Sounds From Another Room (Encounter)
by Timothy Good
Air Marshal Sir Peter Horsley, former Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Strike Command, has flown 90 types of aircraft, ranging from the Mosquito (in the Second World War), to the Spitfire, Meteor, Hunter, Lightning and Vulcan. He spent seven years in the service of Her Majesty the Queen and HRH Prince Philip as Equerry, and it was during this period that he had an experience which had a profound effect on him – an encounter with an apparently extraterrestrial being.
In his fascinating autobiography, Sounds From Another Room, Sir Peter devotes a lengthy chapter to the subject of UFOs, including details of his investigations into sightings reported by pilots; details which he relayed to Prince Philip, who shared his interest in the phenomenon. Another enthusiast was Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Barratt, who retired from the RAF at the end of the war. Barratt introduced Sir Peter to a friend of his, a General Martin, who believed that flying saucers were extraterrestrial vehicles from another planet whose inhabitants were trying to warn us of the perils of nuclear war. Sir Peter was not convinced. (more…)
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Project Serpo
by Piers Morris
Project Serpo is a tale of travel to a planet 39 light years from Earth where twelve fearless and courageous humans lived side-by-side with an alien race for thirteen years.
To understand how the incredible reality came about that humans traveled to a planet that is 240 trillion miles away, we need to go back in time to the end of the Second World War when the threat of alien invasion and takeover of the planet was a genuine fear of the US military.
The USA, as the most powerful nation on Earth after the War, was just settling down to peace time again when its military leaders became aware of a much more serious threat than those posed by terrestrial attack: The possibility of extraterrestrial alien attack utilizing weapons way beyond our technological capability at the time. (more…)
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Signs In The Sky
by Gerald Light
The pages you are preparing to read may hold some strange ideas which you, at first, may find considerable difficulty in believing or accepting. For this reason I have felt it necessary to try and prepare your mind for these strange things by reminding you of many equally strange things which are a part of your daily life on this planet – and yet are hardly a part of your personal consciousness, your individual awareness, your Self.
First of all, stop and consider this amazing fact: YOU are living, with all your family and loved ones, living upon a huge ball of stone, four-fifths of which is covered with water. This gigantic globe of water and rock is revolving at a speed of over a thousand miles per hour. It is also hurtling through the skies in its great journey around the sun each year with a speed that is beyond your comprehension. Yet of this you are completely unconscious; you are aware of no movement of your earthly home through the skies or on its own axis. From the standpoint of the unusual do you not agree that this is an almost unbelievable situation??? (more…)
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On The Nature Of The Ether Ships
by Meade Layne
We have said repeatedly, to the sour distaste of some science-minded folk, that the phenomena of the Ether Ships can never be explained or understood on the basis of known laws and textbooks of the physical sciences. We have repeated that metaphysics, ‘occult’ science and philosophical concepts, must be introduced – because between metaphysics and science there is no dividing line except that drawn by ignorance or by arbitrary definition.
Metaphysics – when the term is properly used – consists of epistemology and ontology: the nature of the act of knowing, and the nature of substance and being. Surely science is concerned with knowledge and with the substance of the material world. And why should anyone suppose that metaphysics does not employ the experimental method and the operations of logic, as truly as do physics and biology? (more…)
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UFO Disclosure With Dr. Steven Greer
This is a ten-part series with Dr. Steven Greer, a renowned authority on UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. He is the founder of the CE5 protocol, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Disclosure Project.
Season 01 Episode 01 – Close Encounters of the 5th Kind
In the first episode of this enlightening 10-part special, Dr. Steven Greer discusses the major life events which unlocked his innate abilities to connect with extraterrestrials.
