Born Equal Versus Equal Rights ~ Part I
The popular phrase, “All men are born equal”, first came into prominence at the beginning of the
Revolutionary War and was perpetuated by its incorporation in the Declaration of Independence. It should be pointed out, however, that some of these instigators, advocates and underwriters of this war were children and descendants of religious refugees who came over on the Mayflower and similar vessels to colonize the New England States, where they set up one of the strongest and most oppressive of all religious systems still classically referred to as puritanical, etc. These people did all and more of the oppressions and atrocities in the name of religion, as were done by the Church of England—the cause of their migration. Yes, they even burned “witches” at the stake as late as 1890! (more…)
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The World Of The Abstract
The modern present-day scientist is making the same mistakes as in days of old, in the relative values and equations which relate to
energy. For instance, in the relative equation of heat there is an immediate relationship with all particular sources which he has learned from his experiences are emanating radiated sources of heat which is warm or hot according to the sense of reaction of feeling. As a child he may have learned that touching a flame or some hot surface burned the skin and was a painful experience, therefore, any such future relationship with such source of energy called heat will have a definite psychosomatic action.
It is in the aspects of general relationships that while man is commonly called third-dimensional in a physical and material sense, he is therefore definitely an active integrated participant of such a material plane of consciousness. He has learned through experience to view all things objectively or from the front side only. This has become an unconscious thought pattern inasmuch as everything he does in his daily life happens objectively and from one moment to the other. He can, of course, if given time through such sources of information as are retained in his memory consciousness, place or imagine other particular correlated aspects which are pertinent to the immediate objective reaction. However, here enters a rather fallacious interpretation of objective reasoning: that while he may have substantially experienced such correlated facets, he has not yet progressed sufficiently far in his mind evolution where such thought forms of past experiences can replace the more
substantial objective placement in the association of his immediate realization. Something of an example of these objective relationships could be pictured as in the act of driving a car. While the driver, through long experience has perfect control in the forward motion of the vehicle, and while this in itself may be an integrated system of reflexes, they are all primarily connected with a long chain of circumstances and experiences; and yet with all this, there is still another and even greater part which makes it possible for this driver to drive this car. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
An Elder Brother Discusses Energy With A Student ~ Part II
We are getting these things all down in print so you all may learn and study them in your own homes. But I am not at all concerned about these things because they will be the bibliography of the future. It will help man in his future evolution to destroy this illusion, this maya that has been confounding him for the past countless centuries. You see, all religions, all cultisms are basically and essentially the cause for man’s greatest distresses because they are forming even in the most liberal perspectives an escape mechanism at best. That is all that religion is in its present status. Man is only obtaining a temporary form of relief, a sort of safety valve situation with a great number of different pressures which have been built up within himself, because he has not understood the common equations with dynamic polarities, the movements of any given form or appearance of substance as it is called, or form of substance through a certain perspective as a certain polarity pattern.
When a person obtains that perspective, he is not subjective to these things in the common sense because they always have a different way of equalizing these things and leveling them off. He does not have to go off on these mad rat-race vacations; he does not have to seek out the priest and obtain this temporary moral opiate that he calls a confession or some religious observance or go to church to ease his conscience because that is all just a form of a tranquilizer, a moral opiate, and that is all that it is. (more…)
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Newer Concepts
“It can be said that this is indeed the age of miracles. The last fifty years have seen great and tremendous changes in the way of life for man on this globe. He has brought many new and wonderful inventions into his way of living. He now rides through the skies at speeds of more than twice the speed of sound. He can live for months, if necessary, beneath th
e surface of the ocean. He has new antibiotic drugs at his disposal, new methods of sanitation which have all but wiped some of the great plagues of the past from the face of the earth. He has in the laboratories synthesized and produced great and untold numbers of articles which he uses in his daily life; his clothing, articles in the home are all produced in mass quantities from synthetic materials. His methods of communication span the entire surface of the globe, not only with sound and with the spoken word but with pictures. And it can truly be said, that with all these things he has indeed wrought many and great miracles. It can also be said that the nations of the world are now at our very back door or at our front door, that we no longer are separated by the great barriers of the oceans. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
