The Cycle of The Recessional

The-Cycle-of-The-Recessional-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman1a-Dr-Ernest-L-Norman

Dear Fellow Student: I know you will appreciate with me the fact that inasmuch as you have lived a hundred or possibly a thousand lifetimes upon the planet earth, that it would be physically impossible to give you a verbatim description of all of these lives, nor would it serve a purpose, other than perhaps satisfy some idle curiosity. Then, too, it is quite possible that we have little skeletons in the closet of our past lives which would embarrass us should they be dragged forth into the limelight.

2-perspectusOur concern is only with those lifetimes in which certain physical or mental karma conditions or blocks have been inflected into the psychic structures and are causing present-day difficulties. However, it is most important and vital so that as you are now occupying in this present-day world a certain relative sphere of consciousness and inasmuch as this can be said to be the place of working out or elimination, we must understand not only your own position, but a broad and universal con3-past-livescept of the world, its evolutions, and the future destiny of mankind upon this planet.

So, therefore, I will give you something of a synopsis or a presentation of such various continuities and appearances of yourself in past lifetimes that you can most easily trace the pattern of your own evolutions and thus combine with other concepts which you will gather from the lesson course, and other sources, much wisdom which will not only broaden your mental horizon but will considerably aid and abet the process of therapy and adjustment.

4-pyramidsThere are many sources of information of past civilizations and the coming and going of mankind upon the face of the earth. Accounts are written in the pyramids and tombs of Egypt. They are contained to a large extent in the Vedic transcripts which form the basic concept of Hinduism. There is much wisdom gained by the teachings of the ancient Hellenic Avatars, such as Plato and Socrates, and if the person is an earnest seeker he can, from numerous places, gather much pertinent and vital information.

However, for convenience sake, and inasmuch as these things are written in the Bible, we shall use that5-bible-prophet book for a sort of reference. The prophets of the Old Testament as well as those of the New Testament gave much wisdom and knowledge to our present-day understanding; and it is generally conceded by one and all that this is a highly-advanced technocracy, an age of atoms and electrons, and a synthetic age which has produced not only an abundance of many miraculous things, but has literally showered our daily lives with various contrivances and conveniences which, by their original intent, were meant to serve us usefully.

5a-man-stressedYet in the very nature and complexities of this technocracy, it has become as a two-edged sword, and the general way of life, the adaptability and the mental positions of the hundreds of millions of citizens in our present-day world have, as yet, not adapted unto themselves a sufficient psychology to compensate for the numerous pressures, compromises and adjustments which are necessary to live in this complex civilization. Therefore, you can see for these reasons and others, too, which are most obvious, that you must indeed gain a wholesome perspective of your present position and the world in general.

6-solar-system-centerIn the opening chapter of Genesis, it states the Lord made the earth in six days, and on the seventh He rested. This is a spiritual parable which has suffered much and many derelictions, but actually referred to an astrophysical cycle wherein we can actually trace the written course of history for mankind for at least 160,000 years. This astrophysical cycle is called the Cycle of the Recessional in modern astrological nomenclature. It refers to a phenomenon wherein the sun, leading its little flock of planets along a great magnetic line of force extending from the central vortex of our universe; and also, as the earth, as in the case of the other planets revolving about the sun, are regularly intersecting and bisecting minor and major lines of force which are stemming out from this same vortex.

In our orbit of the ellipse every 365 days, we gradually recede along a certain axis of declination which means that after 25,862 years, we have intersected and bisected at a 360 degree arc all of the major and minor lines of force, which we are presently concerned with in our position in this universe.

8-Alternating-Current-Generator_EMFThis is exactly the same principle which is used in the application of alternating current which turns the motors of our present-day industries – one of the ways in which the Infinite has of inflecting into our world or dimension of consciousness through the various energy structures known as atoms – certain vibratory energies which stem in along with these magnetic lines of force. These are dominating and controlling forces which have much to do with the general welfare and evolution of humanity as a whole. They also, to a large extent, are responsible for such evolutionary patterns wherein the earth itself, along with the planetary system, goes from one age to another.

