Atlantean Visions

Atlantean-Visions-main-4-postby Temple Of Peace

Although I – and many of my fellow colleagues and researchers – have managed to obtain a tremendous amount of useful information about both Atlantis and ancient Egypt through being able to regress a large number of people back to their past Atlantean and Egyptian incarnations, we are also indebted to some very gifted mediums and ‘sensitives’ who have provided us with a tremendous amount of invaluable data.

I think that it must be very significant – and adds great weight to the evidence of our ‘discoveries’ about Atlantis – that the vast majority of information available to us through regression, ‘channeling’ and other esoteric sources paints roughly the same kind of visual picture and uses very similar terminology. (more…)

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Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Part III

Wisdom-Of-The-Ancients-Part-III-main-2-postby Hilton Hotema

**Cave Man**

When the curtain of history first rises, it appears that Europe was inhabited by the Cave Man. That period of time is called the “Stone Age.”

This is the creature that physical science pictures in its theory of Evolution to make that theory appear more plausible. If we ascended from that Cave Man, then it is easier to make us believe that he ascended from the ape.

The Evolutionists have been careful not to tell us that this European Cave Man was the remnant of an ancient race, wandering away from his native home. meeting adverse conditions and reverses that forced him to become what he became. Of his past nothing appears to be known, and little is known of his Stone Age days. (more…)

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Free Energy From The Nano World


“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ― Nikola Tesla

Free Energy From The Nano World – Part I

“Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.” ― Nikola Tesla


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Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Part II

Wisdom-Of-The-Ancients-Part-II-main-4-postby Hilton Hotema

** Ancient Americans **

Anyone who dared suggest, fifty years ago, that man inhabited the New World before the Glacial Period, or that he roamed our plains, mountains and forests ten or twenty thousand years ago, would have been considered a fool.

Today there is proof that man not only dwelt in the New World during the Pleistocene period, previous to the Glacial, but that this man was the equal in skill and intelligence, if not the superior, of men in the Old World at the same time.

In various regions in this country, human artifacts have been found associated with the skeletons of known Pleistocene-period animals. (more…)

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Wisdom Of The Ancients

Wisdom-Of-The-Ancients-main-4-postby Hilton Hotema

Man longs for eternal life. He has spent billions of dollars to cover the earth with temples and churches in which he seeks to learn the mystery of Life.

In these places of worship, man has had millions of sermons shouted at him to have faith. He has read books on why he should have faith. All of them tried to argue him into a belief in Immortality. But not a preacher nor an author cited any LAW to support their arguments.

If immortality is a fact, it must be the work of Universal Law; for everything, every condition, every action, are subject to Universal Law. (more…)

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Pathways In History

Pathways-In-History-main-4-postby George Hunt Williamson

The destruction of Lemuria did not take place in a single day or even a year. It covered a period of several thousand years; for the beginning of Mu goes back some two hundred thousand years. But the final catastrophe which caused the submergence of nearly all of Lemuria occurred about twelve thousand years ago. The only land left above ground was part of California, Arizona, and other parts of the American South West; Australia, and Easter Island.

Easter Island is the strange island in the south Pacific that contains monoliths and mysterious stone figures which science is at a loss to explain. The native population, which is very small, claim they know nothing of these figures. They are so huge and their construction so unique they could not have been made by savage, uncultured people. Easter Island is all that is left above water of a great Lemurian Holy Mountain—and the colossal figures belong to the culture of lost Mu. (more…)

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Tartaria – Nothing Is As It Seems


Stolen History Part I – Lifting The Veil Of Deception

What do we really know about our past? Are we suffering from a collective memory loss?

Who are we really? And where do we come from?

Was there a technically advanced unified civilization on our planet less then 500 years ago?

Are star citites one of the markers of this civilization?

Was there a reset that destroyed large parts of our past, our knowledge and culture?


It is time for us to remember again and lift the veil of deception. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, True History of Manwith 2 comments.

Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays (Lemuria) ~ Part III

Brotherhood-Of-The-Seven-Rays-Part-III-main-4-postby Brother Philip

We have already spoken of the legacy for man hidden in the South American jungles that is beyond his wildest imagination. In ancient record chambers scientific knowledge will be found and utilized in the New Age, secrets of a very remote past will be the incentive for magnificent development in a newer world. The cities of the fabulous Amazonian Empire, which antedated other world civilizations, belong to another Lost Continent but, unlike Atlantis and Mu, this Continent is not buried under any ocean, but instead, it is buried behind miles of Green Hell that constitute the South American jungles. These cities have never been under water; their records therefore are well preserved in their final resting places in the vast libraries of forgotten Paititi. Countless treasures were brought to Paititi by informed priest-scientists when it was known that both Lemuria and Atlantis were definitely doomed to oblivion. What an inheritance will be found in areas where now only the sound of the monkey and the call of the bird are known–the combined knowledge of the three greatest empires the world has ever known. (more…)

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The Home Of The Gods

The-Home-Of-The-Gods-main-2-postby Lobsang Rampa

Flying saucers? Of course there are flying saucers. I have seen many both in the sky and on the ground, and I have even been for a trip in one.

Tibet is the most convenient country of all for flying saucers. It is remote from the bustle of the everyday world, and is peopled by those who place religion and scientific concepts before material gain. Throughout the centuries the people of Tibet have known the truth about flying saucers, what they are, why they are, how they work, and the purpose behind it all. We know of the flying saucer people as the gods in the sky in their fiery chariots. But let me relate an incident which certainly has never been told before in any country outside of Tibet, and which is utterly true. (more…)

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Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays (Lemuria) ~ Part II

Brotherhood-Of-The-Seven-Rays-Part-II-main-4-postby Brother Philip

The Elder Race

If we are really to understand the meaning behind the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and the Golden Sun Disc of Mu we must go back in time on Earth to one billion years ago. After the Earth planet had cooled, and was ready for inhabitants, a race arrived from out of space that was not human, but was of the race of original true man. They were called Cyclopeans, and are known in the secret, arcane knowledge as the ‘L’ Race or simply, the ‘Els.’ Before coming to the Earth planet they traversed space following all the great cycles of Time; they were Titans who rode the starways (and they still do in another dimension of Time and Space) and sought always the best pastures of space for their flock. They were the first life upon the Earth and are the Immortals of our legends, the God Race or Elder Race that preceded man. (more…)

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Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays (Lemuria)

Brotherhood-Of-The-Seven-Rays-main-2-postby Brother Philip

The Origin of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays

Lemuria is the name for the last part of the great Pacific continent of Mu. The actual destruction of Mu and its submergence began before 30,000 B.C. This action continued for many thousands of years until the final portion of old Mu known as Lemuria was also submerged in a series of new disasters that were terminated between 10,000 and 12,000 B.C. This occurred just prior to the destruction of Poseidonis, the last remnant of the Atlantic continent, Atlantis. Lord Aramu-Muru (God Meru) was one of the great Lemurian sages and the Keeper of the Scrolls during the last days of doomed Mu.

It was well known to the Masters of Lemuria that a final catastrophe would cause gigantic tidal waves to take the last of their land down into the angry sea and oblivion. Those working on the Left Hand Path continued diabolic experiments and heeded not “the handwriting on the wall,” just as today, on Earth, millions of inhabitants are continuing to “eat, drink, and be merry,” even though the signs of the times are clearly discerned by the true people of the Infinite Father. (more…)

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Atlantis And Crystals ~ Part III

Atlantis-And-Crystals-Part-III-main-4-postby author unknown

The Second Moon Of Atlantis

That which was known as the ‘Second Moon of Atlantis’, the Crystalline Poser Grids and Fire Crystals came under governmental control, and their usage became altered as the Aryan insider knowledge of the programming grew. The Atla-Ra were able to defer the usage initially for war purposes, but in time were stymied.

