“Eye of Spirit” by Archangel Uriel

archangel-uriel-mainThou hast watered my sheep, yet not from the water
which is found in the well or the stream

But is the Water of Life which cometh in abundance from above
Thou speaketh the Word, and the Word is God yet it is not the word which casteth the shadow wherein each man standeth and trembles


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Treatment of Obsession

obsession-main“Studying the history of psychology and the treatment of mental aberrations, it was just about fifty years ago when people were confined in cages or in the barred enclosures; they were treated worse than the perverted form of wild animals. They were fed bones, or scraps, or doused with water or left in freezing temperatures without clothing, and all kinds of horrible brutalities were delivered upon them. It was only within the last fifty years or so that the last remnants or wreckages of such treatment among the mentally aberrated were somewhat completely eliminated.

There were many souls or humanitarians who indulged in the liberation of these poor temporarily deranged people. But here again we will say, while the clinic or hospital is a very clean and sanitarymental-hospital-4-post place, and these patients are indeed treated in a much more humanitarian way and with consideration, still it is merely one step forward in the general direction. It will take some time before the psychologist will reach the doorway which will conduct him into a new realm or dimension in the treatment of the mentally ill people. This is a strange paradox, incidentally, with the psychiatrist, in the treatment of mentally ill patients, for if you would approach the psychiatrist and even so much as broach the subject of exorcism, or suggest that a person could be obsessed with evil spirits, this doctor would quite likely sneer in your face, or he might laugh out loud, or he may say something very unkind to you. Yet in his treatment for these patients, he is actually conducting a form of exorcism. Whether or not he is aware of it, he is casting out evil spirits in all the forms of therapies which are thus conducted in his own dimension and within his own clinic. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith 1 comment.

Transmission From The Master Jesus

The last chapter in the Pulse of Creation Series is given by the Master Jesus:

“My love to you dear ones; this is a most joyous and happy occasion that once again into the hearts and minds of my fellow man I can come to you in something other than a symbol or a semblance of some spiritual power, and that I can reside again in your hearts and minds as a person who is, in his own way, serving the Most High God Forces, and into the channels which are most beneficent to my fellow man. As these things are brought about into the consciousness and into the minds and hearts of those who are in the lower terrestrial orders of existence, it was so, that two thousand years ago an individual proved to his fellow man that he need not fear the most commonly accepted forms of such things as were called death, or material orders of existence, that he was indeed a creation of the most Infinite Nature which was always ready to ascend into the spiritual dimensions, and that the will and prerogative of this most Infinite Mind of God was always in contact with him in direct proportion to all that he was to be.

It has been with great pleasure that I have watched you come and go into these Centers and that you and sister were able to add from time to time many things of great value, many facets of interpretation which would be of great service to your fellow man. It has also been that these things were, as you told, ordered within the dimension of time and place of so many numerous cycles of interpretation, and that coming and going into these great Spiritual Dimensions, not only in the time and place of your present life, but into such times and places of the paheartLightst, that these things became a great plan with you, a complete realization for a setting aside of the ‘self’ so that these things could bring great blessings into the hearts and minds of those who would be patient enough to read of these things, to study them, and to observe their immediate effects within their own personalities. We can say to these sundry and numerous and diverse personalities that we have added much in the way of spiritual energies to the furtherance and the purpose of these works. And there resides within the concept of our minds something which can be termed a great universe of spiritual energy which shall flow outwardly into the minds and hearts of all those who pursue these lines and to pursue the lines and channels of thinking which will be set up within them upon reading these lines, as you must know of all these things and many more before you can truly rise to the consciousness of the Higher Self. (more…)

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Radiant Energy Vortexal Theory

Excerpt from The Voice of Muse, UN.AR.I.U.S., Elysium:

I would point out to the earth scientist, too, that his greatest weapon of defense is not in the powers or solution of chemicals which he has, heretofore, used with only a moderate success against his vortexoneinsect pests, but we will, in the future when the time is most apropos and suitable, give to him radiant energy machines which will enable him to control these insect pests. I would like to say here, incidentally, that while I was upon the earth, I too, tried to give to mankind the theory of the Universal Radiant Energy, and was most unsuccessful. Science would not accept God as coming down through the many different dimensions as whirling Radiant Vortexal Energy. But your whole hypothesis or the structure of your science, as you are expressing it, is based primarily upon these concepts as they were given to you – not only partially by myself, but from many of the other much greater minds than my own. I, too, was an instrument in the service of these great minds when I was upon earth and trying to explain these concepts to man. But do not let that dismay you for one moment because sometimes it takes many years for the little stream of water to wear away a huge granite boulder, but the granite of obstruction which exists in the human mind is purely an element which is existing in its own time and its own cycle and so it, too, shall pass.

