Dawning Of The Light: Pharaoh Akhnaton – Part IV

King Tut on huntPharaoh “Ratut,” his queen, and their young friend and constant companion Rahotep, often went hunting in the Theban neighbourhood. In those days the great morass attracted and harboured large quantities of game. The marshes provided the boy king with all kinds of wildfowl. The desert afforded a varied field for the skill of the royal sportsman, who hunted in his chariot. Bulls, lions, gazelles, and hares were his favourite game.

One day in the spring of 1350 B.C., when Pharaoh was nineteen years of age, he was on a hunting trip with his devoted wife and Rahotep. He came in from the hunt, riding vigorously into camp in his chariot, which prominently displayed the royal golden solar-hawk on its poles. “Ratut’s” name was incorporated on the solar disc fixed on the head of the hawk. Since the Pharaohs were looked upon as the sun-god’s earthly representatives, it is obvious that this device symbolized Ratut’s “solar” (space) origin!

The young ruler had slain a lion this day, aided by his slughi hound, and he was excited; excited as any teenager would be over such a conquest. However, these hunting expeditions on the desert were not all that they appeared to be. It was partially for relaxation, true, but it was also to get away from teeming Thebes and be able to meet with certain visitors and officials without being under the suspicious eyes of the Amun priests! (more…)

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Dawning Of The Light: Pharaoh Akhnaton – Part III

Akhnaton-main-4-post“Pharaoh looked at his friends before him and said: “I have loved you, even as you have loved me. I go now to my Father Aton; my work is finished here in the land of Egypt. . . my heart has found peace, for, at last, the Solar Disc [Aton] is satisfied!” And Pharaoh died!

Later, gangs of workmen descended on the half empty Akhetaton. Wherever they found the name and features of Akhnaton and Nefretiti in tombs, temples, and private houses, they obliterated them. The Temple of Aton was thrown down and buried.

Akhnaton had written: “There shall be made for me a sepulchre in the Orient Mountain; my burial akhnaton-tomb-entrance-4-postshall be [made] therein in the multitude of jubilees which Aton my Father hath ordained for me; and the burial of the chief wife of the king, Nefretiti, shall be made therein in that multitude of years.. . [and the burial of] the king’s daughter Meritaton shall be made in it in that multitude of years.”

He gave orders that on his death he should be buried “in my sepulchre in the Eastern Mountain.” There is a great wadi which interrupts a line of cliffs and which leads to the solitary Royal Tomb. There is no inscription above the entrance. A sloping passage and a steep flight of steps lead to the burial pit where a sarcophagus once lay. Beyond is a hall with reliefs showing the royal family worshipping the Aton. Opening from the top of the stairs are smaller tomb chambers which were made for Princess Maketaton, the first of the seven daughters to die.

Historians believe that the body found in the so-called Tomb of Queen Tiyi in the Royal Valley at Thebes was that of Akhnaton. From inscriptional and physiological evidence it can be established that this body, which is that of a man of not more than thirty, is the body of Smenkhkare. (more…)

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Dawning Of The Light: Pharaoh Akhnaton – Part II

Akhnaton-main-4-post“As time went on in Akhetaton, more and more people came to love Akhnaton. The Amun priesthood realized that if they were ever to regain any power whatsoever, they would have to strike quickly. They bargained with General Horemheb, who was ruling as Governor of Memphis, because they needed the strength of the army to achieve their purpose.

In 1365 B.C. Akhnaton’s rule was strong because of the love of the people, but it was weak because of internal strife caused by the increasing power of Egypt’s enemies. Pharaoh refused to fight a war, “holy” or otherwise. Horemheb tried to convince Akhnaton that he should fight for the sake of Aton if nothing else. But he was told that Aton is not a god of war and does not want his children to kill one another. Horemheb agreed with the Amun priests: Akhnaton had to be eliminated if Egypt’s empire was to be saved. Another new threat were weapons of iron used by the Hittites. The Egyptian army only had spears and swords of copper.