9-zodiac-divisionsThese concepts were given to the earth at the beginning of the Lemurian Age or in the beginning of the first of the six days, which was 160,000 years ago; and this figure is obtained by adding up the six cycles of 25,000 years. In order to better understand the effect and the nature of this cycular phenomenon, we can visualize this great 25,000 year cycle as a circle, and we shall divide it up into twelve sections like we would cut a pie, each section representing a period of time of a little over 2,000 years duration. Using modern astrological terminology, we can start from Pisces and run through the twelve different sections or signs of the Zodiac back to Aquarius.

Aquarius is the sign wherein the figure of God places His right foot upon the earth9a-Aquarian-Age-symbol-b and holds the horn of plenty, which He scatters upon the earth; and in the left hand, holds the trident which represents the Holy Trinity. The symbology, therefore, is that this Aquarian Age will be ruled directly from the inner consciousness through the hearts and minds of man, and that it will be, indeed, a Golden Rule Age, or the City of Jerusalem, a spiritual age where God actually rules the world and that man lives by the Golden Rule.

These minor cycles are divisions of about 2,000 years’ duration. You can also see, by studying history, that these various lesser cycles have had considerable influence in helping usher into the world certain civilizations or certain times wherein avatars or masters have appeared, just as in the case of Jesus.

11-the-ten-tribesAnother point of reference contained in the Bible which concerns every seeker of truth in the present day is the prophecy which states that in the latter day, the Ten Tribes will be again gathered together. This, when combined with our knowledge of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, will give us a starting point where we can trace not only your own personal starting of your evolution, but to all other seekers of truth who are so interested in, not only solving their own difficulties, but in visualizing the emancipation of man into the future spiritual age.

12-the-Lemurian-scientistsWe will begin, therefore, by adding up the six days as was mentioned in Genesis and the cycles of 25,000 years’ duration, and we will arrive at the figure about 160,000 years ago which was the starting place of the ancient city and civilization of Mu. Through legends, historical facts and various channels and works of numerous men such as Churchward, we have gained a rather factual description of that time and place. It began with a landing of a huge space ship which came from a great planet called Lemuria down closer to the central vortex of the universe. It contained among its passengers eleven Lemurians who were super-scientists or masters. They were tall men – eleven feet high, or more.

13-destruction-of-LemuriaIn these two great civilizations [Lemuria and Atlantis which followed], there were many, many, millions of people who had sat at the feet of different masters and avatars and had learned of great spiritual truths; and with the destruction, had passed on into spiritual worlds. Since that time, they have come down to the numerous and lesser civilizations upon the planet earth through more or less regular cycular appearances or reincarnations, being attracted into this world in certain spheres of time wherein certain spiritual concepts, under some avatar or savant were being re-instituted into that present time and place. Anyone who has longings, conscious memories, or feelings of affinity or the knowing of these ancient times, can actually know that they have been one of the many millions who perished in the great cataclysms.

14-past-livesYou yourself, as many other seekers of truth, have come down through the times and ages from ancient Atlantis, through Egypt, India, Chaldea, China, Greece and even the so-called Dark or Middle Ages to your present time. You may remember the life to some extent on Atlantis; or it may have been just the starting point, the original causation for such karmic fears as fire or drowning. In the many succeeding reincarnations, these fears may or may not have been dissipated, or they may have been added to and strengthened by certain psychic shocks of such similar circumstances.

