My Face
And then I looked into the skies and saw
a star far brighter yet, than all the rest
And lo it was, that as I looked, this star
came close; and mirrored there within
its Light, I saw a face.
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Love Sonnet
by Ernest L. Norman
And now, Oh Princess, I go forth on wings of Light
My thoughts a caravan to bring thee
treasures rare from far off places.
I’ll sing to thee the song of waterfalls,
the whispering breeze can scarce contain,
A thousand throated thrushes’ song,
springs forth from every dell,
within this land of fantasy.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
Wordless Words
by Ernest L. Norman
How well he speaks, when with his tongue
he speaks the words that all men understand
And words like knights, that joust
our fancied pleasures
Or merrily lead us down a glade
A winding way far up the hill where
sunshine meets the earth
And wedded there the songs of birds ~
the wedding march.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
One Small Flame
So let man cast about him the light,
For, as he shineth about him his light,
in this light he too shall be illumined;
And that if he holds not this light aloft
so that he casteth forth a shadow
And that all those in his light
shall also casteth shadows.
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Ageless — Timeless
And so the crested wave doth rise again,
and crashing, falls upon the sands of time
Its crested foam, a flame of white,
its countless bubbles,
each a life – lived one brief span
And formed from out the countless seas
of past – live one brief time – then gone again.
Posted in Book Excerpts, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
There is within the eye of man the thing which he doth see about this earth;
And of these things he cries unto himself that he is greater yet than all of these.
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Of Fishermen
Two thousand years ago a man walked upon the shore of an inland sea
Tall and of red beard and hair, and of noble bearing;
Yet there was much more than this which set Him apart from all others.
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Transcendent is this power within,
that holds aloft my soul
And in a clime so far removed from earthly things.
My soul does sing rejoicing in the things
which make the Heavens
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Image Of God’s Virtue
It has been said that God has created thee in His own image
Yet it is surely not of these things of the flesh
Neither of the body nor its limbs.
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Flame of Life
Consider ye that thou hearest the call to prayer of the Temple,
And that thou bowest low before the Presence of Allah.
Yet this call is not heard by the swine in the sty,
nor by the goat or its kid;
Neither doth the camel turn aside from its course ~
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