A Personal Message From Omar Khayyam
Transceived by Ernest L. Norman
A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou, Omar Khayyam.
I would just take this opportunity for only one brief statement, if I may; Kahlil Gibran is here with me, and we wish you to know we are very close to you and working with you for the future evolution and to bring into your world the beauties of man’s most innate nature. We will, from time to time, bring to you such poetry or such writings and literature which may be considered acceptable in an inspirational way, and which will also factually portray to man, in this inspiration, that which will lift him and give him courage. It will also give him an answer to many of the problems with which he is struggling. These writings and works will, in themselves, be very catalytic in nature; to read them will give the proper intonations, the various chord structures, which will contain all of the elements of spiritual therapy which you call inspiration. We were with you through the past year and helped you to compose the various things which you have in your writings at the present time; and we shall continue to be with you whenever you feel that we can best serve you. Sit quietly in such moments of inspiration and we shall come to you. (more…)
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On The True Nature Of Christmas ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
We have discussed, in part, the penal systems and institutions in the world about you, and emphasized rather strongly that the present corrective measures are only ways of trying to correct some very obvious fault which lies within the individual; that it has not occurred after he has become an adult but rather these corrective measures should be entered into while one is still a child! The ounce of prevention here is likewise recommended.
Speaking of the educational systems as children are taught in the schools about you, there has been some advancement in the buildings and in the extent to which the educational systems have been instituted in your civilization; yet they are but a step removed from the medieval times of the dark ages during the period of the Reformation. Just as are the penal institutions, and just as are the systems of psychiatry and medicine but a step in advance of these systems which were in use but a short period of time before. There is still much room for improvement in the educational systems as they exist for the children and the growing youngsters and teenagers of your time and day. I would remind you that the idea of vocational guidance is one which obviously has been rather sadly neglected. Usually, the child is left to grow up and become subjected to numerous pressures about him, until somewhere along in his adolescence, he becomes imbued with some idea that he would wish to become something or another. Now, this may be well and good to a certain extent, but we must remember that sometimes a child has been influenced by a psychic memory or an impingement from some previous lifetime. The child, in expressing such vocational aptitudes or desires is, in a sense of the word, merely wishing to work out a karmic condition which he may have incurred in a previous lifetime. Or, as I have said, he may be falsely pressured into adopting some vocation which he is entirely unsuited for and one in which he will quite likely waste a considerable portion of his life vainly trying to orient himself into performing and which will later become a very odious profession. (more…)
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On The True Nature Of Christmas
by Ernest L. Norman
This is Eliason; I am most happy to welcome you back to Helianthus. If you recall, I assisted in one or more transmissions in the beginning of this book; and if you so remember, my place is natively here in the number two section of Helianthus; serving in conjunction with the executive departments in the main section of Parhelion, which is devoted largely to the synthesis and the educational systems, and in derivatives
of different types of analysis which would serve mankind best in his own respective dimension.
I am most particularly interested in the children and those youngsters who have passed from the earth in, shall I say, a rather incomplete cycle of reincarnation. They are sometimes brought to this center of Helianthus where they are assisted in gaining their educational background and other facilities of that nature which will enable them to further progress or to reincarnate into some suitable earth plane dimension. (more…)
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Reading The Akashic
by Ernest L. Norman
Looking off to each side for perhaps a distance of a thousand feet each way – if we can measure it in your earth measurements – you would see that the edge of this great street is lined with very beautiful tall stately trees which look like the ones you saw on Venus. Their huge tapering trunks are of the purest transparent brown crystal and they are glowing and glittering. Looking up into the canopy of branches and leaves which tower several hundred feet into the space above, you will see that each tree bears a marked difference; and while they are somewhat all synonymous, yet, each one portrays a different type or character.
