Khafre Pyramid: Huge Underground Structures
SAR Scan Of Khafre Pyramid Shows Huge Underground Structures
Original Research Paper – Synthetic Aperture Radar Doppler Tomography Reveals Details of Undiscovered High-Resolution Internal Structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza by Biondi and Malanga (more…)
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The Invisible Empire Of Atlantis
by Unknown Master
“The continent as it was, has been described in a manner very nearly satisfactory by Plato, but the Egyptian priest, in his great wisdom and, it is true, UNDER ORDERS, had adapted the ‘religious and philosophic fact’, to put it within the comprehension of the Grecian age. In reality, even esoteric Atlantis, that is to say the religion of the masses, was monotheistic in the absolute sense, in a manner greatly similar to the Jewish belief and still more similar to Islam of our era. The first divine ‘manifestation’ FOR OUR PLANETARY SYSTEM was, for the Atlanteans, the sun and, more or less, the ancient Egyptian cosmogony reflected the EXTERIOR beliefs of Atlantis but in a rather less degenerate way on account of those who besides, had been ‘adjusted’ to the country of their adoption, to include especially the Nile and thus appeal further to the popular imagination. (more…)
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The World’s Workshop: Early Inventive Achievements Of The 20th Century
by W.J. Jackman, Trumbull White, and Ferdinand E. Cary (1911)
Wonderful indeed is this world’s workshop, for its doors are open wide and all that is within can be seen and understood – whether it be in an airship above the clouds, upon or under the sea, in the city, town or country; all that has been wrought by man for the progress and advancement of the world is arrayed under the broad head “The World’s Workshop”.
This is the Marvelous Age, the age of triumphant Progress. Follow the records of mankind down through all the centuries scrutinize the achievements of the race, and more and more conspicuous becomes the fact that in no other period of the world have such wonderful advances in material and industrial progress been made. Within the last decade we have seen hundreds of inventions and discoveries, any one of which would be sufficient to illuminate a whole century of the Middle Ages. (more…)
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Giants In Ancient America
by Paul Schrag and Xaviant Haze
Despite being a prominent theme in all the world’s mythologies, the lore about giants generally remains in the realm of children’s tales. It seems odd then that ancient peoples from different parts of the globe would all write and speak of an age of giants.
Genesis 6:4 offers, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” (more…)
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Tartaria: Old World Order Reset
STEW PETERS PRESENTS- Old World Order, Everything We’ve Been Told Is A Lie
Our history has been fabricated. The official narrative is that in the mid 1800’s to early 1900’s, men riding horse and buggy (or prisoners) built thousands of GIANT stone and marble structures (what’s left of them anyways) in an impossibly short amount of time. This official timeline of the past does not match our current understanding of reality. Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication. They also tell us about the “Great Chicago Fire” in school, but never tell us every other major city was also burned to the ground within the same short time periods. Also, the civilization before us had amazing technology and were far beyond advanced to what we have today. This is a massive cover-up that must now finally come to an end. – Hibbeler Productions
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Uncovering Mars In Past History
by John Brandenburg Ph.D.
“Because of our sins, an unknown nation came against us, from an unknown land.” – Russian Account of the Mongol Conquest
“And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones…” – II Chronicles 26: 14, The Bible
In ancient Egypt the war god was named Anhur, who was also god of the sky, later subsumed into the falcon-headed god Horus, as the kingdoms of Egypt merged. Horus was called Horus the Red and was identified with the planet Mars, considered the chief of the “stars that know no rest,” as the planets were known to the Egyptians. Horus was also identified with the metal iron. Iron was called “the sky metal” in ancient Egypt and in many other ancient cultures because it was first known from meteorites, and only later smelted from terrestrial ore. (more…)
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Gamaliel of Hermes: Philosophy Through The Ages
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings, dear ones; this is Brother Gamaliel. It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am bringing you one of the last and closing chapters from Hermes and the city of Aureleus. It has been with a good deal of pleasure that we have been able to be of some small service to you, as you have personally met and listened to the various interpreters of the earth science and philosophy, as they have existed in your more recent time. It is assumed that by now the interest of the reader will have reached a point where he will have searched the libraries and discovered to his own advantage and amazement that a great deal of wonderful history and truth can be gained by reading these books. It is also quite obvious that, numerous as our trips and discussions have been, we have presented to you only very small fragments and portions of these numerous lives and pages of historical events, as they were portrayed in the thousands of years of time in the sequence of evolution in the earth histories. (more…)
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Remarkable Achievements Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
Aside from the unusual psychic development or spiritual unfoldment attained by the Lemurians and which gave them unusual advantages in a purely personal and individual sense, the people as a race and as a nation attained a high degree of development in the arts and sciences and in the mastership of worldly problems.
When it is said in modern writings that the ancient Egyptians attained a degree of civilization and intellectual mastership that was superior to our present day attainments, this is generally said in a relative way, for it is only relatively true. When we say that the Lemurians reached a higher degree of civilization then we have reached, it is likewise meant in a relative sense, although there are some evidences of attainment that were actually beyond the scientific achievements of modern times. (more…)
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Tartaria: The Hidden Empire
by David Vanderper
What Is Tartaria?
