Uncovering Mars In Past History
by John Brandenburg Ph.D.
“Because of our sins, an unknown nation came against us, from an unknown land.” – Russian Account of the Mongol Conquest
“And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones…” – II Chronicles 26: 14, The Bible
In ancient Egypt the war god was named Anhur, who was also god of the sky, later subsumed into the falcon-headed god Horus, as the kingdoms of Egypt merged. Horus was called Horus the Red and was identified with the planet Mars, considered the chief of the “stars that know no rest,” as the planets were known to the Egyptians. Horus was also identified with the metal iron. Iron was called “the sky metal” in ancient Egypt and in many other ancient cultures because it was first known from meteorites, and only later smelted from terrestrial ore. (more…)
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More Confirmation On The Truth About Mars
Compilation by Gloria Lynn
Did A Supernova Remnant Destroy Mars?
The following is a excerpt from The Truth About Mars by Ernest L. Norman. Following this we will look at some evidence or proof that this is exactly what happened. A supernova took place approximately 100,000 years ago which reaped terrible havoc on Mars including other planetary bodies in our solar system as a chunk of it passed by that was larger then the sun.
“In case some of you are wondering just as I did, what caused his people to go underground and why they do not migrate to some other planet since they have all the necessary craft to do so. Nur El explained all this by first saying that Mars was, up until about 100,000 years ago, a planet very similar to the earth. There was air, water, and an abundance of plant and animal life. The cities flourished on the surface just as ours do. At that time, through their occult science and also with their superior telescopes they saw, somewhere out in space, a cataclysm take place. One of the giant suns suddenly went berserk, flared up like a nova and then exploded in a terrific blinding flash. Huge chunks hurtled out into space in different directions, each one a smaller, white-hot, atomically-burning sun, shooting off great streamers of atomic energies. It was determined by calculations, that one of these fiery pieces would pass very close to our solar system. As it was larger than our own sun, it was conceivable that there would be tremendous repercussions; in fact, anything was possible. (more…)
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Mars Update And More Anomalies
The Perseverance Rover
The Perseverance rover and its little sibling, the Ingenuity helicopter, landed in a cloud of dust on Feb. 18, bristling with antennas and cameras. Perseverance will spend the next Martian year — the equivalent of two Earth years — prowling, poking and collecting rocks from Jezero Crater and the river delta that enters it. The rover will scrutinize the debris chemically and geologically, and take photographs, so that scientists on Earth can search for any signs of ancient fossilization or other patterns that living organisms might have produced. (more…)
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Things In The Martian Sky
by William S. Romoser, Ph.D.
The web presence of the NASA/JPL databases has spawned an intrepid group of Mars anomaly hunters, who regularly post their often fascinating and provocative findings on YouTube, and the Mars Anomaly Research Society site on Facebook. These persons piqued my interest. So, following full retirement from a 45 year academic career, I began studying the public NASA/JPL Mars rover photographic databases, particularly those from Curiosity rover. It came as a pleasant surprise to find what I have increasingly come to believe is evidence of higher metazoan forms on Mars. Several characteristic Martian motifs are identifiable in the NASA/JPL rover photographs, and when compared with various cultural artifacts on Earth, striking similarities can be found. Such similarities may indicate intimate associations between the Red Planet and Earth, both past and present. As with my professional research interests, this effort has been driven by curiosity, no pun intended. Three working hypotheses form the operating the hub of this project: Hypothesis 1: There are fossil and extant higher life forms (metazoans; multi-cellular organisms composed of eukaryotic cells) on Mars. Hypothesis 2: There is and/or has been intelligent civilization on Mars Hypothesis 3: There has been contact between intelligent beings on Mars and Earth. ~ Dr. Romoser, Emeritus Professor of Medical Entomology at Ohio University – Department of Biomedical Sciences. (more…)
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Searching For Martian Life Underground
by Leonard David
Scientists are now eyeing the Martian underground in search for alien life as the subsurface of Mars offers a better protected habitable environment.
With improved knowledge of Mars’ geologic diversity and history along with a better appreciation of life in extreme environments here on earth, and the development of better life-detection measurement methods, scientists are hopeful that soon there will be a breakthrough in this direction. (more…)
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Egypt On Mars: A Hidden Connection?
Compilation by Gloria Lynn
After many discoveries on Mars of Ancient Civilization artifacts there seems that more and more of these artifacts point to an Egyptian influence. Either from Earth to Mars or from Mars to Earth.
Either way presented are images and videos pointing to this astonishing connection.
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Insects On Mars
by Stacy Liberatore
Ohio University professor claims insect-like beings are living on Mars after spending years studying photos from different missions to the Red Planet.
