The Symbolic World

The-Symbolic-World-main-4-postIt has been observed that man is a creature of many and diverse proclivities. In this respect he is somewhat different than other forms of life abounding on the earth plane whose life expressions are moremans-expression-4-post closely confined within specific dimensions.

While the earth man is quite capable of expressing and re-expressing an infinite number and variety of expressions in his earth life, he would no doubt be nonplussed and horrified to be suddenly confronted with the realization that all these expressionary forms, even the most grandiose of intellectual efforts were almost entirely a system of idolatries constantly reasserted into consciousness in symbolic forms. (more…)

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The Kingdom Within

The-Kingdom-Within-mainThroughout the many ages of man’s written and unwritten history he has, universally, in his daily conduct of life, expressed one great universal conformity-2-postfault or error. This fault is that he has always constantly striven to change the outside or exterior surface of his life, in an attempt to make it conform in all factors and elements, in ways, manners and means which seem to best suit his personal interests.

jesus-teaching-4-postThe fallacy of this common psychology is at once apparent to anyone who makes even a cursory analysis of human welfare. All the wars, strifes, human emotionalisms, crimes, perversions, etc., which are expressed by humanity are the direct result of this senseless life psychology. It is in direct opposition to the doctrine of self-development taught by Jesus who said, ‘‘Seek the Kingdom Within.” The direct interpretation and the solution to all ills and evils suffered by mankind would at once he soluble and eventually disappear, should each person, constructively and objectively, apply himself to this seeking which would, in effect, change this person for the better; thus changing his perspective and position to the reactive world, and so eliminating the strife and turmoil in which he was formerly embroiled, in an attempt to make the world conform to him. (more…)

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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part IV

The-ABCs-of-Immortality-main-4-postDuring our previous discussions on healing, you have been presented with certain scientific facts and aspects, together with a number of other very important elements relative to this vital subject. The sum and total of this analysis and spiritual-pathwayintrospection may lead you, the student, to a rather hopeless impasse so far as your own future is concerned. You may say to yourself, how am I or any other person, for that matter, going to be healed from certain incurable conditions, and in general, think the whole situation as tinged with a gloomy hue. Actually, however, this is far from the truth.

Infinite Intelligence is, in many ways including the evolutionary cycle, reconstructing and healing the material earth man from the many diseases and aberrations incurred in his daily life. These healing discussions were presented primarily to accomplish several purposes: First, to more fully acquaint you with common practices, subterfuges, delusions, and illusions under which the earth man labors in attempting to gain relief from his many ailments. And there is a direct warning carried in this information and in these facts, that you, the student, will cease to be tempted by these common and quite useless practices and beliefs. Second, to more fully open up the avenue upon which you will travel in your quest to seek healing from the earth world purgatory and to gain for yourself a higher and better way of life. The temptations and ruses which you will find along this pathway will be numerous; many will be well disguised and you should not for a single moment cease to be alert, but be constantly aware of these many dangers. (more…)

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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part III

ABCs-of-Immortality-main-4-post“In our previous discussions on healing, it was emphatically stated that no earth man is a healer. This is true not only with any Unariun student, but with any and all individuals who may practice spiritual healing in different churches or religious groups throughout the world. Some of these people state they are ‘gifted healers’, a completely false claim. How could they be more powerful than was Jesus who openly admitted He did not heal? In alllaying on of hands two fairness, however, to these people and to the Unariun student, there are countless numbers of cases of spiritual healing where it seemed some miraculous healing or adjustment took place in circumstances involving a so-called healer. The Moderator grew up as a member of one such church which practiced spiritual or (divine) healing by the laying on of hands by specially ordained ministers, and he saw miracles happen when these rites were performed. However, here again these ministers were not the healers. They, like any other so-called healer, as well as the Unariun student, are what might be scientifically called healing polarities. No earth person — with possibly a single exception (and who is factually, not indigenous to the earth, but came from a higher spiritual planet for the sole purpose of bringing UN.AR.I.U.S. Science to earth man) has sufficient knowledge and training to bring about a healing by himself. He can, however, make of himself a sort of a channel wherein that extremely complex electrical energy charge can be projected into the body and psychic anatomy of the person to be healed. Here again the reasons are very scientific in nature.