Ay was the “Bearer of Pharaoh’s Crook” in Thebes and ruled it as governor. Ay was very concerned over the state of affairs— the growing tension, and Horemheb’s obvious pact with Amunism. But the priests did not want to put a cheese-maker’s son on the proudest throne in the world. They hoped the surviving Amunhoteps could be persuaded to act as figure-heads for the priesthood. They knew the people would accept those of royal blood; but a cheese-maker’s son for Pharaoh—never! (more…)

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Dawning Of The Light: Pharaoh Akhnaton

Akhnaton-main-4-postThe Eighteenth Dynasty, Egypt’s Imperial Age, had begun with Ahmose I, a Theban princeling. Thutmose III had salvaged the great treasures of Solomon’s Temple in Israel. Now, the heart of all mankind was ready to receive the WORD as it dawned in Egypt as the blazing ATON. Aton’s servant on earth was to be Amunhotep IV, known to the world as Akhnaton, the “heretic” Pharaoh.

Amunhotep II ascended the throne in 1447 B.C. and died in 1420 B.C. His son, Thutmose IV, succeeded him in 1420 B.C., and ruled until 1412 B.C. This Thutmose and a Mitannian princess were the parents of Amunhotep III (“The Magnificent”). Amunhotep II (the Pharaoh who was buried with his famous bow which no other man was strong enough to use) was the grandfather of Amunhotep III.

After the seventh year of his reign (1405 B.C.), “The Magnificent” never again led his armies out of Thebes, but spent the rest of his life living in peace in his capital with his chief wife, the Great Royal Wife, Queen Tiyi. Tiyi was the uncultured, outspoken daughter of a commoner from Lower Egypt, but she had caught the fancy of young Amunhotep III and he loved her more than any other woman. Over the advice of his mentors, he made her the greatest and most powerful woman in Egypt. (more…)

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Sleeping Giants In Stasis Chambers Ready To Awaken – Part II

sleeping-giant-main-4-post-2The Moderator spoke about this similar situation in Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation. Here is the excerpt from the Question and Answer section on Healing – Lesson 12:

“Q – Referring to another subject—about the hundred priests who lie in suspended animation, are they supposed to come back in some of these future generations which will be soon or will that be a long time in the future? Will it be quite phenomenal or how?

A – Primarily, I suppose that was one of the ways in which they hoped to perpetuate into a future day, the general idea of man in his triumph over flesh, the earth and time. Now whether that will be brought into a sudden and dramatic conclusion or gradually, from what I have picked up from spirit, it could be done very dramatically and at such a time when it would mean the most to the largest number of people in dramatizing the supremacy of spirit over the so-called mortal flesh or death. So far as these 100 priests are concerned, Brunton carries that story in his book, “The Search of Secret Egypt”, and in other places the Rosicrucians portray that story. These priests incidentally, have been walking up and down the pathways of the earth since that time and I know personally one woman who has seen one of them and talked to him and I know the man’s name. I speak to them in spirit. But you see, little sister, when you get into a position where you begin to realize these things in a spiritual way, they will never become supernatural or supernormal to you again. They are only miraculous or supernatural to you because you do not understand how they work, how they are and what is behind them.

The most natural thing in the world is the inclusion of the spiritual self and working with the spiritual self. (more…)

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Atlantis Discovered in the Bermuda Triangle {UPDATE}

The Sunken City Features Giant Pyramids and Sphinxes

by HumansAreFree

I. The report

Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean.

The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.

According to a report by Arclein of Terra Forming Terra, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend.