- Professor spent years investigating images from NASA taken of Mars
- Images were taken in different missions to the planet, with most from Curiosity
- He claims there is evidence of exoskeletons and jointed appendages of beings
- He also suggests that these beings are insect-like creatures living on Mars
NASA is getting ready to send a rover to Mars in search of life, but an insect expert from Ohio University believes we already have evidence of beings crawling on the Red Planet.
William S. Romoser, Ph.D, who has 45 years of experience studying insects, has also spent years analysing NASA photographs of the Martian world and claims there are numerous examples of insect-like forms. (more…)
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Ancient City Ruins On Mars
by Ennio Piccaluga
City Found On Mars – Scott Waring
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Underground Entrances On Mars
Periodically Martian anomaly hunters spot what look to be underground entrances in the Mars surface leading to the very justifiable speculation that Mars is occupied underground. Below is a compendium of images from various sources showing what are surface anomalies suggesting an underground entrance.
The photographic evidence is irrefutable that something is going on underneath the surface of Mars. As students of UN.AR.I.U.S., we already know that the Mars underground is already occupied. These images would seem to vindicate our beliefs. For more on these occupants of Mars please refer to the amazing booklet The Truth About Mars which can be downloaded in full here.
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Marsquake! – A Transportation System Under Mars?
Once again confirmation of The Truth About Mars written more then 60 years ago.

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Recent Strange Anomalies In The Solar System
From an impact on the moon to strange laser beams from Saturn to a huge volcanic eruption on Mars…these are just some of the strange anomalies happening recently in our solar system.
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Phobos II And A City On Mars
By Andy Lloyd
In July 1988, the Russians launched two unmanned satellite probes – Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 – in the direction of Mars, and with the primary intention of investigating the planet’s mysterious moon, Phobos. Phobos 1 was unfortunately lost en route two months later, reportedly because of a radio command error. Phobos 2 was also ultimately lost in the most intriguing circumstances, but not before it had beamed back certain images and information from the planet Mars itself.
Phobos 2 arrived safely at Mars in January, 1989, and entered into an orbit around Mars as the first step at its destination towards its ultimate goal: to transfer to an orbit that the would make it fly almost in tandem with the Martian moonlet called Phobos (hence the spacecrafts name) and explore the moonlet with highly sophisticated equipment that included two packages of instruments to be placed on the moonlet’s surface. (more…)
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Mars Update -Validating The Truth About Mars
Compilation by Gloria Lynn
Confirming again what was written more then 60 years ago, right now Mars is undergoing a planetary wide dust storm.
“Now I will contact my Martian guide and take an astral flight through space, and see just how it is that man lives (underground) on the red planet. Almost immediately a very distinguished looking man stands before me; he is Nur El, a man of high position and esteem from one of the Martian cities. He is dressed in a very brilliant red suit. The coat is long, almost to the knees, with loose fitting pantaloons. On his head is a red hat with a square shaped brim that is turned up on four sides.” (more…)
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Is NASA Any Closer To Admitting There Is Life On Mars?
NASA’s Timeline Of Martian Discoveries – What’s Old Is New Again And Again
Earlier in Mar’s history, polar ice caps were discovered in the mid-17th century. In the latter part of the 18th century, William Herschel proved they grow and shrink alternately, in the summer and winter of each hemisphere.
NASA’s primary mission of the Viking probes of the mid-1970s was to carry out experiments designed to detect microorganisms in Martian soil because the favorable conditions for the evolution of multicellular organisms ceased some four billion years ago on Mars. The tests were formulated to look for microbial life similar to that found on Earth. Of the four experiments, only the Labeled Release (LR) experiment returned a positive result, showing increased CO2 production on first exposure of soil to water and nutrients. (more…)
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A Brief History Of The Planet Mars
Excerpt from The Voice Of Venus by Ernest L. Norman:
“About 500,000 years ago, the people of Mars were commuting regularly with the earth by spacecraft. They had established a colony on the southern edge of what is now called the Gobi desert at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. They were however set upon from time to time by savage bands of native earth-men who roamed about the earth at that time. In the last of these forays a large group of Martians barely escaped with their lives into the nearby hills where they remained hidden and lost to their countrymen who finally abandoned the idea of colonization on the earth. They were a peace loving people and although they had weapons at their disposal that would have annihilated these savage earth men, yet they refused to use them and so the earth swung in its orbit, unattended for several hundred thousand years until the coming of the Lemurians from the planet Lemuria which is about 700 light years (figured in our planetary system of light measurement) away from our solar system. You may wonder how these men traversed this vast distance without consuming the best part of their lives. It was through the principle of change of frequency relationship which enabled the spacecraft to travel through inner space at speeds approximately ten times that of your known speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Therefore the distance from Lemuria to our solar system could be traversed in a very small fraction of the time which you might assume would normally be necessary, in other words about 5 or 6 years. During this journey the ship was flown and controlled by a robot calculator. The eleven who occupied the ship remained in a state of suspended animation, something like a cataleptic hypnotic trance. (more…)
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