Every person has an aura. An aura is a field of energy which radiates outwardly from the person for a distance of several feet. These energy aura chakrasradiations contain millions of different oscillating frequencies. All of these are grouped according to frequency into seven different plane rate classifications. There are three karmic or physical planes, three prana or mental planes, and one spiritual or Superconscious Radiation. Now most earth people have auras which vibrate very closely together even though they are all slightly different. There is not much of an effect when any number of these auras come together. However, if an Advanced Personality, like Jesus, walks among them, the situation is quite different. That is because the aura of this Advanced Person is radiating in frequencies on much higher planes than do the auras of the people around Him. This highly vibrating aura is also highly charged with Infinite Wisdom. It, therefore, can be considered positive in respect to the other auras as it is the Creative Law or Principle that positive must flow into the negative and the negative into the positive. This Advanced Person would be immediately aware that great energies were passing from Him and the negative energies or conditions of those around Him were flowing back into His aura. (more…)

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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part II

Immortality-Part-II-main-4-post“In the world today, just as in the past, there are many references to the term ‘power’, power in a multitude of forms and uses. Some forms of power are real, others imaginary; some exert their effect in a reactionary way, some autosuggestively. In all cases, however, where reference ispower two made to power — and if power exists in any suggested or supposed manner or that it is felt or realized in any manner or form — all such power forms must be, like anything else, a scientific extension of principle and must be scientifically understood. Power then, is simply a motion of energy and whether a quanta of power is large or small, it must be a scientific proposition wherein a certain principle of Infinite Intelligence is expressed for this is indeed the true origin of all things. The expression of power in the physical world is therefore a determinant of motion. Electrical power through wires is a great motivating force in our civilization. The electrical impulses in the nervous system are also energy in motion — power — and one of the agencies which make life possible on this planet. (more…)

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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part I

ABCs-of-Immortality-main-4-post“To any person the subject of healing or to be healed is all important, and particularly to those who have religious affiliations and to those who are suffering from any of the infinite variety of mental and physical conditions. The Unariun student is, of course greatly concerned with healing, in fact his whole future miraculous-healing-4-postevolution depends upon whether or not he is healed from any and all aberrations as well as a countless host of physical experiences called karma, through which he has passed in his many lifetimes. Quite frequently Unariun students have wonderful miraculous demonstrations, and, also, quite frequently their friends or relatives; yes, and unknowingly, strangers may also be miraculously healed of some condition after the Unariun student has made some kind of contact with them. These miraculous transitions may give the Unariun student a sense of power or a belief that he (or she) is now a ‘healer’. This false assumption is very dangerous and should be watched for and instantly suppressed when the student finds himself incurring such a belief. (more…)

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The Fear of Obsessions vs Staying Positive

Staying-Positive-main-4-postI have noticed in my years as a student the wrong interpretation by other students of how to protect oneself from obsessions. Some have thought, not all but some, that the best way is to run away and hide from what they might consider to be an obsession or obsessed person. This reaction I have interpreted to be FEAR. Of course, it would be fear if you were trying to hide away from something you don’t understand but I don’t buy into this as the proper reaction to obsession and this is NOT what UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches in that regard.

My interpretation is that the Science teaches that fear should be the last reaction one should have toward what one considers to be an obsession or an obsessed person. In other words, an obsession is not a contagion. The opposite is preferred. If you don’t react to it then it can’t affect you.

The Science of UN.AR.I.U.S. has never said to run away from an obsession or obsessed person but rather to UNDERSTAND what is going on and in that way to shed some LIGHT onto that person or that situation so that that they will now have a better experience from having had that interaction with you.

