Jungle Law – Survival Of The Fittest
by Ernest L. Norman
There is, as of today, a generally acknowledged legal concept that ignorance of the law is not a legitimate excuse which can be used by any person who has committed some transgression against moral and legal codes of his community; and to those who have and are being daily tried for various crimes which they claim were innocently perpetrated, there is a feeling of frustration and injustice when sentence is passed upon them. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part V
by Ernest L. Norman
And so the lesson of John is quite apparent. It is again the portrayal in two personalities wherein certain determinants are made most apparent, the determinant of evolution as it is posed in the constructive scheme of evolution; how it is that man can and does ascend in such a series of progressive evolutions from out of the more primitive elements of the earth worlds. He can, in a sense, be said to have started his evolution in the formation of a simple hydrogen atom, for, in turn, this atom becomes helium; and so these cycles are constantly and everlastingly perpetuated in our consciousness if we so wish to seek them out, if we so wish to analyze them and gain from them the constructive message of creation. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part IV
by Ernest L. Norman
Now we have obtained something of a constructive picturization in the development of the Superconscious, and how this continuous development enables a person to progressively reinstate himself into a higher and higher dominion of spiritual life; how it does, in a sense, intercede into numerous earth-life dispensations to the extent that we can say we have personal intercession. We have guidance and motivation which is beyond the normal range of human understanding, and we have a correspondingly greater degree of perfection in our daily lives. If we can look further into the future to a person who has so developed, we can more ultimately envision such a person as having mental capacities which are quite beyond anything which could be properly understood by the human race. This was exemplified by the Nazarene almost two thousand years ago. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
Now that we have objectively analyzed two people who were in very apparent differences in their spiritual evolution, certain of these differences are immediately apparent. In the case of John, he would return to the earth and more or less lead the same vegetative life that he formerly lived in previous lifetimes. He would not, during that lifetime, express any particular psychic equivalents except perhaps an occasional hunch or premonition. The situation with Mary, however, would be quite different. Her life would be primarily guided and motivated in a spiritual way, and through what I have described quite frequently as the influence of the Superconscious Self. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
And so it was of rather small significance whether John would be born male or female. The point which is most important to remember is that he was carrying all of his former lifetime impregnations in that mental part of his psychic anatomy, and so far as his subconscious was concerned, it was, to some extent, out-of-phase or out-of-tune with the present, and it could therefore only exist, or partially exist, in some respects, as an influential factor. Now, after John was born as a new infant, the process of breathing oxygen was immediately resumed; this is one of the factors which he had lived through in being born many other times, and so it was quite natural that his mental psychic anatomy could, at the proper moment—and instigated by such reactive factors as were then presently dominating him—oscillate with these factors and complete the whole mental and physical reaction which started the breathing process. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
Without question or doubt, the greatest single fear so far as the general races of humanity are concerned is the fear of death and taking a secondary place of importance, though not one of fear, is the concept of birth. How strange then it is that mankind lives in fear of death, anticipates with joy the events of birth, yet knows nothing of the basic facts which relate these two events so closely together. Only when we understand the scientific application of knowledge as it is applied in the factors of evolution called reincarnation, do we substantially increase the knowledge and ascertain for ourselves the direct relationship between these two important events. (more…)
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Coals To Newcastle
by Ernest L. Norman
Carry Coals to Newcastle – To do or bring something superfluous or unnecessary, as in running the sprinkler while it’s raining, that’s carrying coals to Newcastle. ~ dictionary.com
The following is a letter written by the Moderator to a student in reply to a question regarding a book pertaining to old religions—(old and present)—and which could serve many others with similar questions.
Dear Student: Regarding your letter, it always makes us very happy to receive testimonials—“The Joining” tape in particular is something new and evidently quite ‘special’ and we are especially joyous of the manifestation as Power which it carries which you and many other students have so strongly felt.
