What Became of Atlantis: The Flood from Heaven

Skeptics and believers alike tend to overlook the fact that the story of Atlantis, as told by the Egyptian priests who related the story to Solon, is a complex narrative involving three civilizations that supposedly existed contemporaneously with each other; namely, Athens, Egypt, and Atlantis itself.

According to Sonchis, the head priest of Sais, the distant ancestors of the Athenians had led a coalition that counted amongst its members’ other Hellenic city-states and an ancient Egypt to a spectacular victory over the armies of Atlantis—which had aggressed upon them and attempted to reduce all who dwelt along the shores of the Mediterranean to slavery. (more…)

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The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Tesla-Like Powerplant Created Thousands of Years Ago

Tesla-and-Pyramid-main-4-postby Ancient Code

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the best examples of ancient energy machines. It was a Tesla-like power plant created thousands of years ago. It was a huge ancient structure that was capable of using the Earth’s natural properties in order to create or produce a great amount of energy. This energy is believed to have been used by the ancient Egyptians and other cultures such as the ancient Maya and other cultures around the globe for millennia. This theory, however, has been firmly rejected by mainstream researchers.

If we approach the history of ancient civilizations from another perspective, we will encounter that ancient civilizations around the globe were, in fact, extremely sophisticated and used advanced technologies thousands of years before mainstream science ‘reinvented them’.

The Great Pyramid A Giant Power Plant from the distant past

The idea that civilizations around the world have evolved from a primitive state, towards a more advanced one is something that mainstream scholars have tried to implement and place as the ultimate truth inside our society, schools and history books. However, this is not the case as numerous researchers around the globe suggest. In fact, ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we believe. (more…)

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A Story Of The Fall of Atlantis

Fall-of-Atlantis-main-4-postby survincity.com

Atlantis existed over 200,000 years. For the most part the time of Atlantis were epochs of light! Only the final phase, the period from 17,500 BC to 10,500 BC was in your terms, a dark era, but at the same time a valuable lesson.

 Golden Age

We say to you: in fact, the Golden Period of Atlantis was the highest level of the light of consciousness, ever achieved on the Earth plane in any advanced civilization higher than Lemuria, higher than Mu, higher than Rama. In fact, Lemuria has never reached such an extremely advanced level, which existed in the Golden Phase of Atlantis from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC time when gods walked with people, and they all knew joyful expression. It was a sacred time when many of you came as Star Children, and later chose biology and the lesson cycles of reincarnation on the Blue Planet called Earth.

So when you consider Atlantis, not only remembered her sad fall! It was just a short phase of the magnificent ancient world, but we must not forget, as much you can gain by understanding this final phase, and expansive, it is time to remember. (more…)

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The Lost Continent Of Mu

Lemuria-main-4-postby James Churchward

The record of the destruction of Mu, the Motherland of Man, is a strange one indeed. From it we learn how the mystery of the white races in the South Sea Islands may be solved and how a great civilization flourished in mid-Pacific and then was completely obliterated in almost a single night. A few decades ago scientists would have Lost Continent of Mu bookbeen very doubtful about the possibility of the former existence in the Pacific Ocean of a huge continent such as Mu. But since then, records have come to light and comparisons have been made which prove that such a land did at one time exist. The proofs are of several types.

First, as I have already explained in the opening chapter, there are the sacred tablets found in an Indian temple and deciphered with the aid of a learned priest. These tablets gave me the first hint about Mu and sent me on a world-wide search. They had been written by the Naacals, either in Burma or in the motherland. They told how the Naacals had originally come from the motherland, the land in the center of the Pacific. They also told the story of the creation of man and his advent in this land. Records of later date written in Mayax, Egypt and India tell and describe the destruction of this land of Mu, when the earth’s crust was broken up by earthquakes and sank into a fiery abyss. Then the waters of the Pacific rolled in over her, leaving only water where once was a mighty civilization.

Second, there is confirmation of Mu in other ancient manuscripts, including such a classic as the Hindu epic Ramayana, written by the sage and historian, Valmiki, from the dictation of Narana, high priest of the Rishi temple at Ayhodia, who read the ancient temple records to him. In one place Valmiki mentions the Naacals as “coming to Burma from the land of their birth in the East,” that is, in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. Another document confirming the story of the sacred tablets and Valmiki is the Troano Manuscript, now in the British Museum. This is an ancient Maya book written in Yucatan. It speaks of the “Land of Mu” using for Mu the same symbols we find in India, Burma and Egypt. Another reference is the Codex Cortesianus, a Maya book of about the same age as the Troano Manuscript. Then there is the Lhasa Record, with hundreds of others from Egypt, Greece, Central America, Mexico, and the cliff writings in our western states. (more…)

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Egypt Before Pharaohs: When Gods Ruled The Earth

Pre-Egyptian-Gods-main-4-postby Ivan Petricevic

According to Plutarch: “Ra departed to the heavens and Osiris became pharaoh of Egypt with Isis and they built Thebes [the present Luxor]”.