The disaster may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic icecap catastrophically melted it caused sea levels to rise quickly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere. Coast lines changed; land was lost; islands (even island continents) disappeared. (more…)

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10 Mysteries That Hint At Forgotten Advanced Civilization

archaeology-main-4-postby Hestie Barnard Gerber

Prehistory literally means the time “before we had written records” (roughly the time before the 4th Century BC) and ancient history is the time since our recorded history. Our concept of ancient history was originally firmly determined by the bible. Written from an insular point of view, the histories of some ancient cultures were distorted, badly neglected or even omitted. The existence of inexplicable monuments, certain man-made marvels and archaeological finds pertaining to our ancient- and prehistory, are leading more and more archaeologists to believe long forgotten advanced civilizations existed. As most of our ancient records were lost during the destruction of the great libraries, the following genuine mysteries are the only remnants of their existence. (more…)

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Exploring The Inner Teaching Centers Of Parhelion

Celestial-Temple“Greetings, loved ones. I am speaking to you for the first time and using the transmissionGamaliel-4-post of the human vocal chords after some great period of time. I am known, and if I do not have too much difficulty with my earth brother’s vocal chords, as Gamaliel. I was immediately preceded by my very worthy leader and colleague, Maha Chohan, who is the present presiding ruler or officer over this section of Parhelion, as he explained to you something of the concepts of reincarnation as they have appeared in the more spiritual concepts of the earth plane for some time to come. The past histories of your earth deal rather loosely and largely with the different concepts and translations, some of which are not quite factual. Other concepts are more relative, so it is our purpose to simplify and clear away some of the cobwebs of mystery and disillusion which are attached to these innumerable translations and concepts.

I believe Maha Chohan explained to you that there have appeared in your earth plane in the past several thousand years seven Messiahs or Buddhas, as they have been loosely called. We refer to Horus who was the immaculate conception, of Osiris, to the Jesus, to the Krishna, to the Shankara, and to one who was also known as Buddha in the northern China and Japanese areas. I believe that is seven, is it not? My pardon, I did not include him who you call the great Manu who was also known by another name in another civilization which antidated any of your present earth books, one which was referred to you which existed in the northern Tibetan or southern Mongolian area something like a half million years ago. However, such as these Messiahs or Buddhas have been, they have been working out through the countless ages of time their own destinies, their own reincarnations upon the pathway of truth so they might in the end evolve into such leadership of the Shamballas as they are now expressing. (more…)

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Chronicles of Atlantis

Atlantis-Sunken-Cityby Physics 4 You

The highly influential ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias.” In these dialogues it was told by the character Critias that his grandfather heard about the story of Atlantis hundred years ago from Solon, a well-known Athenian poet and politician. Solon heard about the story during his stay in Egypt in 565 BCE. The story tells us that before the advanced Greek civilization, there once was another highly advanced civilization called “Atlantis”, and was an island nation. Plato’s account is regarded by many as the most credible account of a possible ancient lost civilization.

Plato stated that the island of Atlantis was situated beyond these “Pillars of Hercules”; the Atlantic Ocean. For generations its people lived virtuous lives until greed and power began to corrupt them. Its final destruction happened some 9,500 years ago; In a single day and night, the land of Atlantis disappeared in the depths of the sea due to violent earthquakes and floods.  Many scholars today believe Plato’s story about Atlantis was a fictional account, a possible metaphor, for the reason that there is no known land or civilization which fits it’s descriptions, however Plato himself did imply in his own story, even multiple times, that it once really existed.

In “Timaeus and Critias”, Plato wrote that Atlantis was founded by Poseidon: known as “the god of the sea”, who according to the myths fell in love with a mortal woman named Cleito. Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys, and the domain was divided amongst them. The eldest, named Atlas, became the first king of Atlantis. Poseidon had his own temple within the citadel of Atlantis City. Its exterior was entirely covered with silver and its pinnacles with gold, and the interior of the temple was of ivory, gold, silver, and orichalch, even to the pillars and floor. The temple contained a colossal statue of Poseidon standing in a chariot drawn by six winged horses, about him a hundred Nereids riding on dolphins. Arranged outside the building were golden statues of the first ten kings and their wives. (more…)

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Chronicles of Lemuria by James Churchward

newspaper-clipping-of-churchwards-scrap-bookby Heart of Maui                    Newspaper Clipping of A Churchward’s Scrapbook Page On Mu

