A Discussion on Mind Function – Part II
“But all these things had to take place first in the spiritual worlds; they can’t take place in a physical world. The physical world is only the mirror; it’s only the image; it’s only the end of what happens. It is only the result—not the cause. It never is! Oh sure, they can produce reactions by the ten thousands, by the countless millions. They can even put the molecules and atoms together differently, but they’ve gone only so far; they haven’t really changed anything beyond this world because they’ve only chased a few shadows around.
They speak of the “power of the atom.” They don’t know the meaning of the word “power.” All that they’re seeing there is a certain movement—not in its natural, normal time. Any time that we get a dynamic movement of energy, as far as this relationship with the third dimension is concerned, and from another relationship in another dimension, we get what they call “power,” but they (the scientist or man) know nothing of the word, no more than they know what heat or any other form of energy is, because they have already assumed it to be resistive or reactive, in a third dimensional way and they haven’t linked it up with the originating sources of energy, the originating dynamics, the interdimensional relationships. And until they do, they’re stuck; they’re lost.
So what good would it do if a person has a thousand fur coats, a thousand cars? They’re here today and gone tomorrow. Whereas the person who sat for hours and worked and worked and worked, mentally and otherwise, to try to materialize these things, is now in another world doing the same things, over and over again. He will continue to do so until he realizes the fallaciousness of those kinds of thought patterns, the kind of cycles he has projected himself into. When he realizes that these things he has demonstrated for himself are only agents to enslave himself to a material world, he’ll be very ashamed of himself, that he tried to use the Divine Powers, or misuse them, or failed to use them, for such things as to support and to insure a false and insecure position in a material world. Any man who uses the Divine Powers to bolster up a false sense of security in a material world is indeed off the path. And I don’t care what his name is; I don’t care how successful he is, as far as material things and possessions are concerned. They cause me no jealousy whatsoever, because I know how each one of them is, in reality, a link in a chain, a strong chain of psychic malformations that bind him to this earth tighter than anything to be constructed out of the best forges in the land—chains he’ll someday have to break himself! (more…)
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A Discussion on Mind Function – Part I
This article was spoken by the Moderator, Ernest L. Norman, in rebuttal to an advertisement he read, which made claim they taught man how to use his mind to create anything he wanted, from a car to a hilltop castle in Spain.
“Fifty years ago, a wheel of glass or some similar material with some kind of a brush made of animal hair that was rubbing against one edge of it was placed on an instrument that turned the wheel very rapidly. There was a static discharge from the brush that was just rotated on the rotating wheel. This built up a static charge. That is exactly what the mind does when it starts being used in the wrong direction from that which it was intended.
Most people are now trying to make the conscious mind the creative agency, but the mind cannot exist or function within itself. It has to be powered from the psychic centers, as do all other organs in the body. That is the only way the human mind exists; all of those fifteen-odd million cells would die instantly when the oscillations are broken from any of the points of the psychic self. The mind dies instantly and the rest of the body dies with it. That is death. Death is the separation of the oscillation of the psychic body or self into the conscious mind. (more…)
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Akhnaton Retrospective: The Science of the Aton (Atom)
The Science of the Aton was the Science of the Atom as in the interdimensional physics presented in UN.AR.I.U.S.. This is the exact same science taught by Akhnaton but which was rejected and destroyed by the priesthood.
The “Sun Disc” represents the Infinite which in language of today represents the transmitter (Infinite Source) continuously transmitting everything into the Cosmos at all times. We are the receivers that are in harmony or in tune with this energy based on frequency as it is transmitting through space, time, infinity. This may represent part of the interpretation of the meaning of the sun disc.
The Science of the Aton was therefore never a religion that promoted any kind of worship – Jesus said the same, “Worship not as the heathen does on the street corners and synagogues.” He too brought the same Science in the form of parables. This too was also in opposition of the priesthood at the time and he was crucified.
Because the Science of the Aton was in direct opposition to the priests of Amun and threatened their control, Akhnaton was murdered and his image and works were nearly chiseled away from every stone monument in Egypt or outright destroyed. His followers like those of Jesus were hunted down, brutally murdered, and their images also desecrated or destroyed. (more…)
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Freedom From The Material Pit of Clay
“It can truly be said, that in the many thousands of years and in the many written and unwritten histories of the world, the movement of UN.AR.I.U.S. is unparalleled in the vastness and proportions, width and scope of this great undertaking, which represents the culminative efforts of countless thousands of people in somewhat more advanced strata of life to help their fellow man.
