Excerpt from A Search in Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton
(Paul Brunton (October 21, 1898 – July 27, 1981) was a British philosopher, mystic, traveler, and guru. He left a journalistic career to live among yogis, mystics, and holy men, and studied a wide variety of Eastern and Western esoteric teachings.)
The second meeting duly took place in the ruined temple of Luxor. I sat on a long block of stone carved with hieroglyphs, while the Adept squatted cross-legs on the same block, and faced me.
My note-book was prepared and, with pen poised expectantly, I was ready to take down his message; to inscribe on the white sheets the less picturesque characters of our twentieth-century system of hieroglyphs-shorthand!
Ra-Mak-Hotep wasted no time on preliminaries but plunged straightway into the subject of his message:
“Those who broke open the tombs of ancient Egypt have released forces upon the world that have endangered it. Both the tomb robbers of long ago and the archaeologists of our own days have all unwittingly opened the tombs of those who dealt in black magic. For in the final cycle of Egyptian history – the priesthood – and sorcery and the black arts were commonly practiced. When the white light of truth was formerly shining through the pure Egyptian religion became dimmed, and the noise-some shadows of false, materialistic doctrines crept in to replace it, the practice of mummification arose, together with all the elaborate accompanying rituals. Yet under the misleading and cunningly perverted teachings which supported this practice, there was an element of secret self-interest which sought to keep a long-preserved physical link with the physical world through the embalmment of the body. (more…)