According to a new set of images beamed back by NASA’s rovers exploring the red planet, there are giant structures half buried near Mt. Sharp on the red planet. According to UFO hunters and Ufologists, there are several structures that are clearly visible half-buried in the harsh Martian soil.
Not long ago we shared the images of a mysterious dome-shaped structures on Mars, another image that seemed to prove there are more things on Mars than what NASA and other space agencies are willing to accept.
While many readers might remain skeptical about these images, no one can deny there is a certain degree of mystery around them.
Looking at the images present in the article, we can clearly see what appear to be several perfectly shaped lines in the background. According to UFO hunters, these lines are the ultimate evidence of half-buried structures on Mars. Not only are these present in the vicinity of Mount Sharp, they can be seen in many images from the Red Planet. These images are, according to Ufologists the ultimate evidence that proves the red planet was inhabited by intelligent beings in the distant past.(more…)
This small booklet by Dr. Ernest L. Norman recounts his astral visitation to the underground cities on Mars. This occurred in 1955 long before any probes were sent up to explore the Martian surface yet as time goes on, more and more revealing photos of Mar’s surface from the countless rovers that now traverse the planet are confirming what Dr. Norman originally said in The Truth About Mars.
Due to the catastrophe that happened approximately 100,000 years the planet was left desolate and nearly uninhabitable. Seeing this future catastrophe, the Martians built underground cities and were able to relocate before it happened sparing the lives of its many inhabitants.
In its ensuing years, though the planet’s surface is still uninhabitable, the Martians have been able to survive with a level of comfort that would be envious by us surface dwellers. Read more about Mars in The Truth About Mars.
Of the surface which the rovers have been able to explore so far, Dr. Norman wrote this:(more…)
NASA has found water on Mars, but most of us already knew it. But according to NASA, there is no life found on Mars yet.
At first they say “We have found flowing water on Mars” then they will announce that they have found living microbes in the soil, in a later stage they will find ancient structures on the surface of Mars, next they are going to find a graveyard followed up with their most important statement that they have found life on Mars by showing images of insects, animals and other beings walking around on the surface of the planet whereby NASA takes the role of the organization who has discovered that extraterrestrial life beyond Earth exists which of course is the ultimate cover-up for their 60-years of fraud and lies about the existence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs.(more…)
The skeletal remains of a possible Martian creature have been found on the red planet by the Mars Curiosity Rover.
Paranormal Crucible: Although I have extensively colorized this artifact in an effort to bring out any details its quite clear that this is indeed the petrified remains of a Martian creature possibly prehistoric in nature.
Andre Gignac has claimed to have found evidence of an extra-terrestrial civilisation through his study of NASA photos of the Red Planet.
The 58-year-old Canadian, who claims to have worked for the UN in New York, says he has identified a bare-breasted female alien, the corpse of another being, a four-legged robot and Mount Rushmore-syle carvings of historical Martian leaders.
Mr Gignac, who has been a long-standing alien researcher since leaving the UN, told Cryptozoology News: “Aliens are on Mars. I have made discoveries that are absolutely breathtaking.”
He claims to have found the four ‘sightings’ of alien civilisation in photos of Aeolis Mons – a central peak in the Gale Crater on Mars, which is unofficially known as Mount Sharp.
Just a month ago, among other photographs he produced, Mr Gignac claimed to have found an opening to a “bunker,” suggesting much of the supposed Martian population was living under the planet’s surface.(more…)
These anomalies range from a little boy to an alligator and have been personal discoveries from hours of scanning through the many images supplied by NASA. I am sure others may or may not have come across these but nevertheless here they are and as always, you decide. The photo’s file name contains the origin of the images on NASA’s web site.(more…)
This image (below) is taken by the MRO with the Hirise camera, from a distance of 319,22 kilometers away.
At first I thought it was a flying saucer, but it looks more like a dome structure.
It’s hard to tell what it is, but it does look like it’s next to a docking platform, maybe it’s some kind of machine or a giant metal door covered with carvings and it’s seating in some kind of tunnel. (more…)
In the latest news on space exploration, NASA’s Mars rover found what looks like the image of a Great Pyramid found back on Earth. The images are part of a series of anomalies found on the Red Planet. This May 7 “pyramid” image has stargazers believing that intelligent life exists or once thrived on Mars.
In a June 20 report, ExoPolitics said NASA’s Curiosity Rover discovered a large triangle-shaped stone structure that conjures up images of pyramids. While the exact size of the Mars sighting is unclear – some suggest the image could be an outcropping of rocks made to resemble the familiar formation, a grave marker or even a “capstone.”(more…)
Kofun are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan, constructed between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century AD.