Have you ever wondered about Pre-Pharaonic Egypt and its rulers, not according to mainstream scholars but according to ancient texts written thousands of years ago? In Ancient Egypt, long before the first ‘mortal’ Pharaoh known as Menes-Narmer ruled over the lands of Egypt there were other kings, deities and “those who came from above” who ruled over the land known as Egypt today. This time in history, the Pre-Pharaonic period remains as a great enigma for most scholars and Egyptologist, mostly because they cannot accept that what is written since goes directly against the beliefs of most historians, archaeologists and Egyptologists. The time before 3000 BC, the date when the first official Pharaoh appeared in Egypt is a great enigma.It is not a secret that the ancient Egyptians consider their civilization as the legacy of Gods who came not from Earth but from elsewhere in the cosmos, and Pre-Pharaonic Egypt seems to finally back up this theory. (more…)

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Have Humans Devolved Through History?

Devolved-Humans-main-4-postby Ivan Petricevic

Ancient Human Technology, The Ultimate Piece Of Evidence

Have you ever considered the possibility that humans as a civilization have actually de-evolved through time? According to numerous findings across the globe, humans existed on earth much longer than we have been told by science and religion.

The human species existed on the planet when science said that it was impossible, but as with everything, views can change.

What if human beings existed on planet Earth millions of years ago? And what if those ancient humans were much more advanced than we are today? Is it possible that we have devolved as a species through time? Both physically and technologically? And if so… wouldn’t we find evidence of that?

What if humans were much more advanced as a species thousands or even millions of years ago?

According to many people there is evidence everywhere. (more…)

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Atlantis: The Sons Of The Law Of One Versus The Sons Of Belial

Atlantis-main-2-postby Father Sergio

Over time, with the advent of civilization and technology in Atlantis, the divisions between the Adamic and pre-Adamic races became increasingly more apparent. Whereas the Adamic race held on to the belief in the one God who had specially created them, the pre-Adamic race refuted the belief in the existence of God, instead focusing on the acquisition of wealth and power — worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. As these differences became more and more clear, the world came to be divided into two basic divisions: the Sons of the Law of One, those who held to the belief in the one God as the Creator of the universe and of mankind, and the Sons of Belial, those who denied the existence of God and instead worshipped themselves. Cayce explained it thus:  “In Atlantean land during those periods of early rise of sons of Belial as oppositions that became more and more materialized as the powers were applied for self-aggrandizement.” This “self-aggrandizement” took the form of the accumulation of wealth and power into the hands of a very few, with the result being extreme social stratification, where perhaps only a few dozens or hundreds of beings ruled over millions of slaves. This situation, of course, was unacceptable to the Sons of the Law of One:

“We find that in those periods there was not a laboring for the sustenance of life (as in the present, but rather individuals who were children of the Law of One — and some who were the children of Belial (in the early experience) — were served by automatons, or THINGS, that were retained by individuals or groups to do the labors of a household, or to cultivate the fields or the like, or to perform the activities of artisans. And it was concerning these “things” about which much of the disturbing forces grew to be factors to be reckoned with, between the children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial.”

Much like the issue of slavery which, in the nineteenth century, sparked off a bloody civil war in America, this division over the treatment of these slaves, among other things, appears to have touched off a civil conflict in Atlantis which led to the First Destruction of Atlantis. (more…)

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The Unholy Six

The-Unholy-Six-main“…Believe in Orion. Believe.
In the night, the moon, the crowded Earth.
Believe in Christmas and Birthdays and Easter rabbits.
Believe in all those fugitive
Compounds of nature, all doomed
To waste away and go out.
Always be true to these things.”

(Modern School of Poetry).

ONCE upon a time-five hundred thousand years ago!

Again we have a fairyland opening because we are going to tell you another so-called `unbelievable tale’. This one will be easier for you to accept because the date or age of our story is more in accordance with what ‘authorities’ and `experts’ consider sane guessing. Prepare yourself for a tale of a dark time in our galaxy, when the ‘spawn of night’ brought about a fork in the road in the sky causing the timeless highway of the stars to divide into two branches going in opposite directions.

Once upon a time-five hundred thousand years ago there was a planet in space called Tyrantor. This planet had been the capital of an old and decadent Empire of the Stars in the Milky Way galaxy. I say had been because half a million years ago it came to an end.

If you will permit, let us go back for a moment to a time about one million years ago. One of the most notable achievements of the life forms of our galaxy, after the ‘El’s’ achieved their state of Timelessness, was the formation of what has been called the Galactic Administration or the Galactic Pax. In Latin, Pax means ‘Peace’, and was deified by the Romans. Although the Romans were an aggressive and warlike people, they deified `Pax’ which symbolized the great peaceful amalgamation of numerous solar systems into the Galactic Administration. (more…)

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Up to 50 Books Were Left Out of the Bible – Here’s Why

Gnostic-Gospels-main-4-postDid Jesus marry and have children? Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute — or an apostle? Did Cain commit incest? Will there be an apocalypse or is this God’s trick to scare us? The answers to these questions aren’t found in the Bible as we know it, but they exist in scriptures banned when powerful leaders deemed them unacceptable for reasons both political and religious.

