More On Tartaria: A Missing Legacy – Part II
by James W. Lee
Once upon a time there was a highly advanced civilization today known as Great Tartaria. She was disappeared from our history books less than a century ago. However its vestiges are still everywhere. This civilization dominated technologies more advanced than the present ones. Its geopolymer concrete was eternal and grew stronger over time. Its gigantic iron and glass structures, surmounted by domes and metal needles, were present on every continent. Associated with mercury, they distributed free atmospheric energy to everyone. Its towers and railway stations are still in operation. Unfortunately, the technology of free energy from the Aether was destroyed and “imprisoned” and old technology reintroduced, like cables and wires to distribute energy and make handsome profits. You could travel by boat, car or plane for free by simply accessing Natures magnetrical energy that is omnipresent and we have not been ‘allowed’ this free energy to all due to our capitalist capitalizing system of greed and domination by those in power even to this day. So, for over 100 hundred years we have been denied a benevolent system of free energy to all. (more…)
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Secrets Of The Shamans ~ Part II
by Vincent H. Gaddis
In many tribes the medicine men are specialists. One may devote his attention to influencing the weather, another to healing, and still another to assuring victory in battle. With the invasion of the Europeans, a new kind of shaman appeared. His duty was to endeavor to bulletproof the warriors.
Two of the most famous of the bullet-proofers were Chips, the Sioux shaman, and Ice, of the Cheyennes. Chips was known as the Stone Dreamer because he sought his magical powers from stones. His visions and dreams, brought about by fasting and meditations, involved the earth-power inherent in rocks and stones. The stone represented strength and solidity. Many a warrior carried a small pebble given to him by Chips as he went into battle. (more…)
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Secrets Of The Shamans ~ Part I
by Vincent H. Gaddis
During the winter of 1866 a group of Sioux camped in the Powder River country, near Piney Creek in Wyoming. Food was low, and the tribesmen tramped through the deep snow in a desperate attempt to find game. After a disappointing hunt they returned to the camp, but many of them were snow blind, unable to see from having looked too long at the glare of sunlight on the snow.
The blind men were taken to a medicine man who had learned healing through dreams and visions. The shaman placed snow over the eyes of the afflicted men, then he sang a song he said he had learned in a dream. Next, he placed snow in his mouth and blew some of the flakes upon the heads of the men. Immediately their blindness went away. Snow blindness is usually temporary, but severe cases can last a considerable time, and sight returns gradually. (more…)
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Pyramid Power
by Patrick Flanagan
The Pyramid of Gizeh is the world’s largest jigsaw puzzle.
It is level over a thirteen acre area within one half of one inch.
It is made of 26,000,000 blocks of granite and limestone, each one is cut precisely for its own location in the pyramid.
The granite blocks in the King’s Chamber weigh 600 tons and are polished to an accuracy of 0.001 inch over a twenty foot area. The blocks are so hard they require two tons of pressure on a diamond bit drill to even make a dent. The outer surface of the pyramid was covered over an area of some 21 acres by a seven foot thick layer of mirror polished pure white alabaster limestone. (more…)
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Astral Visit To The Buried Cities Of The Amazon ~ Part I
by Godfre Ray King
A SHORT time later, I was working intently one evening, when I heard Saint Germain’s voice distinctly.
“Be ready,” he said, “tonight at nine o’clock, and I will come for you.”
I was alert in an instant, hurried through my work, bathed, and was preparing for an early dinner.
“I will bring you the proper nourishment,” he explained, so I waited and entered into the deepest meditation of which I could be aware, recognizing only—God’s Perfect Manifestation.
Promptly at nine o’clock, he appeared in my room—wearing garments of Glistening Metallic-like Substance that looked, as if made of burnished steel—but felt like a combination of very soft silk and rubber—extremely light in weight. I touched the beautiful, wonderful fabric and was so fascinated that—I stepped forth from my physical body, and was unaware of it, until I turned and saw it lying in bed. Stepping forward to a large mirror in the door, I saw—my—garments were exactly like those of Saint Germain. I wondered at this, and did not understand—why they were different from the—ones—in which we had gone forth before. He saw that question in my mind and answered it. (more…)
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Astral Visit To The Hidden Gold Mines Of Yellowstone
by Godfre Ray King
SEVEN days passed—it was then the first week in September. On the evening of the eighth day, I sat contemplating Life and its infinite expressions, when my thought turned naturally to Saint Germain. Immediately—an overwhelming love went out to him in deep gratitude for all I had been privileged to experience—through his assistance and Light.