Hysteresis: The Electric Universe ~ Part III
“Mention has been made of Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity”, and such attendant mathematical concepts which would relate to a more factual understanding of not only the mean differences of the speed of light in free space, but other factors such as the ‘red shift’, etc., could also be more easily understood. The fat being in the fire, therefore, let us proceed: First, man and his science and in its derivatives has mistakenly looked out into the starry skies and seen what he thought was a vacuous
space with tremendously long distances between the heavenly bodies which he calls stars. He is quite mistaken in this vacuous space belief. Man does not have sensory equipment to discern what space is, no more than he has sensory equipment to discern a television wave, which is streaming through his space about the places where he lives, and he supplements this lack by discerning television waves through a receiver. However, he has, at this time, neither physical sensory equipment nor the electronic mechanical equipment to discern space. (more…)
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Hysteresis: The Electric Universe ~ Part II
“A more exacting descriptive synthesis of the solar system is contained elsewhere in our liturgies, particularly in the second lesson course, where it has been diagrammed. Briefly, the sun is the central nucleus of a vast fourth-dimensional, cosmic vortex or centrifuge, which, as a reactive agent in the inter-dimensional cosmos, and functioning according to well-defined laws, converts and reconverts energy in two directions simultaneously. Such a vortex or centrifuge is, in turn, constantly re-energized by a higher or fifth-dimensional type energy formation. In our solar system vortex, as energy is compressed into the third-dimensional direction, this compressed energy forms a nucleus or the sun which,
in turn, valve-like, liberates enormous quantities of energy into the third dimension. This liberated energy, however, is not incoherent, but partially remanifests as a complex electrostatic field — part of this field having been resolved by the earth man as the gravitational and the magnetic fields. Other portions of the sun’s energy, in regular cyclic motions, which have a synchronous pulse-beat around the sun, follow counterclockwise in their respective orbits, or the nine major third-dimensional planets, which are actually the nuclei of secondary anomalies within the primary vortical structure. And as this great vortex is oscillating within itself, it also turns axially; the planets being captive within this extremely complex EMF, rotate according to the synchronous pulse-beat of the entire vortex.
It can be easily seen that the earth, like all other planets, is traveling in its circumferential orbit in this extremely dense and complex EMF. It can and does reconvert, in the processes described, certain of the sun’s spectral energies, which the earthman calls heat and light. (more…)
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Cosmic Hysteresis Explained
S — It is understandable about the hysteresis of the energies from the sun to the earth in the daytime but it is not clear to me in regard to the nighttime energy activity. Would you explain further?
T — The earth, the atmosphere, etc., act as a reservoir; the earth holds the energies, so to speak, as a hot water bottle would for a short length of time. We are in a directly opposite position at nighttime to where the energy comes into the earth’s atmosphere. For instance, if we take two coils of wire and have electricity going through one and the second one is pointed exactly the same as the first one, then we get a transference of energy going from one coil to the other without any connection whatsoever and you will have voltage in the second coil. At night we do not receive the same amount of transference through the magnetic lines of force. The energy as it comes from the sun is transformed into what we call light and heat through these magnetic lines of force. It is quite different when we get out into what they call space away from the earth. When they learn what the sun really is, then the sun’s effects can be felt before it has been transformed into these other frequencies.
For instance, what happens when light strikes any object, such as a green leaf? There are actually several different colors that strike that leaf, and this can be proven with the prism, but we can see only one— yet basically, there are only three colors; the rest are transformed to what we term green, orange, etc., and are only combinations of the three. The prism will separate the rays of the sun into all of the colors of the rainbow. The molecules and atoms of the prism have only done what anything else around the earth does — it takes picture colors and reflects them so that you can see the particular frequencies as they come out on the other side of the prism. (more…)
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Physical Ills — From The ‘Dead’?
“In a previous discussion regarding some particular lady where her husband had died due to his leg being shot off, and within a short period of time she, herself, took on a condition of the leg which the doctors termed cancer, the following is further explanation to enlarge upon the concept of how another’s malignant condition or violent death works on this particular principle. As all thoughts,
whether emotional or reactionary in nature, are expressed into two dimensions, the third and the fourth, and while the third-dimensional energy-forms are quickly transformed into physical reaction, it is quite different with thoughts and their emotional content which are projected from the fourth-dimensional consciousness and as conjunctive elements of the psychic self, can be added to and hardened into a more dense thought-form body.