From the ranks of Initiates, Adepts, and Masters, literati, poets, artists, composers, philosophers and scientists, all in more or less advanced position to the Infinite, they have banded together in a common union and through such existing channels as a suitable outlet — at the present time, existing as it does in our channelship. While this in itself was a herculean task, it represented but the first step, for it was realized in designing UN.AR.I.U.S. that its chief appeal would quite naturally be to those who were struggling in the throes of karmic indispositions.
This meant taking all of the fundamental wisdom in the universe, and much of which is not known to man, and tailoring it down to a simple, direct lesson course with a preparatory quickening into several books which, while they were chiefly documentary, also contained much of the basic wisdom which would enable the individual when reading these various texts, to couple them together with the various predonditioning elements which he had acquired in the Spiritual Worlds, and thus free himself from his pit of clay. (more…)
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An Open Letter From The Brotherhood
“Today the peoples of the world are anxiously seeking and looking forward to world peace. This anxiety has been increased a million-fold when it is realized that modern science has placed in the hands of man, the potential power to completely destroy the world. History reveals that for thousands of years man has followed this same destructive course of evolution and that today he is no closer, yea, even farther away from peace than ever before.
Paradoxically, while he is thus anxiously looking to the leadership of his nation for this peace, he has not realized that he, himself, just as every individual, has a full measure of this peace and that if he is willing to make personal adjustments in his life, form new thought patterns, he can quite easily, over a period of time, acquire this much sought after peace of mind. (more…)
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Do Saucers Fly In Our Gravitational Field?
“Steinmetz says that saucers are neutral and work outside the field of gravitation or physical laws. A dimension encompasses a field of atomic structures which obey certain physical laws. The difference of dimensional characteristics is expressed in the way atomic structures are subjected to physical laws. Each dimension has its own set of physical laws.
The universe can be likened to a venturi tube. The large end of the funnel represents infinity to where space and time is compressed down to the center axis which is somewhere near the point of mass of atomic structures. Then it re-expands into sub-infinity or the largeness becomes the smallness with the expanding perimeter of the tube so that space and time expand into a counter-direction. (more…)
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Evolution of the Spiritual Side of Life
“As I have said, the third dimension is only one of the expressionary planes which are manifest in infinity; it is an oscillating and a pulsating plane of expression. It is constantly repeating the experience or the idiom, or the intelligence of the past into the future and in that way its own cyclic patterns are superimposed in the races of peoples and to individuals who are so involved in them. This will lead us more directly into what I have described in the first lesson course as the spiritual evolution – one of which Darwin did not know about. What it means actually is that any animate or living object, as it is going through its evolution – whether it is an amoeba, a tree, a flower, an animal, man, whatever this particular specimen, whatever it is, is also contacting
infinity. It is, by the oscillating process, re-expressing its own life form and its life experience as a facsimile reproduction of Infinite Intelligence which is oscillating in these wave form patterns; or you might say that is a preconceived concept which has been created or exists in infinity since the beginning of whatever infinity is.
Actually, as said, there is no beginning, so this specimen of life, whatever it is, manifests its own intelligence as it is oscillated from infinity and in the reverse process as polarized elements of experiences, reverses this oscillation back into infinity and propagates, on the basis of its own psychic anatomy, contact with the infinity which leaves its own oscillating quotient with those cyclic forms of infinity with which it was involved. Harmonically attuned, all infinity then can be said to be oscillating with, or resonating with the life experience of this specimen. Then, as the specimen progresses and gets to the point of death and reincarnates, or that another similar specimen is brought into the surface of life, this specimen can be said to be harmonically in tune with the past of this similar specimen and therefore inductive to it on the basis of frequency relationship. It will not only pick up the polarized idiom of these previous life experiences and will (just as you do) revamp them or reform them into its present life form and experience, but, through the opposition of harmonic attunements, it can very easily pick up and reproduce or reform into the present, certain other different life experiences which have happened to other specimens of life upon the planet Earth. So again, this particular specimen has added a certain adjunctive to its own particular evolution. (more…)
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The Life Cycle
“The all-pervading, all-permeating, all-existing intelligent God resides or lives or expresses Himself in an infinite way through many, many dimensions. Jesus spoke of it thusly, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” Mansions, of course, are the relative planes and the dimensions of existence. Therefore, in the creation of man, it can be said that God, as He is of infinite nature and intelligence,
must express Himself in an infinite number of ways. This, then, begins to assume a definite or a tangible or a personal expression. We will say that God is creating Himself as an individual in an infinite number of ways by the creation of each human being.
