Liberation of Obsessions
“A question has just arisen in regard to some of the relative factors which enter into the removal of obsessions and in regard to what happens to the obsessions after they are removed. Circumstances are such that the results from such liberations depend largely upon how the obsessions are removed. As to the obsessing entity, if he is a very forceful and dominating or extremely cruel or perverted character, a great deal more Light is needed to shine upon him to bring him from his prison than if he were a less obsessive person, or one who was merely wandering from lack of orientation. Generally speaking that in the case of the freeing of an obsession from the psychic body of any individual, usually the obsessions in the majority of cases, liberate themselves. We assume that, like some mother who attached herself to the daughter for lack of spiritual knowledge, if she is not a perverted person or is not a wicked person with murderous intents in her mind, then she will, upon the liberation, feel the full impact of the Light or the freeing force; and this will be the way in which the lock on her own prison will be forced open and the doorway will swing wide, permitting her to enter into her true spiritual consciousness. (more…)
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Origin of the Aryans

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Joseph-Louie Lagrange on Vibronics And Philosophy

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A True History of Ancient Civilizations Part II
“Greetings to the people of the earth and to you personally. Welcome back to Aureleus, and do not be too surprised at finding yourself standing in a section of this great city, which for a moment appears to you to be something like the section of the Egyptian architecture and civilization which you previously visited. Until your eyes become more accustomed to what is round you, I shall first identify myself as an individual who lived on the earth in the Grecian or Hellenic era, and served humanity as an historian, identified at that time by the name of Plutarch. Therefore, I have been most happy to accept the commission of conducting you on your next tour into this section of the great city. It has been purposely saved for one of the last portions of this transmission; and we wish to thank you one and all for being so patient with us while we gave the various transmission from the different scientists and philosophers who have lived on your earth at different times. It is most necessary that you clearly evaluate and place within your minds the proper concepts of your relationship to these higher dimensions. Now that you are becoming more accustomed to the brilliance and to the beauty about you, we shall go more into the actual investigation of these beautiful surroundings.
As you see, you are seated in a beautiful tropical garden, and before you appears to be a huge Egyptian temple. Although similar, there are some differences, however, which you will notice in the construction between these and the Egyptian temples. These great temples and buildings and pavements and all which you see about you are factual presentations of the buildings which are now, and have been in existence in your own Western Hemisphere. I am referring to the land which lies between the Mexican border of your United States and the southern dimensions of Peru and Ecuador, in South America, particularly in the area around Mexico City and in the Yucatan Peninsula. There you will find today the remnants of a vast and beautiful civilization, that is equalled only by the Egyptian or by some of the civilizations which existed in India. (more…)
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