15-OsirisAfter the destruction of Atlantis at about 25,000 years ago, there were many of the peoples of that nation who had migrated or escaped into Egypt and after a period of time, Egypt grew and became one of the great and luminous spiritual civilizations of the past, and reached the climax of its ascendency under an Atlantean priest, or a descendent of the priest known as Osiris. The religious monotheology of the people of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt was the worship of the one God who was called Amen Ra, and it was believed that His countenance shone forth upon the world from the sun. Thus it was that the sun was worshipped just as our present-day Christians worship various saints or images of saints; or they may actually visualize God as an entity, so that the people of these past ages saw the great universal and infinite God manifesting Himself in one way and direction through the shining and luminous orb of the sun which warmed the earth and was most necessary for all life which lived upon its surface.16-Shamballa

India, too, and around the northern latitudes of India near the Mongolian Desert, another great civilization had descended from a spiritual city which is known in the present day as Shamballa. Much allure of the legendary nature is still attached to Eastern theosophies concerning Shamballa, and it closely paralleled, in many ways, the lives lived by the Lemurians and Atlanteans.

17-AryansAfter the destruction of Shamballa and its disappearance more than half a million years ago, the remaining vestiges of that nation who were known as the Aryans migrated south into the plains of India. These Aryans were fair-skinned, blond-haired and blue-eyed and are one of the root races which exist today as the Nordic or Teutonic races, and they descended from the original inhabitants of this ancient civilization and still exist in some provinces of northern India and can be found around the country of Kashmir. It was these people, incidentally, who brought with them the Vedic transcript which is the basis for present-day pantheology of Hinduism: Brahma, who was the Giver of Light, or God; Vishnu, and Shiva, the destroyer. Vishnu was the Perpetuator of Life; and in this Holy Triad, there is a marked parallel and similarity to our present-day Christian doxology.

18-Egyptian-past-2So thus it is, dear student, a presentation of past lives and epochs of time; like the tides of the ocean, these great civilizations have risen and fallen, and left behind them only legend, carvings in the rocks, or perhaps some buried temple in the far-off reaches of Central America. The pyramids of Egypt give mute testimony as the temples which lie in the shadows of those great structures speak silently of the pageantry of the past. The ancient City of Jerusalem has risen and fallen seven times, and yet lives today as a token and a symbology that here, too, a great man in a far-off time and place gave birth to life and hope for many people.

Excerpt from Tempus Invictus

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The Evolutionary Continuity of Life

The-Evolutionary-Continuity-Of-Life-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

From time to time in our mail received here at the Center, there appears certain kinds of literature published and distributed by2-doom-monger certain individuals or groups who might be called Adventists, in a sense, who are constantly predicting dire catastrophes, racial extinction, etc., for mankind from various causes, principally atom bombs and radiation. Some of these Adventists or doom-mongers have even gone so far as to describe various escape devices such as a great space ship appearing at the last moment and rescuing the believers; or the sudden opening of underground caverns and tunnels by unknown races of people who are supposedly living underground and who, being keenly aware of the predicament of mankind, offer the believers the sanctuary of their underground homes. (more…)

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The Complex Escape Mechanism

The-Complex-Escape-Mechanism-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-alcoholicPsychological nomenclature defines an escape mechanism as thought and action by any individual whereby certain psychic pressures seem to be temporarily relieved or certain justifications attained. It can be said factually that of the three and a half billion people living at this time [currently 7.8 billion today], all, without exception, exhibit all classical symptoms of characteristic escape mechanisms and can therefore be said to be to some degree, mentally ill. These escape mechanisms are always very complex and encompass all mental and physical activity, all thought and action of any human, and in any particular escape complex mechanism, there is always one dominant factor which keys the entire reactive escape processes. (more…)

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An Elder Brother Discusses Energy With A Student ~ Part III

An-Elder-Brother-Discusses-Energy-With-A-Student-~-Part-III-main-2by Ernest L. Norman

S – These jungle people sometimes seem to have prayers answered.