As it is quite necessary, if we think a moment, in this infinite nature of God, that God must also combine all of the elements of infinity into the nature of the personal expression or the human being; therefore comes the necessity for the living or the learning or the realization into all realms and dimensions of consciousness as an individual. God begins the creation of man something like this: we can say that, in His Infinite Mind, man so begins as a basic fundamental life cycle. This is, in itself, a cycle which will remain throughout eternity with the individual. Within this cycle or place are an infinite number of tiny or larger wave forms. These wave forms are, in themselves, frequencies or intensities which can convey – and as they are unchanged through time or eternity – and will continually reflect or convey in the proper sense of content, the intelligence which was placed within them. (more…)
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Common Fallacies of Science
“In a quantitative assessment of cyclic phenomena, the electromagnetic force fields which we have previously discussed have pointed out the primitive ignorance of this present-day science, in regard to the creative principles of solar systems, galaxies, universes and all life forms, all of which have led us directly into other fields and other interpolations where science has made colossal and stupid blunders in his
assumptions when trying to view or rationalize such origins on the surface of their third-dimensional prospectus. Many of these stupid assumptions concern astronomical phenomena, such as believing the sun is a thermonuclear furnace. They believe the sun’s energy comes from the fusion or implosion of two hydrogen atoms into one helium atom. What then of the other sixty-odd elements they have, through spectroscopic analysis, found on the sun? Apparently it is not known that this is an evolutionary process of atoms, as I have previously outlined. To change two hydrogen atoms into one helium atom, it is first necessary for certain changes to occur in all electromagnetic fields which are the formative pattern of the atom and which, in turn, are oscillating polarities with their respective fourth-dimensional centrifuges. (more…)
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Infinite Cosmogony – The Facade of Immortality
“It has been said that no man is truly ignorant until he stops seeking. Yet let this seeking – and man should always seek – be one of constructivism. If the efforts in space are in any way vindicated, then it must be upon this premise and this premise alone. Such efforts could be condoned – that he is indeed seeking. Yet we must again examine all psychological factors involved which are really behind the movements of such extrusions and such seekings. Do these really come from a desire to understand life, or would the understanding of life placate, in any way, the fear of death which is rampant in the secret subconscious of every human? Or that he wishes, in some way, to perpetuate himself upon the pedestal of immortality in the eyes of his fellowman?
The motivations, psychologically speaking, behind those who motivate, engineer and participate in such space explorations or even into other excursions of scientific endeavor, must be searched and questioned for such ulterior motivations as may exist within the confines of a subverted subconscious mind – complexes which have been developed in the insecurities and fears of this nether earth world and in the numerous incarnations which any individual may have been subjected to in these various indispositions. All, as they are compounded within the psychic anatomy, give a certain malevolence to the actions and to the conduct of any person who has such a complex – a syndrome of civilization, improbables compounded within the rhetorics of his own conduct, of his own mind produce as it has been quoted, an impenetrable jungle, more dense and with more thorns indeed than that which confronted any prince in his search for the sleeping beauty. (more…)
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More on Mind Function, Part II
“Now we have shown in a very simple manner in our lesson course diagram, what we call sine wave A, B, and C, so far as the psychic anatomy is concerned. We call those fundamental frequencies which can be compared to the pulse of the human body or the breath of the human body; that is, the psychic anatomy is breathing in and out; it is pulsating on these basic carrier frequencies. They are, shall we say, the links that tie them together. It is on these various carriers, we shall say, that the new subconscious in the new life (once born) begins to be developed because the carrier from the mental part of the psychic anatomy begins to reconstruct the subconscious in conjunction with the various experience quotients of energy which come into the newly forming subconscious from the outside world. They are, we shall say, comparatively temporary in nature; that is, they can fade simply because they can become discharged in the sense of the word that they have to depend to a large degree upon any supporting energy which comes into them from the psychic anatomy.
Now the psychic anatomy is more closely attuned to the superconscious, which means that the superconsciousness is actually a combination of a large number of dimensions; that is, it has an alignment with a large number of dimensions. It is composed of facsimiles of energy quotients from a large number of dimensions; therefore, it has contact we shall say, in this broad term of reference with a certain amount of power or force which is stemming into it constantly in a regenerative wave form fashion. This gives the superconscious tremendous power – power in the sense of the word that it is a positive potential and so much stronger than any other comparative potentials in the psychic anatomy. So when it beats in various different impulses, very positive, powerful entities of consciousness come in contact with various other portions of the psychic anatomy; it will automatically transform them, or we shall say, performs in some sense of the word the same capacity as the brain cells do; it polarizes it and reconstructs out of the harmonics, an exact facsimile in another dimension of what has happened in the subconscious. (more…)
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More on Mind Function Part I
“Another one of the mysteries the scientist doesn’t know about is how we have life and death; why a person will be born, grows up, starts to deteriorate, grows into old age and finally dies.
