Retinal Flashes of Light In Space – Mystery Solved
“There is one other aspect in space travel which has been discovered in the four journeys to the moon. This is in relationship to bright objects floating about the spacecraft and lights which seem to flash across the inside of the retina of the astronauts’ eyes. On the first flight to the moon, astronauts mentioned there were bright objects or lights floating about the ship at about the halfway point to the moon. In successive journeys astronauts have seen tiny bright white specks of light which seem to float across the inside of their eyes. In the last (#15) flight, experiments were conducted and the astronauts deliberately blindfolded themselves, and again saw these bright specks of light which they believed were on the inside of the retina of their eyes. This, of course, is a fallacy. What actually happened in any of these dispensations or phenomena as they manifested themselves, either as white lights floating around the cabin, or as bright specks floating across the eye, is easily explained. It should be considered that none of these experiments have been conducted purposely here on Earth by the astronauts, or the same people who are involved in these experiments. And if they had, and had they been conducted under totally darkened conditions, there is no doubt they would have seen bright lights floating around the room and bright specks which seemed to be on the inside of their eyes. (more…)
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Atlantean Civilization Part I
Amid The Pyramids
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I
Part One
October 7, 1969 — “During the last hundred years or so, peoples of the western hemisphere have been tremendously interested and intrigued by the lore of Ancient Egypt, as it was unearthed and apparently translated by the efforts of archaeologists. By far, however, the most important aspects in this Egyptology have not been recognized and, in particular, the significance of certain connections which this Egyptology had, in a historical sense, with the much older and long-ago defunct civilization of Atlantis.
In particular, the Egyptian pyramids, a subject of great mystery and intense controversy, even to the exploration of the giant pyramid of Gizeh (Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops at Gizeh) with cosmic ray apparatus in an attempt to divulge certain supposed unknown inner chambers. Like almost all other earth world ethnic cultures, religions, occultisms and even superstitions, the Egyptian pyramid is actually a vestigial remnant, a degenerate form done in stone, of what was once actually a great electronic instrument, designed and constructed by master scientists from another world and placed on an Atlantean plain for the purposes of generating unlimited power derived from the interdimensional cosmos.
As it existed on the Atlantean Plain some 15,000 B.C., it was constructed of metals, not stone. The geometrical configuration of the pyramids was purposefully placed in relationship to north and south magnetic poles and with the four sides representing maximum surface interception. On the metallic surface of this pyramid were placed millions of small cells whose purpose was to absorb cosmic energies and convert them into electrical energy which could turn certain kinds of electrical motors coupled to huge generators. (more…)
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Taking the Mystery Out of Sexual Identity
“During the past several years, considerable emphasis has been expressed on certain segments of human society which is called homosexual, heterosexual, lesbianism, etc., and apparently, as the emphasis has grown, so has the mystery of the why of these different sexual deviations.
The mystery can be very easily solved in the context of our modern electrical physics and anyone who understands the basic laws which underlie and control electrical energy can understand not only sexual deviations but also any and all of the other so-called mysteries now currently confronting human society.
Long ago, Einstein proved that all mass is energy – complex electrical units called atoms, and he also proved the existence of adjacent dimensions which he called the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc.
Like all other things on this earth, human beings are actually electrical energy. There are countless billions of atoms which comprise the body compounded as molecules, cells, etc. This body is controlled and regenerated by a second body called the psychic anatomy which has, in the past, been referred to as the soul. This psychic anatomy is more properly a fourth-dimensional body; that is, it is composed of billions of small or larger wave forms of energy which revolve endlessly within themselves and again, according to Einstein, have merged time with space. Their starting and stopping place is within the circumference of their oscillating motions. (more…)
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The Genesis Rock: Fallacy of the Time Concept
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I
“It is indeed a technological achievement for the earthman to have landed men on the moon four times. However, to believe that he can acquire some sort of intelligent information about the embryonic period of the solar system, the formation of planets, etc., from such existing specimens of moon rock will, without question, lead him into another one of those insoluble enigmas or anachronisms with which he has confounded himself in his numerous attempts to explore the created world about him. This is simply because he has not as yet lifted his efforts, his introspection and analysis, into the fourth dimension–to the origin of all things.