Now as we have mentioned earlier, that termed the Second Moon of Atlantis, was in fact a massive crystalline satellite. It was of Arcturian construct and managed by the Priest Scientists of the Law of One. The Crystalline Satellite was an enormous unmanned sphere of brilliant engineering, approximately five miles in diameter. It had been in use since the Golden Age of Atlantis, and served myriad benevolent purposes. It amplified and controlled the various crystal beams sent from the Fire, Healing and Energy Crystals. It was somewhat of a computerized macro-chip that refracted, amplified and reflected powerfully refined beams of energy for use in agriculture, weather control, tide control, healing temples, regeneration temples and the enhanced Ley-energy systems generated by the Crystal Poser System. It loomed in the skies over Atlantis and appeared as a golden “Harvest Moon”, and thus was known as the “Second Moon” of Atlantis. A rainbow kaleidoscopic energy band of antigravity plasma swirled around the sphere, and often appeared as what you now term the Aurora or Northern Lights. The Satellite Crystal Moon did not orbit the Earth, it moved as programmed, self-directed, constantly shifting locations in order to perform its myriad tasks over Atlantis, Africa and the eastern seaboard of Brazil. (more…)

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Atlantis And Crystals ~ Part II

Atlantis-And-Crystals-Part-II-main-2-postby author unknown

Poseida And The Atla-Ra

A highly disciplined and evolved sect of Scientist Priests held the technical wisdom and expertise of managing the Crystal power grids. The vast majority of Atla-Ra were of the tall Golden Race, but there were also members from the Bronze, White, Lemurian-brown and Cetacean Races. At that time there were still Avatar level Cetacean Dolphin Beings that walked on two legs. These highly benevolent Dolphins verbally communicated and breathed air in a similar fashion to Humankind. The Avatar Cetacean were Golden in auric projection, and are the source of those termed the ‘Golden Dolphin’. The Golden Dolphin were harbingers of the aspect termed Matriarchal, an energy that you term Feminine Divine, although they were primarily non-gendered in the physical sexual sense of the present paradigm.

The sect of Scientist Priests were referred to as the Atla-Ra. The Atla-Ra maintained the highest standards of consciousness and were able to continue vibrating at very high frequencies of consciousness, at and above the level of 12th Dimensional Light & Energy, remaining very pure and resonant with the true ‘Oneness’ concept of the Creator/God. They sustained higher dimensional-telepathic contact with the advanced Space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius. (more…)

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Atlantis And Crystals

Atlantis-And-Crystals-main-2-postby author unknown

Theories about Atlantis mention the extensive use of crystals by Atlanteans. Crystals varied in size, color, and harmonic frequencies. Crystals follow harmonic frequencies and could be used with an instrument that looks like a tuning fork.

Atlanteans allegedly harnessed the energies of the pyramids, using harmonics linked to crystals to that end. As we have the Great Pyramid at the center of the planet linked to the grid matrix that creates our reality, so, too, did the Atlanteans. Their pyramid allegedly sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which is a metaphor about returning to the collective unconsciousness or source of creation. Reality is a Consciousness Hologram. (more…)

Posted in Atlantis, Other Topics, True History of Manwith 1 comment.

Vestiges Of The Mayas

Vestiges-Of-The-Mayas-main-4-postby Augustus LePlongeon

Yucatan is the peninsula which divides the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea. It is comprised between the 17° 30´ and 21° 50´, of latitude north, and the 88° and 91° of longitude west from the Greenwich meridian.

The whole peninsula is of fossiferous limestone formation. Elevated a few feet only above the sea, on the coasts, it gradually raises toward the interior, to a maximum height of above 70 feet. A bird’s-eye view, from a lofty building, impresses the beholder with the idea that he is looking on an immense sea of verdure, having the horizon for boundary; without a hill, not even a hillock, to break the monotony of the landscape. Here and there clusters of palm trees, or artificial mounds, covered with shrubs, loom above the green dead-level as islets, over that expanse of green foliage, affording a momentary relief to the eyes growing tired of so much sameness. (more…)

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