Ancient Nuclear Warfare
by Philip Coppens
Vimanas Used In Atomic Warfare
Ancient India has made one of the greatest contributions to the concept of ancient flight: the vimana. At the World Space Conference on October 11, 1988, in Bangalore, India, Dr. Roberto Pinotti addressed the delegates and spoke on ancient Indian vimanas, telling them what the vimanas were and that they should take the subject seriously: that the vimanas should be studied as real flying machines. He was largely addressing the foreign delegates, for many Indian traditions hold the belief that their ancestors possessed technology that gave them the ability to fly.
References to vimanas can be found in the Yuktikalpataru of Bhoja (12th century AD), the Mayamatam, in 150 verses of the Rig Veda, the Yajurveda, and the Atharvaveda, as well as literary passages belonging to the Ramayana (fifth century BC), the Mahabharata (sixth century BC), the Puranas, the Bhagavata (ninth century AD), the Rahuvamsam, and references in the drama Abhijanaakuntalam of Kalidasa (second century BC, the Jatakas (third century BC), and several more. Some of these documents even give details on the mechanism of the vehicles. Chapter XXXI of the Samarangana Sutradhara contains details of the construction of this machine, and it has been found that one manuscript of this treatise is as old as AD 1610. There are 230 stanzas dealing with not only their construction, but also with take-off, their ability to cruise for distances of thousands of miles, and the danger of bird strike! (more…)
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My Conversation With A Rishi
Lecture given in 1931 by Col. James Churchward
There is a widespread legend which has been handed down for many thousands of years which is called The Golden Age. This is said to have been some period in human history when the mass of mankind showed more intelligence than now. This evening I am going to give you some of the translations from Books written during this Golden Age. These show that those who lived then were absolutely superior to us in sciences; and, although our scientists scoff at such an idea, and declare the whole thing mythical, the truth and facts remain. As the Phoenix is pictured rising above the flames of fire; so these cosmic truths will rise above the scoffing ignorants of today. I do not know on what definite lines your Society is working, or how far you have advanced. It is quite questionable whether I know enough about the subject to be of any value to you. All I can do for you is to repeat certain conversations that took place many years ago between a very learned rishi priest and myself. This priest was a great Master, the most proficient master that has lived since the time of Jesus. (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part V
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
The City of Paradise cont.
After leaving the Grove the visitor is invited to refresh himself in the Guest House, which is maintained for the entertainment of strangers. It stands between the Grove and the Gardens, which form the entrance to the Seven Gardens of Eden—the vast Gardens belonging to the imperial palace.
The Guest House, with its environing park, its pergolas, its walks and seats, its fountains and bird baths, its gorgeous flowers and shade trees, presents a picture impossible to describe. The building itself is of white marble, trimmed with green onyx and black Liberian stone. Within, the floors are of white marble, also trimmed in green and black. The woodwork of arches and windows is of cypress and olive, the relieving strips being of black oak. This building, as well as most public edifices in the City, is planned to stand square to the four points of the compass—facing North, South, East and West. (more…)
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A Vision Of Osiris
by Robert Maxxim
I had a dream vision of Atlantis at a time near the end of that civilization. In that dream, I was a young man about 19 years old, had black hair and of Asian-Caucasian appearance.
I stood in front of a large four-sided pyramid covered with a material unlike limestone or granite, but more like smooth metallic alabaster squares each about a meter tall with nearly unidentifiable seams. I walked around the pyramid due north from its eastern side, went westward along its northern side, and then midway south on its western side. There, I found an entrance that could only be opened by specific technology that disconnected and rose pyramid blocks in the air to reveal an entrance. Then, it put them back down again right where they had been. (more…)
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The Egyptian
“But Ammon is a hateful god, and his priests have kept the people in darkness for too long and stifled every living thought, until no one dares say a word without Ammon’s leave. Whereas Aton offers light and a life of freedom—a life without fear—and that is a great thing, a very great thing, my friend Horemheb.” ~ Sinuhe, the Egyptian
by Mika Waltari
The Egyptian is the full-bodied re-creation of an era hitherto untapped by fiction. As such it is rich with fresh veins of fascinating lore. Entirely authentic, it is written with a literary excellence of which few contemporary historical novels can boast.