Tartaria (originally pronounced “Tataria” without the first “r”) is the name of the pre-Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entire northern hemisphere. Great Tartaria was the largest empire during its time and would have still been the largest empire today. The Tartarian Empire flourished due in part of the civilization being a leader in advanced technology, free energy, and grand architecture.
Tartaria is also where the Greek word “Tartarus” originated from.
The denotation of lost souls spending eternity in Tartarus the underworld is due to the Tartarian Empire having been buried and wiped out during the mud flood. The world of the Tartarians is literally the world under our world. The underworld. Tartarus wasn’t the underworld and will never be the underworld. Tartaria is the underworld. The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out the Tartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the “underworld” if they challenged the religious authority. (more…)
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Star Wards: Welcome Home Earthman ~ Part II
by Richard T. Miller
Earth became sort of a private preserve for the Galactic Survey to study. Apparently, there were beacons out in space that warned other spaceships away from the area, etc., advising them not to land on the planet or contact its people. (You might say – don’t land, the natives are restless.)
They felt there had to be a continuous observation of the planet, the people, and the children that would be growing up in succeeding generations. The Confederation later decided to put some fixed installations of their own on Earth because they couldn’t keep a ship circling overhead continuously. They did construct some hidden, fixed installations on Earth and staffed them.
But they found out something very interesting. After the first staff had been on Earth for almost a year, they started bickering with one another. They studied this abnormal behavior and discovered that it took a little over nine months for whatever it was affecting the Earth to start affecting their people staffing the installations. They set up a schedule where they rotated their staff each six months at each installation. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, True History of Man, UFOswith 1 comment.
The Community Life Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
All the scientific analyses of the life of primitive man intimate that in the beginning of his earthly existence he lived separately and suspiciously isolated from others in the bows of trees or in caves along the banks of rivers until he learned whom he might trust among all the creatures of the animal kingdom. And we are told that he learned to trust a few animals of species lower than man and learned to trust a few of his companions and that eventually he domesticated the few animals he could trust and made friends of the men and women he could trust and these he gathered together in his immediate vicinity and constituted them as the elements of his community life. (more…)
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The Mental And Psychic Development Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
Aside from what we know of the descendants of the Lemurians and through a study of them discover the high degree of development achieved by their ancestors, there are many ancient records which refer to, and fairly accurately describe, the mental and spiritual development of the people at the time that Lemuria was in the height of its power. Ever must we keep in mind the fact that the civilization of Lemuria had developed through aeons of time. Europe may speak of its long periods of culture, and Rome and Athens may speak of the great heritage which was theirs, and even Egypt may boast of a long period of intellectual development, while we in America rejoice in the fact that there are some centuries of culture and development back of our present generation; but when Lemuria was in the height of her power she could boast of thousands of centuries of development.
In addition to the long period of time through which the Lemurians had learned the lessons of life and attained mastership through perseverance, industry, study and cooperation with the highest laws, they had the advantage of being free from the contaminating influence of false knowledge and a material conception of life. (more…)
Posted in Lemuria, Other Topics, True History of Manwith 2 comments.
Historical Origins Of Man
by Werner Schroeder
During the first two Golden Ages mankind enjoyed a semi-tropical, even climate. There were no storms and adverse weather conditions to combat. Also, there was perfect harmony and rhythm in the change of the seasons. The four seasons served to give variation in color and design, as well as variations in types of harvest.
Lush foliage covered the ground; there were no weeds, bugs, insects, vermin, or diseases. Also, no volcanoes were present. All volcanic action is due to the antipathy between elementals and mankind, whom they had come in such love to serve.
Animals, as we know them today, were not yet in existence. They only began to appear after humanity had generated the discord that followed the first two Golden Ages. Birds, however, fall under a separate category. They were created by Ascended Beings as messengers to mankind. Some did later take on some human qualities, which accounts for their destructive activities. (more…)
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The Exodus
And if I go prepare a place for you, I shall come again and bring you to join me, that where I am you shall be also.” (John 14:3)
It is rarely talked about what happened after the reign of Akhnaton and his murder. There was a price for the Priesthood to pay and that price came in the form of Moses.
The timeline is as follows:
The adventures of Moses was a very important link between the reign of Akhnaton and the mission of Jesus as both Jesus and Akhnation were one and the same person and many players in this Akhnaton saga reincarnationally reappeared again in the reign of Jesus. (more…)
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The Pythagorean Theory Of Music
by Manly P. Hall
Harmony is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.
The universe is made up of successive gradations of good, these gradations ascending from matter (which is the least degree of good) to spirit (which is the greatest degree of good). In man, his superior nature is the summum bonum. It therefore follows that his highest nature most readily cognizes good because the good external to him in the world is in harmonic ratio with the good present in his soul. What man terms evil is therefore, in common with matter, merely the least degree of its own opposite. The least degree of good presupposes likewise the least degree of harmony and beauty. Thus deformity (evil) is really the least harmonious combination of elements naturally harmonic as individual units. Deformity is unnatural, for, the sum of all things being the Good, it is natural that all things should partake of the Good and be arranged in combinations that are harmonious. Harmony is the manifesting expression of the Will of the eternal Good. (more…)
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