T – We will refer again to the two polarity patterns. It makes a much closer affinity to that at the present moment of consciousness, because it does this: they are energizing or ringing a certain set of energy formations which link them back through many past lives of consciousness where they prayed and prostrated themselves in the temples or before the priests, and various other different things which is a closer affinity to them and only because they do have that affinity. There is something else that has been entered into which most people are not conscious of and this is in the realm of psychokinetics. (more…)

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Interdimensional Relationships

Interdimensional-Relationships-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

For many years, scientists in the field of biological research have been avidly, perhaps feverishly, probing the mysteries of cell 1-DNA-strandstructures, molecules, etc., trying to find out what this life force is and, as usual, they have only added to their confusion. A very important discovery was the DNA molecule, which theoretically, at least, “keys” or “codes” different molecular structures within any living thing. These coded molecules are also hereditary. What they have not found out is the energizing intelligence or life-force which activates and makes these molecules possible. For some vague or obscure reason, this very important point has been overlooked. It is a well-known law of physics that you can’t get something out of nothing. If certain atoms of a number of different elements are so arranged as a configuration, there must have been some form of intelligence to arrange this first form; even granted that succeeding forms could inherit the same characteristics. Even so, there must always be a certain quotient of energy involved in arranging any molecule from atoms, also a certain intelligence (I.Q.). If you think for a moment: any number of different kinds of atoms form different elements when they are so arranged in a molecular form, and they have a certain property. (more…)

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The True Meaning Of The Adam And Eve Story – Part II

True-Meaning-Of-The-Adam-And-Eve-Story-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

It is quite natural that God would not defeat his personal plans while building the creation of life on this planet by familyrestricting procreation in any individual sense or making a sin of sex. Sex is a necessary, vital and integrated part of the lives of any normal civilization of the peoples therein and is very essential for the growth and welfare of any such civilization. Therefore, when we study these facts, we begin to see the true spiritual interpretation and the meaning of the symbology of these two great parables as they are written in the book of Genesis.

Thus as we have said that in the opening chapter of the Bible in the mention of the six days, this was actually the reference to Lemuria of 160,000 years ago. Masters came from lemurian-masters-2-postLemuria and settled on what is now known as the Gobi Desert which borders on Tibet. People understood the controlling forces and impulses of all things of the mind and many things were explained along the principles of psychokinetics (the mind forces) to these earth inhabitants. (more…)

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The True Meaning Of The Adam And Eve Story ~ Part I

True-Meaning-Of-Adam-Eve-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

The book of Genesis in the Bible contains what are probably the most important parables in the whole Bible. These are the stories of the creation and the Garden of Eden. We are all familiar with both of these stories and of their many Genesis Bibleversions. Yet, their true interpretation lies more in the realm of astrophysics or astronomy, as well as the study of ancient peoples or civilizations on this earth. We are all familiar with the story of creation in which the Lord created the earth in six days and on the seventh He rested. There are many people who have taken this literally and there are others who have embarked upon various interpretations which resolve into nothing and are rather meaningless. If we look at this story or parable in a more scientific light, we will find that the six days refer to six major cycles. These are, in the terms of the modern astrophysicist, the cycles of the recessional. The earth, in its yearly journey around the sun, comes out minus so many hours and so many minutes from the time in which it originally started out from a given point in making up the Gregorian calendar of 365 days. This, in itself, is added up and introduced as an extra day in the month of February. (more…)

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Man’s Immortal Quest

Mans-Immortal-Quest-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

It could be conceded that any living person would like to attain immortality, that somehow life could searching-for-immortality-2-postbe resumed beyond the grave. What this life would be, and the manner in what could be attained has been the quest of every person who has ever lived or will live on this planet. This quest for immortality has given rise to all of the innumerable religions and religious systems, cultisms and practices which are in our present-day and historical configurations.

ponce-de-leon-2-postPonce de Leon sought the Fountain of Youth as did many others. Some tried to find the magic elixir which would give them eternal life; but, largely, most efforts in this quest have been concentrated in this direction of various and diverse religions wherein some pantheism of deistic beings, gods, god, saints, etc., were so created in the configurations of a church system or religion. (more…)

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The Little Understood Higher Self

The-Little-Understood-Higher-Self-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