Let us create for a moment a hypothetical situation. Suppose in the scientist’s mind, as he is concerned with moon rocks and their origins, that the Genesis rock would portray to him that at one time the moon was either very volcanic or that it was entirely a ball of molten lava. In either case the situation is quite clear: there was a huge mass of atom-molecules which formed this ball of lava that had been in existence for possibly hundreds of thousands of billions of years. So the age of the moon, to use a pun, “goes up in a puff of smoke” such as we might see from the top of a volcano. And I don’t go along with that “spin-off” theory–that all of the planets in the solar system were thrown off from the mass of the sun by centrifugal motions or some other such forces that aided in this spin-off process. (more…)
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Spiritual Healing
Dear Student:
Following are a few vital points which will help you to better understand the corrective processes which enter into spiritual healing. The principles and methods are largely contained in the lessons. You will find by careful study, a scientific presentation of mass and energy and that all things resolve into energy. Therefore, in the creation of man, there is a broad departure from the Biblical, physical version of the creation of Adam and Eve.
Continuing along this line of thought and pursuing our course of reasoning, we therefore resolve man in all the tangible and intangible elements of God’s Infinite Nature. Man is therefore, individually and collectively, constantly revolving through countless dimensions, lifetimes and experiences. This is motivated not from the physical plane of existence or expression, which is only effect, but from the spiritual side of man’s true self.
It is well-known that man has a spiritual body, but very few people seem to know what that spiritual body is. I do more than presume to know, and can factually prove that it is an energy body existing in another dimension – outside the third-dimensional concept of time and space. This energy body is composed of the sum total of many lifetimes and evolutions. It also has a higher body, or the Oversoul, or the Christ Self, which is the motivating life force and which is made up from the abstract Infinity of God, Himself. (more…)
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The “Red Shift” Explained
First an explanation or interpretation by the mainstream scientist of what the “Red Shift” is then an explanation of the “Red Shift” from a 4th dimensional perspective.
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I:
“Another great and mistaken fallacy is the “Red Shift”. On a spectrographic analysis, scientists compare the appearance of certain lines as they appear on the surface of the refractory, crystal prism. Like an ordinary triangular crystal of glass, the spectrograph divides the light spectrum into certain lines somewhat similar to a rainbow. It is assumed that all known elements found on earth are part of every star-sun being viewed, as these are similar to our own sun. The thermonuclear process, or burning (fusion) of these elements, radiates the necessary light viewed on the spectroscope. From very distant star suns, the red light appears at a different place than it does here on earth. The scientist thinks this is caused by what he calls the Doppler effect; i.e., the train whistle receding away from you has a lower pitch than it does coming toward you. The scientist thinks the star-sun is moving rapidly away from the solar system and the galaxy because he is always looking out toward the outer rim of
the galaxy and he cannot see toward the center because of the many more star-suns and other conditions. He must always look out onto the Milky Way, so therefore he thinks that our galaxy and universe is expanding and this leads to the most ridiculous of all assumptions – the “Big Bang” theory; i.e., somewhere at some time, a huge ball of atoms collected together and when there were enough of them and they were compressed tightly enough, they suddenly exploded. The little pieces traveling outward formed the countless trillions of star suns of the universe. (more…)
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Cycles And Civilizations
(This dissertation was included in a student’s life reading.)
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium Vol. I
We will present a synopsis or trace and present various civilizations, a starting place of these cycles and of their appearance of so many countless thousands of people who have lived in these age-old civilizations, and have incarnated back and forth through these various epochs countless times. For convenience sake, we shall start with Atlantis. As every truth seeker knows or has heard something about this ancient civilization which was predated by the Lemurian civilization even many thousands of years previously. In this old Atlantis about 25,000 years ago there was a very wonderful and beautiful civilization which flourished on the continent somewhere in the mid-Atlantic ocean.
This civilization, which lasted for many thousands of years, was directed under spiritual leadership from a great temple in Atlantis. Stemming out into various corners of the world, there flourished numerous colonies which were also largely directed by this same priesthood. Some several thousands of years later, a race of dark-skinned people succeeded in stealing certain secrets of machinery which were atomically conceived in nature, and handed down from the Lemurian Masters, and with these secrets the dark-skinned ones actually succeeded in blowing Atlantis completely out of the ocean.