The Hawaiian Islands and Pacific Islands are the remaining mountain peaks of the lost continent. One of the most prominent researchers on Lemuria, James Churchward, in books such as The Lost churchwardContinent of Mu (1931), wrote that the Motherland stretched from the Hawaiian Islands to Fiji and from Easter Island to the Marianas. He considered the Nan Modal site on Pohnpei Island one of the seven sacred cities of Mu. Today its ruins sit on a swampy lagoon filled with mangrove trees. Rising about 30 feet in height, black volcanic stones weighing tons are stacked crisscross like a child’s frontier fort. Reportedly Lemuria or Mu – was about 5,000 miles long, 3,000 miles wide, a tropical paradise like the Garden of Eden. By studying various ancient texts Dr-Cabrera-With-Ancient-Stone-MapsChurchward discovered the existence of a long lost continent with an advanced civilization that 60,000 years ago had sunk below the Pacific Ocean after a cataclysmic earthquake. He believes 64 million died when it sank beneath the ocean.

Detailed maps of the lost continents Mu and Atlantis were found on stone tablets from Pre-Inca, Peru, by Dr. Javier Cabrera, engraved in stone and photographed by Robert Charroux. United Nations diplomat Farida Iskoviet, came to Maui in 1972 and researched Lemurian ruins and history and concluded that they were real. One of Hawaii’s leading authorities on Lemurian research was Sgt. Williard Wannall from Army Intelligence in Oahu. In a Top Secret project in Naval Intelligence in 1972 he reported that ruins of a submerged Lemurian city are between Maui and Oahu. (more…)

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Questions And Answers Regarding the Pyramids

Pyramids-4-postQ – Regarding the pyramids in the Gobi Desert, were they built at the time of the Shamballas or since, as a result of that? The world seems to know very little of these things?

A – The large pyramid in China—the one to which you refer, the father of the other four or five, but the largest one in particular—was built about 150,000 years ago and was built under the direction of the Lemurian Masters who were, at that time, functioning from the continent of Lemuria in the middle of the Pacific, which was since sunk. That sank about 100,000 years ago with the conjunction of a nova, a free flying nova or star that exploded and hurled part of it past our solar system; that is all described in the book of Mars. That pyramid that these Lemurian Masters built became the father of all pyramids. The one in Giza was built about 82,000 years ago.

Q – There were also supposed to have been built, great pyramids on the North American continent during the glacial period, were there not?

A – Yes, indeed, for if we are to believe even a small part of these experiences—such as Joseph Smith, for instance, in digging up the gold plates in the Hill of Comora in New York state, the various mounds and various other edifices that have been left behind as earmarks-they might be evidences of that ground-up pile of stone which was once a pyramid. (more…)

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Japanese Race Descendants of Martians?

ancient-structure-in-japan-similar-to-structure-on-marsAncient Structure In Japan Similar To Structure On Mars

Kofun are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan, constructed between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century AD.

They gave their name to the Kofun period (middle 3rd century to early-middle 6th century). Many of the Kofun have distinctive keyhole-shaped mounds (zenpo-koenfun (前方後円墳?)), which are unique to ancient Japan. – Wikipedia.

The structure we see in Japan is unique, sharp edges and unique patterns define this incredible construction built in ancient Japan. But is there something more to this construction? Is there a small possibility that the structure found in Japan has a mysterious connection, a otherworldly connection perhaps? We believe the answer is Yes. (more…)