So far as the book is concerned, may I quote an old cliché, “like carrying coal to Newcastle”. Yes, Ruth and I are quite familiar with most of the books of this sort and, in toto, they are the representative form of what UN.AR.I.U.S. is attempting to destroy. (more…)
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False Gods And Graven Images
by Ernest L. Norman
Throughout the works of UN.AR.I.U.S., there are many admonitions against certain religious practices, chiefly that of the common subterfuge called prayer. Like Jesus, who said, “Do not pray as does the heathen on street corners and in synagogues, or temples”, etc., the Moderator (of UN.AR.I.U.S.) does not believe in prayer, and there are many important facts and considerations which point out the falseness of this practice (or for that matter, in religion itself). First, any person who prays to some god, lord, Jehovah, or any other (so-called) saint or intercessor, etc., is praying to a false image. There are no such gods, and any person who prays to one or more of them is deluding himself with a common image constructed under the pressure of an escape mechanism. It is true, there are spiritual agencies and Beings who are sufficiently powerful or developed to be able to bring about certain changes in peoples’ lives when prayed for; however these agencies and Beings are far too intelligent to grant such prayers as they are asked for, and under their specified conditions. (more…)
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It’s The ‘Little Things’ That Count
by Ernest L. Norman
From time to time through various sources of information, such as TV, newspapers, etc., bits of information are presented to the public which graphically portray the constant, never-ending struggle and search for the answer to life which is being made by sundry branches of science; and with every so-called discovery which they make, there are often wildly exuberant claims made that now, at last, science has the answer to life, etc.!
One of these scientific exposes revealed the DNA molecule, which supposedly masterminded the creation of living cells in chemical biology; directly connected to studying cells, new discoveries and their consequent mysteries have been recently uncovered. Working with living cells from animal tissue, the scientist knows how to keep these cells alive and growing in a liquid food plasma. Normal cells will continue to grow and multiply until they reach the edge of the dish which contains the plasma; then they stop growing and remain inert. Cancer cells continue to grow upon reaching the edge of the dish; also normal healthy cells, when infected with virus, will also continue to grow just as do the cancerous cells. Now this poses a great mystery to the scientists, and especially to those who have segregated their particular branch of science; for such segregation is quite strongly marked and practiced in various sciences. (more…)
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Understanding Viruses
This is a very informative article on the true nature of viruses as we deal with the current situation of the coronavirus
– reposted for the benefit of our readers.
Scientists were absolutely shocked to find out that millions of bacteria and viruses are floating around in our atmosphere. The problem is that they don’t simply stay there but fall down on Earth. For the very first time, a scientific study, which the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal published, analyzed the amount of viruses moving up and down in and from the atmosphere. And the results were terrifying. It seems that over 800 million viruses per square meter become caught in the planet’s upper troposphere. Also, tens of millions of bacteria and billions of viruses are deposited, per square meter, each passing day.
This discovery might answer why genetically identical viruses exist in such different environments on the planet. They travel the atmosphere and end up in a completely different spot than the one they originated from. And experts agree that this is most certainly the cause. But in order to reach these results, the scientists had to look at the amount of viruses at a great height. It also seems that some particles of vapor from sea spray and soil allow viruses to travel on long distances. ~ Journal Recorder (more…)
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Hallucinations ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
One more point that should be strongly emphasized: hallucinations can be, and often are, disincarnate entities, or, in other words, dislocated or misplaced astral people, living in one of those nether worlds where, through frequency attunement, they try to live their own hallucinations through some unsuspecting earth person. Mental institutions are filled with such victims who believe they are ‘Josephine’, ‘Napoleon’, ‘George Washington’, etc., etc; they even adopt mannerisms associated with these historical figures. Yes even physical disturbances and diseases can be recreated or vicariously attuned and made manifest in the physical body; even death can be ‘relived’. This is indeed a sad ending for what might have otherwise become a very wonderful person—a person progressively instituted to creatively oscillate with the Infinite. (more…)
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Hallucinations ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
One of the most important problems confronting the Unariun student is that which can be contained within the defined term of hallucination. To the psychologist, hallucination involves a whole host of traumatic conditions which inflict, to a more or less degree, every member of the human race; and in an attempt to adjust various differences in hallucinations, a doctor or psychologist would use a long list of seventy-five cent words in an attempt to bolster up his pseudo science. He does not, however, at any time understand the true nature of the numerous mental processes which make life possible for every person, that is, unless he has been an electronic engineer and has, somehow, succeeded in transferring the symbology of his psychology into a tangible science. (more…)
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Angels, Devils and Demons ~ Part II
Now that we have discovered certain differences between angels, devils and demons, and we have found that the earth is one of the astral worlds—an underworld, peopled and populated by such expressionary forms as can be considered to be devilish in intent and purpose—this introspection leads us more directly to the comparisons between good and evil. Actually, the biblical depiction of God casting Satan into hell because he was insubordinate has a much more complete and abstract evaluation. It is a typical depiction of how a more advanced personality who had developed to that
point, where he was godlike in nature, could therefore be considered to be a son of God. At that highest point of his evolution, somehow he became tempted and, in the temptation, plunged himself, mentally and spiritually speaking, back into some earth-world environment, involved again in the intricate mazes of comparisons which are found in these earth-life dispensations.
