees, houses, the sun, the moon, the stars, even the earth itself are all part of this God. And there is much more than can be seen or touched, felt or heard or as Jesus said, “In my Father’s House, there are many mansions.” And when He spoke of the mansion, He spoke of a place in which people live. So that after you leave this earth in what is called death, you will go to live in one of these places or mansions, which the scientists of today call a dimension.
A dimension is only a group of atoms which have combined together to form molecules; the molecules, in turn, form all of the substances that you are familiar with in your life today. The air you breathe is composed of molecules of nitrogen and oxygen, which in turn are merely a number of little atoms of nitrogen to form a nitrogen molecule. This is common chemistry, which you can find in any of the schoolbooks in high school or in college books.
We must learn to understand God in this way; we should not try to look upon God as a Supreme Being or a separate person, because God is and composes all people, black, white, red, yellow, whatever race, color or whatever they believe; they are all a part of God, just as are all the animals, the birds, the fish–everything that lives on planet Earth is part of God, because they are all composed of the same little solar systems of energy which is called an atom. (more…)
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The Everlasting Fount
Consider ye that all the fountains
of the earth and from all
The places hidden and unknown
from whence runneth the waters
which filleth the rivers
And their mightiness emptieth
into the great oceans
And of the clouds which filleth
the Heavens
Yet surely all of this is less
than one drop
To filleth the Place of Wisdom
in the Immortal Mind.
by Ernest L. Norman
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. II
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The Wheel Of Life
Just as water in its long journey
to return to its birthplace,
The sea turns the millstones
which grind the farmer’s grist.
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Connecting To Our Spiritual Superconscious
Ruth: Would you define please, problems caused by psychic shock, etc.?
Moderator: Tensions caused by shock from the outside, such as those caused by an operation, are one type. Psychic shocks are like static charges. They, in turn, reflect back some kind of galvanic action; they come back into the physical and cause pain from the psychic. In other words, the pain the person suffered before going to the hospital to have an operation reflects it back like an echo at this time when vibrations are set up where they are synchronized or harmonized through frequency relationship with the present, due to the state of mind the person is in or with other different wave forms being reflected through from the psychic.
That is a lesson in itself, isn’t it? To better understand, let me say it is something like standing in a valley or on the other side of a mountain and shouting and hearing your echo. That is because the voice travels across, hits the side of the mountain and is reflected back to you. As sound travels so many feet per second, you get it delayed a second or two later, after it is reflected back to you. That’s an echo. The frequency which we call pain, distress or various other emotional complexes of the mind, reflects back into the psyche and later on it is reflected into consciousness as pain. We are not concerned with time in this dimension; we are concerned with harmonic frequencies synchronized in frequency relationship, the same as we would have sound in pictures traveling at a certain rate of speed which, in this case, would be the element of frequency relationship. In the present, combined with various states of fear consciousness, fear assumes a new and different prospectus; similar to the message you were given on the concept of thought. Do you follow that now?
Ruth: Yes, and that’s true; the added fears, the negation or fear one has adds to it?
Moderator: Yes, it colors it, just like adding vegetable coloring to a paint box to make it pink or green. So that is a new slant entirely, because there you are actually getting psychic pain that was caused, like an echo, from a previous circumstance. That reverts back to the more original concept which has been the trouble, such as cancer and various conditions in the psychic, existing as shocks of previous times; in fact, this can be related back hundreds or thousands of years from the past. In that case, they take on and assume more definite characteristics; cancer would be a definite characteristic rather than just pain itself. You could describe certain pain to a doctor, and at the same time, he could not vocalize it to you or tell you exactly what caused it because there would be no indication in the physical. There would be, however, with cancer. You might have some other organs which were defective or were not functioning correctly, which would be a direct reflection or oscillation from a psychic shock in a previous lifetime and which was very different than the present condition. (more…)
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Of Life Equation
“I will point out and describe to you more of the abstract equations of the individual soul progression. Part of this has already been given.
We may start at some individual’s spiritual birth, and as it was similarized in the cycle of life equation, the individual began as an infinite concept. In this life cycle were the many multiple things which were all part of the wisdom of the Infinite God, and that as God is Infinite, He expresses both finitely and infinitely. Thus, in the life cycle, we see two diametrically opposed polarities or opposites, which so separate him into something like two poles. It is the oscillation and the various transferences of energy forms between these two poles which begin to construct for him his psychic body, or rather, two psychic bodies.