The story of The Egyptian is rolled out on a tremendous canvas. Set in Egypt, more than a thousand years before Christ, it encompasses all of the then-known world. It is told by Sinuhe, physician to the Pharoah, and is the story of his life. Through his eyes are seen innumerable characters, full drawn and covering the whole panorama of the ancient world. Events of war, intrigue, murder, passion, love, and religious strife are revealed as Sinuhe describes his often brilliant, often bitter life. (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part IV
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
The evil influences pervading the empire, brought to this peak by the Priests of Bel-Ra, have changed the once-harmonious conditions of Atlantis to one of unrest, fear and trouble. Hitherto happy homes are disrupted because one parent or the other, or, perhaps another member of the family is a loyal Templar, while the others have fallen victims to Idolarty. Children of Templars come of age when they are free to choose their way in life, and they marry into families that are secretly allied in the worship of Bel-Ra. In the families of the most faithful Templars there may be one member that secretly follows the teachings of Ritaro, High Priest of Idolatry of Atlantis. Thus it is that estrangements grow apace in homes where all should be unity and harmony. Such estrangements bring antagonism and strife in our midst.
Since Idolatry, which began with the reign of Dionysos and has reached its zenith during the last decade, the high standard of chastity and honor always maintained by Atlanteans has fallen lower and lower. At the present time the people in general accept a state of sensuousness as inevitable. Some hope this will change and sex conditions be improved; some fear matters will become increasingly worse until the final scene is due upon the stage of the world. (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part III
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
An empire so advanced in civilization as Atlantis must have a government on a par with her other standards of progress.
Every citizen of age has the right to vote. Voting age for both male and female is twenty-five. Every State, city, and town, or mere settlement, has its representation in the government. It has its own Censors, Officers, Rulers and Governors. All the representatives come to the City of Paradise to convene and voice the opinions of their people.
Individual States are independent of each other, but are subject to the Capital Seat of government. All individual cities, towns or settlements are independent of each other, but subject to the laws enforced by the State Capital City, the Seat of Government. Every individual living in a city, town or settlement is independent of another, but subject to the laws enforced by the Censor of the place. (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part II
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
Another marvelous invention evolved by Atlantean genius during the first decade of the reign of Atlas is the Water-Shoen. It is a queer looking pair of small boats that fit to the feet of one who wishes to skim over the water. They are readily adjusted by slipping the feet into the toy-like boats and fastening the straps and snaps. The top is then covered by a folding radial roof, which closes snugly about the ankle. Once the radial lid is locked no water or air can gain admission inside the Shoen. The wearer is then ready to start his journey. He strikes out with the feet just as a skater glides upon the ice. But a voyageur upon Water-Shoen can travel faster than a skater upon the ice. The motors used to provide power for the Shoen are constructed similarly to the motor of the Bird-Wings. The batteries are automatic also, as in the Bird-Wings.
Inventions such as described must have scientists that understand mechanics, electricity, the principles of water, air and fire, as well as the great forces and power forever pouring forth from the sun. If our inventors knew nothing about the laws governing gravitation and levitation their devices would be harmful and useless for man. But the Templars of Atlantis do understand these laws, because for ages past they have understood the Law of One! Whence issues all sciences, all ideas, all laws for the welfare of its communicants. The Law of One, which is the Light radiating in the Inner Shrine of man’s consciousness, is the only Source of Inspiration, revelation and demonstration in the world, because It is the one Source of all Substance. (more…)
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Atlantean History – Part I
By Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis
Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:
In this abbreviated account of the eons of civilization of Atlantis, it must be remembered that such statements made, which refer to ancient times, may be verified by the records kept in the Museum of the Temple of Literature, of the City of Paradise. In this volume of current history, beginning with the coronation of Atlas, and continuing through to the present day—more than two decades since Atlas began his reign—the space is too limited to give more than the merest hint of events that were most important in ancient days. Hence we will say here that Ancient Atlantean Records prove conclusively that at the time of the First Deluge, 800,000 years ago, the Atlanteans led the entire world in civilization.