They gave their name to the Kofun period (middle 3rd century to early-middle 6th century). Many of the Kofun have distinctive keyhole-shaped mounds (zenpo-koenfun (前方後円墳?)), which are unique to ancient Japan. – Wikipedia.
The structure we see in Japan is unique, sharp edges and unique patterns define this incredible construction built in ancient Japan. But is there something more to this construction? Is there a small possibility that the structure found in Japan has a mysterious connection, a otherworldly connection perhaps? We believe the answer is Yes.(more…)
PROOF of Life, Vegetation and Water on Mars and Remains of Ancient Civilization!
Mars Anomaly Research has done some GREAT research into Mars anomalies and discovered LOTS of evidence that there has been a previous civilization there, and still some life left from vegetation to various creatures and sources of water.
Now, lets get to the point and post some interesting images from Mars, mostly taken by satellites in orbit so you see it from a high above perspective, and a few “on ground” images taken by the Mars Rovers:
Interesting rock formation, piled up, similar to ancient man-made monuments on Earth, top photo from Mars, two bottom Earth man-made:(more…)
“Our trip there is a matter of split seconds as no craft is used or needed. Arriving on the surface of Mars, we are at once aware of the extremely rugged terrain, rocky hills and sandy wastes, that stretches out endlessly around us. There are many peculiar whirling dust clouds all about. Nur El explains that the ionosphere is very thin which leaves the surface almost unprotected from the various beta, gamma, and cosmic rays. This high concentration of rays ionizes the very rare and gaseous atmosphere and together with the thermal currents, creates terrific dust storms. There is also a very thinly divided dust layer on the ionosphere which helps create the reddish appearance of the planet.”(more…)
Nasa finds evidence of a vast ancient ocean on Mars
A huge primitive ocean covered one-fifth of the red planet’s surface, making it warm, wet and ideal for alien life to gain a foothold, scientists say
An artist’s impression of the ancient ocean on Mars, which lasted for billions of years more than was previously thought. Credits: Mars Geronimo Villanueva/Nasa
A massive ancient ocean once covered nearly half of the northern hemisphere of Mars making the planet a more promising place for alien life to have gained a foothold, Nasa scientists say.
The huge body of water spread over a fifth of the planet’s surface, as great a portion as the Atlantic covers the Earth, and was a mile deep in places. In total, the ocean held 20 million cubic kilometres of water, or more than is found in the Arctic Ocean, the researchers found.
Unveiled by Nasa on Thursday, the compelling evidence for the primitive ocean adds to an emerging picture of Mars as a warm and wet world in its youth, which trickled with streams, winding river deltas, and long-standing lakes, soon after it formed 4.5bn years ago.
The view of the planet’s ancient history radically re-writes what many scientists believed only a decade ago. Back then, flowing water was widely considered to have been a more erratic presence on Mars, gushing forth only rarely, and never forming long-standing seas and oceans.(more…)
Massive clouds erupted 260km into Martian atmosphere
– and no one knows why
by Christian Schroeder – Christian Schroeder is a NASA Mars Exploration Rover Athena Science Team collaborator.
Enormous cloud-like plumes reaching 260km above the surface of Mars have left scientists baffled. This is way beyond Mars’s normal weather, reaching into the exosphere where the atmosphere merges with interplanetary space. None of the conventional explanations for such clouds make sense – neither water or carbon dioxide ice nor dust storms nor auroral light emissions usually hit such heights.
Something seems to be amiss.Sanchez-Lavega et al.
These “mystery clouds” came as a surprise, in particular when considering they were first spotted by a string of amateur astronomers in 2012. After all, an international fleet of five orbiters and two rovers is currently operating on and around Mars, and one may be excused thinking the red planet has little left to hide and its exploration has become routine.(more…)
The Truth About Mars is being confirmed by the latest discoveries on the planet surface of Mars. The following is just a few more of these confirmations. Remember that “The Truth About Mars” was published in 1956 more than 55 years ago.
In the following I will provide an excerpt from The Truth AboutMars then the video or image recently published that supports the aforementioned.
“There are also a number of species of lizards, reptiles, and some insects whose hard shells have enabled them to weather the extreme atmospheric conditions.”
While Nikola Tesla was conducting experiments with his Magnifying Transmitter at Colorado Springs in 1899, he detected coherent signals which he determined had originated on Mars.
Tesla: “I can never forget the first sensations I experienced when it dawned upon me that I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences to mankind.
My first observations positively terrified me, as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night; but at that time the idea of these disturbances being intelligently controlled signal did not yet present itself to me.(more…)