A feeling as of a “Presence” in the room began to come over me like a breath and looking up suddenly—there he stood smiling and radiant, the very “Presence of Divinity.”
“My son,” he said, “am I so unexpected a visitor—that I surprise you? Surely, you know quite well that—when thinking of me—you are in contact with me, and when I think of you—I am with you. In meditation, your attention was upon me and so—I appear. Is that not according to the Law? Then, why not accept it—as natural? What one thinks upon—he draws unto himself.
“Allow me to suggest that you train yourself—never to be surprised, disappointed, or your feelings hurt under any circumstances—for perfect self-control—of all the forces within you at all times—is Mastery—and that is the reward for those who tread the pathway of ‘Light’ and correction of the human self. (more…)
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The Curse Of The Presidents
by Vincent H. Gaddis
Once there was a prophet—Tens-Ka-Ta-Wah, or Elskatawa, meaning “The Open Door,” but called by the Americans simply “the Prophet.” He certainly deserved the title, for he made one of the most amazing true prophecies in American history and left a grim legacy that still haunts the United States presidency. His brother was the great Tecumseh (Shooting Star), considered by many historians to embody the highest conception of Amerindian character.
The remarkable crusade of the Shawnee brothers began with a dream. One night while living in a White River village in Indiana, Elskatawa fell asleep. When he awakened he was a man with a vision. He had made a visit to the realm of spirits, he told the villagers, and there he had been given a new religion that would save the red man. (more…)
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Above Majestic & The Cosmic Secret
On the 10th of September, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for within the Department of Defense expenditures. The very next day the Pentagon’s budget analyst’s office was destroyed in the 9/11 attack. The mystery remains: Where are the missing trillions? Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover-ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and above Majestic. Featuring some of the most prominent and prolific authors, researchers, whistle-blowers and disseminators in the movement for Truth and Full Disclosure. This includes David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, William Tompkins, David Adair, Laura Eisenhower, Niara Isley, and Jordan Sather. (more…)
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Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV
Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV
by W.P. Phelon
It was a doctrine of the Atlantians that the body of the physical which enwraps us, is adapted to the need of the Ego holding it, as a manifestation of the processes of accomplishment. If the ego coming back into the lives cannot accomplish its own unfolding, save through some particular experience, it compasses that particular experience, if it is within its possibilities. From age to age, from generation to generation, that which stands behind all, is ever the same. That which overshadows all is a part of the Divine Existence, is one with the One a part of the Divine Existence, indivisible and always the same. This was the primary knowledge, taught first in the forests, amid the rocks and mountains; and afterwards in the Great Temple built into these mountains. It must be remembered that very much of the work done in the Temple was accomplished by the control of the elements or elemental forces, which the Brotherhood understood and exercised even in those far off days, for the lightening of the toil of the physical. This, you in this day and generation have somewhat recovered. But instead of saying to the force universal, do this, you chain some portion of it, and bring it under limitation of form. These limitations act for you, tirelessly toiling day and night. And so, there does not come out of the surrounding conditions and vibrations the reacting powers and forces which generally tend to the physical retarding of any great building or other work of importance, because they are made up of the groans and moans of those who toil in the physical body to accomplish. (more…)
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Rock Books: Hidden History Revealed ~ Part III
by Richard S. Shaver
Part I – The Ancient Earth – cont.
Now, the “Sea People” were ourselves, long and long ago. They have a familiar appearance to us. Their omnipresent humor, their several tongues, are all familiar things. There is also something indescribable (like the thrill in a boat’s wake behind you) that gives a feeling of kinship, like meeting a long-lost brother, with the sea people.
I feel the sea people came first from space and made their home in Earth’s seas and loved the place like home.