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The Nature And Causes of Birth Defects ~ Part II

nature-of-birth-defects-main-2-4-post“In Part I, there has been presented a rather broad and generalized view of that all important factor of life — conception. This presentation, quite naturally, leads us up to a question which is always baby twoasked by those who have the burden of caring for children with birth defects. It is quite obvious that as various branches of science do not know about psychic anatomies, there are no doctors, clinics or therapeutic centers which could possibly institute some corrective measures.

In all cases, it is first necessary to individually classify and diagnose each defective person. There are many types and kinds of defects which could not be helped from the material side of life. These cases will all have to wait until they have lived the physical cycle and return to the spiritual worlds and under proper conditions before very much can be done for healing-projection-4-postthem. In other cases certain therapeutic healing can be projected by advanced personalities from the higher spiritual planes. Classifications and diagnoses are, at the present time, impossible to obtain in this material world, as only a person highly trained in various clairvoyant aptitudes could pierce the material veil and see the past lifetimes of all individuals concerned with each case.

It is also comprehensible that should such an advanced person appear and start practicing this kind of diagnosis and therapy, he would almost immediately be stopped and incarcerated by the all powerful materia-medica. So the advanced intellects wisely do not tamper with the different evolutionary factors present in any civilization at any time; only benign spiritual help is psychokinetically projected. The advanced intellects await a more propitious time as in the spirit worlds. It must be remembered that the all dominant factor in human relationships is the individual prerogative of self-determination. This self- determination tends, over a long period of evolution, to develop the mental faculties of any human. To alter or affect this human self-determination is, in effect, destroying the human. He would become a zombie-like creature entirely dependent for guidance, quite useless in the Infinite plan. (more…)

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The Nature And Causes of Birth Defects

Birth-Defects-main-4-post“One of the more important aspects of life which has, as yet, not been thoroughly explained in the liturgy of UN.AR.I.U.S., is a complete presentation of conception; how various different kinds of physically and mentally defective children are born into the world: such children as are classified mongoloid, mentally retarded, cleft lip, or other forms of physical and mentamongoloid childl defects; barring of course, such defective children who incurred their defects from organic causes such as syphilis, accidental blows, abortion attempted, and instrument deliveries. The process of conception is extremely complex inasmuch as it involves a great interplay and linkage of harmonic attunements, etc., in what might best be described as an extremely complex system of energy wave form integrations.

As medical and genetical scientists do not understand or know about the psychic anatomies, theirs must be a purely physical understanding of conception which grew out of the studies made by the Austrian monk, Mendel. In genetical science as it applies to a human, the process of conception goes something like this: The male germ cell — the spermatozoon — succeeds in making contact with the female ovum and Sperm-Meets-Eggpenetrates the outside membrane of the egg. The male and female germ cells contain certain numbers of chromosomes, 22 in each male and—23 in each female cell. Inside the chromosomes, there are large numbers of what are called genes or units of character, such as dark hair, blue eyes, etc. After the male germ cell penetrates the ovum, there begins a pairing-off process, something like an old-fashioned country square dance, at which time there ensues a struggle for supremacy to see which genes are the most dominant and which will control the physical characteristics of the human to be. (more…)

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On Philosophy And Science – Part III

science-philosophy-iii-main“However, now that the Infinite is revolving, we shall say, within an infinite number of dimensions which contain facsimiles of all that the Infinite is — except in one respect — that this Infinite must again relive itself as so compounded within this small dimension from all other different dimensions; and this again surcharges and re-creates the image of Infinity within Infinity. You have grasped that? No? So, to enable the Infinite to re-create Himself from out of this vast infinity, this united facsimile of Himself in a very small dimension must relive itself, so to speak, through all of evolution-steps-4-postthe other dimensions. This it does by starting at the bottom. The bottom is an earth world. There it begins to relive itself in very simple forms, the amoeba or any other particular form of bacterial or protozoan life which you may find about you. These forms are the beginnings of remanifestation of the Infinite in re-creating itself.