The trees, just as all vegetation, grows with its own individual expression or life force within itself so that it portrays, not only its own character, but takes on an individuality which is so common among all things here. They are much more closely connected with the God Force. So, you might say, while we never tend these trees, nor do we plant them, yet, they spring into existence in their well-ordered places and dimensions, as part of the continuity of this whole divine scheme, where all things are so working out in a much more highly evolved integrated fashion. Trees evolve in these dimensions just as do humans or any other species that you might find of the earth plane, just as you found in landscaped gardens in other cities, or that they grew luxuriantly in somewhat of a more natural state. They are all, in themselves, depicting different stages of their evolution. (more…)
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World Of Tomorrow
Above Image Credit: Morgan Stanley Hero
by Ernest L. Norman
Dear Ones – I am so glad to be with you this evening. I am the identity of Carrie Jacobs Bond, and am most happy to greet you from this great plane of music, drama, art, and literature here in UN.AR.I.U.S.. If you recall some time ago in your former residence, during the early summer months, I made contact with Ruth and was able to impress her with a few lines which came to my mind at that time, and thus it was that we began to open up the channel with her, so that it brings us up to this present moment where I am with you again here in this great Center of UN.AR.I.U.S., which is devoted to the inspirational arts as they are connected to the great central planet of Muse and the vast city of Coralanthus which you formerly visited in one of your other books. (more…)
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Religious Centers On The Inner
by Ernest L. Norman
(Ruth smelled the fragrance of the effulgence of one of the teachers, and we defined it as being this particular one and were discussing where he lived when he was on the earth, when came this answer): It does not matter that I was Chinese or Hindu, or that I lived in the place which is known as Central America or Maya; but that I served means more. These were incarnations which portrayed in their own time and in their own sense one who can be called Dratzel. That I may have been known also by other names means little, but that I am here with you means much more. Before leaving you to go to another section of this great Center, we will take you rapidly down the great corridor which divides this Seventh Section and forms a means for ingress and egress; it is more than just a corridor as you will see that it takes you quite a little while to walk from one side to the other, walking very rapidly. It could be easily a mile in width; you see that there are many thousands of souls who are moving rapidly back and forth through this great corridor. I will not say, moving upon the surface, because we do not travel on the surface as much as we simply travel. I hope that this method does not confuse you. Now, going down this great corridor I can point out numerous sections which are actually huge dimensions, in themselves, portraying to the students and to the teachers alike, the different dimensions of inspirational devotion which goes on through many innumerable evolutions of lives in the average individual’s span of existence. Here, in this Center, you will see the more modern of what is termed Catholicism which is presided over by such personages as Saint Francis of Assisi and various others who are learning and teaching the initiate in the various transpositional phases of Catholicism as it was in existence upon the earth. (more…)
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Christmas Conclave And A Healing Projection To Earth
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Future Science
by Ernest L. Norman
I would like to say here that … while I was upon the earth, I too, tried to give to mankind the theory of the Universal Radiant Energy, and was most unsuccessful. Science would not accept God as coming down through the many different dimensions as whirling Radiant Vortexal Energy. But your whole hypothesis or the structure of your science, as you are expressing it, is based primarily upon these concepts as they were given to you – not only partially by myself [Lord Kelvin], but from many of the other much greater minds than my own. I, too, was an instrument in the service of these great minds when I was upon earth and trying to explain these concepts to man. But do not let that dismay you for one moment because sometimes it takes many years for the little stream of water to wear away a huge granite boulder, but the granite of obstruction which exists in the human mind is purely an element which is existing in its own time and its own cycle and so it, too, shall pass. (more…)
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Zoroaster Speaks From The Plane of UN.AR.I.U.S. ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
…if you were to completely explore this plateau, just as would be in the case of the others, it would occupy many, many years or perhaps several earth lifetimes as you would count time on your earth calendar. The various factions are so divided to promulgate the utmost harmony and expression and in the conclusion of the numerous activities in which the student and teacher so participates with the general idea in mind that whatever this various function or teaching is, it will be so integrated and interlocked with such future earth evolutions. It is here that the future nurse or the scientist or the doctor will organize something, shall I say, of the spiritual band or a spiritual relationship with these higher orders, so that through the higher reaches of his superconscious self, he will, from day to day in his life on the earth, in a future time, so bring into the expression of this life the things which he has and is learning at this present time in this Center. (more…)
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Zoroaster Speaks From The Plane of UN.AR.I.U.S.