Along with this terrible destruction, there was naturally a great loss of life. Then too, before this cataclysm, many thousands of people who had, by being forewarned, migrated to various other countries such as Egypt, India, Persia, and Central and South America. From these remnants sprang other civilizations. So it was that through the many epochs of time, various and countless millions of citizens who had resided in these ancient civilizations, and knowing of this great Spiritual Leadership and that wonderful way of life, began seeking to find themselves in some new age and time wherein these same spiritual concepts were further expressed, and also that they might gain more wisdom and advance themselves in their own spiritual evolution, which is always a strong and motivating, inward desire of every human being. (more…)
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Transmission From Einstein
You see, one great trouble with humanity (and I wrote two books on philosophy which I consider much more important than the scientific works I gave, so I can be qualified somewhat as a philosopher), and the greatest mistake people make today is that they are shirking their own personal, moral responsibility toward the Creator. Each person, if he understood what his moral responsibility was, would certainly not do the things which he is doing; he could not do them because, to most people, living in the material world means merely the pacification of their carnal appetites. Man will find an infinite number of expressions for these voracious appetites in so many ways. He eats himself half sick and drinks himself into a stupor and he fills his lungs full of foul vapors from the cigarettes. He lives all kinds of crazy and false patterns of life and even eats food which is saturated with poison because he is waging a war with the insect world, and to us over here, it is a wonder that he survives through the quantity of poison which he has maintained on that level. It is certainly not quality which he is expressing today.
When we look back into the past and see the great renaissance of intelligence, the artistic as well as the scientific achievements of the past ages in comparison with the world as it is today, it is a very barren and sterile place. But I could go on for hours and become a little German chatterbox. We say to you both, if you keep on going like you are, you will see that it is just kindergarten to what it will become in a little while. You can be assured of that because I know from where I am sitting here (psychically) tonight, beside Ernest, that the Earth is but one tiny little speck in God’s Infinite Cosmos – a very tiny speck. (more…)
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What Is In The Middle of a Torus?
From Nassim Haramein’s latest work, “The Black Whole” DVD confirms many principles of UN.AR.I.U.S. including that space is infinitely filled even though Nassim calls it a vacuum, interdimensionally a vacuum cannot exist, and that the torus or vortex as UN.AR.I.U.S. likes to call it is at the center of every atom and sub-atomic particle at small scales and also at large scales such as a sun or galaxy and or universe. As you notice, galaxies have a common toroidal structure. Nassim goes on to discuss how this explains many things such as the magnetic fields, the exchange of energy between dimensions and how we are vibrating at the speed of light. But UN.AR.I.U.S. goes on to explain that the material dimensions are at the apexes of these vortexes and result from what transpires in other dimensions at higher frequencies (than the speed of light) and in these dimensions, time and space are integrated. These dimensions are only starting to be recognized by the earth scientist. What the scientist will also discover is that the number of these dimensions is limitless. There is an infinite number of dimensions. Eleven dimensions that he is currently aware is what is between two octaves but above and below these octaves are many more dimensions just beyond the periphery of his understanding. (more…)
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Discussion On Reincarnation
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium Vol. II by Ernest L. Norman
A concept of creation with man is when we find an aggregation or a collective aggregation of intelligence which can be identified as an ego which can survive in the ego form as a psychic body from one life to another. We have a human being because the individual lives and relives in that psychic consciousness which we identify as the ego, from the culminative expressions of previous lives which have formed that nucleus or that cell of consciousness which lives and relives. That, in itself, proves reincarnation. Anything which we call an instinct, whether it is two (so-called) instincts which were given by Freud, or any number which have been included in various other different psychological concepts, it makes no difference because, even if it is one or a thousand instincts, it is the direct admission that psychology, in that expression, admits reincarnation! It has to, because every one of those instincts is a dimension of consciousness which we call fear, which has survived in that idiom of the ego through countless thousands of lives since the first beginning of that individual when he began to retain the idiom of the ego from one life to the next.
And that’s what distinguishes a man from a beast or a bird, in that sense, because it is through this matrix of wave forms which form the nucleus or the cell of the psychic body, we call it, in the expressions of dynamic energy reflecting into various polarities which link and relink him with the whole Infinite Cosmogony. It is even more important to remember that ego survives from one life to the next and that his various different expressions of temperament, intelligence, etc., cannot and have never been justified in a genetical sense; they can’t be, but they can be fully justified and can be fully explained when a person understands reincarnation. Because, for one thing, the very fear of death itself which concerns the greatest portion of the population of the earth is an old primary fear which man first arrived at in the beginning of his evolution, in what we might call the human being. That one fear alone – the fear of survival – is sufficient to prove reincarnation. Any instinct, large or small, call it the fear of survival, the fear of death, call it sex, whatever you wish, the primary, motivating fears or concepts are things which were first brought into consciousness in the most ancient of any one man’s lives. (more…)
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