It is now generally known to Atlantean Templars that the awful cataclysms, known as the Second Deluge, 200,000 years ago, and the Third Deluge of 80,000 years ago, were caused by the chemicalizations of Nature in this physical world; they were the direct result of the vibrations of evil upon this earthly plane, conflicting with and resisting the relentless spiritual forces. Therefore it may be said that the frightful upheaval 80,000 years ago was brought about by the indifference and recklessness of mankind on earth, to the higher and inexorable Law of One—the spiritual Light that is the only Causation. (more…)
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Secret History of The Early Church
by F. Tupper Saussy
IN PAGAN ROME the public servants were priests of the various gods and goddesses. Monetary affairs, for example, were governed by priests of the goddess Moneta. Priests of Dionysus managed architecture and cemeteries, while priests of Justitia, with her sword, and Libera, blindfolded, holding her scales aloft, ruled the courts. Hundreds of priestly orders, known as the Sacred College, managed hundreds of government bureaus, from the justice system to the construction, cleaning, and repair of bridges (no bridge could be built without the approval of Pontifex Maximus), buildings, temples, castles, baths, sewers, ports, highways, walls and ramparts of cities and the boundaries of lands.
Priests directed the paving and repairing of streets and roads, supervised the calendar and the education of youth. Priests regulated weights, measures, and the value of money. Priests solemnized and certified births, baptisms, puberty, purification, confession, adolescence, marriage, divorce, death, burial, excommunication, canonization, deification, adoption into families, adoption into tribes and orders of nobility. Priests ran the libraries, the museums, the consecrated lands and treasures. Priests registered the trademarks and symbols. Priests were in charge of public worship, directing the festivals, plays, entertainments, games and ceremonies. Priests wrote and held custody over wills, testaments, and legal conveyances. (more…)
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Forbidden History
by David Icke
Contrary to conditioned belief, life on Earth has not evolved from a primitive past to the technological “cutting edge” of today. Many thousands of years ago, as detailed in streams of ancient accounts across the world, there was great technological knowledge on this planet and a global society controlled by races of beings, which humans came to know as “gods”. It is a minefield to decipher which of these gods were flesh and blood real, and which were symbolic of the Sun, Moon, planets, natural cycles, and so on. Most were the latter, but there is substantial evidence to confirm that some of them, particularly the further back you go, were walking, talking, entities, who had, by human standards at the time, amazing knowledge of the solar system, the stars, the universal cycles, the effect of the Sun, Moon and other planets and star systems on the Earth and its people, and technological understanding of such immensity that they were able to build the pyramids and other stunning structures all over the world that we would struggle to build even today.
Just consider the scale we are talking about here with the Giza Pyramids alone. The Great Pyramid, which is nearly 500 feet high, consists of six and a half million tons of stone and around two and a half million individual blocks. Some weigh 70 tons and in the other pyramids and walls are stones of 200, even 468 tons, and they are so perfectly cut and fitted together you could not get a piece of paper between them. There is enough stone in the Great Pyramid alone to build 30 Empire State Buildings and enough stone on the Giza site to build a wall around the entire border of France some three meters high and one meter thick. Some of these gigantic stones at Giza and numerous temple sites were apparently taken from quarries hundreds of miles away. And we are told that “primitive” people did this. (more…)
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I Remember Lemuria
“For the past twenty-five or thirty years we have had a great many of what are called fantastic or amazing stories printed in magazines and books. Now by far the greatest part of them are inspired by writers who, in their sleep state or other ways, actually contacted people who lived in these other planets. The stories were too fantastic for the normal person to visualize, yet it is quite conceivable that such places and things could exist for that is the Infinite Nature of God.” ~ Ernest L. Norman
Perhaps my parents never realized the puns that would be made on my name when they christened me Richard Sharpe Shaver. Under ordinary circumstances the puns would have been of little consequence, but because of the amazing fact of my amazing memory of the life of another person, long dead, it has been incredibly hard for me to speak convincingly and to make people believe in me. Invariably I get that oh-so-funny remark, “Sharp-shaver, eh? A regular cut-up, eh, kid!” accompanied by a sly dig in the ribs and a very stupid, “Get it?” How can a man get a serious audience after that?