These thought-form bodies are usually the apparitions or so-called ghosts which haunt old houses and castles and have gradually detached themselves from the originating cause. In other cases and most frequently these shock or thought-formed bodies become a reciprocating polarity such as in the case of the husband with the shot-off leg, constantly adding to this shock form or thought form energy from the spiritual side by his strong feelings of resentment against this happening and various fears and apprehensions. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
Aladdin’s Lamp
“Another one of the more classical forms of legendary literature which has been read by almost everyone in his growing up period are the tales of the Arabian Nights, such as Ali Baba and the Forty
Thieves, and the even more familiar, Aladdin and His Lamp, which goes something like this: Aladdin found an old lamp much tarnished from age and when he attempted to clean up the lamp, there materialized with the first rub a giant genie who became his slave. Now, a certain sorcerer learned about this happening and wishing to possess the lamp, resorted to a subterfuge. Taking up a lot of new shiny lamps and walking past Aladdin’s house, he cried out, “New lamps for old”, hoping that Aladdin would be stupid enough to bring out his old magical lamp with the attendant genie and trade it for an almost worthless new lamp.
Here again is another one of those strong moralizing lessons. Just as they have done in the past ages, everyone at the present time is constantly trading in his old and very valuable lamps for one of the new and worthless varieties — schemes which are constantly conjured up by the clever sorcerers who surround him on every side. There is deep within every human a magic lamp, a lamp of life, its wick untrimmed and only faintly burning. It is not beheld in the everyday life and as the ages pass and as each human lives life after life, so does his lamp of life remain hidden and gathers the tarnish of countless thousands of life’s vicissitudes. (more…)
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The Medusa
“Almost everyone who has read some of the classical fables of ancient Greece is familiar with one of the central figures of that ancient era – a Grecian prince named Perseus, who became somewhat of a crusader, going about in different countries and slaying many of the monstrosities which were peculiar to that time. One of these classical figures was the Medusa, a monster whose body was that of a woman and who had instead of hair, hundreds of writhing snakes. This creature also had a
strange power. Anyone who looked at her would be turned to stone. Perseus was able to slay the Medusa by a simple trick; he did not look directly at the Medusa but instead, used a mirror and thus escaped the penalty of being turned to stone.
Whether or not this story is true is immaterial, but like many other legends from the past, it carries a direct message in beliefs and behaviorisms which graphically illustrates that people were in those ancient times deluding themselves in the same illusionary forms as they are so presently doing. The moral message which this fable carries is immediately apparent when we transfer the elements and action into basic psychological aspects. The Medusa and her snaky hair is the subconscious, comprising as it does in wave forms of energies, the sum and total of the present physical life, and is also directly connected with other planes of the psychic anatomy to all the past lifetimes which this person has ever lived. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictuswith 1 comment.
Man – The Computer
“Every human who has lived or is so living, or will live, functions basically in principle as does a computer, except that it is a vastly expanded system of function and which is also bi-dimensional, or functions simultaneously in two dimensions. Like all computers, man has been fed or feeds himself information which is done on the life experience basis and from life to life. This information is stored in his memory banks – the psychic anatomy. This is a timeless proposition where any such experience as an energy wave form vibrating in a closed circuit oscillates forever.
The memory banks of our psychic anatomy function on many levels which could be called base plane frequencies. A very important function is in the supervision, maintenance, repair of the physical body. There are hundreds of millions of cells in a human body and there are thousands of different kinds of cells. Loosely speaking, each cell is surrounded by a micro-thin membrane. Within the protoplasm of the cell, there is a complete chemical laboratory which carries on a chemical synthesis above and beyond any contrived by science. It takes in certain chemicals, re-manufactures them, and even converts them into other substance. It even generates an electrochemical charge of ultrahigh-frequency electricity with which it carries on through the nerves, conversation with the brain and the psychic anatomy; and just as in the computer, this conversation is in the form of different sequential signals. (more…)
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Philosophy From A Most Advanced Being
Dear Sister: “There is indeed much that happens to people in the spiritual worlds in lives in between earth lives which explains the differences perhaps in the way that they interpret life to their various different missions on the earth plane. The great musicians, the artists, poets – those who have added some luster to the otherwise earthly drab existence – these things are all correlated organizations or coalitions which have been started as spiritual movements in some other spiritual plane or plateaus of understanding.