The Gospel of Peter, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Thomas and The Secret Gospel of Mark…these are just a few of the books that were left out of the Bible. The reasons why they were excluded provide astonishing insight into the concerns of church leaders and scholars responsible for spreading the faith an illuminating look at early Christian and religious history. (more…)

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Ten Things the Ancients Did Better than Us

Ancients-did-it-better-main-4-postBy April Holloway

Just a couple of decades ago, the people of ancient civilizations were viewed as simple, primitive people.  However, numerous discoveries since then have revealed a number of surprising facts about ancient cultures, namely that many of them possessed advanced knowledge of metallurgy, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and more. With this knowledge they forged steel stronger than anything else seen until the Industrial Revolution, created a recipe for concrete so durable that their buildings would endure for millennia longer than the constructions of today, cut stones and assembled walls so precisely that attempts at modern-day replications have failed. Scientists are still scratching their heads over some of the amazing accomplishments of ancient civilizations. Here we feature ten of them.

1. Aqueducts and hydro technology

Aqueducts and hydro technology

Who would have thought that 21st century governments would be looking to 1,500-year-old technology for guidance on how to solve water access problems? But that is exactly what is happening in Lima, Peru. (more…)

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Mysterious Object in Giza Pyramid Found By New Thermal Scan

Cheops-Khufu-Anomaly-FLIR-ImageFrame from a thermal camera viewing limestone blocks in the
Great Pyramid of Khufu, also known as Cheops. A “particularly impressive”
heat anomaly (red above) was found on the ground level of the eastern side of Cheops
and also in the upper half of the Great Pyramid. More thermal imaging will be
done during the Operation Scan Pyramids international project that began on
Oct. 25, 2015, through 2016. FLIR image by Heritage Innovation Preservation.  

Two weeks of new thermal scanning in Egypt’s Giza pyramids have identified anomalies in the 4,500 year-old burial structures, including a major one in the largest pyramid, the Antiquities Ministry announced Monday.

The scanning showed “a particularly impressive anomaly located on the Eastern side of the Khufu pyramid at ground level,” the ministry said in a statement. (more…)

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Visions From Venus

Venusian-higher-plane-mainThis is a fascinating story of a truly remarkable psychic memory of a Venusian that came to our world just before Atlantis sank beneath the ocean to assist with this transition.

Visions From Venus PDF Link

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Akhnaton Retrospective: The Science of the Aton (Atom)

Akhnaton-main-4-postThe Science of the Aton was the Science of the Atom as in the interdimensional physics presented in UN.AR.I.U.S.. This is the exact same science taught by Akhnaton but which was rejected and destroyed by the priesthood.

The “Sun Disc” represents the Infinite which in language of today represents the transmitter (Infinite Source) science-of-the-atoncontinuously transmitting everything into the Cosmos at all times. We are the receivers that are in harmony or in tune with this energy based on frequency as it is transmitting through space, time, infinity. This may represent part of the interpretation of the meaning of the sun disc.

The Science of the Aton was therefore never a religion that promoted any kind of worship – Jesus said the same, “Worship not as the heathen does on the street corners and synagogues.” He too brought the same Science in the form of parables. This too was also in opposition of the priesthood at the time and he was crucified.

Because the Science of the Aton was in direct opposition to the priests of Amun and threatened their control, Akhnaton was murdered and his image and works were nearly chiseled away from every stone monument in Egypt or outright destroyed. His followers like those of Jesus were hunted down, brutally murdered, and their images also desecrated or destroyed. (more…)

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Maldek And Malona: The Fall of Lucifer

Lucifer main“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (O day star), son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, everyone in his own house. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcass trodden under feet. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evil-doers shall never be renowned. Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 14:12-22).

The word Lucifer comes from a Latin word meaning, “Light-bringing”, a name sometimes given by poets to the Moon, or to the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star and to the day. In ancient times, this word was wrongly interpreted to mean Satan. (more…)

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How The Ancient Priesthood Fooled Their Followers With Machines

Ancient Magic: The Illusions Created in Temples by Amazing Inventions (To Fool The Gullible)

By Left: Marvelous altar, pictured in the book Left: Marvelous altar, pictured in the book “Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography. Right: A file image of an ancient lamp.

Imagine you’re in an ancient temple, dimly lit by rays of sunlight peaking in. A worshipper lights a fire on the altar, and steps back. A statue beside the altar begins to move! It pours libations to the god for whom the temple is built. A door behind the altar opens of it’s own accord, and the statue of that god appears.

But behind the mystique was the ingenuity of inventors, not the miracles of the gods. 

Inventor Heron of Alexandria (10–70 A.D.) described in “Pneumatics” how such devices worked. The statue stood on a pedestal connected to the altar by a tube. The tube extended from the altar, through the statue, and into a cup held by the statue. Water was poured into the pedestal through a hole that was then corked up. (more…)

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