I have approached this particular point in a different direction from the one I just formerly gave to you. Now when we begin to understand that this Infinite is so re-creating itself and remanifesting itself upon such surface dimensions as the earth, there is the time, which I have suggested, when the Infinite again relives itself as a direct continuity with this higher self which originally started this chain reaction. This then becomes a man, that is, we can say this is the beginning of a man so individually so created. There is no direct borderline; that is, we will say there is no jumping-off place. This evolution takes place gradually and as the development of this particular form of consciousness so re-creates past-lives-4-postitself back into the material world, it increases to carry within itself its own particular personality, its own ego, if I can use the word of your present-day psychiatry. It supports from life to life its own succession of life experiences, such things which may be psychic shocks, malformations, aberrations in the wave form structures which so compose this psychic anatomy which have been created over the long evolution of time and earth world experiences. (more…)

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On Philosophy And Science – Part II

philosophy-science-main-4-post“Now, we will turn the meeting over to the scientists. My worthy colleague, Manu, (in Part I) has given you some philosophical content as to the purpose of achievement, what achievement is, what we must strive for in our realizations, what we will attain when we begin to fathom this riddle of life. This message, this solution begins here on this earth. It begins on this or some other similar terrestrial hands-energyplanet just as it has done for countless millions of years for races of men, for species of plant and animal life which have inhabited these various worlds. But you cannot hope to understand these things until you first obtain basic elemental functioning principles of creation, for this is a scientific dimension.

We will first begin to destroy the illusion of mass. The world as you see it about you at this moment is ‘seemingly’ solid. Not so! You can read, and this can be proven to you in a thousand different ways that mass is an illusion. Every school boy before he graduates knows about the atoms; he knows they are tiny solar systems of energy. He knows that the spaces in an atom are comparatively as vast as those which you find in your solar system. The walls of this room, your bodies, all which you call mass is not really solid at all. You have only grown accustomed to this illusion through the countless ages of time and from the very beginnings of your embryonic life cell. You have become in direct proportion to your concept, your development in your particular environment, a creature so specifically ordinated to live in a reactive environment. We will say reactive because animals, as they so present themselves to you in your surface world, are composite reactionary systems of energy. (more…)

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The Cyclic Interplay – Part IV

Cyclic-Interplay-main-2“Another way which might better help you to understand is to picture in your mind’s eye the vast Infinite Cosmos, a sea of Radiant Energy, infinitely filled with whirling vortexes. Just above the earth is a great sieve perforated with countless billions of tiny holes, and through these holes this energy is streaming into all forms of earth life. Every human receives his own individual stream of life-giving energy. This is the ‘mysterious’ energy which is behind all thought and action. Through the psychic anatomy it gives life to all the cells; it keeps all constructive life formations constantly reconstructing their own form and purpose. This Infinite life energy flows into each atom and vortices manifestationexactly equalizes its position to all other atoms through these electromagnetic fields. Yes, even the stones which form the hard core surface and the earth itself are held so equalized by the exact equilibrium expressed in all these apparent physical forms. Yet, they too — just as you must — are progressively or psychically being reformed, even in the beginning of any form whether it is an atom or an earth or a solar system, or even a galaxy. The beginning of a cycle also marks its end. For all these apparent forms are only following in this third dimension, the cyclic movements which engendered their existence. (more…)

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The Cyclic Interplay – Part III

cyclic-interplay-main“Now we have discovered that learning and usage are synonymous and are actually equalized or higher self connectionbalanced motions of energy which do, in effect, re-create the psychic anatomy, and which also help to polarize the Superconscious Self. Polarization, like all other Infinite functions, is extremely important; and in understanding polarization, you will begin to understand the very essence of creation. For it is through polarization that the Infinite Intelligence recreates atoms, planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes. Also through the understanding of polarization any person becomes Immortal.