The individual will assume, in the course of many spiritual evolutions in each of these psychic bodies, two equally opposing concepts of such truths or structures as have entered into his psychic make-up. I would point out that the two poles, as I have called them, are linked by the life cycle. This is, in essence, his soul or spirit. So it is that he goes through many spiritual cycles or reincarnations before he is ready to be initiated in this new phase of concept. Thus, he will have arrived at the point where he must reincarnate into some lower physical form in the earth plane dimensions. This he will do in a separate or divided state of consciousness, as he now becomes male or female. (more…)
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On The Science of Spiritual Healing
“Our Science is different because it is not mandatory. We are not trying to impress it on anyone. What we are striving for is to contact people who have been preconditioned for it, who have asked for
it within their own consciousness. As Jesus said, “Believest thou this?” and he knew that unless people were preconditioned, that they were hopelessly lost until they had sought out the higher planes of consciousness in the spiritual worlds in their lives in between lives, and had been preconditioned of these things. If they had gone in their sleep state to the higher planes like Venus and had been taught harmonizing expressions of life, that’s putting the horse at the right end of the wagon where it belongs and not trying to make God subjective to you through the will and dominion of your mind which is taught by all so-called teachers of truth, which they, in a sense of the word, are always trying to tell God what to do, instead of tuning themselves in and letting God reward them openly the way they should do. They can’t do it until they understand the first basic equivalent of all things, the very essence and nature of God, which is a sine wave, which is energy. And they have the proof here because everything around you is proof of that. There is no such thing as a solid substance. Everything resolves itself into one or another tangible element of energy— living, dynamic, moving energy which is related and interrelated into
the Infinite Cosmogony. That is the Absolute and we cannot divide that; we cannot say, “This is Satan, this is Jehovah, this Beelzebub, this is Brahma, this is Shiva, this is Vishnu.” That was all for the little children who were playing in mud pies. They had to personify these things because that was a struggle over themselves within their own minds. They couldn’t visualize that anything could live except in the external form of a parent of a human being just like themselves, in spite of the fact that they, themselves, either physically, mentally or any other way, were merely a conglomeration, a matrix of energy formations all expressing the common idiom of their own particular structural energy content as it was superimposed in it by an energy wave form, an oscillation, an up-and-down motion, a forward movement, a positive relationship of an idea or an expression, positive or negative from one pole to another. (more…)
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On The Ashtar Command And Escapism
In answer to the so-called ‘‘Ashtar’’ (or other such) messages, this letter is being written in answer to the many quests pertaining to topics contained herein. The situation mentioned before with the husband could apply to many persons on the path of Truth, as many individuals are endeavoring to “change the other fellow.’’ As one of the first issues of your letter, we know explanations will be important to you, as well as many others.
You remember many years ago the story of Tarzan who, as a baby, was stolen by the apes in the jungle. His parents killed, he was then adopted by a foster mother, a great anthropoid ape. Growing up in his childhood years, Tarzan was unaware of the great world around him. The jungle with its animal and bird life was his entire world in which he played happily from day to day. At about the age of eight, he stumbled into the father’s hut, which had been left deserted through the years. Through books he had found within, he learned to read a
nd write. He learned much of the great world about him which he had not seen, so that when he became a young man, and a ship finally landed on his shore, he was quite able to slip easily into the civilized world. Picture, however, if he had been plucked from the jungle without this preconditioning and flopped into the civilized world, he might have become a hopeless imbecile through shock and fright. (more…)
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Beware Ye In The Latter Days
“Two thousand years ago a certain man uttered this most famous and prophetic prophecy, “In the latter days, beware ye of false prophets and teachers, those who dress in sheep’s clothing but are as ravening wolves.” Today in this twentieth century this same man has, through reincarnation, lived
to see more than a full and complete fulfillment of this prophecy. There is on every hand the modern version of the Tower of Babel, the cacophony of a countless multitude of voices, false prophets and teachers, the mendicants and purveyors all claiming to be and to have various merits which they are extolling and attempting, for a price to sell to a gullible public.
Politicos go from town to town raising their voices in protest against each other, each one extolling and promising what he will do should he gain his office. There are many and countless claims arising from different pulpits, religious groups, cultists, quacks, et cetera. Here in Southern California there is a tremendous gathering of these false prophets, a mecca of sorts, due partially to the benign climate but particularly to a kind of social structure which is most affluent in nature. Wealthy or semi-wealthy people retired in great abundance, live throughout the communities of the Southland and here these false prophets and teachers, quacks and purveyors have found a lush field for the deployment of their wares and their nefarious practices. (more…)
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New Years Message ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
If you wish to turn on the little box (recorder), you may do so. I shall try to overcome whatever passive resistance may be in the subconsciousness of Ernest to bring you my own personal message for the New Year. As you no doubt know by studying various historical configurations of religious and other documentary evidence which is contained in the archives of the historical world, and as it concerns man’s spiritual progress into the Infinite, and as Ernest is so scientifically explaining his teaching as is contained in the expression from great cycles as manifesting as Spiritual Consciousness, always man in his search to orient himself into a happier and more compatible state of union with the Infinite, seeks out and brings into his daily life, various and different configurations which have been termed as religious or cultistic observances.
