Gamaliel of Hermes: The Still Small Voice ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The acceptance of life, as it is portrayed by the average individual upon the streets and highways and byways of your earth, is quite unrealistic, primitive, and elemental. You may find people who express the idea, “I live only once and I am going to get the most out of it while I am here.” This is very idiotic and unrealistic in its portent and nature, and even those who say these things do not actually believe in them. If they did, they would very quickly change. However, I see that I have, in a sense of the word, repeated a great deal of what has previously been given. I would not have it thought for one moment that this book was becoming monotonous, or that we had reached a stalemate. (more…)
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Gamaliel of Hermes: Philosophy Through The Ages
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings, dear ones; this is Brother Gamaliel. It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am bringing you one of the last and closing chapters from Hermes and the city of Aureleus. It has been with a good deal of pleasure that we have been able to be of some small service to you, as you have personally met and listened to the various interpreters of the earth science and philosophy, as they have existed in your more recent time. It is assumed that by now the interest of the reader will have reached a point where he will have searched the libraries and discovered to his own advantage and amazement that a great deal of wonderful history and truth can be gained by reading these books. It is also quite obvious that, numerous as our trips and discussions have been, we have presented to you only very small fragments and portions of these numerous lives and pages of historical events, as they were portrayed in the thousands of years of time in the sequence of evolution in the earth histories. (more…)
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The Voice of Hermes
New Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Hermes is now available on Amazon!
Check it out here.
About The Voice Of Hermes:
The third installment of The Pulse of Creation series delves into Hermes, a realm steeped in philosophical inquiry where the minds of revered thinkers from Earth and beyond persist in their quest to illuminate humanity. Within its crystalline abodes, gardens, and sanctuaries, Hermes offers a rejuvenating experience for both the soul and intellect. Just like its predecessors, The Voice of Hermes unveils the teachings of the Brotherhood, heralding a future for those inclined towards progressivism, alongside the exploration of interdimensional science and philosophy of being. (more…)
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The Meaning of “Christ” Versus “Jesus” ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Now that we have made adjustments, may I speak a little more please. I believe I was talking about the progression of the individual through the various material planes of existence and about his acquiring such materialistic philosophies and knowledge as pertained to these dimensions, which will enable him to progress further in his evolution into the higher spiritual domains. In order that my remarks may not be misconstrued or erroneously interpreted, I do not advocate that a person should purposely set out to undergo sinful experiences with the idea in mind that such experiences will further advance his spiritual growth. Such is not the case. The determining element is what you think is sin or error. We say that the ordinary experiences in the material world are, in themselves, largely sinful. There are many things about you in your earth life which lead to guilt complexes. We could say that things which induce such complexes are sinful in nature. Because of the
complexity in a concept of the food which mankind eats, one man says eat flesh; another says abstain and eat nothing but vegetables; others say this is good or that is not so good. As a result, you yourself become confused and you believe that your stomach is constantly upset by what you do eat. Consequently, you have a neurosis and you have suffered sin. We might say that the association of man and woman in the field called sex is also conducive of a great number of guilt complexes and neuroses. Each person has his own concept in regard to his conduct in the relationship of sex. No two people seem to be able to agree on one or more points in their own individual translations. The various conflicts in this field give rise to some of the greatest and most deep rooted of the guilt complexes of human nature. (more…)
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The Meaning of “Christ” Versus “Jesus”
by Ernest L. Norman
In your modern Christian theologies, most people who attend the Christian churches do so with the belief that they cannot envision God as anything except a super being who rules in some celestial palace, sitting on a throne, writing everyone’s name in a huge book, and making little x’s or o’s after each name denoting the temperament or disposition of the individual. Such is the Judgment Day of some far-off time, as written in the Book of Peter in which He shall come as a thief in the night. Why would God come as a thief in the night? Why should He destroy one of His planets with a rain of fire and burn all things from the surface? Such a philosophy and such a prediction is in contradiction to the simple
philosophy which was taught by Jesus who, in his own way, taught the all-forgiving, the loving, the everlasting presence of God within all things. In my most ancient China, we find even to this day, groups or individuals who shave all but a small piece on the top of the head where their hair grows out into a long queue by means of which they believe they shall be snatched into heaven by some unseen hand. We find a similarity in the Christian philosophy, in which the blood of Jesus and the belief in Him will guarantee salvation even for the blackest and most vile sinner should he call upon the name of this personage. (more…)
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Missing Elements In ‘The Origin Of The Species’
by Ernest L. Norman
I am a former Englishman by the name of Charles Darwin, who lived on the earth around the 1800’s. It is with a good deal of something more than pleasure that I have been enabled to come to you with this discussion. I might say, incidentally, that I have just within the past few days made my ascension into Aureleus. I have been laboring long and mightily in the fields of biological research in some other planetary systems somewhat more spiritual in nature than that of the earth.