by Ernest L. Norman
The Peace of God be with you. I am the identity of the one who was known on your earth as Zoroaster, or Zarathustra. Your history will relate me to the time of something like five hundred to a thousand years before the Advent of Jesus upon the earth. While this all seems to be a great mystery to those who study the records of the earth, yet, the time does not really matter, neither does the identity of the individual as he was so called this or that, but mostly that he lived and left behind a message – a message of Truth which was given to the people of that time and place; and as it was such that those who remain firm and staunch and adhere to the flame of Zoroaster, let them be complimented for their fidelity, and let them be blessed with the consciousness and goodness which comes to all believers, whether they follow the path of any prophet, or any Avatar, so long as the pathway leads to the higher place of God. (more…)
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Spiritual Development Through The Races Of Man
Four score and seven years ago, our fathers conceived a new nation. Greetings, loved ones. I (Abraham Lincoln) have come for this occasion
from a distant neighboring planet of Clarion, one that is more properly known to the earth and to some of the people as Vulcan. Vulcan, as you have been given the information, is the planet of a spiritual nature which is of a somewhat higher rate of vibration – using the language of the scientist – wherein the black man makes a certain spiritual evolution. In leaving the planet earth, if the black person – and if I can pause for a moment to explain this cycle situation – who has a dark skin may have advanced spiritually to a point where he feels there are certain elements, certain factors of progression or integration, or he may have felt in some way the quickening of the spirit, so he will wish to further this evolution of his soul consciousness, then he shall come to the planet Vulcan. It is in this dimension and on this planet he will find such suitable companionship and environment which will be most helpful for his future development. I would say, too, the black man is primarily
– as far as the basic and elementary tribes of jungle people who have existed on the earth and who have been oppressed into slavery are concerned – a creature of a comparatively primitive state of development. While there is a certain line of demarcation where we might say there is the infusion of the God force, or the God Intelligence into every human, yet, it must be remembered this God Force does not come in one lifetime or in one generation. This life force must be the gradual development of consciousness within the individual through numerous evolutions. We say that the black man, primarily, as you know him in the early stages of his development on the planet earth, as he was first found in the jungles, was a creature who had evolved through certain integrations of evolutions from some of the lower structures. (more…)
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Meng Tse On The Origins Of Buddhist Philosophy ~ Part II
There are — while you are watching and looking about at this great temple of Manu and noticing the beautiful mosaic tiled floors — the great statues of the different gods as they are so manifest in India today, and you can further describe these scenes to your fellow earth man. We will progress somewhat along the lines of modern psychiatry as they are expounded in the medical translations of inductive therapies in the fields of psychology and psychiatry of your day. Anyone who is studying such philosophies or interpretation is, as a consequence, subject to a vast amount of different interpretations of what is called psychological or psychiatric material. The elements entering into such philosophies, as they are so numerous, must be, in direct contrast, quite confusing — and indeed they are.
The tides of expression as they have arisen from the middle ages, from the days in which people were burned at the stake for witchcraft — for merely conceiving some of the more mental and spiritual natures of man — are now being expressed into your present day, as some of these exponents have become known as psychiatrists or doctors or psychologists. For the purposes of analytical evaluation we shall classify psychology into two divisions; the reactionary group which is by far the largest group, and the liberal expression or the progressive group. In the reactionary group will be found the very numerous doctors or practitioners as they exist in different hospitals, clinics, or private practice in the various cities about your world today. It is this reactionary group which is largely practicing such concepts of psychology or psychiatry which have more or less been practiced by such exponents as Freud, Watson, James, and others whose names are too numerous to mention. The Freudian concept, in itself, seems to be one which is in more popular usage. It is based primarily, as it was in Freud’s time, upon two basic instincts, as he called them, the sexual nature and the will to survive. The modern psychologist has, however, modified these concepts to some extent. He immediately throws up his hands in horror at the mere mention of instinct. However, we might remind you that such facets that enter into the interpretation of psychology or psychiatry are not explained to any great extent in any concept of psychology or psychiatry as they exist today. The psychologist cannot tell you why it is that a child, almost from the time he starts to crawl, becomes somewhat destructive in his nature, and that he is continually
trying to break up things about which he knows nothing. The psychologist may mutter something about a reflex or impounded reactions into the consciousness of the child, but these are not so easily brushed aside. The fact remains that most children, if they become destructive in their childhood, are merely reflecting from their psychic consciousness the little wave forms and vortexes which are impounded in the psychic body; the numerous manifestations of destructiveness, which they have, at some time in their evolution manifested in a reactionary way from some previous earth lives. (more…)
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Meng Tse On The Origins Of Buddhist Philosophy
Greetings to my dear earth brothers and sisters; may I first say that I am so happy to come to you and to be of some service to you. I can be known in the
future as the personal identity of a small Chinaman who lived about a hundred years after Kung Fu, and was known as Mencius or Meng Tse. I have been given the privilege of conducting you through this great city of Helianthus; and we are about ready to somewhat explore the sections which are more immediately concerned with your earth history. However, before we go into this section, we shall pause in this beautiful parkway and discuss something more of the philosophies of Hinduism while your eyes are becoming accustomed to what you see about you.