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Remote Viewing Atlantis

atlantis-destruction-4-postby Courtney Brown

Not long ago, a technologically advanced human civilization thrived on Earth. This was Atlantis, the real Atlantis, not a mythological story. Here—documented for the first time with new scientific data—is the true story of their demise. They were not undone because of a natural cataclysm. Rather, through the reckless misuse of their own science, they destroyed their civilization. Atlantis: The True StoryOnly a few thousand people survived, and everyone on Earth today is related to that same small group of survivors.This is a breakthrough scientific study that combines the use of remote viewing, U.S. government originating underwater imaging data, a touch of genetic knowledge, and a hefty amount of open-minded thinking. Remote viewing is a mental procedure that was originally developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes. Now, civilians employ the same methods, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies, to study human history. Using remote-viewing data collected by two of the most accomplished “military grade” remote viewers of the day, the true story of what happened when Atlantis collapsed is told with striking detail and clarity.Forget what you learned in school about human civilization being a recent phenomenon. All that you see today, all the wonders of human achievement, have all been done before. And it all ended very badly.This time, we need to learn from our past mistakes. We humans have a complicated history on this planet. We need to discover that history, not censor it, if we are to be a species with a destiny. Let us begin that process of discovery here, today, now. (more…)

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Atlantean Civilization Part I

Atlantis-mainAmid The Pyramids
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I

Part One

October 7, 1969 — “During the last hundred years or so, peoples of the western hemisphere have been tremendously interested and intrigued by the lore of Ancient Egypt, as it was unearthed and apparently translated by the efforts of archaeologists. By far, however, the most important aspects in this Egyptology have not been recognized and, in particular, the significance of certain connections which this Egyptology had, in a historical sense, with the much older and long-ago defunct civilization of Atlantis.

In particular, the Egyptian pyramids, a subject of great mystery and intense controversy, even to the exploration of the giant pyramid of Gizeh (Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops at Gizeh) with cosmic ray apparatus in an attempt to divulge certain supposed unknown inner chambers. Like almost all other pyramids-power-plantearth world ethnic cultures, religions, occultisms and even superstitions, the Egyptian pyramid is actually a vestigial remnant, a degenerate form done in stone, of what was once actually a great electronic instrument, designed and constructed by master scientists from another world and placed on an Atlantean plain for the purposes of generating unlimited power derived from the interdimensional cosmos.

As it existed on the Atlantean Plain some 15,000 B.C., it was constructed of metals, not stone. The geometrical configuration of the pyramids was purposefully placed in relationship to north and south magnetic poles and with the four sides representing maximum surface interception. On the metallic surface of this pyramid were placed millions of small cells whose purpose was to absorb cosmic energies and convert them into electrical energy which could turn certain kinds of electrical motors coupled to huge generators. (more…)

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Historical Background of Chinese Culture by Lao-tse

chinese-city-main“This is your most humble and obedient servant, Lao-tse. I have had the great honor conferred upon me of conducting you on your next tour through Aureleus so we shall begin immediately in the lao-tsesection of this great teaching center which has been devoted to the philosophical expressions of Chinese culture, both ancient and more modern. As you will see stretching out before you something which seems to resemble a vast and beautiful Chinese city except that unlike the earth cities, as it is constructed of the same beautiful crystal energies, that it is glowing and pulsating with all of the colors of the rainbow. As we wander down this fair avenue, you will see on either side a vast assortment of Chinese temples, pagodas, beautiful gardens, fountains and arched bridges across the many streams and lakes. These are all of the ancient and more modern Chinese architecture. While these structures here relate more to the actual teaching activities of the Chinese philosophical cultures, yet you will find on the outside of this teaching center another section of Aureleus which also was of the Chinese culture wherein lived many of the old sages and Chinese exponents of philosophy.

It is somewhat with sadness that I am entering into these discussions as I have looked into the earth China and have seen the great disseminations that have been wrought by the pagan gods of communism. the ancient temples have been desecrated and turned into brothels of iniquity. The C-Kamakura-4-postChinese people themselves are sorely troubled and perplexed. They cannot easily accept a new ideology which is foreign to their nature after living for so many thousands of years with their old gods and beliefs and expressions of the ancient Chinese philosophies.

As you look about you, you see before you some of the great temples, huge and immense statues, several of which look like the Buddha statues of Kamakura in Japan or that they may represent other statues of Buddha as he existed in the various histories and temples of china. So let us pause a moment here and look about us and reflect into the wonders and beauties of man’s spiritual nature. (more…)

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