It was with a good deal of chagrin that I learned that my philosophies on the earth have caused so much controversy and friction between the ecclesiastical philosophers and those of a scientific nature. In my writings at that period, I left two different books, one, “The Origin of the Species”, in which I set forth very definite principles, after some scientific research which made it necessary for me to journey around the earth and to visit various archipelagoes and continents; and thus I set forth these principles of evolution in the specifications of plant and animal life on the earth. I did, as many other philosophers and scientists also have been doing and are still doing. I was not clairvoyant nor did I have the knowledge of looking into the spiritual dimensions around me in order to integrate factually the necessary conclusions of these evolutionary sciences. Therefore, my work was somewhat incomplete in its nature as you will see farther along in our discussion. (more…)
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On The Infinite Evolutionary Pathway ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
Just as a small infant will eventually learn to stand upon his legs and walk about the room, so you too will learn to function and to arrive at a more conclusive way of life in a higher spiritual dimension which is not so confined and impounded with the factional differences of the time and space and materialistic elements with which you have learned to function and live in your daily life on the earth plane. As Pearce explained to you, everything is vibration or is in some way a wave form, or, if I may use the word rather loosely, an electronic structure as it relates itself in the natural order and conclusion of expression which is called the law of harmonics or frequency relationship; for such structures as wave forms generate and regenerate themselves into various different frequency spectrums in properly order rates of vibration which are somewhat similar to and can be equated into mathematical formulas. However, for the present we shall not attempt to explain to you these principles, which would be in themselves something of a more advanced understanding in the realms of pure spiritual calculus. (more…)
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On The Infinite Evolutionary Pathway ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The essential ingredients which are so necessary for the attainment of these different dimensional factors of personal concept, do not at the present time reside in your own third dimensional world. You cannot study them at any of your universities or academies, nor can you learn them in any of the buildings which are dedicated to arts and sciences, as they are now expressed in the world. They are, however, contained in your Superconsciousness; as Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.” The principles necessary for your evolvement into these conscious concepts of the higher dimensions, are the precepts which involve absolute faith. You must grasp the concept that you are absolutely unlimited; that God too is also absolutely unlimited in his expression; and that to be thus progressive you must be God-like in your movements and in your progression through the different dimensions. (more…)
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On The Infinite Evolutionary Pathway
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings, dear ones; I see that at the present moment you are sitting in the great central temple of Pericles here in the Athenian center of Aureleus. This great temple was more commonly known as the Acropolis in Greek history, and is still known to the people of the present day. So that you may not feel that you are in a rut or that you have arrived at some stalemate, I might say your visit here this morning was timed to be in conjunction with a conclave or gathering of some of the former residents of the earth, such personages as Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Lucretius, and many others of the Greek and Roman philosophers of that age. There are several hundred of these very lustrous and illumined minds who have gathered here in this great temple for one of their periodic conclaves for the purpose of further unifying such philosophies as may be pertinent to their expression in the earth plane dimensions. Now the discourse at this time is given as the combined reflected expressions of many of these personages whom I have mentioned; and as your humble moderator, I shall for the present remain anonymous. (more…)
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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man – Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Now getting back to our original discussion in this great age of reformation and liberation, the field of music was also very fortunately blessed with a flood of personages from the planes of Shamballa. What other age has produced such names as Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt? The age of opera, as it came into being then, has never before been equaled in the history of earth. The musical composers and exponents of these operatic arts, known by the names of Puccini, Poncelli, are but a few illustrious names, if you will pardon me for mentioning them again, who have been given in
previous transmissions; however, all of this must be brought out and favorably placed at this time; so please bear with me. In the more pure philosophical vein, we find great and luminous minds typified by Leibnitz, John Locke, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, Mesmer, Hartley, Descartes, Condorcet, Carlyle, Emerson, Hume, etc. Incidentally, your own American philosopher is here with me this evening, standing by in your dimension and helping to interpret my little speech. (more…)
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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man
by Ernest L. Norman
Early Development of the Christian Church
…into the time of the advent of Christ, we find that there had been some new developments on the religious or esoterical fields throughout the Mediterranean countries, particularly in Greece. One of these cults was called Mithraism, which was a direct outgrowth of the Zoroastrian concept, which had been expounded in Persia with the advent of the prophet Zoroaster. Mithraism was very attractive, inasmuch as it offered a large amount of pomp and circumstance, various observances and ceremonies, all of which were quite attractive to the people of that time. Other orders included the rabbinical orders of the Essenes, which stemmed from the more ancient Hebraic concepts from the Holy Land. We also find at that time a large group which was growing out of some of the lighter orders of Christian concepts, known as the Gnostics, who were spiritually minded people who believed that the true wisdom and knowledge and interpretations of life stemmed directly from the inward consciousness of man.