The Superconscious has been frequently mentioned as an Infinite facsimili of the Infinite. You can picture this situation if you can see, in your mind’s eye, a certain whirling vortex of energy. This vortex is actually composed of billions of other vortexes; each one, in turn, contains vast numbers of much smaller vortexes. All of these whirling masses of energy are actually billions of wave forms of energy each one vibrating at tremendous speed. They are, in other words, becoming positive and negative, and in this phase shift, they determine their respective affiliation to any and all other wave forms and vortexes in the Infinitevortex-atom-to-universe-4-post Cosmos. As all of these vortexes revolve within themselves, their cyclic patterns are therefore complete. They do not, in a sense, go anywhere; nor do they come from some place. You can find them only if you can tune into their respective wave lengths; otherwise, they do not exist in consciousness.

Now, any vortex will, within its own circumference, encompass enough wave forms, which, when harmonically relinked, will, in all effect, make this one vortex the entire Infinite Cosmos — if we can so temporarily contain it for the moment. Therefore, within any vortex — either as it is self-contained or as it is harmonically attuned to the Cosmos — is contained the net sum and total of infinity. That means that all life, all humanity, everything which you can think of, and very, very much more, can figuratively, be squeezed into a vortex smaller thantouching infinity an electron. Actually, in this way, time and space have been eliminated, as was somewhat theoretically postulated by Einstein; for even in sub-infinity, or the smallest portion of such a sub-infinity is, in effect, as large as the whole of Super-Infinity. It also means that when you understand this whole concept, you will, by the simple process of attunement, be able to travel through space from planet to planet, from universe to universe — not with the speed of light — but instantaneously, simply because not only any one portion or portions thereof, but the sum and total of Infinity can he tuned in by a person who so understands this concept. It is just as close as the end of your nose. (more…)

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The Cyclic Interplay – Part II

psychic interplay two“In the foregoing discussion, we discovered and rediscovered some very important basic psychological equivalents, a psychology which, in its true form, is relatively simple and just as scientific as is any other true presentation of life. And in no way should it be compared to the pseudo Freudian psychology which is a vast jungle of vague unrealistic pseudoisms, supported by equally vague terminology and nomenclature. To be tangible, life in any form — animate or inanimate, third-dimensional or interdimensional — must always be reduced to and understood as energy wave forms and configurations. More specifically, however, our discussion was directed toward a more mans-psychic-self-4-postsuitable reorientation with thought and action or learning and usage. Our hypothesis and analysis presented an obvious conclusion — not theory but provable fact: that man is, individually and collectively, a creature who exists by virtue of the fact that he is an oscillating entity with the world about him. He is supported by wave-form oscillations; he lives and reacts according to the interplay of wave form motions, transposed as consciousness, through the psychic anatomy and the psychic mechanism which relays those impulses and which resynthesize wave form motion as consciousness.

On the basic platform of understanding, it is therefore clearly indicated that no material man as human has developed the paranormal faculty of interdimensional conversation. All third-dimensional humanity was therefore relegated in its life processes as wave form consciousness, supported and sustained from the subconscious which, in turn, partially preserved experience quotients from numerous past physical lifetimes through the subconscious into the conscious mind. (more…)

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The Cyclic Interplay – Part I

psychic-interplay-main-4-post-2“From time to time in various liturgies of UN.AR.I.U.S., the student is urged to learn and use the knowledge presented to him. Inasmuch as the term — ‘learn and use’ or ‘learning and usage’ — couldboy reading a book cause some confusion or misinterpretation to the student, it would therefore serve a good purpose to objectively analyze these terminologies. Learning, to the average earth man, means simply becoming acquainted with some particular objectivism. He learns by reading a book; a child learns not to poke his finger in a candle flame, etc. More correctly, so far as the material man is concerned, learning is the combination of two objectivisms which are: the object or noun, and the action or verb. A child learns that by horse, a carriage is drawn, the horse and carriage the objects with the moving action. As he passes through his educational period, all of his studies will therefore be predicated upon this same objective and reactionary system. He may read that two chemicals combined will produce an explosion; he will actually reproduce this reaction in the laboratory, and so through his various studies he is always called upon to synthesize an action from some objectivism. (more…)

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