There is really no single reason for this; it is just a feeling. The sea people, as well as the larger Cyclopeans, have a singular thrilling something. One feels they are “star people”. But there is no way to prove such a feeling. (more…)
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Suppression By The Smithsonian
by Jim Marrs
What happens when unexpected archaeological discoveries beyond the norm get hijacked? Researcher and historian Martin Doutré related a conversation he had with a former National Park Service employee about an incident that took place at Arizona’s Canyon de Chelly National Monument in 1999. “A big washout had occurred in the canyon after torrential rains, and a number of skeletons were exposed at a few sites. All of the Park Service personnel were pressed into service to gather up and box up the newly revealed bones. However, in a somewhat sinister twist, all of the work was overseen by personnel from both the Smithsonian Institution and the FBI. The Parks Service workers were forbidden to bring cameras to the site and were subjected to full body searches by the FBI when arriving in the morning or leaving at night. All of the skeletal remains and artifacts were carefully boxed up and taken away by the Smithsonian Institute. The Park’s Service workers were forced to sign secrecy agreements of non-disclosure of information related to their activities in the canyon.” (more…)
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The Sleeping Prophet On Lemuria ~ Part II
by Frank Joseph
Most of Cayce’s recorded statements about the lost Pacific kingdom follow its people to other parts of the world. During his life reading of April 17, 1936, Edgar Cayce told of immigrants from a global catastrophe arriving in the Near Eastern “lands of Zu.”
Interestingly, Har-Sag-Mu was known 5,000 years ago as “Mu of the Mountain Range,” where Zu, the Sumerian sky-god, settled after causing a terrible cataclysm. Thereafter, “stillness spread abroad, silence prevailed.” In the later Babylonian version, as preserved in the Assyrian library of Ashurbanipal, Zu stole the Tablets of Destiny from his fellow gods and brought them to Har-Sag-Mu. His self-transformation into a bird of prey to fight off a serpent guarding the tablets recurs in worldwide imagery of an eagle battling a snake, from the Greek Delphi and Norse Yggdrasil to Aztec Mexico and pre-Columbian Colombia. (more…)
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The Sleeping Prophet On Lemuria
by Frank Joseph
Edgar Cayce is thought by many to have been the greatest clairvoyant and prophet since the days of apostolic revelation. ~ Brad Steiger
Of our era’s alleged “psychics,” one name stands out. Edgar Cayce’s status as a genuine seer not only survived his mid-twentieth-century death into the next millennium, but has grown considerably beyond his lifetime reputation as well. The cause is not difficult to understand. His forty years of subconscious health pronouncements form a body of recorded medical information sought out by sufferers from around the world as effective countermeasures to invasive surgical procedures. His reputation as a healing intuitive aside, the far fewer utterances he made about Lemuria are not, as skeptics might expect, statements of wild fantasy, but instead remarkably consistent, and well within the scope of archaeology and geology. More valuably, they shed new light on the people, spirituality, and destiny of Mu otherwise unavailable from conventional sources. Whether or not we give any credence to psychics, renowned or otherwise, his characterization of Lemurian people and events is surprisingly credible and illuminating if viewed through the lens of neither preconceived belief nor unbelief. (more…)
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The Sacred City Of Shamballa
by Manly P. Hall
In every mythology and legendary religion of the world there is one spot that is sacred above all others to the great ideal of that religion. To the Norseman it was Valhalla, the City of the Slain, built of the spears of heroes, where feasting and warfare was the order of the day. Here the heroes fought all day and reveled by night. Every day they killed the wild boar and feasted on it, and the next day it came to life again. In the Northland they tell that Valhalla was high on the top of the mountains, and that it was connected to the earth below by Befrost, the Rainbow Bridge; that up and down this bridge the Gods came, and Odin, the All-father, came down from Asgard, the City of the Gods, and worked and labored with mankind. (more…)
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Rock Books: Hidden History Revealed ~ Part II
by Richard S. Shaver
Part I – The Ancient Earth – cont.
Now, the people who lived before the first world-wide deluge were not few, not fools, and not locally oriented, but world-wide and closely knit culturally all over the world as well as in space.
The period of this world civilization of the far past was an immensely long time. During that long growth, mankind reached not a civilization equal to ours, but one so far advanced it is difficult for us to imagine it, let alone accept it as the gospel it is.
This is why the antiquarians in their search for primitive artifacts have missed the trail altogether. The artifacts available from the far past are not primitive, although there are a few very early and very peculiar things one can’t place in any niche. (more…)
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