After the passing of many years, since the beginning of the present inauguration of UN.AR.I.U.S. on the planet earth, it becomes higher-self-2-postapparent that the least understood and most abused concept of the interdimensional science of UN.AR.I.U.S. is that of the superconscious self; and to avoid the ever-present danger of egocentric flatulency—which could occur should any student, knowing that he has a superconscious or higher self, falsely indulge himself in some sort of a self-hypnotic grandiose state of consciousness we shall discuss further on this concept. When and if any person’s higher self develops to the point where it is the dominant personality, there will no longer be an earth-life personality or embodiment. In short, if you are here on earth in a physical body concerned with physical existence, also involved with the problems of life after death, higher evolution, etc., then you can be quite certain your higher self has just begun to develop; and as of this time, may or may not be strong enough through the channels of inspiration, intuition, etc., to keep you moving along your evolutionary pathway, for that small embryonic higher self is all that stands between you and total retrogression. And in the life in-between lives, it’s the little window you look through from your memory life into the higher worlds. (more…)

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Interview With Founder Of UN.AR.I.U.S. Ernest L. Norman ~ Part II

Ernest-L-Norman-Part-II-Interview-main-4-postQuestion: Have you heard of Edgar Cayce’s work—is your teaching related?

Answer by the Elder Brother: We have no absolute direct relationship with any existing Cayce movement on the earth today. Our connection is directly with Cayce himself, who lives in a spiritual world. Until I met Ruth and until Cayce came to me himself one day in San Diego a little over two years ago, I had no knowledge whatsoever of Cayce. I never knew he existed; I never read anything of his work. But Cayce came to me one day when I was sitting on a couch and told me many important factors of his life—the strawberries that he raised in Virginia Beach in his early childhood—and many other factors. Ruth wrote them all down and sent them in a letter to Hugh Lynn. Mr. Lynn later replied and verified more than sixty percent of these incidents which I have mentioned, and even though Hugh Lynn played it down for all he was worth, yet it proved conclusively that Cayce was working with us. Cayce has come with every one of the readings since that time. He has been in this house and in other homes where we have lived, and he attends whenever I give a reading. (more…)

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Interview With Founder Of UN.AR.I.U.S. Ernest L. Norman

Interview-With-Ernest-L-Norman-main-4-postDr. R. Juddah, of Oakland, California, a researcher of philosophies and religions of the present time, engages, as part of his work, in gathering together—by going from one school of thought to another—what information he can, in an effort to build up his case of the differences or the similarities of all present-day schools of thought along these lines.

Because he had not yet been made familiar with the clairvoyant aptitude which the Moderator so aptly expresses, the author had to go to some length to try to explain this faculty to him. Neither had he, up to this point, become acquainted with the life principles of regeneration (or so-called, reincarnation)—although about one-half of the world knows of this cyclic reliving; especially by those of the Oriental and European countries including England, etc. (more…)

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The Psychic Anatomy Development Concept ~ Part II

Psychic-Anatomy-Development-Concept-main-Part-IIIt is within this psychic anatomy development concept that we find the true kernel of truth in evolution and spirit-2-body-2-postwhich was unknown by Darwin or any succeeding contemporaries! That is, true evolution takes place only within the psychic anatomy, the external or physical body—the expressionary agent.

amoebae-evolution-4-postFor example, with a former presentation of Charlie, the amoeba: in his natural habitat, a watery pond, Charlie lives in a temperature of, say approximately 70 degrees F. However, if we begin to raise the temperature of his watery environment, we can in the succeeding weeks, see the progenies of the great, great, great, great-grandchildren of Charlie live in a water temperature which would have quickly killed good old Charlie! Now the tolerance factor was not passed on to the succeeding generation through the DNA molecule, which was only a secondary transmitting or oscillating element. The tolerance factor was information impounded in the psychic anatomy of each succeeding generation of amoebas; energy referring back to the same oscillating polarity exchange and the subsequent harmonic regeneration which impounded these harmonic fractions within the psychic anatomy, to again regenerate under the same closed-circuit conditions into the succeeding amoeba body, this tolerance factor. (more…)