Beginning somewhere about twenty or thirty years after the time of Jesus, we find Paul in Greece very busily at work. It had been some time since his conversion on the road to Damascus; and he had already lived some time in Corinth and written some of his very famous letters to the people of that city. These letters and teachings exist in the modern translations of the New Testament. Paul, as you know, was formerly anti-Christ and persecuted the Christians to the utmost of his ability until his conversion. It was Paul who started the first Christian church; and as Paul was also a very clever businessman in his own way, he realized that religion, just as anything else, should be attractive and should present certain aspects to the convert; consequently, he contrived to weave the concepts of Mithraism into his own Christian church. (more…)
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Progressive Evolution: The Life Cycle ~ Part II
We say that the consciousness of God, as it is contained in the spiritual circle or cycle of man’s own
individuality, can be likened somewhat to his umbilical cord. He maintains this constant inflow of Divine Energy into his own spiritual Life Cycle at all times. This he must do. The various dimensional and factional orders of integration in God’s infinite universe are so contained that each one is supported from outside the other by succeeding higher realms of consciousness. Now you will begin to understand why we say that it is not the act of committing some good or some sin that is of importance. The utmost importance is contained in the reaction which takes place within your mind, which is reflected and thus becomes a constructive element or a defective wave form or impingement, within your psychic body. If this is of evil consequence, with the repetition of the reflections and impingements of these evil consequences into your psychic body, you will become the creature which is thus formed and reformed, as far as the proper sequence of your evolutions are concerned; and thus you will relegate yourself into the lower astral orders. (more…)
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Progressive Evolution: The Life Cycle ~ Part I
Greetings, dear one. We here in the centers of Shamballa have heard certain questions arising from time to time
in your minds as you have tried to evaluate and to place these truths within your minds. Now let me say that this is a healthy sign and a symptom that you are progressing. You can never properly evaluate truths, as they come to you through the doorway of experience, until they are properly placed within your mind, by integrating them with the necessary order of sequence, which is evolving about you in the dimension at your particular time. The problem of man’s evolution in the numerous dimensions is in itself a very profound and, I need not say, a very advanced subject.
The truths which are being given you at this time are thousands of years in advance of the time in which other people of your time shall come into somewhat of a proper relationship to these truths. Therefore, do not fear a confounded feeling because you do not place within your minds a proper perspective of the objective values of these truths at this time. The philosophies of the earth today, just as they were in the time of Darwin and Mendel, are in themselves being constantly and repeatedly stressed, for the concepts were resolving in these individuals at their time in an effort to solve something of the riddle of man’s nature. All philosophies and ideologies, whether they are scientific or spiritual interpolations on your earth today, contain only small fractional elements of the truths which are relative to mankind at his particular state of evolution, and they are themselves even only partially factual. (more…)
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The Voice of Hermes – Full Book Download
The Voice of Hermes, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.
I plan to continue to post a link to one book per week that is in public domain by Dr. Ernest L. Norman so stay tuned for more a-coming! If you are a serious student of Dr. Normans then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.
What does it mean when a book is in public domain?
“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.
What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa
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Science of Energy: Transmission by Christian Huygens
A good day to you, brother and sister. I am an individual known as Christian Huygens, who lived in the 1600’s, in the proximity of Newton’s time. As you have studied in the
histories of the period of the Reformation, those were indeed hectic times; the very air seemed to be filled with a new essence, which excited and infused the minds of mankind. If you examine your histories, you will learn that, living in Holland, I tinkered some with physics, mathematics, and things of that nature; and that I invented a double pendulum clock, a kind of pendulum which was rather an innovation to the commonly accepted type, which swung back and forth with each escaping moment. I was also in very violent opposition to part of Newton’s theory about light. He maintained a corpusclar theory, that light was a tiny minute submicroscopic particle; whereas I postulated the theory that light traveled in a wave, or in an undulatory fashion, through the atmosphere. As you will soon see, we were only partially right, as is the case with all mankind, who live in such dimensions or places on the earth that they can, in their own concept, evolve only a small part of the truth at any time. They must wait until future evolutions and cycles to enlarge their concepts, so that they can more truly ascertain the nature of the great universes about them.
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