Amid The Pyramids
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium I
Part One
October 7, 1969 — “During the last hundred years or so, peoples of the western hemisphere have been tremendously interested and intrigued by the lore of Ancient Egypt, as it was unearthed and apparently translated by the efforts of archaeologists. By far, however, the most important aspects in this Egyptology have not been recognized and, in particular, the significance of certain connections which this Egyptology had, in a historical sense, with the much older and long-ago defunct civilization of Atlantis.
In particular, the Egyptian pyramids, a subject of great mystery and intense controversy, even to the exploration of the giant pyramid of Gizeh (Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops at Gizeh) with cosmic ray apparatus in an attempt to divulge certain supposed unknown inner chambers. Like almost all other earth world ethnic cultures, religions, occultisms and even superstitions, the Egyptian pyramid is actually a vestigial remnant, a degenerate form done in stone, of what was once actually a great electronic instrument, designed and constructed by master scientists from another world and placed on an Atlantean plain for the purposes of generating unlimited power derived from the interdimensional cosmos.
As it existed on the Atlantean Plain some 15,000 B.C., it was constructed of metals, not stone. The geometrical configuration of the pyramids was purposefully placed in relationship to north and south magnetic poles and with the four sides representing maximum surface interception. On the metallic surface of this pyramid were placed millions of small cells whose purpose was to absorb cosmic energies and convert them into electrical energy which could turn certain kinds of electrical motors coupled to huge generators. (more…)