By far the average person’s understanding of life leaves much to merely suppose that these things happen in the reactionary stances of everyday living but it is not so, for no one becomes intelligent until he exemplifies a much higher degree of interpolation of the way of life but basically, from the spiritual plateaus of understanding. For life, in itself, as far as the earth is concerned, is merely shadows of that which has transcended and already transpired in the higher dimensions.
And so it is with all those who we might call great minds, or to those who are outstanding in an intellectual way, as they did not come by these things by studying books that were written in the earth man’s ideas. They did not come by them by obtaining mastery over their fellow man with the sword or spear, or some other superiority of armament or weapon. They came by them by the junction and the union of intelligence from the higher spheres of understanding – the common pool of human wisdom which is gathered together in the Infinite Cosmos and reside as participating agents in the Infinite Mind of God, and thus become a well-spring from which all may draw. (more…)
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Hysteresis: The Electric Universe
“I have, on numerous occasions, and in many instances throughout the liturgies of UN.AR.I.U.S., stated that we do not get heat or light directly from the sun, as our present-day scientists understand heat and light; and that this aforesaid heat and light is a conversion of energy which, for want of a better word, I have called hysteresis. However, a much clearer explanation is in order.
In presenting the entire infinite cosmos as a tremendously compact amassment of large and small centrifuges or vortexes of energy which, in turn, through internal positive-negative oscillations, remanifest third dimensionally as universes, galaxies, star-suns and their solar systems, etc., we must at this point now conceive that all such fourth-dimensional compositions and third-dimensional materializations must, according to the law of universal dynamics, function and oscillate under a closed circuit condition; that is, positive to negative and vice versa. It is these oscillating conditions in the electromagnetic fields of atoms that form the so-called ‘glue’ which holds them and their molecular compositions together, or conversely, as opposites in their oscillating polarities; a difference which is called mass, or a different atomic weight, thus determining one element from another. The synthesis of heat and light, as it is known by the earth scientist, is also determined by closed circuit conditions – positive attracts negative, and vice versa. (more…)
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An Elder Brother Discusses Energy With A Student
“Throughout history man has been aware of some outside or external force, but he has been given no scientific knowledge of this important truth. He may call that the Supreme Being or Brahma or God or
Allah, but the difference is they have not yet evolved to the level of their reference to be able to place it beyond the level of human personality because they still endow whatever this god is with human propensities. And when they do that, they have to do another thing. They have to divide that Absolute, after they personified it to some degree, into two opposing forces – good and evil. Then when they do that, they have to take the evil and call it Satan or they call it Shiva, or they call it something else – Beelzebub, or whatever particular denominator they take – and there, you see, they are back again into paganism. (more…)
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The Expanded Universe
“The universe is something which cannot be defined or confined in terms of third-dimensional equations or with the physical or finite eye of the individual. Man brings down into his consciousness only one small facet. In general terms, the universe can be said to be space within space, like the layers of an onion and that it is simultaneously expanding and contracting in all directions.
Man has long been trying to prove the depths of this universe with his telescope and other so-called scientific instruments; he thinks that he has arrived at some reasonable equation. This is as foolish as trying to count the drops of water in the ocean. As the years progress, man will learn that the measure of energy or mass in the third dimension is very different from the same energy and mass expressed in the fourth dimension.
A rubber ball to a child who plays with it and sees it as a solid form is not the same ball that the child will see when he passes to the fourth dimension. There he would see the same ball as just a conglomerate mass of wave forms, so man’s understanding of future physics and astrophysics will have to be taken out of the realm of the seemingly solid third dimension and placed where it belongs in the fourth dimension where mass and energy are one and the same and the law of harmonic relationship will supersede time. (more…)
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