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The Psychic Anatomy Development Concept ~ Part I

Psychic-Anatomy-Development-Concept-main-4-post-1In a broad and general abstraction, the presentation of the UN.AR.I.U.S. curriculum, and as an interdimensional reading the principlesscience inclusive of all known and unknown factors in the creative interdimensional cosmogony, this presentation was, therefore, in its first form, most necessarily simplified to make it even partially understood and also by necessity certain comparisons and compromises were also included to make this interdimensional conception more easily compatible with existing third dimensional objectivisms.

However, in all aspects and in any particular objective introspection, the presentation of any Unariun concept does deserve a more thorough presentation which will make it more serviceable and understandable in a more progressive intellectual society—particularly the scientific society. psychic-self-4-postThe concept of the psychic anatomy is one of utmost importance, as it at once does either directly or indirectly, involve all aspects of planetary and interdimensional life. This concept should therefore be most fittingly expanded into its true perspectives. In the present state of development, all sciences as they are now so propagated, are all strictly third dimensional in their circumferences and, as a consequence, are still completely ignorant of the true basic life factors which are not third dimensional in nature, but which are an expressionary composite of interdimensional energy forms which function immutably according to well defined laws; called in the more familiar idiom of this science, as oscillations or the interchange of positive-negative polarities which carry the idiom of information, and to subsequent harmonic patterns regenerated in this oscillating process which can and do, in this grand synonymy of interdimensional oscillation, link and relink this interdimensional cosmos into the creative effigy of Infinity. (more…)

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On Reincarnation

On-Reincarnation-main-4-postThe word reincarnation merely means to reenter into; in a sense, each time we reenter a room, we are reincarnating. Referring man-at-doorway-2again to psychology in the science of psychosomatic medicine, the proven theory is that everyone reacts from basic subconscious thought patterns derived from experiences which were formed first in our early childhood, therefore, in every moment of our daily lives, as it exists in the present, we are reliving the past from these subconscious abstractions. Sadly enough, present-day psychosomatics do not include past lifetimes which are often the true seat of some present-day illnesses or conditions incurred as psychic shock from some one particular past-life experience.

Scientist twoParadoxically, although none of the present-day sciences express or believe either in reincarnation or the continuity of life, these existing sciences are the ones which will form the first step in our personal evaluation of life and will help explain just what this mysterious force is. This scientific equation is, incidentally, the common ingredient lacking in all present-day dispensations of psychical knowledge, whether they relate either to reincarnation or to the more orthodox concepts. Neither modern science nor materia medica knows as yet, in a pure sense, what life is or what is commonly referred to as the creative or re-creative life force. (more…)

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Born Equal Versus Equal Rights ~ Part II

Born-Equal-vs-Equal-Rights-II-main-2-postTo those who live in Higher Worlds, this earth is indeed an elemental environment, a battleground of emotional vicissitudes waged frequently with passion and fire, hotter than the proverbial hell; and from this furnace of human iniquity runs the riotsmolten ore into the mold of human experience which, when cooled in the breeze of temperate wisdom will yield the etheric form of logic and reason which sublimates the reason and the necessity of evolutionary creation from the slime and muck of a material world.

As has been previously stated (see Part I), the problem of racial differences is indeed a rather dangerous area of introspection in which any statements or commitments made pro or con could wrongfully commit any person in the eye of his fellowman as some sort of an anarchist or misanthropist; such commitments could also be wrongly made as the proposition of equality is a total involvement of all factors involving human existence on this planet. Some of these factors not being known to man, he must therefore remain an caveman-4-postemotionally prejudiced judge until he so learns of this totality of human existence. Introspection and an analysis should begin, therefore, in the beginnings of man’s earth life evolution. As it is with all creatures, man too lives his earth life under the same primitive and elemental jungle law as do all other earth creatures. This is the law of survival. (more…)

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