At this point then, the, differences between evil and good are all-important. In numerous places (in UN.AR.I.U.S. Liturgies) it has been mentioned that God has become merged, from an old deistic configuration into the sum and total of Infinity; and, as Infinity is, in itself, an expressionary element constantly regenerating all forms with the substance of itself, as energy from these interdimensional planes; therefore this Infinite, or God, is also the net sum and total of all good and, is also the net sum and total of all evil. God thus becomes good and evil. Now this concept is not acceptable to the common, ordinary earth man who lacks the knowledge of the Infinite or who lacks other different, fundamental and basic concepts which would more rationally integrate the factors and the apparent truths in these statements. It is in the comparisons between good and evil and, in the determinants which are so superimposed that evil, in turn as a destructive element or a destructive intent does, by direct comparison, point out the goodness in good; and, as such, this evil therefore, whatever it is, does become good in this comparative system of evaluations. (more…)
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Angels, Devils and Demons
In the liturgies and expressionary elements of UN.AR.I.U.S., there has been on several occasions mention of devils, or of how devils became angels. It is conceivable that some person or student may, to some extent, misunderstand these statements; therefore, it would serve a good purpose if we might fully explore this dimension of introspection, and which would also serve a double purpose, inasmuch as it would acquaint any person or student with these particular dimensions of expression which are everywhere about him, or in which he could conceivably become so enmeshed at some future time.
Our first classification of devils should be made clear and distinct. They should not be confused with one other classification which could more properly be called demons. Everyone who has seen pictures of devil masks used by natives of Africa, or in the religious ceremonies in Tibet, has seen these weirdly carved and contorted figure faces used on these occasions. They were called devils but most properly should be called demon forms; for the witch doctors or priests who contrived these forms did so somewhat in replica or facsimile from the demon forms which they had envisioned perhaps in a trance state, or even brought back the memory of these visionary forms from one of the underworlds. Briefly then, a demon is simply one or more astral bodies which have undergone a complete deformation of all forms and continuities in the wave form structures of these astral psychic anatomies. They are oscillating without cause or purpose; they are wildly gyrating in numerous expressionary elements without thought or cause. Therefore, these expressionary elements, if they could be considered as a personal form, would indeed have a very insane attitude toward all things involved, so much more so that they would become extremely violent and destructive in all intents and purposes. (more…)
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The Last Supper
One of the daily tasks performed here at the Center is the reading and answering the numerous letters which come to us from those who would aspire to a better way; yet, hardly a task, f
or it is more often that we joyously read of wondrous happenings.
With all this, however, there is reflected in these letters, the rising and receding tides of emotionalism and desire, defeat and victory in personal conflicts; and in seeing all of these things, I am often reminded of an incident which took place nearly two thousand years ago, a scene depicted as the Last Supper, a time when the Nazarene sat with His twelve disciples and shared with them the symbolic bread and wine. And as this was done, He spoke of one among them who was a traitor and who would soon betray Him to the high priests. (more…)
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