And so the histories of the world have been filled with numerous depictions of pageantries, fiestas and various other ritualistic observances which have their roots deep into the very subconscious fiber of each human being and in his appeal to what he feels is some vague internal connection to the Infinite. (more…)
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Physics of Matter vs The 4th Dimension
“It cannot be overemphasized at this time, that in order to make any headway in understanding these concepts you must first understand energy, at least to some appreciable degree. Again we will start with that familiar sine wave which is simply a bit of electrical energy which is moving up and down, say, from positive to negative and vice versa. In this cycle it is telling something according to its frequency. It is both
the conveyance and the information; the frequency, of course, the times in which it goes from positive to negative, and is that particular information when it relates itself to any other sine wave. You might find some similarity or analogy in yourself when you walk to the grocery store; your legs are the conveyance and your consciousness is your intelligence. Well, the number of times your steps go from left to right, or we shall say, from positive to negative or vice versa is the frequency that relates you to the distance from your home to the store. Also, in your pocket, or bag, (or even piggyback) you can carry another person, or any other object. It is the same with sine waves. They too can carry, so to speak, other wave forms which are much smaller in frequency and which relate to certain kinds of information, such as is carried in the video and audio pulse in the television signal or wave form from the transmitter. (more…)
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Q & A On The Importance of Being Positive And Progressive
Student: …how best can we serve or how can we be of benefit and help others in this teaching?
Moderator: I think the most basic thing that you can arrive at is that you start visualizing all of these things in life, whatever it is that happens to you, as energy movements. They are sine wave movements. You have to create within the consciousness of your mind and see this energy traveling as the little green snake (sine wave); you have to see the positiveness with which the information takes on in the positive or the forward motion of that cycle which relates it to the positive Infinity, to the creative Infinity. Or we have to see the information which is linked through vibration to the negative or the regressive cycle which is the destructive intent, because it is destructive in the sense of the word that a lot is all a part of Infinity, yet Infinity is never constructive to us unless there is always a forward motion with us, or that we are traveling into the future with, because we are never stationary.
Student: No, we are either going forward or backwards, aren’t we?
Moderator: We are always traveling forward into Infinity. Everyday and in every way, these earth people (whatever their little experiences are), are all related to the future, at least to a certain degree. But at the same time they are relating all of these things from the past in their social systems and all the different ways in which they have intercourse among themselves; they are all related to past emotional experiences and in that way, progression is very, very slow. They really don’t arrive at very much or get very much as far as polarization is concerned from one lifetime to the next, and in a number of lifetimes the negative experiences can pile up and be in predominance over the positive, forward motions. So then they have amassed karma as the yogi would put it; then it becomes a proposition where they become physically ill, emotionally ill, and they become displaced and they become a lot of other things, so they have to work out these things, begin to work them out until they possess constructive knowledge of how they can work these things out, such as we are giving in the Unariun texts. They are more or less lost souls. A certain amount of help can come to them but we are in the same position as anyone else in the cosmic universe in the scale of evolution, that this has to be something in which the persons themselves are desirous of or that they have the complete will to do, you see. We cannot change the will or the desire of the person because if we do, we wind up with a zombie and we haven’t anything. We might as well sit down and cut out paper dollies and give them life. (more…)
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More On Mind Function – Part III
“Now we can compare our world as actually being a sun in relationship with other particular different dimensions of which the world is a part. The earth could very easily be a sun to these dimensions; in the same way the electromagnetic field of the earth could shine to adjacent worlds the same as the sun shines in this world, because what the sun is called — heat and light — is only electromagnetic fields of the sun being transformed into these various earth-lik
e constituents of energy from the processes that are happening in the great magnetic belts, in the great radiation belts around the earth in conjunction with the sun. It isn’t heat or light at all; it is part of the magnetic flux in this generating form in this great vortical pattern.
So you see, what the scientist is confronted with is the ultimatum that he must eventually completely tear down all of his physical science and reconstruct a new science out of these unknown dimensions and this is not a radical theory; it has already been partly envisioned by men like Oppenheimer in 1956, when he made the statement that we have passed the point of diminished returns, and anything valuable or valid in the future will have to be reconstructed from an entirely different mathematical system. So I am not alone. I can visualize these things because I know where the source is. I know it is very foolish to try to equate Infinity in a few surface appearances. The scientist will eventually have to destroy the illusion of heat and light and various other elemental factors in the physical dimension. He will have to destroy them because they are still going to give intent and purpose to a false science. They will have to realize they are only just as much of an illusion as the atom itself is, because the atom is a great illusion so far as it is universally accepted by science as mass; because he knows very well every atom is a solar system of energy. It is actually nonexistent as mass, but he refuses to give up his old science which is built out of this mass equation. Now isn’t it stupid. (more…)
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