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The Keys To The Citadel Of Space
by Dana Howard
Reaching For The Dawn
Just a few years ago the idea of traveling to other planets was looked upon as a virtual impossibility. Scientists affirmed it would require several generations to traverse the millions of miles of space. Ships would necessarily have to house a whole colony of people to provide human seed to carry an excursion into space. This fantastic theory has been scrapped today. We’re not sure what we’ll find, but we have provided ourselves with a new yardstick equipped with other-dimensional measurements. The obsolete earth’s yardstick belongs to the Planet Earth. Special measurements are needed for space. Perhaps we will discover that both time and distance will disappear in the absolutes. That space travel will be possible within a span of weeks (or even days) rather than hundreds of years as was expected only yesterday. (more…)
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Aboard A Flying Saucer
by Truman Bethurum
A great many people have stated and some under oath, that they have seen flying saucers. Some have added that they saw odd looking little people running to get back into them, or away from them and into the brush. You’ve read about many of these incidents in your own daily papers, in popular magazines and even in books. Some of you are convinced that flying saucers do exist. Others scoff and deny their existence. Governments insist in their news reports to the people that flying saucers do not exist and that those deluded persons who said they saw such things had only seen some weather bureau contraption for testing the upper air. Yet it has been stated by government personnel that “They sometimes show up on radar screens.”
In his newly published book entitled FLYING SAUCERS FROM OUTER SPACE, by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, as you will see by the following quote from THE MIRROR, Los Angeles Daily of Friday, October 2, 1953, we get a closer view of the situation:
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by Alec Newald
Alec Newald was taken to an extraterrestrial civilization for 10 days. One Monday in mid-February, 1989, he set off on what would be or should have been a three-hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland in New Zealand. He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused and was even more confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday, 10 days later, and that he had no idea of what happened in the meantime. When Alex did retrieve his memories of those missing 10 days, he realized his life had changed forever. Early on that fateful trip, while driving through a Foggy Mountain Pass, Alex was whisked from the road by beings from an extraterrestrial civilization and what he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly beings has profound implications for all of us here on Earth. (more…)
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UFO Realities
This article touches upon the basic philosophies of the author. It is not written to discredit any human or alien force or judge them in any way. The author knows that all things are exactly as they should be. This article therefore is a report not a judgment…
Before we begin…
This is a humble attempt to give the reader a closer understanding of the UFO forces that visit our planet. However, the following does not deal with so-called UFO phenomena. Meaning, the scores of people who have seen UFOs, or the amount of people who have had missing time periods, or the women who might have been impregnated by these forces and/or how many new cattle mutilations we have had this year or last year. No details will be discussed in this article. It only deals with the how and why the UFO forces come to our planet.
There is a certain amount of repetition used in this material since the concepts discussed are difficult to understand. It will help to give the reader a quicker grasp of things, without scrolling back. I hope that I have expressed this subject plainly enough so that most readers get a clear picture of how things are in the times we’re living. I have tried to express the “Truth of Things” with the patience of an old fashioned angel and with the determination of a modern saint (Smile, I am Neither). The following also contains some metaphysical philosophies for they belong to the realities about UFOs. (more…)
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Technical Advances Made From Crashed UFOs
by Philip J. Corso
Legend has it that centuries past (4,000 B.C.) the “Gods” or extraterrestrials from another planet came to earth, created a new “homo sapiens,” then later decided to destroy mankind. After a deluge of destruction they decided to let humans survive. The goddess Inanna/Ishtar took the lead in insuring survival of the human race.
Millenniums later the great Chinese general Sun Tzu, who used intelligence to win all his battles said:
– If you don’t know your enemy or don’t know yourself you will lose every battle.
– If you know yourself and not your enemy or know your enemy and not yourself, you will lose half of your battles, but
– If you know yourself and know your enemy, you don’t have to fear the outcome of a thousand battles. (more…)
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UFO Contact With Coma Berenesis
by Wendelle Stevens
Apolinar (Paul) A. Villa, Jr., (born 24 September 1916), a mechanic by trade, of 601 Niagra, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico, holds a unique privilege in the annals of Flying Saucer research. He has had prearranged meetings with Space People for the specific purpose of taking pictures of their craft.
