The Lemurian Continuity

Lemuria-main“To the best accounts and records and to the knowledge that has been given, the destruction to Atlantis occurred about 25,000 years ago. Since that time other civilizations have risen and fallen. From the time of Osiris more than 12,000 years ago, Egypt was, at that time, in the height of its ascendency and was a brilliant and luminous star in the historical firmament of the planet Earth. Gradually, too, Egypt deteriorated. The dark-skinned snake cultists again succeeded in robbing the power from the Egyptian priesthood and instilled in its place a warped distorted concept of black magic wherein animals were worshipped instead of Amen-Ra or the sun, the one god monotheistic religion which had existed in Atlantis and in the time of Osiris.

To those who know something of these histories and that in the time of Osiris, Egypt too had the Isis-Osiris-Horusstory of the Immaculate Conception and that Horus, the son of Osiris, was borne by mother earth, or Isis, through immaculate conception. In those ancient days, immaculate conception happened quite frequently and to almost all of the men who came as Avatars or Savants to teach a better way of life and that with the passing of these men, they became linked in a historical way with the immaculate conception. Zoroaster, who laid down a great religion in ancient Persia and Arabia, also was believed to have had an immaculate conception which was witnessed by shepherds as he was born in a hillside but under almost identical conditions which were given in our present-day Biblical version of the birth of Jesus in the New Testament. Actually, a Catholic Pope borrowed this story. (more…)

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3 ‘Modern’ Inventions That Existed Millions of Years Ago

Astronomer-Courtesyru-mainA figure engraved on a stone believed to be as old as 65 million years holds a telescope, an invention believed to be created in 1609 by Galileo. (Courtesy of Eugenia Cabrera/Museo Cabrera)

By , Epoch Times

Evidence exists pointing to prehistoric civilizations as advanced as our modern civilization—or perhaps more advanced.

Such evidence could turn our scientific certainties upside down. It wouldn’t be the first time—the history of science proves, after all, that science has been grossly wrong on countless occasions.

Paradigm shifts are ushered in amid abundant controversy. The following discoveries have been contested, but some scientists have maintained that they constitute indisputable evidence that tens of thousands, or even many millions of years ago, humans walked the earth with as much knowledge and culture as today’s people. (more…)

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Mysteries That Rewrite Human History

Flickr - sphynx - ALHanouf _ PhotographyAlec Cope, Collective-Evolution
Waking Times

History is written by the victors.” – Winston Churchill

History is a wonderful and sometimes crucial aspect of reality that can give us key insight into where we have been -and where we are going.

Throughout the ages, time and time again; humans have been lied to.

Whether it be aristocracy, royalty, oppressive regimes or a slew of other tyrants humans have been fed time and time again fabricated lies to suit the agenda of these parties.

But is that period truly over? (more…)

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Origin of the Aryans


“In previous transmissions, Mme. Blavatsky and several others dealt very specifically, I believe with the conception of the Shamballas onto the planet earth at a period about a million years ago, and with the influx of the Aryan race (at something over six or eight hundred thousand years ago), which propagated aryan-peoplethe seven basic root race structures, as they exist and will exist on the earth in a future day. I might say, incidentally, to those who doubt and would like verification of these truths, that they might go to Cashmere or Pakistan, and there in these northern provinces on the western side of Tibet, they will see tall beautifully-formed people with very light textured skins, with blue eyes and blond hair; and their mingling with the darker races from the more southern countries might be very puzzling. It was these pure Aryans who passed through Siberia, as it is now called, and into the Nordic countries of Scandinavia and England, and became known as the Teutons, the Norsemen, and the various other segments of the countries as they exist in your time. I might also point out that the original concepts of Druidism, as they were contained in the Celtic, the Pict, and the Gallic religions, were further evolutions from the original Aryan or the Vedic sciences. (more…)