And yet, there it is for all who wish—to pun and pun again. If I achieve nothing else at least you may laugh, and to laugh is to be physically and mentally healthy. For those of you who will read on and carefully weigh what I am about to tell you I am convinced there will be no thought of puns. Instead, when you consider the real truths behind what I say—and even better, experiment and study to corroborate them—it seems to me to be inevitable that you will forget that I am Richard Sharpe Shaver, and instead, am what science chooses to very vaguely define as the racial memory receptacle of a man (or should I say a being?) named Mutan Mion, who lived many thousands of years ago in Sub Atlan, one of the great cities of ancient Lemuria! (more…)
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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man – Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Now getting back to our original discussion in this great age of reformation and liberation, the field of music was also very fortunately blessed with a flood of personages from the planes of Shamballa. What other age has produced such names as Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt? The age of opera, as it came into being then, has never before been equaled in the history of earth. The musical composers and exponents of these operatic arts, known by the names of Puccini, Poncelli, are but a few illustrious names, if you will pardon me for mentioning them again, who have been given in previous transmissions; however, all of this must be brought out and favorably placed at this time; so please bear with me. In the more pure philosophical vein, we find great and luminous minds typified by Leibnitz, John Locke, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, Mesmer, Hartley, Descartes, Condorcet, Carlyle, Emerson, Hume, etc. Incidentally, your own American philosopher is here with me this evening, standing by in your dimension and helping to interpret my little speech. (more…)
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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man
by Ernest L. Norman
Early Development of the Christian Church
…into the time of the advent of Christ, we find that there had been some new developments on the religious or esoterical fields throughout the Mediterranean countries, particularly in Greece. One of these cults was called Mithraism, which was a direct outgrowth of the Zoroastrian concept, which had been expounded in Persia with the advent of the prophet Zoroaster. Mithraism was very attractive, inasmuch as it offered a large amount of pomp and circumstance, various observances and ceremonies, all of which were quite attractive to the people of that time. Other orders included the rabbinical orders of the Essenes, which stemmed from the more ancient Hebraic concepts from the Holy Land. We also find at that time a large group which was growing out of some of the lighter orders of Christian concepts, known as the Gnostics, who were spiritually minded people who believed that the true wisdom and knowledge and interpretations of life stemmed directly from the inward consciousness of man.
Beginning somewhere about twenty or thirty years after the time of Jesus, we find Paul in Greece very busily at work. It had been some time since his conversion on the road to Damascus; and he had already lived some time in Corinth and written some of his very famous letters to the people of that city. These letters and teachings exist in the modern translations of the New Testament. Paul, as you know, was formerly anti-Christ and persecuted the Christians to the utmost of his ability until his conversion. It was Paul who started the first Christian church; and as Paul was also a very clever businessman in his own way, he realized that religion, just as anything else, should be attractive and should present certain aspects to the convert; consequently, he contrived to weave the concepts of Mithraism into his own Christian church. (more…)
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A Brief History Of The Planet Mars
Excerpt from The Voice Of Venus by Ernest L. Norman:
“About 500,000 years ago, the people of Mars were commuting regularly with the earth by spacecraft. They had established a colony on the southern edge of what is now called the Gobi desert at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. They were however set upon from time to time by savage bands of native earth-men who roamed about the earth at that time. In the last of these forays a large group of Martians barely escaped with their lives into the nearby hills where they remained hidden and lost to their countrymen who finally abandoned the idea of colonization on the earth. They were a peace loving people and although they had weapons at their disposal that would have annihilated these savage earth men, yet they refused to use them and so the earth swung in its orbit, unattended for several hundred thousand years until the coming of the Lemurians from the planet Lemuria which is about 700 light years (figured in our planetary system of light measurement) away from our solar system. You may wonder how these men traversed this vast distance without consuming the best part of their lives. It was through the principle of change of frequency relationship which enabled the spacecraft to travel through inner space at speeds approximately ten times that of your known speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Therefore the distance from Lemuria to our solar system could be traversed in a very small fraction of the time which you might assume would normally be necessary, in other words about 5 or 6 years. During this journey the ship was flown and controlled by a robot calculator. The eleven who occupied the ship remained in a state of suspended animation, something like a cataleptic hypnotic trance. (more…)
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