Apparently, contacts of one kind or another with Space People are not new to Mr. Villa. He says that he has been taught telepathically by extraterrestrial intelligences since he was 5 years old.
Although he did not complete the tenth grade of school, he seems to have a good knowledge of such subjects as mathematics, electricity, physics, and mechanics, and has an unusual “gift” for detecting defects in engines, generators, etc. (more…)
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Early Evidences Of An Inhabited Solar System
by Daniel Ross
Venus, Mars, and the Moon are important in that they are our closest neighbors, and the habitability can easily be determined. Our space program of the 1960s and 70s probed and photographed them extensively, since these planets were known to be the homes or bases of the UFOs. Life beyond the Earth should have been published as an established fact years ago. Two things prevented this from becoming our rightful knowledge; the inability, and often the refusal, of the orthodox scientists to go beyond their shared perceptions; and secondly, the absolute secrecy and censorship by the top-level authorities in charge of the space program.
But what about the other planets in our solar system? Are they inhabited also? And are their environments Earth-like, or similar enough, that we could travel to them and step out on their surfaces? (more…)
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The Cosmic Reality Of Man
Lecture by Daniel Ross given to the Japan General Assembly
[Adamski Research Group], February, 1994
I wanted to speak today on the cosmic reality of man, as shown by Adamski. Because it is timeless; it is eternal. Wherever you might go, within this system, or out to an inhabited planet in another solar system, the truths would be the same, wherever you go. That is cosmic or universal law. Most of you here today have the many books and writings of George Adamski. Mr. Hachiro Kubota has worked hard to keep all the books in print in the Japanese language, and now has “The Complete Works of George Adamski” published in 10 volumes. So to give you something a little new today, I reviewed many tapes of his talks, where he gives examples and expressions of truth to others, often just in conversation – maybe to an individual, maybe to a small group. It can be rather humbling, I can freely admit, to hear hours and hours of Adamski’s philosophical talks and discussions over a short period of time. When you listen to the fullness and depthness of his knowledge of cosmic life, you quickly realize how really shallow most of our minds are.
The more one studies this field of Space and UFOs, the more he then appreciates the vast legacy of Cosmic Knowledge shared by George Adamski. And there really is no end to learning, if you understand it right. As Adamski often said, the principles remain the same, but the effects are continually changing, with life always moving forward. (more…)
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We Come In Peace!
by Franklin Thomas
The landing which we are about to describe has one thing in common with all flying saucer contacts – it took place in a remote and deserted place where uninvited witnesses would not be likely to appear or interfere. Possibly there are other considerations such as the proximity to fault lines, magnetic centers, etc., but the choice of such sites and the absence of witnesses always prove embarrassing to the person making the contact not only because he lacks evidence to support his story making it difficult to get anyone to believe him, but also in some countries unauthorized communication with an inhabitant of another planet is considered to be in the same category as communication with a foreign power or an enemy country, and is strictly prohibited by law.
This would not be likely to disturb the space people but accounts for the fact that not many contacts are reported, and but for a fortuitous chain of circumstances no one would have heard about the one recorded here. (more…)
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Star Wards: Welcome Home Earthman ~ Part II
by Richard T. Miller
Earth became sort of a private preserve for the Galactic Survey to study. Apparently, there were beacons out in space that warned other spaceships away from the area, etc., advising them not to land on the planet or contact its people. (You might say – don’t land, the natives are restless.)
They felt there had to be a continuous observation of the planet, the people, and the children that would be growing up in succeeding generations. The Confederation later decided to put some fixed installations of their own on Earth because they couldn’t keep a ship circling overhead continuously. They did construct some hidden, fixed installations on Earth and staffed them.
But they found out something very interesting. After the first staff had been on Earth for almost a year, they started bickering with one another. They studied this abnormal behavior and discovered that it took a little over nine months for whatever it was affecting the Earth to start affecting their people staffing the installations. They set up a schedule where they rotated their staff each six months at each installation. (more…)
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