There is a very logical and simple explanation for that too, because it is simply a cycle. We have to remember that every time a person dies, all of the elements which remain in the subconscious at that time of death are discharged. All that remains of that person is what has been polarized in the mental part of the psychic anatomy from out of that subconscious. Therefore, when a person is reborn again to this world, he does so without that subconscious part of his psychic anatomy; so he starts to construct that part of the psychic anatomy on his basic life cycle that he previously had. It’s like building a new house on an old foundation, we shall say.
The life cycle as it was engendered, for instance, from realizations of many, many past lifetimes and many associations, regenerated this life cycle so that it included about three score and ten years of life a man is theoretically supposed to live, so on this cycle he begins to rebuild the subconscious. Therefore, throughout that lifetime, he will be able to remember everything that goes into that subconscious, providing it has a certain greatness or intensity that it can construct some part of a vortex of energy in that subconscious part of the psychic anatomy and, in turn, will of course polarize a certain facsimile or certain picture in the vortex of the mental part of the psychic anatomy. That remains with him forever because in the mental part of the psychic anatomy, we find what is called or referred to as the akashic record. In other words, anybody who is clairvoyantly trained can tune into the mental part of the psychic anatomy and see these pictures. The reason they remain there forever is because they are oscillating with the superconscious. (more…)
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Maintaining The Positive Versus Negative
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol II:
“The most important problem confronting the aspiring student of UN.AR.I.U.S. is self-mastery, and it is almost needless to point out that until certain definite steps and accomplishments in this self-mastery have been accomplished, the aspirant has no chance of becoming a better person.
The whole context of the Unariun concept is based upon this premise: you cannot become a better person until you have mastered your personal emotions. You cannot hope to escape the purgatory of karma, which you have heaped upon yourself in your past lives, no more than you can hope to escape present and future inflections by indulging yourself in emotionalisms. Therefore, if you find yourself at any time, now or in the future, emotionally involved with any person or persons or any set of circumstances, the first step in self-mastery is to realize that you and you alone are to blame and are responsible for your involvement and for your emotion.
When you have accomplished such real, honest judgment against yourself and you can judge your position on the basis of all factors involved in the situation, then you shall find that these emotionalisms will be discharged. They will lose their power to hold you and your future will become freer from recurring situations. (more…)
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Atlantean Civilization Part II
Amid The Pyramids
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I
Part Two
“In our preceding chapter we discovered the Egyptian pyramids, Khufu or Cheops, etc., as well as pyramids in other parts of the world — Yucatan peninsula, Inca, Peru, etc. — were, in their odd shapes and seemingly meaningless geometry, actually a decadent remnant of several huge pyramids which existed in Atlantis and even in the more ancient Lemuria which were, in reality, highly developed electronic generators designed and built by Master Scientists from another world. Our description of this pyramid as it existed in Atlantis is far from complete, however, so let us continue to explore this most amazing achievement.
Briefly, a huge rotating squirrel-cage generator turned by a motor was linked up to an electronic computer which was housed in a twenty-foot square metal box on the floor just above the generator. This computer automatically made and broke connections — with banks of power collector cells on the outside pyramid surface in such a sequential manner that a tremendous oscillating voltage was built up. On the ten-foot ball which stood atop the metal box, this oscillating electricity discharged more than six hundred feet straight up to a similar metal ball hanging down from the pyramid apex on a long metal rod. (more…)
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Abstract Form of Consciousness
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I
“The embryo of life existence of the individual soul begins with the life spark of Infinite Intelligence which expands into a great fourth-dimensional ring or cycle which is called the Life Cycle or soul progression of this individual soul. The Life Cycle is composed of an infinite number of pulsations of frequencies or energies, each assuming a different wave form, but which are in harmonic relationship to each other. While being infinite in number, in nature and variety, therefore they can reflect in their own consciousness, the part of themselves into the third dimension, and which in turn assumes the mass proportion of atomic structures known as elements.
These elemental substances are therefore grouped into the visible form of the earth body. The linkage of the earth body to the life cycle is complete through the superstructure called the psychic body. The psychic body is, in itself, a self-contained reservoir, retaining in static form the life experiences of the physical consciousness.
In the development of what is called the Superconscious Mind, is the sum and total of all the energies which have been expressed through experience in the psychic body and retained in an etheric or cyclic form. This Superconscious Mind and body will, in turn, graduate through many evolutions of life cycles which are in harmonic relationship to the fundamental embryonic life cycle.
In the final conclusion, it may be termed a Superconscious Being of Infinite Dimension and of Infinite Mind who reflects outwardly from within himself, the individual personification of the great creative force called God.”
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