The Radiant Energy Vortexal Theory will be very thoroughly understood and accepted; as a matter of fact, part of science in the near future years which are ahead of you, and if you futurecity3can take any small part of satisfaction in this statement, then rest assured that you will have the ‘last smile’; for I can state with the utmost sincerity and the utmost sense of truth, that what you are teaching, as well as what I’m learning here in these dimensions which are above the earth, as they have been explained to mankind in your writings and in the transmissions, are actual truths and actual facts which so exist. It only remains for the eyes of mankind to be opened inwardly instead of so much outwardly, that he will be able to perceive these things in their entirety. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith 1 comment.

Is a Mass Saucer Landing of Best Purpose?


scientist2Now, it should be very apparent, not only to your students, but speaking generally of the world as a whole, that the earth is going through the change of a great cycle, and this is a very scientific cycle. These sciences will either create and reproduce a new race of people who are more suitably adapted to living with these higher concepts of life, or this science will surely destroy them, so the earth will have to be replanted with the new flora and fauna, new humanity in future ages after the atomic radiation has cooled. There are other numerous factions, or shall I call them more or less fear mongers, who are spreading doctrines which are somewhat falsely related to the astral concepts of some worlds, about so-called space-men who are ready to plunge in and save the world from destruction. Now, there are, of course, many entities who live in the astral worlds who are dominated by a great sense of, shall I say, ‘service to humanity’; but these forces or these entities, as they represent either individuals or large groups, are, sometimes, as you have been told about the Venuseans in the lower orders, not always well-directed nor are they always well ordered. So therefore, many earth people, at your present time, are falling victim to the well-meant but misdirected efforts of these astral forces who are interjecting their philosophies or their doctrines into the minds of the earth people. To clear up this situation before we resume our exploration, I will point out to you, that, as you know, there are great numbers of huge, as well as lesser or smaller astral worlds which exist in dimensional frequencies which are above that of the earth, and hundreds of billions of people are living in these worlds. (more…)

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Addiction, Obsession and Healing in the Future


This excerpt from The Voice of Muse, UN.AR.I.U.S., and Elysium was relayed back in 1964 and would apply even more so now with the tremendous problems of addiction today:

“We shall go into these great Centers and witness the wonders and the sights of the healing which is going on in these numerous Centers and the students and the teachers who are assisting the students in the studies of these concepts. There are many miracles performed here, too, just as they were performed before your eyes on Venus as well as in some of the other centers. Here, there is a higher order of integration carried on with these various orders and practices as the students, and possibly some of the teachers, may come into the terrestrial dimensions at a future day in the history of the earth or to any of the subsidiary planets which are in these various solar systems throughout the great galaxies of the universe.

The future spiritual practitioner, as he will be called in these future days, will have considerable knowledge along these lines whereby healing can take place with many of the numerous types of mental derelictions which are now considered, on the earth, almost incurable. We shall consider for a moment drug addiction. As you witnessed it from one of your programs on the TV screen, it was quite evident that by far the largest percentage of these many thousands of hopelessly addicted persons, whether or not they took treatment, usually reverted back to the state of complete dereliction. Drug addiction will be treated along the lines of other types of obsessive malformations of the psychic body, as will such things as alcoholism, sex perversions and numerous other types of very obsessive and destructive conditions with which people struggle in attempting to cure their fellowmen who have thus become so obsessed and intermeshed and entwined in the coils of these very terrible astral forces.

The chemistry which goes on in the cases of those so addicted, in the physical body as well as in the psychic body, itself, if I can use the term chemistry, is of such nature that it very seriously warps and distorts, and in some cases destroys certain centers in the psychic body, itself, so that these addicts of alcoholism, or such drugs which have been in use on the earth and in other planets, are of such nature, that we might say they are destructive to the extent that the damage is irreparable so far as the earth doctor or scientist is concerned. These persons are being taught, for future benefit and use to the earth people, how to reconstruct and reconstitute any individual who is so addicted to alcoholism. (more…)

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