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A True History of Ancient Civilizations Part I

earth-from-space-saucer“About 500,000 years ago, the people of Mars were commuting regularly to the earth by spacecraft. They had established a colony on the southern edge of what is now called the Gobi desert at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. They were however set upon from time to time by savage bands of native earthmen who roamed about the earth at that time. In the last of these forays, a large group of Martians barely escaped with their lives into the nearby hills where they remained hidden and lost to their countrymen who finally abandoned the idea of colonization on the earth. They were a peace loving people and although they had weapons at their disposal that would have annihilated these savage earthmen, yet they refused to use them; and so the earth swung in its orbit, unattended for several hundred thousand years until the coming of the Lemurians from the planet Lemuria which is about 700 light years (figured in our planetary system of light measurement) away from our solar system. You may wonder how these men traversed this vast distance without consuming the best part of their lives. It was through the principle of change of frequency relationship which enabled the spacecraft to travel through innerspace at speeds approximately ten times that of your known speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Therefore the distance from Lemuria to our solar system could be traversed in a very small fraction of the time which you might assume would normally be necessary; in other words, about 5 or 6 years. During this journey the ship was flown and controlled by a robot calculator. The eleven who occupied the ship remained in a state of suspended animation, something like a cataleptic hypnotic trance. (more…)

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A True History of Ancient Civilizations Part II

“Greetings to the people of the earth and to you personally. Welcome back to Aureleus, and do not be Plutarch-statuetoo surprised at finding yourself standing in a section of this great city, which for a moment appears to you to be something like the section of the Egyptian architecture and civilization which you previously visited. Until your eyes become more accustomed to what is round you, I shall first identify myself as an individual who lived on the earth in the Grecian or Hellenic era, and served humanity as an historian, identified at that time by the name of Plutarch. Therefore, I have been most happy to accept the commission of conducting you on your next tour into this section of the great city. It has been purposely saved for one of the last portions of this transmission; and we wish to thank you one and all for being so patient with us while we gave the various transmission from the different scientists and philosophers who have lived on your earth at different times. It is most necessary that you clearly evaluate and place within your minds the proper concepts of your relationship to these higher dimensions. Now that you are becoming more accustomed to the brilliance and to the beauty about you, we shall go more into the actual investigation of these beautiful surroundings.

As you see, you are seated in a beautiful tropical garden, and before you appears to be a huge Egyptian temple. Although similar, there are some differences, however, which you will notice in Egyptian-Temple-5the construction between these and the Egyptian temples. These great temples and buildings and pavements and all which you see about you are factual presentations of the buildings which are now, and have been in existence in your own Western Hemisphere. I am referring to the land which lies between the Mexican border of your United States and the southern dimensions of Peru and Ecuador, in South America, particularly in the area around Mexico City and in the Yucatan Peninsula. There you will find today the remnants of a vast and beautiful civilization, that is equalled only by the Egyptian or by some of the civilizations which existed in India. (more…)

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Ancient Sunken Cities


Ancient Sunken Cities – 3 Puzzling Enigmas

Terence NewtonStaff Writer
Waking Times

Is the truth of human history concealed and buried beneath the oceans? Hundreds of sunken cities adorn the ocean floors of our planet, and dozens of them are believed to be more than 3 millennia old. Although most people are only familiar with the myth of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, sunken ruins of ancient civilizations are as real as the Egyptian pyramids and can offer us many clues about the history of humanity.

Researchers believe that most sunken civilizations were submerged by the end of the last Ice Age about 9,000 to 10,000 years ago, as the massive ice caps covering much of Europe and North America melted. There are also sunken archaeological sites which are believed to have fallen due to seismic activity, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruption.

What makes the following three sites interesting is that they all date back to a time when we have been taught to believe that humans only lived as nomads or in small settlements and were incapable of organizing a large-scale, civilized society. Although some skeptics may continue to argue that structures at these sites were made by nature, many historians and archaeologists are starting to question the mainstream view of ancient human history and continue to seek proof that support their alternative theories that these were man-made, pre-historic civilizations. (more…)

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