The text of Buddha, in itself, was simply one which he largely devoted to the explanation of the origin of the different phases of Hinduism as they exist much as they do in India today. He was, during his earth life, very greatly shocked at seeing the suffering of the peoples who believed they were practicing the true monistic God Principles by this perversion and abuse of their bodies. The version of the Brahmanistic concepts or the Vedic translations as they have been so warped and distorted were completely vilified in many ways by the individual known as Brahavara, the person who became known as the god Janus. Buddha pointed this out specifically, knowing that no harm would come from this direct finger pointing at this individual, because he knows that this person has, since that time, come into a place of spiritual understanding; and although he did set aside the divine conception of Brahma — the triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva — yet, since that day, he has worked out and expiated his crime, and was enabled to reincarnate into your world and was known as the Mahatma Gandhi. (more…)
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Food – Its Spiritual And Nutritional Elements ~ Part II
Good day again folks; I believe we were walking through a large supermarket and discussing some of the relative values of the many goodies which we saw about us, and the diet of the average American citizen; we have found that, just as in many ways of
life, considerable amounts of synthetics and processing have been entered into, which were rather deleterious to the proper assimilation and nutritional elements which should have been contained in the food. As Pasteur pointed out, pasteurizing milk partially destroyed some of the food values and the elements necessary for the full realization of the food value of milk; so, the numerous products of the farm and country which you see here in the market are also, to a large extent, very highly
processed and refined. The sugars which are used in some of these foods have a two-fold effect inasmuch as they are very acid producing, and can, with the mixture of saliva, be positively caustic upon tooth enamel. This is especially true with the sugars used in the soft drink industry; and there is a common complaint among teenagers, using a word which I will not mention for obvious reasons, that they have a soft drink tooth decay age. Also, as we studied the processing of the fruits and vegetables, it was evident that much of the roughage had been eliminated by this processing, and, as a consequence, teeth and gums suffered from lack of polishing and stimulation.
Going along a little further in this market we see a very large display counter which is devoted to the various meat products. The subject of meat, in itself, is rather a touchy one, and is liable to produce great controversy. We may say that man is omnivorous or that he has a very highly adaptable intestinal tract which is capable of digesting all types of foodstuffs whether vegetable, fruit, or the meat variety. Contrasting, as we have said, the picture of the Eskimo who lives almost entirely upon a meat or fat diet with that of the various sects in India which prohibit even the consumption of fertilized eggs, we see, in these countries to eat meat, would be a very horrifying and vilifying act. (more…)
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Food – Its Spiritual And Nutritional Elements ~ Part I
I would first like to get into some of the factors of the dietary system of the American public in particular. Some of these concepts, such as the harmful effects of the robot feeding of infants from the bottle, were entered into by a predecessor named Pasteur. The whole trend of the time is actually, in a sense of the word, to create people into actual machine-like robots.
They are going about their numerous tasks in an every day sense, by the ticking motions of the clock; they must arise at a certain time, hurry down to the office or to the factory, turn ou
t a specified amount of their various and numerous tasks and efforts and hurry home where they can rest so that they can get up and repeat the whole thing all over again. This, in itself, is something of a treadmill-like existence which is highly productive of neurosis. The acts of civilization, while they present, on the outside or the exterior surface, some very glittering attractions — the beautiful automobiles which swirl up and down the highways, the lighted windows of the numerous shops which display a vast and glittering assemblage of wares and artifacts of jewelry and household appliances — are, in themselves, creative of the very earnest desires in the breath and the mind of every passing individual. (more…)
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